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LAG PRACTICE -TT Texet-we- Land 3) Page Date Hon aod TITLE- Numer) methods in heat Condec Convection cher - = _ J maheds Give heat Avansler prebiems »Y = due, erative method 9 —__|| NumewG tnethod ‘ iA ache 5 |] Accurate. appre molt Gluh ro plex _¥ || Awanster Equator in faster mor a [= Numencal methedls ia Neat transler [hap 40 devedep eHicien -hermal 1 | Fecha us The meh widey oied numenGl methods in | Arg the fimte element methed Ee The. fjrive, Volume method oe Tne Fine, ditlerence, metho | @- undany Clement: method _ [fn these methods vary in numencol Prop mathemakcal formetc menitr and Shox | __ The Common objecHve 64 ONY Numeral metho | in heab tronter freblem Siving 15 +e Bien Tapprosimale, Qiation OF Governing CxjvaHer Ge Csted form Yesulk iA Mimmum 4 cOhich ist : Obraina edith analytical methods. renhal egualins CeHied inte Set of algebraic Cul Proper _Sabinry and @ne Oo Scheme Gre Qaaty? 7 a oe - EST the distrehmabior Shene tums out fo be Sars | Werahion metred Us USE wy the maha Swer OF to Soe algebrorc eqoatens - TA om, @nothey | Suvtedbie Gurcretizaen Schome_is SeedeS = f- LO the yesott obtained is inter prefer = bine Demenr metrod CFE) _— [— Here we have disiawied the Use a we FEM +O | Gave te Sreacly State heat Aron tter _Prbien . _— | ~The Geneva! “tem cf _ Kyser equahen of 2D | Wneawy Steculy State. ferrd Pybiems Gun be Given [by the feneoding general “horn cf tt - [Gambetta Equatten ] t Oy Where @ do He Teiid varcebic. and Dx, Vy gad | 6 or given Goran Whole phyhel meaning is Gitexens tor citferenr Prbiems For One. dumen tinal feitel Prbiems the Foner Porm Ad Gyfton equations Ga be wonton ag — ts ao _ ggt+Qz0 @ ——__ yee The fonering Outlines Prbiems The roe 1 a On . and @ latcat timate, in Ton chmengional tin \=30 Fig a of fy is meaniedl on a pipe He ve Neos Cond wedren Occurs in AY Prone. and heat _ OCU ON the bdo aoe "i Convection as and edgy | ! 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