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Trees and Fruit-bearing trees that one can plant

Some of the common trees planted in both rural and urban areas are the following:

1. Narra 9. Alibangbang
2. Yakal 10. Banaba
3. Apitong 11. Pine Tree
4. Acacia 12. Indian Tree
5. Ipil-Ipil 13. Fire Tree
6. Palm Tree 14. Molave
7. Rubber Tree 15. Mahogany
8. Bamboo Tree

Some of the common fruit-bearing trees are the following:

1. Duhat 14. Rambutan

2. Mango 15. Lychee
3. Santol 16. Guava
4. Coconut 17. Aratiles
5. Orange/Dalandan 18. Camachile
6. Pomelo 19. Mangosteen
7. Atis 20. Durian
8. Langka 21. Pili
9. Chico 22. Cashew
10. Banana 23. Star Apple
11. Avocado 24. Guyabano
12. Longan 25. Balimbing
13. Cacao
A. Match column A with column B. Write the letters of the correct answer on the blank.

_____ 1. Windbreakers a. extracted from wood pulp of sugar plant
_____ 2. Wood b. product made from fiber harvested from
wood pulp of trees
_____ 3. Lumber c. derived from sap of some trees
_____ 4. Paper d. the product produced from juice of some

_____ 5. Rubber e. slows down speed of typhoons/storms

_____ 6. Turpentine f. this is what man gives off

_____ 7. Erosion g. major source of fiber for the production of

pulp and paper
_____ 8. Sugar h. this is what trees give off
_____ 9. Carbon dioxide i. processed wood used to construct houses for
man and animals
_____ 10.Oxygen J. the root system holds water in the soil in
order to prevent this

B. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_______ 1. Trees are man’s source of food.
_______ 2. Trees give of carbon dioxide.
_______ 3. Man needs carbon dioxide to live.
_______ 4. Resin is a chemical derived from trees.
_______ 5. Too many trees cause pollution.
_______ 6. A healthy environment is an environment full or trees.
_______ 7. It is all right to cut trees for as long as they are replenished.
_______ 8. Reforestation is the process of planting new trees in place of old ones that have
been cut down.
_______ 9. When trees slow down the speed of a typhoon, they act as windbreakers.
_______ 10. Roots of trees hold the soil and water, thus, preventing soil erosion and flood.

C. Give atleast 5 benefits derived from planting trees and fruit bearing trees
D. Give one way to market seedlings.

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