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Thermodynamics is the study of 

energy and heat. The laws of thermodynamics describe the relationship

between matter and energy and how they relate to temperature and entropy. Entropy is a measure of
the randomness or disorder of a thermodynamic system.

Zeroeth Law of Thermodynamics

The zeroeth law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of temperature:

If two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they must be in thermal equilibrium with
each other.

First Law of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics is also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. It states energy of

a system may change forms, but it is neither created nor destroyed.

The internal energy (∆E) of a system is the sum of the heat flow across its boundaries (q) and the work
done on the system (W).

∆E = q + W

Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics states the entropy of a system not in thermal equilibrium
increases. As entropy increases, less energy is available for useful work.

The second law of thermodynamics also indicates the direction of heat flow in a system. Thermal energy
only flows from higher energy to lower energy.

Third Law of Thermodynamics

The third law states the entropy of a system approaches as constant value as the temperature
approaches absolute zero. Absolute zero is the lowest theoretically possible temperature – 0 K

The entropy of a system at absolute zero is nearly zero, but not necessarily exactly zero. Entropy
depends on how many ground states a system has. Pure crystalline matter attains perfect order. It has
one minimum ground state and has zero entropy at absolute zero. However, most matter never quite
attains zero entropy.

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A system that is delimited from the surroundings by real or hypothetical boundaries is known as a
thermodynamic system. This refers to that part of the universe in which observations are made, and the
remaining universe constitutes the surroundings – contain everything other than the system.

Open System

If the thermodynamic system has the capacity to exchange both matter and energy with its
surroundings, it is said to be an open system.

Example: Consider a beaker in the presence of reactants in an open beaker. Here the boundary is an
imaginary surface enclosing the beaker and reactants.

Example: A steam turbine, a pool filled with water, where the water can enter or leave the pool.

Closed System

A system which has the ability to exchange only energy with its surroundings and cannot exchange
matter is known as a closed system.

Example: Reactants placed in a closed vessel made of materials like steel, copper, and silver are an ideal
example of a closed system since the material of the vessel is conducting in nature.

A cylinder in which the valve is closed is an example of a closed system. When the cylinder is heated or
cooled, it does not lose its mass.

Isolated System

A system which cannot exchange matter or energy with the surroundings is known as an isolated
system. The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that thermodynamic processes do not affect the total
energy of the system.

Example: Reactants are present in a thermos flask or an insulated vessel, where neither energy nor
matter is exchanged with the environment.

Example: If the piston and cylinder arrangement in which the fluid like air or gas is being compressed or
expanded is insulated, it becomes an isolated system.

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