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CHAPTER 3 : The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 1: Scope and Limitations

Task A
Answer the following questions.
1. Are all graduates of the Teacher Education program considered
teachers? Why?
Answer: All graduates of Teacher Education Program are not considered as
a teacher. Why? In order to be called as a professional teacher must to pass
the (LET) Licensure Examination for teachers because it is a mandatory
Republic Act (R.A.) 7836 (The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act
of 1994) mandates the conduct of the Licensure Examination for Teachers

2. Who are covered by the Code of Ethics?

With the use of a graphic organizer present the various individuals
who are included in the word “teacher” as defined in the Code of Ethics.

Ethics for

Leadership Quality Integrity Responsibility Trust and

Task B
Have a group chat with your classmates and share your answers with them.
Find out if you have the same idea with theirs. If not, try to come up with a
uniform correct answer by brainstorming. You can also make your own
readings or ask somebody who can be of help to you clarify the issue.

Self-Check Question on Preamble and Article 1

Select the correct answer

1. Which group of individuals are all teachers as defined in the code
of Ethics. ?
I. Head Teacher, School Nurse, Industrial Arts Teacher
II. School principals, Schools Division Superintendent, District Supervisor
III. Home Economics Teacher, Master Teacher, Subject Coordinator
IV. School dentist, Guidance Counselor, Administrative officer.
A. 1 only B. II and III C. I and IV D. III only
2. Private school teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this
statement TRUE?
A. Yes, it is true C. It depends on the kind of private
B. No, it is false D. It depends on the teachers’ years of

Self-Check Question on Preamble and Article 1

Select the correct answer

3. How is the term teacher defined in the Code of Ethics

A. A graduate of any Teacher Education Program.
B. A passer of the LET but not a holder yet of the Certificate of
Registration and License to teach issued by PRC.
C. A person who is active in the teaching profession , a registered
teacher in PRC but is known to be involved secretly in some illegal
D. An individual who is engaged in teaching with the PRC license and has a
good reputation in the community and observed by his constituents as
dedicated and committed to service.

4. You are planning to operate a Kindergarten school. Whom are you going
to employ as a teacher? Choose from the given options and explain your
A. A graduate in Pre-school Education, graduated cum laude but had not taken
yet the Licensure Examination.
B. BEED graduate with 5 years experience teaching kindergarten class not a
LET passer, so she is accepting a salary of Php 3,000 per month. Why?
Answer: I choose this kind of experience teaching kindergarten even they
are not a let passers but their knowledge and skills in teaching experience
with almost 5 years I think he/she is a qualified of a profession as being
teacher of the kindergarten class.

C. graduate in Pre-school Education, a passer of the LET and a holder of the

Registration Certificate issued by PRC and the license to teach, but without
teaching experience.
5. If you were in the place of Mr. Santos who will be your choice. Why?


Task to do.

Answer the following :

1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are
nurseries for? Why are schools called the “nurseries of the citizens of the
Answer: The schools are considered nurseries of the citizens of the state
because all children of any state enter school to achieve the right education
and proper training to become a productive one in the near future it’s also
provide knowledge and literacy skills it also teaches the Cultural norms,
Values, Respect most importantly to shape individual aspect of the present

2. “Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the

nation is under obligation to transmit to the learners such heritage”. In what
ways can teachers do this?
Answer: The teacher can transmit learning about cultural and educational
heritage through allowing students to relate previous experiences that they
had learn inside the school and mold them to realize the importance of
historical perspective of cultures and education.

3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality,
promote pride and cultivate love of country?
Answer: Professional teacher help elevate nationality, morality promote
national pride and cultivate love of country through the process of teaching
strategies that mold individual learnings the importance of our own beliefs
and traditions, recognize our heroes who fought for freedom from
colonization and also to maintain values as being Filipino of the beloved

4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally

and morally fit?
Answer: The steps do employees take to ensure that a teacher is physically,
mentally and morally fit by her/him background and credentials that would
be qualified for that certain profession.

5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violate Section 5, Article II.

Answer: Action of a professional teacher violate Section 5, Article II. Is
that if a teacher engaged any political activity or religious beliefs. And also
to use of their power as a teacher to campaign during election it is clearly
stated that this kind of behavior consider as violated section 5, Article II.

6. How can a professional teacher violate Section 6 and Section 7 of Article II.
Answer: Professional teacher violate Section 6 and section 7 of Article II. If
the teacher uses her profession to encourage their fellow students or parents
as well as her co-workers to support any political willingness of a person.
Example is that if a teacher encourage their students to vote for the political
position of a person close to him/her during election and the consequences if
they will not to vote, they will get low grades from her/him it is obviously
violating Article II, Section 7 and 6.

7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom
mean? Is this academic freedom absolute? (Source: Purita Bilbao,
Teaching Profession, Lesson 2)
Answer: Academic freedom means that both faculty members and students
can engage in intellectual debate without fear or worries that empowered
individual rights and freedom.

Article 2: The Teacher and State

Self-Checked Questions:
1. A teacher is mandated to support the state in the performance of his duty. Which
of the following is proper for him/her to do?
A. Campaign for the political administration.
B. Instill nationalism and patriotism to learners.
C. Doctor research findings to favour the state.
D. Use his position to influence learners to support his interests.

2. A teacher is said to be trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the

nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which of the
practices below make him fullfill such obligation?
1. Use interactive teaching strategies.
2. Observe continuing professional education.
3. Study the life of the Filipino heroes.
4. Assign students to make a collection of the material cultural heritage of the
5. Make a display of the collection of the material and non-material cultural
and educational heritage.
A. 1, 3, and 4 B. 2, 4, and 5 C. 2, 3, 4, and 5 D.
3, 4, and 5

3. Which of the following statements is true about academic freedom.

A. Teachers in the elementary and secondary schools do not have the academic
freedom because such freedom is enjoyed only by teachers in tertiary
B. Academic freedom is absolute.
C. Academic freedom is limited.
D. Academic freedom is only applicable to activities related to the conduct of
research studies.

4. Which of the activities below should a teacher undergo first to officially perform
his duties and responsibilities
A. Enroll in graduate program to improve his teaching competence.
B. Conduct research studies.
C. Submit himself for an interview.
D. Take an oath of office

Article 3: The Teacher and the Community

Task to do

A. Make a self-reflection and write a Journal. Your entry should include

answers to the following questions.
1. As a facilitator of learning what is your responsibility to the students?
Answer: As a facilitator of learning my responsibility to the students is that
by providing them a support, participation and mutual understanding that
will encouraging them to fulfill their needs and ambitions to be as a good
learners. There are some students has a different intellectual intelligence that
we must focus on in order to cater them accordingly with their interest and
needs. So, as a facilitator it is our responsibility to explore, to entertain, and
to provide the opportunity to learn and develope so, we should cater our
learners equally with the love support and understanding.

2. What practices manifest honourable and dignified behaviour?

Answer: As an educator or a future educator we should know first what
people expecting to us for this profession and we should know the negative
impacts if we didn’t act accordingly to a profession that we are in because
educators are expected to behave with honor and dignity at all times we
shouldn’t engaged the immoral acts or wrongdoings that can violate the law
with include with our character and our profession.

3. Why do you need to study about the community you are assigned to?
Answer: For my point of view there’s a positive impact when I study the
community were am I assigned to. first is the People, Environment and their
Traditional background of a certain community that is the reason why am I
need to study their living practices in order to gives me a better
understanding and support and also gives me a deeper sense of
belongingness and valuable relationship of people.

B. Give your comments on the following.

1. Mr. Ricky Santos is a principal of a private school. He belongs to the Iglesia
ni Cristo religious sect. He is designated as the group leader in the campaign
for new members and is actively involved in such activity but done during
Saturdays and Sundays. Is it proper for Mr. Santos to be active in such
activity? Why? Is his action in accordance with the provision in Article III.
Answer: My comment about this certain behavior of Mr. Santos is that
there’s no such thing to worries if they are still active of any organization
during had it only Saturday and Sunday. Monday to Friday are the working
days. There are days that the teacher feel free to do their personal life
according the rights of people with or without professions they have also a
free will to do things were they feel happy and conformable. And yes, this is
accordance with the provision in Article III THE TEACHER AND THE
COMMUNITY because we need a teacher in community in such field of

2. Miss B is only 23 years old. She is teaching in a barangay school. She has
lots of friends. Every weekend she is seen with her friends in disco inn
drinking alcoholic drinks and frequently goes home drank. Is Ms. B’s
activities with her friends commendable. Why?
Answer: My comment about this certain behavior of Miss B is not
commendable because she is a licensed teacher. She must be act accordingly
to their profession she must be a good role model to the community and with
fellowmen because as an educator we have a promised and a purpose to
empowered people.

3. Do teachers have the right to organize community activities to address the

needs or problems of the community? Why?
Answer: My comment about this matter is that the teachers didn’t have the
rights to organize community activities to address the needs or problems of
the community because a professional teacher their responsibility is in the
school to teach students well and set them up for success as citizens of our
world and Inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life.

Self-Check Question on Teacher and the Community

1. How can teacher be a facilitator of learning?

A. By providing a conducive learning atmosphere.
B. By earning social recognition from the community.
C. By relating professionally with community officials.
D. By keeping community leaders informed of school development.
2. A teacher is also a community leader. As a teacher which of the following
should you avoid as a community leader.?
A. Initiate programs and projects in the community to improve the living
condition of the people.
B. Actively participate in all community activities at the expense of your
obligations as a teacher.
C. Actively participate in community activities provided your duties and
responsibilities as a teacher will not be adversely affected.
D. None of the above.
3. Can a professional teacher take the initiative to organize activity for community
A. No, the professional teacher is confined only in the classroom.
B. Yes, as a professional teacher he is community leader.
C. No, community development is the concern of government officials.
D. Yes, provided he always involve red the learners.

4. How can a teacher shows respect for community customs and traditional
A. Reject customs and traditions which are different from his.
B. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of a local
customs and traditions.
C. Disparage the community.
D. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.


Things to Do

Make a self-reflection and write a “Journal” Entries should include the

information called for.
1. Why is teaching considered the noblest profession? How could you show
that you belong to the noblest profession?
Answer: Teaching considered the noblest profession. Profession that comes
with so much responsibility and duty towards students. Teachers do not only
teach and impart knowledge but inspire and motivate students for life and
take important steps in life. They keep working to boost the confidence of
students and direct them in the right direction. I could say that I am belong
to the noblest profession as same as students by working their part and duty
to share and impart knowledge. Teachers learn from students and students
learn from teacher.

2. As a professional teacher, how can you uphold the highest possible standard
of quality education?
Answer: As a professional teacher I can uphold the highest possible
standard of quality education by performing my duties well with regards of
being competence and efficiency teacher.

3. Why should teachers participate in continuing professional education

program? What provision in Article IV is violated when a teacher refused to
attend continuing profession education activities?
4. What is meant by “dignified means for earning a decent living?” Give
Answer: For my own point of view for this particular words,
Example: Teacher educate people more humane than a “learning monster”
teacher teach people in order to do good and avoid evil with that they show
if a people more educated our society/community living with peace and
decent living.

Self-Check Question on The Teacher and the Profession

1. Beth, a public school teacher was in a grand reunion party. There she met
friends in high school. Most of them are working abroad and others are
doctors, engineers, and successful business men. Knowing the status of the
people around, she felt intimidated and regretful to be in that gathering.
Everybody was happy and proud sharing their experiences and status in life
except Beth. When it was her turn to share her experiences she introduced
herself by saying “I am just a public school teacher,” Was Beth correct
with her statement “I am just a teacher” and had the feeling of intimidation
in the group?
A. Yes, she is just honest to tell the truth “Honesty is the best policy”.
B. Yes, she can’t hide her social status. So she has to be honest to herself.
C. No, there is nothing to be ashamed of being a teacher. She should have
shown to her friends that she is proud of being a teacher.
D. No, Beth should not be intimidated, after all she was the Valedictorian of
their batch and graduated a Magna Cum Laude in college.

2. Teacher Dina a teacher for thirty years refuses to attend seminars. She
claims that her teaching experience is more than enough the
seminars/trainings she is asked to attend. Is the stand of Teacher Dina
not to attend trainings any more acceptable insofar as the Code of ethics
is concerned?
A. Yes, Miss Dina has been receiving excellent performance rating for a couple
of years.
B. No, a professional teacher regardless of teaching experience ought to go
through Continuing Professional Education.
C. Yes, attending seminars is optional on the part of teachers having a teaching
experience of 15 years or more.
D. No, because attendance in Continuing Professional Education programs is
one of the conditions she accepted upon her employment in DepEd.
3. What provision in the Code of Ethics is violated by Teacher Dina?


Tasks to do
A. Reflect and answer the following questions.
1. Who are the members of the teaching community?
Answer: The members of the teaching community these are the people include
students, teachers, parents, school administrators, as well as businesses,
charitable organizations, and neighborhoods that are interested in the wellbeing
of the school.
2. What is meant by confidential information. As a teacher what are your
responsibilities regarding confidential information.
Answer: According to my research that the confidential information is
defined as information to which the public does not have general access. So,
as a teacher my responsibilities regarding confidential information is I am as
a teacher it is my responsible for holding every students data in confidence
and sharing it only with necessary parties such as parents, other teachers and
other administrator.

Give your reaction on the following situations.

1. A group of parents approach you regarding the malpractices of the school
principal and it so happened that you are not in good terms with your
Principal due to some sort of misunderstanding. What is your stand about
the controversies? Are you going to support the parents? What particular
provision in Article V will you consider in your action?

2. The school principal was made to submit a module on Science by the Division
Education Supervisor in Science. So she asked here good science teacher to write
the module. Upon completion she submitted the same to the division Office with
her name as the writer. Is the act of the principal ethical. Why?
Self-Check Question on Teacher and the Teaching Community

1. Mr. Buenaventura the principal of Mabuhay Elem. School has a teacher who is
not acting the way he should be. How would you address the problem? If you were
Mr. Mabuhay. How would address the problem?
A. In writing express disapproval of the unbecoming behaviour of the teacher.
B. Be tolerant about the teacher’s behaviour.
C. Talk to the teacher about his behaviour and in the rules of discipline as
stipulated in the code of Ethics.
D. Bring the matter to the office of the district supervisor and wait for the DS
to act on the issue.
2. You are to be transferred to another school to act as Teacher-In-Charge 2 weeks
from now. What are the preparations that you will undertake?
1. Make the classroom ready for the coming of your successor, so that she can
start teaching right away on her first day stray in the school.
2. Prepare for a joint welcome party.
3. Keep all your things including records ready for your transfer.
4. Keep all things ready for turn over to the successor including records and
other documents of students.
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 2 only D. 2 and 3

3. The school is going to celebrate the World Teachers’ Day. Miss Perez was
designated by the school principal to organize the activities. As an organization,
what would be the best thing to do for the success of the celebration?
A. Get everybody involved Organize committees to take charge of the different
B. Teachers not assigned should focus on their teaching activities, after all their
assistance is not needed.
C. Contribute the amount agreed and leave everything to the organizer.
D. All of the above.



Do the following”:”
Identify the Sections of Article VI which is violated by the following
practices :
1. Wearing school uniform is a must among teachers during week days. But
some teachers are coming to school in casual dress for the reason that they
don’t like the school uniform provided by the administration
2. A teacher writing an anonymous letter to the Schools Division
Superintendent about the alleged illegal business of the School principal.
3. Organizing a group of school personnel to seek remedies against injustice
practiced by the District supervisor.
Self-Check Question on The Teacher and the Higher Authorities

1. Teacher Linda came to know that their school principal is soliciting donation
from the community for an alleged school project without the knowledge of all the
teachers in the school and the PTA Officials. She then wrote a letter of complaint
directly to the Schools Division Superintendent about the move of the School
Principal. Is it proper for Teacher Linda to have her complaint filed directly to
the Office of the SDS?
A. No, she should have filed the complaint first to the office of the District
B. Yes, the district supervisor might not act on the complaint because Teacher
Linda is a close friend of the District Supervisor.
C. No, filing a complaint should be done through channel.
D. None of the above.

2. Two teachers are candidates for, promotion. One teacher offered the staff free
entrance fee to her beach resort to gain favour of others. Is it right for the teacher to
do it?
A. Yes, the rare invitation will certainly be welcomed by an overworked
promotional staff.
B. Yes, this will be a sort of professional growth for the promotional staff with
less expense.
C. Yes, there is nothing wrong with sharing one’s blessing and beside the offer
is heartily done. The promo staff did not ask for it.
D. No, this may exert undue influence on the members of the promotional staff
and so they might give preference to this applicant

3. Result of the selection process of the candidates for promotion, the candidate
who offered free entrance fee to her beach resort got the first rank in the Ranking
of Applicants. You are suspicious of the result. What is the best thing for you to
do first.
A. File a complaint directly to the Secretary of Education?
B. Disseminate the findings of the interview to all teachers and other school
C. File a case against the promotional staff.
D. Request for an audience with the promotional staff to clarify all your doubts.




Assume that you are the principal of a National High School where there are
a number of teaching and non-teaching personnel like administrative
officer, administrative aids, and security guards, etc. Being the school head
how are you going to deal with these personnel? What are your
responsibilities towards them?


1. One morning, when you passed by the office to sign your daily time record, you
observe that the clerk was upset and grumbling. You felt offended because that her
behaviour was due to the delay in the submission of urgent reports by several
What should a professional teacher like you do in connection with
submission of reports?
A. Be punctual in submission
B. Submit your report when you wish
C. Ignore deadline of submission
D. Wait for the last call for submission.

2. Mr. F and Mr. X are both candidate for promotion, Mr. X who is very interested
of the promotion reported to the school principal that Mr. F is allegedly indulged in
gambling and having an illicit relationship with a married woman and such the
primary source of the information was Mr. X. Upon receiving such information the
school principal recommended out rightly for the dismissal of Mr. F. Is the action
of the school principal proper?
A. Yes, because gambling and having illicit affair with married woman is a
violation of the code of ethics.
B. No, receiving an information from somebody is not enough to accuse the
teacher for being guilty of the act. He should undergo due process of the
C. Yes, the principal has the right to recommend for dismissal because it is her
obligation to protect the integrity of the school.
D. No, the principal should investigate first if there if truth in the issue.

3. A School Principal in a certain National High School has the practice of playing
favouritism in dealing with her teachers. One observable practice is on the
selection of teachers to attend trainings or seminars. Most often than not she
attends all seminars alone or if ever teachers are with her in the training they are
here favourites. With this practice not all teachers have the chance to attend
trainings. Is the practice of the principal acceptable?
A. Yes the School Principal has the right to send teachers of her choice to
B. No, the School Principal should give equal opportunities to attend trainings
for their professional growth.
C. Yes, the School Principal has the prerogative to attend all trainings and
choose teachers whom she trusts to represent the school.

4. Teacher Siony does not agree with one legitimate policies of the school because
its implementation would greatly affect her business. What is ethical for her to do?
A. Seek audience with the school head and request him to defer the
implementation of said policy.
B. Openly express her personal view on the policy.
C. Discuss the policy with the other teachers and persuade them to express he
ideas against the policy.
D. Exert all honest effort to understand and support the policy.


As a teacher you are aware of the things to be done and to be avoided in
dealing with your learners. Write at least 5 Do’s and Don’ts in dealing with
the learners in and outside classroom activities.

Do’s Don’t’s

Be organized Don’t run late

Listen actively Don’t have messy classroom
Give parents plenty of Notice Don’t stray from the topic at
Starts and end the parents – Don’t get emotional
teacher conference on positive note
Have samples of student work to Don’t overwhelm the parents
back up your points with too many at home task


Give your stand or comments on the given situations below. Support your
stand by citing the particular provision on article VIII.

1. Ruel fall in love with her student who is graduating this school year. Is it
proper for Ruel to express his feeling to the student.
2. You are the teacher adviser of a Grade 12 student who has failing grades in 3
subjects. Her mother approach you because they are leaving abroad and have her
daughter proceed her college studies there. So she is asking help from you to do
something that the failing grade may be changed to passing ratings. How are
you going to handle this situation?

3. A parent requested you to tutor her son who is under you in

Mathematics. one your pupils with the promise that she will be giving you
remuneration for your extra service. Will you accept the offer?

Task to do: Act the given situation .

Parents are school stakeholders. A school can’t be successful in the

implementation of it programs and projects without the parents’ support.
You are newly assigned to your school now. The school has the history of
not being supported by the community in all its school activities because of
the poor school-parents relationship for the last 5 years due to the school
principal who was not giving importance to parents involvement in school
projects. As the new school principal how would you gain cordial relation
with the parents?

Self-Check Question on The Teacher and the Parents

1. A parent complains to a teacher for her daughter’s failing grade. How can a
teacher manifest professionalism in this situation for his failure.
A. Ignore the complaint.
B. Objectively shows how the failing grade came about and assures the
parent that the daughter is given all the academic help he needs.
C. Tell the mother to ask her child why she got failing grades.
D. Put the blame on the parent because her daughter is always
absent and most Often than not come to school late and unprepared
with her lessons.

SCXQ Article IX
2. It is very difficult to please everybody. It could not be avoided that
parents at times give negative criticisms. It so happened that a parent gives her
negative criticism on your ways of dealing with some parents. As a professional
teacher how would you respond to unfair criticism raised by parents? –
A. Listen to the criticism but don’t mind it. Show to the parents that you
are not affected.
B. Reject the criticism outright. Confront the parents concerned.
C. Ignore the criticism and don’t talk to the parents anymore.
D. Take the criticism positively. Make it as a challenge to make a
difference in your ways of dealing parents. Maintain your good
relationship with all the parents.

3. Mary Ann is a very timid child. She is withdrawn and does not mingle with
her classmates. She doesn’t have a friend among her classmates. One day, a couple
who stood as her guardian came to homeroom meeting. The woman was pretty and
had a striking personality, while the man was rather old but personable. After the
meeting, the couple remained for a while to ask about Ann’s performance in
school. From the conversation, you found out that Ann is not their biological child
and the couple were just live-in partners. (Source. Module on Professionalism
and Personal Welfare ( Teacher Induction program)
As a professional teacher, what will you do with the information you
A. Tell other parents about it.
B. Keep in confidence the information gathered.
C. Treat Mary Ann as an unwanted child.
D. Explain to the whole class the condition of Mary Ann.

4. In a PTA meeting , contributions for PTA projects were discussed. A

parent with three children enrolled in the school pleaded that she’ll be
gi8ven the consideration to contribute only Php 300.00. The teacher adviser
did not give into the plea of the parent, instead she answered “Hindi ko yan
problema. Marami kayong anak, wala akong magagawa dyan”. Was it proper
for the teacher to give that comment? Why?

To maintain cordial relation with the parents which could be the

answer of the teacher?
A. “It may be quite late to raise the question. You should had raised it
during the first meeting”.
B. “ Your request is unfair to the other parents having 2 or 3
children in school. Whether you like it or not you have to abide to the
policy of the organization.”
C. “This was agreed before. The said amount was agreed by the
majority. You have to abide with the majority rule. So. I am very sorry.
D.” We understand your plight. We’ll try to find out how to help you. Do
have any proposal? “


Reflect on what you’ve learned from your readings on Article X. and share
your insights on the following: Write your answers on a piece of long bond

1. What is meant by legitimate income generation?

Answer: According to Article X. Section 2 A teacher shall maintain a
good reputation with respect to financial matter such as in the settlement
of his debt and loans in arranging satisfactory his private financial affairs.

3. Name some legitimate income generating activities that you can

engage in to augment your income.

3. How are you going to deal with your income generating activities in
such a way that such would not adversely affect your worker as a teacher?

Answer the following Question:
1 Which section of Article X is violated by teachers practices in
borrowing money?
2 What are the possible disciplinary actions can be impose to teachers
found guilty of violating Section 2 of Article X as mentioned by Sec.

Self-Check Question on The Teacher and Business

1. Teachers have the right to engage in business as provided for on

Section 1 of Article X. On what condition can a professional teacher engage in
I. When income generation is legitimate.
II. When the income generation is related to her/ his work.
III. When business includes books and school supplies.
IV. When the income generating activities do not adversely affects
his/ her work as a teacher.
A. I only B. I and IV C. IV only II and III

2. Why should a teacher refrain from business transactions involving textbooks

and school supplies?
A. Possibility of exerting influence for his/ her own business interest.
B. Her/his main task is to teach not to engage in business.
C. To protect the integrity of the school as an educational
D. It is so provided in the code of Ethics.

3. A teacher has the right to engage in legitimate income generation? Which

is/are NOT legitimate income generation?
I. Tutoring one’s own pupil in school for a fee?
II. Giving remedial teaching to a slow learner in class for a fee.
III. Selling books to parents of failing pupils for a commission.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III


Act on the following Answer briefly and concisely.

1. What is the big challenge of a teacher as a person?

Answer: The big challenge of a teacher as a person by 1)Knowing their students
well. 2)Understanding the different learning abilities and capacities of the
students. 3)Motivating and encouraging them when the students under perform
and have to deal with parental and peer pressure.

2. Describe the teacher as a person based on Article XI of the code of

Ethics by way of a short poem.
3. Now that you know that much are expected of the teacher as person,
are you still going to pursue your dream of becoming a teacher? Why?
Answer: As of now that I’m still a student preparing for the profession to be as a
teacher the things that I need to prepared to becoming as one is that the
effectiveness and effort to perform well that suit of their qualification and level of
teaching and also I will do my best to accomplished goals as much to be qualified
as to become a teacher in the near future I will pursue this studies with full effort
competent and duties. Because I want to be a teacher and a warrior of wisdom I
will used my voice to influence and inspire people.


Self-Check Question on Disciplinary action:

1. Which of the following could be the reason for the teacher's suspension from the
practice of the teaching profession?
A.Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct.
B. Observing proper procedures in obtaining a certificate of
C. Faithfulness to the code of ethical and professional standards for
professional teachers.
D. Willingness to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and the
like or the continuing education program prescribed by the Board
and the Commission.
2. Which is NOT a commendable act of any school official and could be a
ground for disciplinary action?
A. Alcoholism
B. Discourage attendance to professional growth and
encouraging the
teachers to just stick to teaching
C. Recommend the dismissal of a teacher for any cause
D. All of the above
3.What disciplinary action can be imposed to teachers violating the Code
of Ethics?
I. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration and License
II. suspension from the practice of teaching
III. Cancellation of temporary or special permit?
A. I only B. I, II, III c. II only D. I and II

V. Asssignment /Agreement

Making Ten Rules for Professional Teachers

Now that you are familiar with the Code of Ethics for Teachers
make a short version of it by making TEN Rules for Professional
Teachers. ( Source: Teacher Induction Program, TEC, DepED)

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