Eed6 LP Health

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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 4

Prepared by: Pauline D. Gonzales

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the importance to keep our body clean and Healthy.
a. Compose a song about keeping our body clean and healthy.
a. Appreciate our body in physical and health.

II. Learning Content

Subject Matter: Keeping our bodies clean and healthy
• PowerPoint presentation
• Speaker
• Tv\Projector
• Worksheets
Time Frame:
Values for the day: Self-discipline, Cooperation, and Safety.
A. Preliminary Activity
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Arranging of Chairs
• Checking of Attendance

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

B. 4 A’s
1. Activity (Motivation)
The link:
The Teacher will play a video related to the new discussion about keeping our
bodies clean in every day. After the video the teacher will be asked of the
following question?

• Do you take a bath every day?

• Do you brush your teeth?
• Do you comb your hair?
• How about cut your nails?
• What else do you do

2. Analysis
The teacher will discuss the importance and how to keep our body clean
and healthy by taking care of our body and what are the materials we need
to keep our body clean and healthy. (The teacher will provide pictures and
students will be asked what are act they do keep their body clean and
healthy every day and what are the things they use.)

3. Abstraction
A. Direction: Match Column A with Column B.


1. I wash my hands ● ●

2. I take shower ● ●

3. I cut my nails ● ●

4. I comb my hair ● ●

5. I clean my ear ● ●

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

6. I brush my teeth ● ●

7. I wear clean shirt ● ●

8. I wash my feet ● ●

9-10. What are things\materials to keep our body clean?

(Give at least 2 example)

B. Direction: Draw inside the box the things\materials we use to clean

our body. (At least 5 things\materials)

4. Application
Group Activity Time: Sing with me!
(The teacher will give time to the students to compose a song with
their groups.)
Step 1. The students will divided into 5 groups.
Step 2. Each group will compose a song about how to clean and
healthy our body.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Step 3. Practice the tone of the song.

Step 4. Present in the class.

IV. Generalization
The teacher will asked the students who can share their thoughts, ideas and they
learn today’s lesson. ( In this question there’s a lot of student’s want’s to answer
although its related in our daily life.)

V. Valuing
(The students will be asked the following question)

• What do you if you are dirty and smelly?

• Why is it important to keep our body clean?
• What are you feeling when you are clean and healthy?
• Do you experience sick because of having dirty body?

VI. Evaluation
Direction: Fill in the blank. Complete the sentence with the appropriate
words about keeping our body clean and healthy.

1. I’ll take a _________ before going to school.

2. My mother__________ my nails once a week.
3. I _________ my ear yesterday.
4. Lito and Lena __________ wash their hands.
5. My sister ________ comb my hair every day.
6. I______ my teeth 3x a day.
7. Maria dry her hair using ________.
8. Ana wear a ________ shirt.
9. After we play outside, we ________ our feet.
10. We use______ and_______ to take a bath.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City
St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

VII. Assignment
Write your daily routine everyday on how you keep yourself clean
and healthy in a whole sheet of paper.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

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