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2. Good communicators
3. Hospitable
4. Responsible
5. Safety
6. Rules and regulations
7. Use different languages
8. First aid kit
9. Being polite
10. Trustworthy
These are my observation on what the videos’ about. Since we were focusing on that certain
field. The videos about is that they shown us the good way on how they should take the
responsibilities to the tourists and how the tourists bring their destination safe and sound. These
10 responsibility that I observed on the videos first one which is greetings. Greetings is the most
important that we need to do everyday specially if we were in a workplace Through greetings
the tourists feel comfortable for you and the people Surrounds your work environment. Next we
have a good communicators. As a part of that position or a company and being as a tourguide
you should have this kind of ability to talk well to your tourists so that you both understand what
was the concerns and needs to your dear tourists. Next we have hospitable. Being hospital is a
remarkable traditions as a Filipino so we should be hospitable at all times and to our tourists too.
Next we have responsible. As I can observe on the video being responsible is such an important
to alert time to handle well our tourist and the destination that they wanted to. Next is the safety.
On the video presentation safety is very important to us and to our to tourists too as a tourguide
it’s a part of your job to assure your tourists safe. Next is the rules and regulations. Rules and
regulations is mentioned on the video so as a tourguide we should introduce first to our travelers
the rules and regulations so that they must aware the possible happens. Next is the use of
different languages and this is what I observed lately that as a tourguide you must know how to
use different languages so that you should entertain different race and people and you engaged
them well. Next we have the first aid kit and this is what mentioning on the video that as a tour
guide it's your responsibilities to bring such firs aid kit if possible happens on your tour. Next is
by being polite. This is the most important not jus it’s our responsibilities to faced people that
related to our work is being polite is your part to do but, being polite is everything and
everywhere and everybody deserve to be treated equally by such being polite people. And the
last one we have trustworthy. Being a tourguide and this is a part of your work first is you
should put trust in yourself that you can faced and do well your job to catch the attention and
trust to out tourists is you must have do this first on yourself

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