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| Read each Sentence. Ideniit | | | what type of sentence } Are the prairie dogs really dogs? 4 2. Warm bread smells good. state eat 3. Llove zoo, Shokme 4. What is the name of your school? Q wVian 5. What colour is your bike? _O| wt ayy) 6. Listen to the thunder! Cann owl 7. A foot of snow fell today. Ya Ye ment 8. My friend’s name is Julie. Stotommeat. 9. How are you? oO sot lon 10. Watch out! Commorsl 11. What is your favourite holiday? —Auestion 12. This puzzle is very hard. _Stotemecte_ 13.Please put my pencil on the desk. Commad 14.1 like to play outside. —Stotemeut 15. How many squirrels do you see in the tree? g AOS LO \ ‘ 16. Do you the Gingerbread Man? an Wd S 110M State the tye of zach sentence: L. Tove piza._Ctatomeut 2. Please take out your files, Command 3. My shoe is untied, _Stattomest 4. Happy birthday! Exclamation 5. Do not run in the hallway Command 6. The presents are beside the tree. Statement 7. Are you waiting for Jessy? esl i 8. Tum right to the other side. Command 9. Does jack live in the city? _( A esTiay 10. Peter is eating the restaurant, <| a { e ment 11. Behave yourself, Marin! ¢ OMiNo, ad 12. Don’t drop those apples. _( ‘own ad 13. Don’t scare the birds any. CBewnnacdl 14. Do you have your eraser? Fiwectiow 15, Please be careful, Cocarend 16. What is the first letter of the alphabet? Q WO S) fon 17. Do you like chocolate cake? KA vesTicu oo Under}; derline the noun hrases in the following sentences: 1- We at? Cheesy pizza for lunch today, 2- John does not like those green bananas, 3- The game was exciting for everyone. 4 My big pillow is fluffy. 5- The ducks in the lake are cute, 6- Amy wore a purple dress to the graduation. i T- Pears are my favourite juicy fruit, ! 8- The train sped down the rusty tracks, 9- That birthday cake, was yummy. Expand the following simple noun phrases: _Qnswel 1- the boy May Vaniyy Wee traycsome, cute bay - 2-a lake | A _sparldling — fotos lake 3- that giant i AK ab aw Cat 5 Scat a ant | 4- some ants | Some Viny_, Ted ont | 5- every student | Evel, smatt polite studeut | i fe i ntences hind the expanded noun phrases in the following se and change them into simple noun phrases: 1.Has anyone seentthe little, green_parrot? the pavrel votball coach got very upset with his team. j 3.She is my favorite English teacher, j Mu Teacher } 4.The kids were surprised by the summer rain, i vhe summer rainy Nie ein ~j *-1 live ina good, family home, | | | | aA home | 6. We are excited abouthe championship game, | | | | 7. He gave\the ¢ ying childja toy to play with. ke Cin ud 8.1 decided to walk down the yellow, brick. road. 9. I went to watch ithe beautiful play. Plas, — 10. I pickedthe dark hors¢ to win the race. 11.Has anyone seen, my big, brown dog? Mm Read each sentence and fill in the blanks using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases. \-The_ Dalia 5 Smack girl stood patiently waiting for her ride. 2-A(n)_ Cute blac k kitten leaped into the air to try and catch the butterfly. 3-The graceful horse trotted around the gta SS, sPacious area. 4-The bright, white room was blinding for the_S lee Py Young boy. 5-A(n) Shin 4 Yella w__star burned brightly in the night sky. 6-A(n)_Ye oh h Se balloon floated aimlessly into the sky. 7-What did you_Oclafible, Felden dog do to make such a mess? 8-Where are your _¢ leary WwW hite socks right now? 9-The _at dar! A coffee was poured and waiting to be enjoyed. 10-The big He + heater kept us warm all night. LL- The baby girl laughed at her Si 4s Sq is hy toy. Answers $l reve | ww) Adverbs or Frequency An adverb of frequency tells us how often the action is carried out, Example: We should exercise regularly, Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb of frequency from the box. occasionally usually often always | Ans we may, 1) Mia goes fora walk in the morning. \ 4 = —Usually afQo 2 1_ Seldom _ eatjunk food. 3) Grace and Bella al\u co, visit their grandparents. 4) Yvonne Qa Plen meets her friends on Friday evening. 5) We never disrespect our teachers. 6) Jane -0CGa sionally. wakes up late in the morning. Adverbs of Time me An adverb of time tells us when the action is carried out, Example: Ken met his frlend today at the mall Complete each sentence with an Appropriate adverb of time. ‘Jato ble AaNSylers 1) Myuncle will come by train Jotey - a 2) Jane hasn't left for the Party Yet —. 3) ‘cleaned the attic Ye Sterloy Kevin works as a teacher Yow. 5) Matt will be back ste dow. B “SP Ske paysheresrinsuranee—— ~. 7) Valerie is going to Chicago TSmoarrai. &) We stayed at a beach resort last mouth 3) Ihave never seen him heave 10) Grace volunteered at the local library actwee . Name: aire =”. Advarb Search ‘itections: Read the Paragraph. Circle all of the adverbs, Write the adverbs on the lines below. Today | helped my mom cook dinner. We Carefully\cut the vegetables and\slowly\placed them into a boiling pot of water. Next, mom@uieziyj browned the chicken and Qatientiy\et it cook through. | Gageriy\waited for my next job, which was to\gently \prinkle spices into the soup. But, | vaccdenereaorin in too much cumin. {Quietly \ told my mom my mistake, and she Gweetly\told me, as a child, she had Eoincidently made the same mistake. ] 1 a | | 2 7 | | 3 8 | | Coordinating Conjunctions In English there are seven coordinating conjunctions which can be used to join sentences. They are easy to use by remembering: FANBOYS For And Nor But Or Yet So Underline the conjunctions in the sentences below: 4 Iwas hot and humid weather last summer. SiMAPL.g 2. Twould rather play basketball or soccer. Sing PLE 3. My brother wanted to have a vanilla ice cream but there was none left, ComPounch 4. Elizabeth joined the gymnastics team so she could improve her fitness level. ComPound 5. Tspend ages doing my homework yet I never seem to get it all completed on time! ZmPond For each sentence, add the best conjunction: 1. The builder worked really hard on the house _ SC that he would receive a good price. 2. My dog refuses to eat chicken _ fish, simple 3. The flowers in the garden were beautiful — but unfortunately I was allergic to them. Com Pouvd 4, [felt like having soup for dinner — Yer _ Tknew my sister would probably disagree. Con Powd 5 My brother refuses to clean the bathroom __5 LOY _ will he tidy the kitchen table when I ask. Com Powd 6. Tsaved up all of my pocket money Cy Ireally wanted to buy the new toy car, Com Powd, For each set of sentences below, choose the best conjunction (you may need to rewrite it slightly): 1. Benjamin played with the dog. Mary played with the dog. and 2. My friend used live bait when he went fishing. He thinks it catches the biggest fish. | for 3. Twanted to go to the movies, Mum wouldn't allow me. 4. Itwas a rainy day, The students ate their lunch inside. 5. Neither of the cats were friendly. They were happy to be petted, MNeitker oP the Cats vor Cradly nat wer the hapey to be Petbed. ° 6, Isaved my money to go shopping. I didn’t seem to have enough. Yet x4 ‘But’ and ‘Or’ Conjunctions 1. Tonight I will watch TV__ ay read a book. 2. I'mnot a very fast runner — batt managed to win the race. 3. Should I wear the red jumper __ the blue jumper? 4. T like the red jumper \nGT_ the blue one suits you better. 5. I wanted to play at the park at mum took me shopping. - I wanted to play at the park an go swimming. Would you like an apple QQ abanana? 8. Twanted an apple lat there were only bananas. 9%. Goldilocks tried the porridge \naT _ it was too hot. 10. I want to watch a funny film QYP_ an action film. 11. I have to choose the chocolate Ox lemon cake, 12. I like playing games = bY Talso like to read, 13. He tried to run a bath lsat there was no hot water. 14, He needed a bath __\> he would smell bad. 15. I like cats T don't lize dogs. . 9 16. We couldn't decide whether to getacat___( __ adog. Imo ~ 7 a Bul’ and ‘30° Conjunctions ~ My favourite TV show is on. b ul__I'm too tired to watch it. . Tam tired Se 1 will go to bed. - We were Going to go to the park today_, hat _it rained. » Itrained__So we stayed inside, . The vase smashed SQ__now we have to buy a new one, . I dropped the vase kot it didn't smash. Tordered a burger. bat it was burnt. . My burger was burnt. SI sent it back. . My friend was upset_So I gave her a hug. . I gave my friend a hug, het she was still upset. . 1 love playing football. 5 h a I don’t like playing hockey. . I love playing football, So __I decided to join a team. . My favourite food is cake bat _I know it isn’t very good for me. - I want to be healthy So eat lots of fruit and vegetables. . Goldilocks was hungry SQ __she decided to eat some porridge. . Goldilocks tried the porridge, h { it was too salty.

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