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This will apply to the following LeftHand platforms only:  LeftHand DL320S, NSM2120, NSM2120-G2,
NSM2060-G2, DL185, P4300 and P4500 platforms using SATA drives. 

The latest P400 RAID controller version, 6.86, without a modification in SAN/iQ can have potentially
destructive issues.  The required modification can be done by LeftHand Level-2 manually for now.  A
patch to provide the required modification will be available in the future.

Scenario 1: Customer calls to ask if 6.86 is ok to install on their LeftHand Storage Module.

Resolution: Recommend against installing 6.86 until we finish our qualification with SAN/iQ.   A patch for
this is in development. V5.26 is the latest LeftHand approved f/w. 

Scenario 2: You notice a customer has installed 6.86 already.

Resolution: Depending upon the LeftHand SAN/iQ version the customer is using:

-- If they are running SAN/iQ version 7.x on the storage module, have them downgrade to RAID Controller
F/W version 5.26 and encourage an upgrade to SAN/iQ v8.1 at their earliest convenience.  SAN/iQ 7.x
with RC 6.86 carries a very high risk.

-- If they are running SAN/iQ version 8.x on the storage module:

            1) Elevate the case to LeftHand L2, with clear notes on the reason for the elevation.  LeftHand L2
will then apply the workaround via backend tools.

            2) LeftHand will communicate to L1 when the patch is available.  At that time, rather than elevating
the case to LeftHand L2, you can instead refer the customer to the patch and have them install it

Scenario 3: Customer has already installed 6.86 and one or more SATA drives have failed.

Data loss could be pending.  Elevate to LeftHand L2 immediately.

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