Chemical Equations

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Chemistry 1. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS Physical and chemical changes ‘S.No. Physical change ‘Chemical change T_ [No new or diferent substance is formed. [Results in the formation of at least one new |The composition of the substance, that substance, The constituent particles of the new undergoes the charge, remains |substance are different from the constituent unchanged. particles of the original substance 2 |ftisa temporary change and in most | lisa permanent change and cannct be Jcases it can be reversed by the reversal [reversed by reversal of conditions lof conditions. 3__[No change occurs in the mass of the _ |Maw of the individual substances that undergoes |substances underging the change. _the change always, either increases or decreases, |Howover, the total mass of all the reactanis is Jecual to the total mass ofall the products. © Remember > Usually both changes occur together. > In burning of a wax candle, both physical and chemical changes take place. © Conditions for chemical change ‘The criterion for a chemical change is the production of one or more new substances, Therefore, certain conditions should be met in order to bring about a chemical change. The necessary conditions are: > A minimum amount of energy needed to initiate a reaction, called the activation energy, should be supplied in the form of heat, light or electric current. In a chemical change, the reactants combine to form new products. For this process, itis necessary to break the old bonds of the reactants and forms fresh, bbonds in order to give new products. This requires a certain amount of energy. > For the occurrence of any reaction, the molecules or atoms of the reactants must colide with one another, In order to break old bonds and form new bonds. > The speed with which the chemical reaction takes place is called the rate of the chemical reaction This should be appreciable to bring about the change. © The rate of a reaction depends on following factors > Temperature: Certain chemical reactions do not take place at room temperature but occur readily at a higher temperature. Accordingly, heat is required to start the reaction. For example, fuels like coal and ‘wood only start buming when heated to certain temperature called its ignition temperature. > Presence of Light: Some reactions take place only in ight and do not take place in dark. For example, photosynthesis in green Plants or reaction between H, and Cl, to form HCl. (H, + Cl, 42H1) > Presence of a Catalyst: A catalysis a substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without itself undergoing any change. For example, Hydrogenation of ols to form fats takes place faster in presence of nickel. > Electricity: Certain reactions take place with the help of an electric current. For example, Decomposition of acidulated water to give hydrogen and oxygen gas. 2H,0() "5 21a) + Ola) PbBr,() => Pig) + Br,fa) Class X ALLEN > Pressure: Some chemical reactions need very high pressure to proceed. For example, in the commercial manufacture of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen by Haber’s process, a pressure of over 200 atmosphere is required, in presence of a catalyst iron and a temperature of 450°C to 500°C, Chemical reactions (© The process in which a substance or substances undergo a chemical change to produce new substances with entire new properties are known as chemical reaction, © Reactant: The substance(s), which takes part in a chemical reaction. © Products: The new substancels) formed as a result of a chemical reaction are called products. © A chemical reaction should satisy the following conditions: > There must not be either a gain or loss of matter, > There must be either an evolution or an absorption of heat .e. an energy change. > The products obtained asa result of chemical reaction must have properties different from those of the reactants, Balancing of chemical equations 1) 2 2 According to the law of conservation of mass, the total mass of product must be equal o the otal mass of the reactants (as mass can neither be created nor destroyed). This possible only ifthe numberof atoms of each elements equal on the two sides ofthe equation. Let us learn about balancing a chemical equation step by step. ‘Step-: Write the word equation for the given chemical reaction. Step-I: Convert the formed word equation in the chemical equation (Skeletal chemical equation) ‘Step-I: Formula of each reactant and product has to be enclosed in boxes, so that during balancing formula ‘of reagents cannot be changed, Step-IV: Listing of number of elements in reactants and products should be done. Step-V: Balancing shouldbe started with compound which has biggest formula Step-V: Then, balancing of different elements is done one by one. ‘Step-VI: Finally the equation fs checked, ‘Types of chemical reactions Direct combination or synthesis reaction Ina sunthesisteaction, two or more chemical species combine to forma single product. A+B>AB The combination of ron and sulphur to form iron (sik isan example ofa synthesis reaction 8Fo+S, 98FS Decomposition or analysis reaction In a decomposition reaction, a compounds broken into smaller chemical species. ABS A+B ‘The electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas is an example of a decompos 2H,0 —“*=> 2H, +0, obOSANAA\ CHE Vache el Pt fe ay At 3) 4) 5) Chemistry For example, > IFdecomposition takes place, (In presence of heat, we callit Thermal decomposition/Themolsis. (@} Decomposition of ime stone on heating, caco,l9) sa, Ca) + CO,@) Limestone Quick lime ‘Carbon dioxide (Calcium carbonate) (Calcium oxide) {b) Decomposition of zine carbonate on heating, 2nC0,6) tat 5 Zn049) + CO, Zine carbonate Zine oxide Catbon dioxide (9 In presence of light, we call t Photo decomposition/Photolyss [a) Photolysis of silver bromide (used in photography) 2AqBts) = SAS) + Bry) (8) Photolytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. (.e. Its stored in coloured bottles) 24,0, Ht, HO + ot Hyerogen peroxide Water Oxygen (i In presence of electricity, we call it Electro decomposition /Electrolysis. (a) Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride zn. 82 Na + at Sodium chloride Sodium metal Chlorine (molten) b) Electrolytic decomposition of molten alumina 2a,0, 22> 4a + 30,t Alumina (molten) ‘Aluminium ‘Oxygen Single displacement or substitution reaction {A substitution or single displacement reaction is characterized by one element being displaced from a compound byanother element. A+BC>AC+B ‘An example of a substitution reaction occurs when zinc combines with hydrochloric acid. The zinc replaces the bhydrogen from hydrochloric ac 2n + 2HCI— ZnCl, +H, Metathesis or double displacement reaction or double decomposition reaction. In a double displacement or metathesis reaction, two compounds exchange bonds or ions in order to form different compounds, AB+CD-+AD+CB ‘An example of a double displacement reaction occurs between sodium chloride and sitver nitrate to form sodium nitrate and silver chloride. NaCl) + AgNO aq) -> NaNO faq) + AgCIs)t ‘Acid-base reaction (Neutralisation reaction) ‘Anacid-base reaction isa type of double displacement reaction that occurs between an acid and a base, The H* Jon in the acid reacts with the OH’ ion in the base to form water and an ionic salt. HA +BOH>H,0 +BA ‘The reaction between hydrobromic acid and sodium hydroxide is an example of an acid-base reaction, HBr + NaOH > NoBr + H,O 3 Class X 6) 7) ALLEN ‘Combustion ‘A.combustion reaction isa type of redox reaction in which a combustible material combines with an oxidizer to form oxidized products and generate heat (exothermic reaction). Usually in a combustion reaction, oxygen ‘combines with another compound to form carbon dioxide and water. An example of a combustion reaction is the burning of naphthalene. CHAS) + 120,@) + 10.C0,@) + 41,019 Naphthalene (Oxidation-reduction or redox reaction © Oxidation is > lossof hydrogen > gain of oxygen > loss of electrons @ Reductionis > gain of tydrogen > loss of oxygen > gain of electrons For example, inthe extraction of iron fromits ore: Reduction Fe,0, + 3CO ——+2Fe + 3CO, ‘Oxidation Inthis reaction, {Substance oxidised: CO (a) Substance reduced: Fe,O, Ci) Oxidising agent: FeO, (iw) Reducing agent: CO > Because both reduction and oxidation are going on side-by-side, this sknown as a redox reaction. © Oxidising and reducing agents > Anoxidising agent is a substance which oxidises something else. In the above example, the ironfll oxide Isthe oxidising agent. > A reducing agent reduces something else. In the equation, the carbon monoxide is the reducing agent. > Oxidising agents give oxygen to another substance. > Reducing agents remove oxygen from another substance. © For example, Oxidation Oxidation Td 0 foresees co (i Horr aie| a Ych The Redaction Reduction Oxidation Oxidation Gli) Fe,0, + 2A) HX» 2Fe + ALO, (HS + C,—> 2H + S Ferré Aluminium Iron Aluminium Hydrogen Gilorine Hydrogen Sulphur oxide 1 oxide sulphide chloride Reduction Reduction Chemistry ‘Corrosion (© The chemical or electrochemical reaction between a material, usually a metal, and its environment that produces a deterioration of the material and its properties is called corrosion, Or © The process of slow eating up of the surface of certain metals when kept in open for a long time. Corrosion is a serious problem, Every year, an enormous amount of money is spent to replace damaged iron. ‘The corrosion causes damage to building, ships and many other articles especially made of iron. During corrosion, metal gets changed into its oxide, sulphide, carbonate, etc. Most common example of corrosion is rusting of iron. Rust Iron corrode readily when exposed to moisture and gets covered with a brown flaky substance caled must. Itis called rusting of ron. Rust Isa hydrated iron (Il) oxide Fe,O,,.2H,0. Rusting of iron takes place under the following conditions, {@) Presence of ait (or oxygen) (b) Presence of water (or moisture} © Some more examples of corrosion > Copper reacts with moist carbon dioxide in the air and slowly loses its shiny brown surface and acquires 2 green coating of basic copper carbonate. > Silver articles become black after sometime when exposed to air because it reacts with HyS to form a coating of siher sulphide, > Lead or stainless sted! lose their lustre due to corrosion, Rancidity © The oxidation of cils or fats in food, resulting into a bad taste and bad sie is called rancidity. Its caused due to prolonged exposure of food to air: ‘© Oxygen present in ai oxidise fats/oil present in food and form volatile substances, which have bad odour. © Prevention of rancidity > Randidity can be prevented byadding antioxidants to foods containing fats and oils. Antioxidants are reducing agents so, when they are added to food it do not get oxidised easily and hence, do not turn rancid. > Common antioxidants are (@) BHA Butylated Hydroxy Anisole) (0) BHT Butyated Hydroxy Toluene) \Vitarin-E and vtamin-C (ascorbic acid) are the two antioxidants occuring in natural fats > Rancllty can be prevented by packaging fat and oil containing foods in nitrogen gas. > It cam be retarded by keeping food in refrigerator. > Item aso be retarded by storing food in airtight containers, >It can be retarded by storing foods away from light Class X CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS ALLEN EXERCISE 7. Which of the following are chemical changes? (Digestion of food (i) Liquefaction of air (ii) Ripening of fruit (ie) Dissolution of sulphur in carbon disulphide (0) Freezing of water (Hi) Electrolysis of water (2) 0 0 Gu) al 2) (0, (i) and (a) (3), a and (ry (4) (a), Gv) and (i) ‘Which among the folowingis nota physical change? (1) Metting of solid to liquid. (2) Vaporisation of liquids to gas. (3) Liquefaction of gases to liquid. (4) Decay of matter. Which among the following is not a chemical ‘change? (1) Matting of ice. (2) Carbon cyde. (3) Dehydration of substances, (4) Fermentation of substances. Physical changes are usually In nature (1) temporary (2) permanent 2) irreversible (@)endothermic ‘An example of @ chemical change is __. (21) formation of clouds (2 glowing of an electric light (3) dropping sodium into water, (4) dissolving of salt in water Which of these will cause a chemical change to ‘occur? (1) Grinding of wheat into flour. (2 Lighting of a gas stove. (3) Evaporation of water from a lake, (4) Ringing of an electric bell, Chemical changes are . (1) temporary, reversible and a new substance is produced (2) always accompanied by exchange of ight () permanent, imeversible and a new substance is produced (4) never accompanied by exchange of light and heat eneray 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which of the following isa physical change? () Sotubitty in water (2) Combustiility (8) Aerial oxidation (4) Reaction with water Formation of carbon disuiphide from carbon and sulphur takes place by (1) absorption of heat (2) evolution of heat (2) no change in heat content (4) None of these Inthe equation (Ca + xHINO, + CuNOJ, + yNO, + 2H,0 ‘The values of x and y are (1) Sand 5. (2) 8 and 6 (3) 4and 2 4) 7 and 1 Which of the following chemical equations is an unbalanced one? (1) 2NaHCO, -+Na,CO, + H,0 +O, (2) 2C,H,, + 120, +80, + 10H,0 ) 2Al + 6H,O > 2A0H), + 3H, (@) ANH, + 50, + 4NO + 6H,0 In the reaction given below, a, b, cand d respectively are aFe,0, + bH, > cFe + dH,0 11,23 @ii11 @1,3,2,3 @1,2,2,3 When ferrous hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid, and H,O are produced. (1 Feet, (2)Fecl, @)Fecl, @)Fecl Which of the following isa combustion reaction? (1 Boiling of water (2) Melting of wax. (8) Burning of petrol (@) None of these ‘The reaction, H, + Cl, —> 2HC1 is (1) decomposition reaction (2) displacement reaction (3)a combination reaction @)an tsomerisation reaction 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. im Decomposition of water is (1) electrotytic (2) thermal (3) photolytic (@) all of these Which ofthe following sa decomposition reaction? (1) NAOH + HCL—> NaCl +H,0 (2) NH,CNO—>+ H,NCONH, (@) 2KCIO, +. 2KCI +30, 4) Hy + > 2H Which of the following is not a decomposition reaction? (1) Caco, = CaO + CO, (2) 2KCI0, _« 2KC1 + 30, (3) Digestion of food in body @H, +c, —2HCL Lead nitrate on heating gives (1) lead oxide (2) nitrogen dioxide @) oxygen (4) al of these Heating limestone produces, (D) quick time (2) carbon dioxide (3) both (1) and(2) (4) none of these ‘When copper powrler is heated, it gets coated with (1) black copper oxide (2) yellow copper oxide (@) red copper oxide (4) none of these Which of the following equations is representing ‘combination of two compounds? (1) Ca0 + CO, —+ Caco, C0 + $0,—+00, A 2 (4) 2Na + 2H,O —> 2NaOH + H. (@)S0,+ 50, +80, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Chemistry Barium chloride on reacting with ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate and ammonium chloride. Which ofthe following correctly represents the type of the reaction involved? (Displacement reaction (i). Precipitation reaction (ii) Combination reaction (i) Double displacement reaction (1)¢9 only (2) i) only (3) only (4) (8) and oy) Which of the following is not a thermal decompostion reaction? (1) 2H,0 + 2H, +0, (2) 2FeS0, -> Fe,0, + SO, + SO, (3) 2nCO, > ZnO + CO, @ 2KC0, + 2KCI + 30, ‘Which of thestatements about the reaction below are incorrect? 2PbOIs) + ls) —s 2Pb\Is) + CO,fa) () Lead is getting reduced. i) Carbon dioxide is getting oxidised ii) Carbon is getting oxidised. (iw) Lead oxide is getting reduced. (1) @ and 6) (2) (9 and (ii) 0, (and ai (4) All of these What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is ‘added to iron filings? Tick the correct answer. (1) Hydrogen gas and iron chloride are produced, (2) Chlorine gas and iron hydroxide are produced, (8) No reaction takes place (4) Iron salt and water are produced ‘The reaction Fe,OJ6) + 2Als) —> ALO, + 2Fet) is an example of (1)combination reaction (2) double displacernent {@)decomposition reaction (@ single displacement reaction Which of the following isa displacement reaction? (4) Caco, > C20 + 00, (2)Ca0 + 2HCI— CaCl, + H,0 @)Fe + CuSO, > FeSO, + Cu (4) NaOH + HC Nac + H,0 7 Class X 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Which of the following stands for a double displacement reaction? (1) 2H, + 0, —> 2H,0 (2) 2Mg +0, —> 2Mgo (AgNO, + NaCl —> AgCl J + NaNO, @H, + Cl, —> 2HaL Which ofthe follouing characterizes the oxidation- reduction relationship? (1) Element losing electrons is losing oxygen. ‘element gaining electrons is gaining oxygen. (2) Element gaining electronsis oxidized, element losing electrons is reduced. (3) Element gaining electronsis losing hydrogen, ‘element losing electrons is gaining hydrogen. (4) Element losing electrons is oxidized, element gaining electrons is reduced. ‘What happens when copper rod is dipped in iron sulphate solution? (1) Copper displaces iron. (2 Blue coloured copper sulphate solution is obtained. (3) No reaction takes place. (4) Reaction is exothermic. ‘A student added dilute HCl to a test tube contatring zine granules and made following observations: 1. The zine surface became dull and black. TL A gas evolved which burnt with a pop sound. I, The solution remained colouriess. Correct observations are (1) Land t (2)land Itt @land mt (4), and tt ‘A dlute solution of sodium carbonate was added to ‘wo test tubes-one containing dil. HCI (A) and the other containing dilute NaOH (B). The correct ‘observation was (1) brown coloured gas berated in tes tube A (2) a brown coloured gas liberated in test tube B. (3) colourless gas liberated in test tube A. (@) a colourless gas iberated in test tube B. ‘AgNO faq) + NaCaq) —+ AgCis) + NaNO faq) [Above reaction is (2) precipitation reaction (2) double éisplacement reaction (3) combination reaction (4) both (1) and (2) 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. a. 42. ALLEN 2n + (dil) H,SO, —> ZnSO, + HP Above reaction is (1) decomposition reaction (2) single displacement reaction (8) oxidation reaction (@)neutralisation reaction When the gases sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide mix in the presence of water, the reaction is SO, + 2H,S -» 2H,0 + 38, Here, hydrogen sulphide is acting as (1) an oxidising agent —_—(2) a reducing agent (8) dehydrating agent (4) a catalyst CuO + H, + H,0 + Cu, reaction is an example of (1) redox reaction (decomposition reaction (3)neutralsation (4) analysis reaction, When a chemical species loses one or more electrons, it is said to have been (1) oxidised (2) reduced (@)remain unchanged (4) hydrolysed ‘Combustion can be considered as (oxidation (2) reduction (3) decomposition (4) all of these Which of the following is a redox reaction? () Caco, > C20 + €0, (2)Fo + CuSO, —> FeSO, + Cu (3) CaO + 2HCI— CaCl, + H,0 (4) NaOH + HCI— NaCl + H,0 Which of the following statements is incorrect? (1) In oxidation, oxygen is added to a substance. (2) In reduction, hydrogen is added to a substance, (3) Oxidizing agent is oxidized. (4) Reducing agent is oxidized. Which ofthe statements about the folowing reactions is correct? 2n0 + CO—+ Zn + CO, (1) 2n0 is being oxidized (2) CO ts being reduced. (2) CO, is being oxidized. (4) Zn0 is being reduced obOSANAA\ CHE Vache NE el Pt fe ay At 44. 45, 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ‘Assubstance which oxidises itself and reduces other Isknown as (1)oxidising agent (2) reducing agent (3) both (1) and (2) (4) none of these In the reaction PbO + C—> Pb + CO (1) PbO is oxidised, (2 Cac as oxidising agent. (3) C ads as reducing agent (4) This reaction does not represent redox reaction. The following reaction coordinate diagram represents | Ener ra Products: i (1) an exothermic reaction. (2)an endothermic reaction. (3) a reaction that is neither endothermic nor exo- wo (4) a reaction in which a catalyst is used, ‘The process of oxidation involves (1) the absorption of hydrogen atoms. (2) the absorption of electrons. (3) the release of electrons. oe Rusting of an iron is an example of Sangin Get Oe Inthe reaction 2MnO, + 4Al->3Mn + 24,0, the ‘oxidising agent is ()Mn0, Qa ALO, (4) Mn Which of the following does not corrode when ‘exposed to the atmosphere? (fron 2 Copper Gola @) Sitver ‘The oxidizing agent in the lead storage bettery is (Pe 2) P00, (Peso, sO, 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 87. 58. 59. 60. Chemistry When carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water (1) caleiurn hydroxide is formed. (2) white precipitate of CaO is formed (3) white precipitate of CaCO, is formed. @) colour of ime water disappears. Inthe equation, NOH + HNO, —> NaNO, +H,0 nitric acd is acting as (an oxklsing agent (2) an acid (9) a reducing agent (@) a dehydrating agent Zn*(aq) + 26 -> Zn(s). This is ()oxidation (2) reduction (8) retiox reaction (4) none of these Consider the reaction 2n + Cu > Zn + Cu With reference to the above, which one of the following isthe correct statement? (1) Zn is reduced to Zn (2) 21 is oxidised to Zn. ) Zn* is oxidised to Zn, @) Cut+ is oxidised to Cu. Inthe reaction PCI, + Cl, > PC\, (2) PCI, is acting as reductant. (2) Cl, is acting as reductant. (3) Both PC, and Cl, are acting as reductant. (@) Both PCI, and Ci, are acting as oxidant. ‘The correct formula of rust is (FeO, 2)Fe,0, 8) Fe,0,xH,0 (@)Fe,0,xH,0 Antioxidants are () hydrating agents (2) dehydrating agents @B)oxidizing agents (4) reducing agents ‘The rate of a chemical reaction can be increased by adding @ (1) catalyst (2) pigment (3) reactant (@) product When lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide, yellow precipitate of (1) Pbl, is formed (2) KNO, is formed (3) PUINO,), is formed. (4) PbIO, is formed. Among the following metals, which corrodes negligibly? (1) Gold (8) Palladium (2)Piatiniam (4) All of these Class X 61. 62. 63. 4. 65. 66. 67. 10 ‘Which among the following statemeni() is/are true? Exposure of sliver chloride to sunlight for a long duration tums grey due to @_ the formation of siver by decomposition of silver chloride, i) sublimation of silver chloride, (i) release of chlorine gas from silver chloride (i) oxidation of ster chloride, (2) onty (2) and (i) (3) Gi) and gid (4) (iv only ‘What does the symbol) represents in a chemical ‘equation? (2) It represents the aquatic state of the matter, (@) It states that the reactant or product is in aqueous state. (@) Itstates which is the main reacting substance. (4) None ofthese The presence of any ofthe halide ions. chloride ‘bromide or lodide in a compound can be tested sing a a reagent. (1) siver nitrate solution (2) hydrogen sulphide gas (@) sodium hydroxide (4) ammonia sokition Ina chemical equation, the symbol’ represents (1) the Hise in temperature. (a fallin temperature. (@)the evolution of a as. (4) the formation of precipitate In a chemical equation, the symbol “represents (1) the rise in temperature. (2) the evolution of a gas. @)a fallin temperature. (4) the formation of precipitates. When the following equation is balanced, the coefficients are- NH{g) + Og) > NO,@) + H,01@) 1111 24,7,4,6 2,3,2,3 @1,3,1,2 4s a physical change, (1) Condensation of steam (2) Curaling of milk (9 Ripening of fruits (4) Buming of magnesium wire 68. 69. 70. 7: 72. 78% 74. 15. 16. ALLEN ‘Magnesium(s) + Nitric acid (aq) —> Magnesium nitratelag) + Hydrogen(). I is an example of (2) double displacement reaction (2) decomposition reaction (@) combination reaction @) single displacement reaction (Check whether the reaction H,S + SO, »H,O +S. {sa redox reaction of not? If yes, what willbe the oxidant? () Yes, SO, (2) Yes, S (3) Yes, H,S ()No,thisis not redox is an exothermic reaction. (2) Potassium nitrate dissolves in water (2) Washing soda added to water (3) Ammonium chloride added to water @) Sugar added to water Copper vessels are coated with__metal before they are used for cooking ()zine (2) chromium. (tin @) steel Is sed in black and white photography. (asco, (aga. (3) AgNO, (@) Ags _gasis evoked when elute hycrochleric acid reacts with carbonates of metas ons @c, @H, @co, Ozone is. to oxygen in sunlight. () reduced (oxidised (8) corroded @) synthesised ‘An element °M’ is a member of group 2. What should be the chemical formula of the chloride of clement M? @ct @MCcl, @ Mo, @Mcl “Misa metal which combines with oxygen 4M + 30, -> 2M,0,, The reaction respresents, () combination reaction as well as reduction reaction (2) decomposition as well as oxidation reaction @) oxidation reaction as well as displacement reaction (@) combination reaction as wellas oxidation reaction obDSRNAA\CHE Vance el Pt ne ay At Chemistry 77. Inorder to prevent the spoilage of potato ;, they | 82. Which of the following is a chemical change? are packed in plastic bags in an atmosphere of (1) Boiling of water to give water vapour, —__ 2 Mang of gh vat )ctHorine (hydrogen (3) Dissolution of salt in water. (3)nitrogen @)omgen (4) Combustion of LPG. 78. When . itis not adecomposition reaction. | 83. Which one of the following is an exothermic (1) Calcium carbonate is heated Process? (2) Ammonium chloride is heated (1) Melting of ice (3) Potassium nitrate is heated (2) Evaporation of water (4) Magnesium ribbon is heated (3) Bolling of soup 79. is an exothermic reaction. (4) Condensation of water vapour (Drobo uate 84. Wich fhe fotoing edo cao? (2) Conversion of limestone into quick lime (1) Caco, —> Cad + CO, (8) Process of respiration @ H, + Cl—> 2HCI (Areceef eons (9 C10 + Fer F204 +140 80. element is soft, very reactive hence, can (4) NaOH + HCl—> NaCl + H,O- not be kept in open air. 85. X isa metal which can replace Y and Z both from Me De ee wna | era tan eavepace at nt WW rs "cig ree can replace both Y and Z but not X. What is the AL waRosed oud —sOnojeg tab) | SATE oo Ea Non wna eon Fs. ()W>X>Y>Z @X>Y>Z>w (©) FeO,faq) + Znis) —> ),(aq) + Fe(s) @)X>WsYoz @X>W>Z2>¥ ‘The most reactive among these metals is (Q)Zn (2)Aq @)Ccu (a) Fe ANSWER KEY oa tealon|tealon tral entsolsiarsealva eolara eevee al loa

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