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Mystery Death of President Kennedy

Running Head: Mystery Death of President Kennedy

Mystery Death of President Kennedy Michael A. Gess Kaplan Career Institute ICM Campus

CM 102 Mrs. Clickett May 25, 2011

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

How amazing is it that we still hear the shots fired at our beloved President Kennedy racing around the world 48 years later. That bullet wont stop racing around the world until it finally hits the wall of truth and we can say Well done. November 22nd 1963, a shot was heard around the world when President Kennedy was murdered. Was it an inside job? Who was behind the murder? Was there a need to cover up what happened in Dallas, Texas? What about President Lyndon Johnson; Lee Harvey Oswald; and their involvement. Its possible that it was an the murder of Kennedy was an inside job. Our United States Government was upset with Kennedy at the time. It could be that they didnt like the direction that he was going. y Our next and 36th President of United States of America Lyndon B. Johnson, took the oath right after Kennedy was murdered. While taking the oath with his hand on the Bible, he smirked and afterward, winked at Congressman Albert R. Thomas. He also may be the one who plotted to murder Kennedy. y The big nation overseas; across from the Eastern Coast, very cold weather most of time, they are also very cold shoulder with United States of America. Yes thats right, Russia, We have problems with them over different issues. But they had the opportunity to choose Lee Harvey Oswald and use him as a pawn; to make it look like he was guilty. Im currently investigating and researching President John F. Kennedys Murder. The evidence does not point being Lee Harvey Oswald the one who shot President Kennedy. Also I there is evidence that it was an inside job. President Lyndon Johnson could have been involved in the Murder.

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

President Kennedys assassinated on November 22, 1963. They pointed to Lee Harvey Oswald as Kennedys murderer and they continued that line of investigation right after he was killed. But everything wasnt shown very enough evidence ever since 1963. Today, this present time, we still are running an investigation because we are all not satisfied with the results of this case. In fact America faced a missile crisis with Cuba because they were building nuclear missiles. President Kennedy decided to send the navy to Cuba to stop them. Russia was also secretly helping them build against United States. The United States was against the embargo to Cuba. Embargo is for trade markets around the world. However our Government wanted to start a war with Cuba, but Kennedy insisted that we dont. Russia and Cuba start the cold war against us. Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent; and sent to Russia to spy for U.S. Lee Harvey Oswald was married to a Russian agent and she spied on U.S. same time. During that time Lee Harvey Oswald did not know that his wife was also an agent for Russia. When the baby was born they named her June Lee. They considered coming to the United States, but the U.S. did not allow him to come aboard. So, finally, Lee Harvey Oswald threatened the U.S. Embassy that he would reveal information to the Russia military. So they let them go to aboard. (Lee Harvey Oswald, n.d) During 1948 Lyndon B. Johnson was running for U.S. Senate for Texas against Governor Coke Stevenson. On the Election Day something went wrong. Because the box thirteen. wasnt the right poll. The victory was stolen from Stevenson. Many of the citizens knew it was rigged. After the incident they called him Lyin Johnson which meant Lie. (Brown, M.S., n.d.)

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

The Box 13 Once Lyndon Johnson got into the Senate, he became to obsessed with wanting gain power, until the year 1960 coming of election. Johnson and Kennedy were dual for Nominate Democrat, and Johnson lost to Kennedy. He moved was to threaten Kennedy, and expose his affairs, poor health by back pain, drugs and previous marriage to force him to give Lyndon is his Vice President ticket. At that time Kennedy was planning to endorse Senator Stuart Symington. Unfortunately Johnson had set the trap to force Kennedy to endorse Johnson to be his partner. (Brown, M.S., n.d.)

Senator (D) Stuart Symington

Major Leader Senate (D) Lyndon B. Johnson

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

November 21, 1963, Lyndon Johnson visited his friends at Clint Murchisons. He went in secretly to meet with oil tycoon H.L. Hunt, Edward Clark the best legal for Johnson; most of the people were high profile in that room. Somehow the meeting was finished, Lyndon Johnson happened to pop in and saw his old girlfriend Madeline Brown. As Madeline Brown was the witness that evening, Lyndon Johnson spoke whisper to her ear After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again, thats no threat, thats a promise. (Eden, n.d.)

Madeline Brown

Meeting night before Kennedys Assassination

November 23, 1963. Beautiful weather, The Kennedy couple came to visit Dallas, Texas for his speech address. While on the motorcade, the crowd cheering with joy, happy day for them to see President Kennedy come to town. They had no idea they were about to witness the murder of President Kennedy. They got fearful and screamed, sound of crying. Its a sad day for Nation to lose the beloved President Kennedy.

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

President Kennedy, First Lady Jackie and Governor Connelly on the motorcade Right after the assassination they went to back to Air Force One to appointe Lyndon Johnson to became 36th President of United States. While taking his oath, he seemed so happy that plan going was smoothly. After he speaks his oath, He looked toward Congressman Albert R. Thomas with smirk.

Congressman Thomas and President Johnson Wink They blamed on the assassination Lee Harvey Oswald and believed he is the one who shot Kennedy, They found Lee Harvey Oswald in theater and arrested him. Lee Harvey Oswald

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

repeatidly told the police, investigator that he was innocent and did not murder Kennedy. But they didnt listen to him, While many of media overcrowd in Hallway Lee Harvey Oswald declared Im just a patsy!; While in a press meeting they asked Lee Harvey Oswald Did you kill Kennedy? His response was say No. Unfortunately two days later, Lee Harvey Oswald was escorted to prison through the basement of the Police station. Jack Ruby come up and shot him in the stomach area. They brought him in the ambulance and he died in the hospital, the same place where Kennedy died. (Lee Harvey Oswald n.d.)

Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald

During Warren Commission begin to investigate on Kennedy assassination. However President Johnson sought to avoid parallel investigations. As Earl Warren just concluded his investigation he said Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin. (Warren Commission p vii 1964)

Overall there was definitely an inside job cover up right after the Kennedy assassination. President Lyndon Johnson was the plotter and did the planning throughout since his senate term.

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

There was no outside evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved. Our Government is for We the people They have fooled into believing that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only one involved. We the people are not stupid, were passionate about our precious country & cannot believe that our government lied to us, tricked us. We the people deserve the truth.

Mystery Death of President Kennedy

Reference: The warren report (September 27th, 1964). The Presidents commission on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Hye, J. (August 21, 2003). LBJ behind JFK killing New book remember The Wink Knight Ridder newspaper. Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Brown, M.S., (n.d.). President Lyndon Johnson Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Lee Harvey Oswald (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Eden, D. (n.d.) LBJ killed JFK Viewzone Retrieved May 18, 2011, from

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