Advanced Heat Transfer Assignment

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~ > Advanced Heot Trost . € oO ; fode PATEL eal is oe O> Explain the forowing @M Veorious boundry Conditions in heat transfer | __, Ans. ~The mathematical expressions of the 4AWermal CondiNons @t the bounolanes are Caned the boundexy BndiHons . k — To desze- olescribe heat arans fer t Problems Completely | two boundary Conditions must be Given for each t Afrecions of the Synem along which |} heat transfer {s Significant e k ~ Therefore we need to Specify t00 bounda ComiHons tery ene dimemhone| | Problems four bounda Canditons for os dimenfenal propiems And Six bourdar Goditons for 3-climensional Problems - There are Six boundary Grditions in heat transter @ Goecified Temperature boundary Conditions -. for one Cimensional Net een Ahrousth Plane Ooh of thickness L' fox Puample the syecifics! teme. tbourdary Grelitons Gn be enpresical a4 T Co, t) =, vy Ot) = To PTO Where T, and Ty are the Specified emp OF Sorfacey at t= 0 “and oez L. res pestively = The Speifed Aemp. Canbe Gaston! pbs is the Qse dor Steady heal Ceonduche % ov __ May vory Oi time. - \soe 7) TO) ° —— a Tet) = 150°C a ee TOs We : ii) SreciBed Meat frux Bovedary Gndikons | ste Heat Ta 1 porve ot direction On Dhere - in the medium , including bovrdaries “Can _ a be expressed ‘by fooners lad of heath 7 ~cendotten aa Wi) Qovection Youndary Goodison pene - The Convection beundo Grdivion 1S based on a Surlace. energy balance eorpnoseal ot Hect Gnducken$ at Heot Covestion oF the Sorface ina In a Surface 1O Ane Getectecl divertion Same diretten lor one dimen tonal heat banker Kory oh Fem Teal y arma) ot [feu —Tew a Sa ce a sl asa et ee trey eee geen ene uel te te ee ee ee ee Wy) Radiation Govedary Grdiions Ty iS Coypresesl a ee [Sadiatieo exchange oF ' the Sordace 19 the Jame ) divechon | | Reot ¢ - Gnduction ot toe Surface in Gelecteel divection © for one dimentional eet tronsler oe orlet) . mi aa . a oe Tit. Toes] and oo Order 0 Cpt 4 Tee] — -k Sy = a6 Rh . soe] "where, 2, and & a Qre © Erne’ vfvikes OF bovndwy ond G2 S-49.% \o8 am Se... _— Thermos Bota t Resistonce - ep TNS — — We thermal Contact resistance is the TENStance to the Conduction ol heat han ster Presenr between 4Wo Contacting mater als fer onit Area. The thermal Contact arises due to im pre pear Contact heroeen +00 bodies. - Due to twrequatatey Present On the Gurtace He Gntauing Area avilable, t y Weat Conducthon is ven \eas- - Dve to Sorface \rrequiartires ,the air or any gas is fied between the qaes E£ Which act as insviction fox Condoction — In obove fig Fhe Olr gap has Cmpuahury \od thermal Onduckvity , Aherefove it odes Extra vesistonce tothe flow of heat Formula for Gntack Resistance i e = Stor - Kk. m7 Re = GE Dilferentot hehoeen L @ Fa efficrenry and fin coffe Hyun Odd Ans > ae EMlectivenes rm . Fin Ubciensy / MT is we ratio of het JOT is he rahe Ayonsler from peace | heat Aransfew I Bin to the Deab changer the fin tr the heot | ‘ tronsher vf the fin of an maginary fin | of fame geometry and | wast axeteg - | Game Condihon 5 bor | site Qo intinite, Conducd vity - R } @ y aia [OE ex hh... Cth -Ta) Min taye lb ed Area, ratio W kerr Of | This TaHo )\\ ahoay J This : j Gmalier Than ene og feshee to | minimigg GIT” we Se = | then fer jony Fn ® a © no dReok ley din in = ° = ond “4 one wl ah See tem grea doom tw yf wl ee he peat tronkex On \ ar ad svat, Qiby Dibkerenbate between a ra Thermos Condockus ry and Thermal Oifoniry Thermal Conductyi “Thermal Odfusiv' @) Thermal diffusin ty Js the Measor. OF the vate. of Neat tran! of a matenc! trom the bor end 40 The ceid end- © Thermal Gonductyity ia he term thad deserbey We ability ep a Paricular matesfal to Conduct heort nroseyh ipsere ® Meeturemenr - Rote A tre heat eee dnre a florhcokey mater oA @nreasvremeny = Ability _@ Matemal +o Gnduct heeet thous bse @ vee ~ Wink @onir-_ we]s @ denoted by ~K' @rdeno real by oo | D tr isva propagation |® Tu a Propagation ~ a temperate oh heat ditterence difference ina ia a _masesrice| - maser od ee B® xproin lumped Capacity Method amd tks Voridi ry Dns, Lumpesl Capacity metro ~The Lum peo! head - Capauity method of anatyns vied Ya cohich no temperaty re Qradien> Corists _This means that the iotemal qesi france of the body Ceenducton) 15 neg gble in Companion With tre exter al mresistemce Ceonvection ) j-@: Smal! aye large Ke pea ered inal tad eistarntte. enerqy balance is Tn Out = Hcomdketion =Jn= 5 out = haCT- To) Kee = ™ ae =? (Ta) FF Sel whee A < Surlace are for Convection (4m? for Shere ) Nyc Volume C4fa nv for Sphere) <: hensiry ae body Cy. Sp hee ef body Pro. ~ — do : an o _ a qty eee | i _- 4 + The Witte] Gordie + _ t2o0 TT ©: ©: __— oe ie + t The Golorien is (ha as) - nt [Teo ee — | | 7 =e 2 BI gg ste above puso ip Ged a 7 Capacity “yen Nolity of Lumpecl Gpnciny System. The Criteria 4o apely the Cepasiternce is e ACA) LOW oe a Te Vaio Me 3 ay ‘Go Char ontennt ao aieernay the fd. The dimenfienled> _ oreey is Gured Bier ‘nomber se Cie oe By ee 8: “y Ctce) cL tu pee 92 Wi fer Syinder = Sa Af fee SPhere- —— a Aismm diameter mid Ghee Sphere CK= 42.Wrie {s Qreposes! —+s Goling air fioud at 20% Fesotting in the Gnvakve Coefficient , he joo Wi) mec Detesmine ® We required +o Coot tre Sphere trom SSo°c +o Joe (Di Tatcln nee neat eeu te tm oe tro de Qrinatey affter Pronk Cooling @ Energy from Sphere during fine min Take : fer mid Oreo Rao ka Jn ee 2 0-045 meoyhy a : = SolwH om Gwen dota - A=\omm = o- olfm le: 42.W/ mc to 2c 2 Jotd43 298k C Swrreunadiing temp ) he lao Wl 0, t = 90° Canal top) 4. S50 > S50t249 = Frade Ciniti al +tunrp ) 8> Tes kg [m3 Cden sry ) Cpe F715 Tlkey’s CB heat y he 0: 045 Mhy- 13-5 x0! mf ¢ CThewmad ditinnving ) is find : » ‘Teme x44 Cc SSa°c +o 30° \ 2 Tat, head Penton C3 amin) ; PT2. y a Phavererinie | feng CL) = A: Vol. Surdace Ourea, —— 2 42nCdad Ben (diya 7 oe Saat ONS % ) 94.0) (oe (0°01 aa a > © 0025 m. a ee oa Tempera, Ait Aboiom ea” a — t-tot)ta - @-BhRo DO | os oo Biot Numbev i Qe bdk=120 * 99025 42. Bi =}142 x10 —— Fourier Numbex a | Fo: KT = bas x10 X To: 0282 _, Fo: OT Be _ Lyom and OC a | 963 - 293 xP29~ 29a Or Tt aT =e Se Now Faftem venous ~ Heak senile aes = Q- hac (ti-tadie- Fife Giz how 4Nx (OPI Jax (3-292) a @ 712 KOO KIAERIOS | dodo tas = = Exp Oar. Velo d ma layer Ury and Thermal boo dea ry ——2. Ang D Veteci ty Bounda Lester > The Teayion delined wy the velocity Jradieny Where He flow Velociry iS Alistebotal — amon ye hfereny fluid ne irs tiie \ele city bovada ny \ Cae Fh laminas a. | Texel em Dowden a “tw a + ——— jokes = “ — == Oe, es : ht pee | Gound ary ies = 14, _,! ‘ete thickneg fy. Qevelopmenr d Bound ary \ayer oer Frar Plate: Ease Emon Tete eta Leones Pree bounded a f Sn Which the effeb of te viscous Shearing fines Causal by Kiuid visecihy are eit is Gorred Aw volecity boundary lager - ny) Thon ovr layer i he (ono region Over tne ee ond Ye Lomperctur ayegnahon 10 te direction Dermal +o the Surdace is Kignifican) U Hee thermal boundony Jaye ea Wh we reqs on of fruicl foo defined by the fem p vadien? Former} due to Pree of at enchan ae ame ny We adjecenr legen : - — For faminar Stes , the therel boundo-ey \anew Gn be enpressed oy : ( A a py = soft bb Pye Prandt Number ve Nelocity boundery leyew Parclere Ve Kinematic Visa x = Aifrance _— Uc- Free Qreen Neled ty - Soniianty es Ago toe houndety lamer le : fee 037m [Ret ole I Bey Pespreics Number . am \WWetcanere on Chijton -Coiborn anoloqy- —— — The Chivton- Giburn analogy has heen observed to bold fos much alifferems geometry for erampie , Find Over platy fodin pipes, amd Find awund sinders * — Chiten and Cailebrn - using expen menre| date fousths mbbctm +o the Pesprers Areloqy Soowd nor have tee yegmbhory thar! prandt and Schimd numbers ~~ be eyucel fe One - Luboa for ee j fester for med? jen —- 5% Va Aud te Gralsqous J feuey fe~ best finarfer ey SE Pr? fe &y dhe Semen Num ber _ Se h Re Py 7 _ Vio &p Dered On cltey Collec] os Joctn Name pet, fave Sinbdent fe Aeymng they fe Jo ie Thy Qvstey oy AS vale fw J Hs oul Liquids 2 Af Of 28 ¢ 2 50D Om oe phe foe am Defoe PrandH Number and ve et Sgmf cance Gwe Gh Belatun wWitr Yoeme| : boundar, bogus and velo by boundary lene #y\50 Fits AAS Valu fy Aaguid mets , heey OW ls une! Wakty cm af OL An Prodi! Number Cpr) Premd H Number is defect od the reo e Kinematic Viscetity (Vv) to Awe Hote a} CiMuvies Co). - Ut ia dencied by Bw Baeabe fs a kK Ko Kees Ak Where , a dys WSC by a Thread Gndlviry Me kinemene VC Ry er a. & Arcot ot R- loiny Pam dey Controls prea = Themal DB: tfup sity Suk 1) Varuna Viscoiey indices he impulse Fron perp Phresh merle lu Aten ; Dhtrey — Tuma AHesiony inkiots He Mn Bang 4 res pr by Gadation ren g 2 p> Provides aA mecdurn ef veline eHe en eo Barty remit} ty DMs on. at irene A, ee it a 2 Qy. Number Connechn Nun Tree De \nhourry fear a Seng feird - re SAS Value Morty Airfrences relate ooh velouy 5 Jamel boundary degers Reteation ch Pr wits Themed and) velo uty boundary Fate aie Pr? | then Therm bounclary is Praney than He Velo ch ry Gemdery. leer oo —~ Awe Px

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