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A Comparative Study on Wastewater Treatment Methods of Selected Multinational and Local

Beverage Companies in the Philippines and Their Effects on the Environment, 2014

This study also the goal was to identify the most effective and commercially viable Judgment of
treatment system and valid waste management system. Research on wastewater treatment
systems in selected areas Philippine Multinational and Local Beverage Company It is
recommended to use an end view to get the effect of Treated water in nearby communities where
these companies are located are placed. Industrial wastewater treatment is important generate
and protect alternative water sources, Maintain a balanced ecosystem in the community.

2. A Review Paper on Industrial Waste Water Treatment Processes, 2016

This paper attempted to briefly discuss the researchers' motivations, their equipment
and the result. This study includes a combined anaerobic and aerobic system for the treatment
of: Textile wastewater in Malaysia by Mahdi et al., Fayza et al., 2004 (2007) Research on chemical
industrial wastewater treatment, preliminary research on nitrogen, and Organics Removal
Efficiency of Laboratory Scale Systems Using Aerobic and Anaerobic Reactors Florante et al., 2009,
Study of Wastewater from Olive Mills and Pulp and Paper Mills 2004 Bashaar study of industry
and wastewater treatment plants in Jordan Slovak Republic, Gašpariková et al., 2004.

3. A Study on Flood Control System Introducing Storage Tank in Manila City Hall Area, 2015

Various measures are in place to reduce flooding and flood damage, but drainage issues are still
one of the problems main tasks. Alternative flood protection measures include: Reservoirs to
reduce peak flood discharge. based on Hydrological, Topographic and Flood Information Collected
from Governments and Individuals Agencies, tank systems have been proposed in research as
alternative flood control measures Area to reduce flood level and determine planned storage tank

4. Flood Control and Drainage System of Espana Boulevard in Metro Manila, 2015

As an improvement of the drainage system, Damage to houses and public facilities. Minimize
public and private losses Real estate contributes greatly to the improvement and enhancement
of living standards Stability of life and serious traffic congestion Flooding in Metro Manila. Limited
information on the current status of existing drainage channels.

5. Flood Prevention and Mitigation Initiatives towards a flood-free city, 2017

The purpose of this study was to examine Cabanatuan's flood prevention and mitigation efforts
to obtain information that will form the basis for the development and integration of flood
prevention and mitigation efforts in the city. The researcher used the questionnaire as the primary
tool to gather information from his 110 residents and employees of barangays, local government
units (LGUs), and employees of the Cabanatuan City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Authority (CCDRRMO). We used a descriptive survey design. In this study, we found:
The city of Cabanatuan is prone to flooding. Cabanatuan barangays at risk of flooding are Aduas Centro,
Aduas Norte, Aduas Sur, Bagon Sikat, Bakero, Bakod Bayan, Bantug Bulalo, Barlis, Barrera, and Balite. b.
The main potential causes of flooding in Cabanatuan City were prolonged heavy rains, clogging of rivers,
canals and streams, lack of prevention infrastructure and equipment, and poor implementation of waste
management systems. c. Flood prevention and mitigation efforts to control rivers and land are reasonably
implemented, and other mitigation measures implemented by the city government are well implemented.
That is, there is no significant difference between his three groups of respondents regarding the flood
prevention and mitigation efforts implemented by the Cabanatuan City Government. e. Monthly flood
seminars for proper awareness and preparedness, rigorous enforcement of laws, proper coordination
with communities and government agencies, and better flood prevention and mitigation plans are the
respondents' suggestions for flood-free cities. was.

6. Health and water quality benefits, 2017

This paper presents the results of a household survey on the current plumbing and sanitary
conditions of in Metro Manila. The study included alternatives as measured by Marginal
Willingness to Pay (MWTP) and included alternative domestic wastewater treatment systems to
his. 2) A combined drainage and sewage system in which sewage flows with storm water through
flood channels and is collected only at specific points in the channel for treatment. The second
method can limit health benefits, but can significantly reduce costs. Combined sewage system
results support this new approach to treating municipal wastewater. It is also being pursued in
other increasingly congested metropolitan areas in Asian countries as an alternative to more
expensive individual home sewer connections.

7. flood control in an urban drainage system using a linear controller, 2017

Effective flood management in densely populated urban areas is a major challenge. computer
modeling It plays an important role in the proper management of urban drainage systems. Efforts
have been made in this research It was created to develop an efficient urban drainage model
where hydraulic results are obtained from the developed model. The SWMM model was linked
to a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller to control flooding. The resulting model can
be significantly optimized for flood levels in urban water bodies and can be used as follows. An
effective tool for controlling urban floods.

8. Efficiency of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems during Flash Floods, 2022

is converted into an impermeable area, and he increases the runoff of Climate change is likely to
increase extreme precipitation events, increasing the likelihood of flooding in Urban flooding can
be caused by short-term extreme precipitation events, these flash floods can overwhelm existing
drainage systems and cause Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) This study examined how different
his SuDS behaved when exposed to flash floods. case study model was created in the Stormwater
Management Model (SWMM) to implement a sustainable urban drainage Solutions investigated
were bioretention cells, rain gardens, three different rainfall events were analyzed. bioretention
cells were most effective in reducing runoff and green roofs were most effective in reducing other
results such as efficiency and cost were also analyzed. The bioretention cell achieved the highest
efficiency in during flash floods, but the reduction capacity decreased as precipitation increased.


10. Wastewater Treatment Methodologies, Review Article, 2019

The problem of freshwater scarcity has global implications. Or In addition to various human
activities, the population has increased It has led to dramatic and persistent shortages of
freshwater resources. This dilemma has motivated scientists to try to find something radical and
cheap solution. One of the solutions proposed to solve this problem is Remove industrial
wastewater and turn it into agricultural water Toxic contaminants from it. In this review, the
conventional for this purpose, modern methods are used, focusing on the use of Natural materials
as a sustainable and eco-friendly resource Creation of new materials used in this regard. reviews
too We focus on the development of polymer nanocomposites (particularly derived from or based
on natural polymers) relatively moderate trend.

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