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Equity & Trust

Tutorial ( 2)
Tutorials questions
1. What type of property that can form the subject
matter of a trust?
Consider the following cases :
 Don King v Warren [1998]
 B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd [2019]
2. Explain the beneficiary principle ?
3. Explain the principle in Saunders v Vautier?
4. How does the rights of beneficiaries differ in a fixed
trust and a discretionary trust ?
5. Scott settles L1000 on trust. He appoints Thomas as
his trustee and instructs Thomas to hold the money
on trust for
(a)Income for Ursula for her lifetime provided she
qualifies as a solicitor but if not or thereafter , as the
case may be
(b) Vikas absolutely
6. “£10,000 to be held on trust by Arnold to be
distributed to Bernie , Carl and Dennis equally .”
However Arnold is not able to locate Carl. Advise
7. Cassie declares a trust stating that “all shares she
owns in a company are to be held on trust by Tim for
Cassie’s brother George for his life time, and then to
be given to her son Oliver.

a) What type of trust is this and what are the features

of this trust ?
b) George is in need of money and wants Tim to sell the
shares and give him the money . Advise Tim
8. Assess the following transactions
(a)“£1 million to my trustee with the power to
appoint amongst the students of University of
(b)ӣ1million to my trustees; my husband having the
power to appoint among the University of London
9. Assess the validity the following trust
“.. my necklace to be given to A with the hope she will
provide for my friends”

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