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Guinhawa, Tuy, Batangas


A. Direction: Read and carefully analyze each statement. Choose the letter of the best answer on the space
provided before each number.
_____1. The following are the characteristics of the Renaissance music except:
A. Mostly monophony
B. Imitation among voices is common
C. Use of word painting in texts and music
D. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
_____2. It is known as non-religious music.
A. Concerto B. Sacred music C. Secular music
_____3. It is an alteration between loud and soft sounds
A. Dynamic contrast B. Melodic lines C. Primarily contrapuntal
______4. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used during this period.
A. Baroque Period B. Medieval period C. Renaissance Period
______5. It was the most prominent instrument of the Renaissance Era.
A. Keyboard B. Harpsichord C. Lute
______6. It was during this period that secular music became popular.
A. Medieval period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period
______7. It is a piece for several voices set to a short poem, usually about love, and it is used in its vernacular
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Motet
______8. It is considered as the golden age of a Capella music.
A. Medieval Period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period
______9. He was a prolific composer who wrote the most famous oratorio, The Messiah.
A. Vivaldi B. J.S. Bach C. G. F. Handel
______10. The monophonic melodies of its music, to which improvised accompaniment may have been added
were often lively.
_____11. Which is the ultimate sink of all natural and man-made pollutants?
A. river B. ocean C. soil D. all of the above
_____12. A renewable resource is a resource _______________________________________.
A. that can be used only one time
B. which is replaced naturally and can be used again
C. that cannot be readily replaced by natural means fast enough to catch up to its usage.
D. which is a new resource to the earth.
_____13. The harmful consequences of human activity in the natural world are known as _____.
A. ecosystem conflict C. environmental issues
B. environmental topics D. human intervention
_____14. Main approach for conservation of water is __________________.
A. planting trees C. a &b
B. constructing wastewater treatment plants D. none of the above
_____15. Climate change has many impacts in human health. What are these?
A. Changes in precipitation C. Rising temperature
B. Extreme weather events D. All of the above
A. Medieval Period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period
_____16. An element of design that appears three-dimensional and encloses volume such as a cube, sphere,
pyramid, or cylinder.
A. Shape B. Form C. Value D. Space
_____17. It deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out.
A. Contrast B. Unity C. Emphasis D. Movement
_____18. The surface quality of an artwork usually perceived through the sense of touch. It can also be
implied, perceived visually though not felt through touch.
A. Texture B. Value C. Form D. Color
_____19. It is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
A. contrast B. pattern C. balance D. rhythm
_____20. An art element with three properties: hue, value, and intensity. Also, the character of surfaces
created by the response of vision to wavelengths of reflected light.
A. Line B. Form C. Texture D. Color
_____21. It is a damage to the body caused by external force
A. Exercise B. Injury C. Sickness D. First Aid
_____22. What do you call the immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or
suddenly taken ill?
A. R.I.C.E. Method B. Injury C. First Aid D. Sports Officiating
_____23. Which of the following is NOT an objective of first aid?
A. To hasten recovery C. To minimize injuries or to prevent them from happening
B. To make use of the contents of a first aid kit D. To save lives
_____24. This injury happens when the two bones that come together to form a joint become separated.
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
_____25. It is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or tendon.
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
_____26. One of the common injuries encountered by sports officials characterized by a stretch or tear of
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
_____27. The system in sports used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules.
A. Sport Science B. Sports Officiating C. Sports Psychology
_____28. The quality of an official that deals with the needs to catch up with every detail of what the athletes
or players do on court.
A. Emotional Qualities B. Physical Qualities C. Mental Qualities
_____29. These qualities refer to the readiness of an officiating official and warrant him/ her to perform the
duties and responsibilities.
A. Social Qualities B. Emotional Qualities C. Mental Qualities
_____30. It refers to the ability to settle disputes without sacrificing the integrity of a game and the officiating
A. Physical Qualities B. Social Qualities C. Mental Qualities
_____31. _________________environment that is harsher than normal work environment.
A. Industrial environment C. Social environment
B. Natural environment D. None of the above
_____32. This refers to a group of people living in the same place or having particular characteristics in
A. Community B. Family C. School D. Society
_____33. This refers to unwanted materials in all forms that can cause harm.
A. Medicine B. Mineral C. Toxic waste D. Water
_____34. The following activities are beneficial to the environment EXCEPT:
A. Avoid burning plastic materials C. Proper waste disposal
B. Dump toxic waste to the river D. A and C
_____35. The following are characteristics of a healthy environment ECEPT one:
A. Access to a healthy food C. Access to massive alcohol intake
B. Access to quality education D. Availability of healthcare facilities
_____36. Which activity is useful and will help save our planet?
A. Dumping garbage everywhere C. Planting trees in appropriate vacant areas
B. Killing wildlife animals in the forest D. Turning on the lights and leaving them on after using
_____37. What is the effect of global warming in the planet?
A. more trees will grow in hot areas
B. melting of ice caps in some places in the world
C. growing more plants, trees, and different kinds of animals
D. making the planet explode that will make the Earth inhabitable
_____38. What environmental problem is the result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere that involve
A. Acid Rain B. Deforestation C. Holes in the Ozone Layer D. Smog
_____39. Which of the following practices produces the most organic water pollution?
A. Paper mills C. Intensive livestock farming
B. Recreational boating D. Humans bathing in the water
_____40. The activity or activities that can deplete plant life and vegetation is/ are______.
A. deforestation B. environmental pollution C. overgrazing D. all of the above

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MAPEH Teacher Teacher-In-Charge

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