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Unit 10 It's hot today !

3. Match

L.It's cold. -a .Don't put on your coat.

2.It's windy. b.Fly a kite .

3.It's hot '.e.-Ivleke a snowman.

4.It's raining. d. Don't forget your umtrrella.

S.It's snowing. \ e. Wear a sun hat.

6.It's sunnv. Wear a coat.
4. Read the paraqraph and comolete the sentences.

Melisa lives in a big town near New York. In winter, it's cold and snowy. She never

walks to school. She takes the bus .She wears , a hat , gloves , a scarf and boots .

In summer, it's hot and sunny .She always wears sandals , T-shirt and shorts and

she doesn't go to school .Now , It is spring .She is wearing a T-shirt , jeans and

trainers .She is in the garden .She is watering tl:e plants.

.lryl. .J I't; .t
1- Melisa lives {.w
2-In winter ,It is
3-She never

4-She,goes to school by

S-In winter she wears

6-In summer , it is
7-She wears 14

8-She doesn't r

9-Now, it

1O-She is


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