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3D Pc Game

Hassnain Raza

Yasir Ahmad

Under the Supervision of

Muhammad Kamil
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College of Computing & Information Sciences

Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan


This project Lona the worrier presented by Hassnain Raza(10302) and Yasir Ahmad(10900)
under the direction of their project advisor and approved by the project examination committee,
has been presented to and accepted by the CoCIS, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
bachelor’s degree of Computer Science.

Muhammad Kamil

Usman Khan
(Head of FYP)

Dr.Khalid Khan
(Associate Dean & Director CoCIS)
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This is a story-based first-person shooting game on unity. Lona is the main

character of the game who is fighting with a gang to save her father who has been
kidnapped by the gang. The gang has kidnapped her father because her father was
failed to return their money on time. Lona will fight with AI controlled enemies
and make her way to her father and save him. It is an indoor shooting game with a
5 different indoor maps, texture and environment. All the maps will have different
hurdles and challenges. In the first 4 maps Lona will try to find her father and
finally in the last map she will find her father and that would be the end of the
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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Peace and blessing of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

First, praise of Allah, for giving us this opportunity, the strength and the patience to
complete our FYP finally, after the challenges and difficulties. We would like to
thank our supervisor Kamil for his guidance, motivation and most his significant
contribution in this project, expert Usman Khan for giving us the opportunity to
work on this project. We would also like to thanks our parents for financial and
moral support and our friends who have helped and motivated us throughout. May
Allah reward them all abundantly. Ameen
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This report is submitted to KIET University, our Teacher, our Supervisor, our
Parents, our fellow colleagues and the hard-working students of KIET, with a hope
that they will succeed in every aspect of their Academic Career and this project
may help them in any aspect of their life
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ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................................................................................ 4

DEDICATION....................................................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................................................................... 8

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................8
1.1. Motivations..................................................................................................................................................8
1.2. Aims and Objectives....................................................................................................................................9
• PRESENT HISTORY EVENT VISUALLY......................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................................................................... 10

2. LITERATURE REVIEW/PROCESS REVIEW........................................................................................................10

2.1. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements......................................................................................11
2.2. Software Platform.....................................................................................................................................13
2.3. Scalability..................................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3....................................................................................................................................................... 14

3. PROJECTS DIAGRAMS........................................................................................................................................14
3.1. USE CASE DIAGRAMS.....................................................................................................................................14
3.2. Activity diagram........................................................................................................................................15
3.3. Class Diagram...........................................................................................................................................16
3.4. Used Technologies....................................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER NO 4................................................................................................................................................. 20

4.1. Black-box Testing.....................................................................................................................................20

4.6. Test Cases..................................................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER NO 5................................................................................................................................................. 25

5.1. GUI OF 3D PC................................................................................................................................................25

5.1.1. Mode Selection Interface.......................................................................................................................25
5.1.3. Level One Interfaces................................................................................................................................26
5.1.4. Level Two Interfaces..............................................................................................................................29
5.1.5. Level Three Interfaces...........................................................................................................................30
5.1.6. Game Pause Menu.................................................................................................................................30
5.1.7. Game Over Menu...................................................................................................................................31
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5.1.8. Ads Interface:.........................................................................................................................................32

CHAPTER 6....................................................................................................................................................... 33

6.1. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK.................................................................................................................33

6.1.1. Limitation...............................................................................................................................................33
6.1.2. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................33
6.1.3. Future Works.........................................................................................................................................33
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1. Introduction
In today's era, everything is based on any kind of visualization. Like the coming era is of
metaverse in which all are connected from their home.

The purpose of Gaming is to create a video game that requires players to master the skills
necessary to operate several types of guns that are typically used in eliminating enemy and
rescue and law enforcement. Study shows first person shooter games Increase player’s brain and
helps to increase its learning ability helps the person to take better decisions which will
ultimately help him/her for facing difficult situations. Gaming also improves reflex, Vision and
Creativity of player. In this work, we are developing a First-person shooting game, it is a video
game genre centered around gun and other weapon-based combat in a first-person Perspective;
that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist and the map used in
the game is exact the same map of the KIET university main campus. In First-person shooter
(FPS) the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist. The genre shares
common traits with other shooter games, which in turn makes it fall under the heading action
game. Since the Genre’s inception, advanced 3D and pseudo-3D graphics

1.1. Motivations
Our motivation was to bring our imaginary story to a real game that will not only entertain the
user but also make them emotionally attracted. Another main motive to develop this game is to
make a 3d version of our university so that every student who plays this game can related himself
to the environment of the game.

1.2. Aims and Objectives

The objective of this game is to provide a fascinating story to game enthusiast who love story-
based games. It is an entertaining story which is challenging at the same time. The other main
motive is to visualize the love of a daughter (Lona) towards her father.

• Present imaginary story events visually.

• To design a good quality of 3D model
• Make character, weapon and environment
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• Give tribute to a daughter.

1.3. Project Scope

This is a 3D computer and mobile based project. we developed this project for FPS game lovers
so by playing this game users can experience the hardship of a girl who is trying to save her
father. The outcome of this project will be attractive game design including fantastic graphics
and models which will make player addictive to play this game.
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2. Literature Review/Process Review
In today's era everything going toward visualization, which means companies want to give their
user the best experience of things which they are creating. Gaming is one of the industries which
is based on visualizations game has good visuals for users who went for their game or stick more
with that game.

Another thing matter in gaming is how much they are engaging the more the game is engaging
the more user will come and old users stick with the game. Taking this point in mind today's
industry going toward creating story-based games that excite the user most. Examples of the
story-based game which are getting high popularity are The Last of Us, Uncharted and many
others games.

From some years the trend is going with PC and console-based games are developers are now
creating history-based games which are gaining lots of popularity, because games give a realistic
feel to the user which are playing games. This thing excites user and encourages them to give
more time to the game or stick more with the game and also share with their friends or
community. These games have a history-based UI means the game scenes give you a feel of
history-based architecture. In these games, there are 3D models which also mimic the people of
that time and the developer gave them a look which is common at that time. From these things
these kinds of games have the most engagement ratio than other games, some of these games
also have endings so it gives more kick to the user to stick with this kind of game so they can see
the ending of the game by completing the story of the game.

An example of one of a good history-based game is the call of duty world at war this game is
based on historical events of the last two years of World War two the overall UI of this game is
very good because this game is released in 2008 so on that time, we won’t have that much power
full machines but most of the users say it is the best word war two themed game by far. It tells
the tale of two allied troops who struggle to finish World War II in its final two years, Pvt. Miller
and Pvt. Petrenko. Call of Duty World at War offers savage action, dramatic sieges, desperate
battles, and unique personalities across renowned battlefields from Peleliu to Seelow Heights. In
the fifth entry of the Call of Duty franchise, battle the evil of the Fascist Reich and the Japanese
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Empire with whatever weaponry at your disposal, including Thompson SMGs, Flamethrowers,
and T34 tanks.

2.1. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

2.1.1. Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are used for defining the functions of software system as well as its
component in software engineering. The function is defined as a set of behavior, input as well as
output. Functional requirements are represented in the terms "system must perform the
requirement". Functional requirements will may be the technical details, calculations, processing
as well as data manipulation. It may be also the other functionalities which define that what the
system is believed to achieve. There are the functional requirements of each of the use cases
which are in the following.

Here are some functional requirements of the system:

❖ Levels: The story of the game should be divided in five parts.

❖ Level Sequence: The divided levels should be played in sequence one after another.
❖ Character (Lona): The player has full control on the character through keyboard
buttons and mouse.
❖ Weapons: player and enemies should have weapons to eliminate each other.
❖ Enemies: There should be enemies to fight with user.

2.1.2. Business Requirements

They contain a fabulous Target For user purchasing the game or showing users pop
advertisement in-game.

2.1.3. User Requirements

They are what the client of the framework can do, For example, choosing a game mode and
playing any guide.

2.1.4. System Requirements

There are things like programming and equipment determinations, framework Reactions, or
framework activities.

❖ Need system which has that which supports the game

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❖ Have hardware which supports the game

❖ Mouse to move the character and fire weapons.
❖ Keyboard buttons to control the character.

2.1.5. Non-Functional Requirements

It Is defined as:

"Any requirement that determines how a system performs a specific function."

A non-functional requirement are outline the systems behavior and any limitations on its
usefulness. All additional needs that are not addressed by the functional requirements are
considered non-functional requirements. They define the criteria by which system performance is
assessed, not specific behavior. Non-functional requirements define the constraints on the means
or purposes represented by the system and the constraints on the design process and principles.

Here are some functional requirements of the system:

❖ Usability


❖ Performance Usability

This focuses on how users interact with the product and their interface looks like. What shade do
the screens have? The size of the buttons? Supportability

Making game to work on PC’s minimum specifications. Performance

How quickly needs it operate?

|Page 13 Maintainability

This system is to be advanced in a maintainable method. It should be easy as well as simple to

include new requirements of the users.

2.2. Software Platform

Unity Game Engine:

Solidarity is a powerful cross-stage IDE for designers and a 3D/2D game motor.
Solidarity can offer a significant number of the most urgent underlying components that are
fundamental for a game to work since it is a game motor. That incorporates highlights like
impact location, 3D delivering, and physical science. This suggests that there is a compelling
reason need to make the wheel from the stance of a designer. Rather than starting another venture
by building another physical science motor without any preparation and registering every
material's smallest development or the manner in which light ought to shine off different
Solidarity is both an IDE and a game motor. The expression "coordinated improvement climate,"
or IDE, alludes to a UI that gives admittance to all the programming devices you expect in one
area. Makers may effortlessly relocate things into scenes with the Solidarity programming's
visual supervisor and afterward change their settings.
You should comprehend a lot of classes and Solidarity APIs in light of the fact that Unbelievable
uses C# to deal with its code and rationale. Fortunately, Solidarity permits you to achieve a ton
without managing a ton of code. Nonetheless, figuring out how to program will extend your
opportunities for what you can do, and Solidarity gives you the opportunity to change essentially
2.3. Scalability

AS needs to grow, can the same things work? For things to work smoothly we have to improve
and add many new to the game so we improve the user experience and cater for the demand.
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3. Projects diagrams
In light of the above writing survey and task scope here are a few outlines, to show that the thing
will be our venture or the framework is able to arrive at the ideal outcomes.
3.1. Use Case Diagrams
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3.2.Activity diagram

3.4.Used Technologies

3.4.1. 3D Viewer

A 3D item watcher and increased reality program called 3D Watcher was at first furnished with
Windows 10 1703. It upholds the record designs (.fbx,.3mf,.obj, and.stl) and numerous others
excluded from the elements area. At the point when 3D Watcher is at first utilized, a "Bee.glb"
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document is consequently stacked, delivering a vivified honey bee on a dull setting. The client
might adjust the lighting, pick and notice one of the few movements (depicted in the 3D
document), or alter any of the three light sources. The light design might be quickly applied to
other 3D articles by saving it as "subjects. Also, the product incorporates four "Speedy
Liveliness." By modifying the survey point, the application might show the 3D article in these
ways. For example, the "Turntable" thing turns the viewpoint latitudinally around the item. The
product can give a blended reality experience where you can tap on a surface you are seeing and
the 3D model will drop onto that surface if the cell phone running the application has a camera.
Then, to keep up with the thing ready, it will put forth a rough attempt at Hammer.

3.4.2. 3D Modeling

A 3D computerized portrayal of anything or surface might be made utilizing the PC design

innovation known as 3D displaying. A lattice, which is a gathering of vertices that make up an
item, is made by a craftsman utilizing specific programming to control focuses in virtual space
(known vertices). These 3D articles can be physically constructed or shaped consequently by
misshaping the lattice or other vertices. Computer games, film, design, workmanship, designing,
and business promotion are only a couple of the media that utilize 3D models. Character
liveliness and enhancements require the capacity to totally vitalize computerized objects, which
is just conceivable with 3D displaying. The cross-section, which is basically an assortment of
focuses in space, is the major part of a model. These focuses are plotted into a three-layered
lattice and associated with structure polygonal structures, most often triangles or quads. The
outer layer of a thing is created by joining these focuses into structures; each point or vertex has
its own put on the lattice.

For utilization in computer games or movies, models are as often as possible traded to different
projects. In any case, certain 3D demonstrating applications empower the creation of 2D pictures
through a strategy known as 3D delivering. This strategy is phenomenal for utilizing progressed
lighting calculations to cause situations that are unimaginably reasonable.

Microsoft Paint

All versions of Microsoft Windows come with the straightforward raster graphics editor
Microsoft Paint. Files in the Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEG, GIF, PNG, and single-page TIFF
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formats may be opened and saved by the software. There is no grayscale mode for the
application; it may only be used in color or two-color black and white. It quickly rose to the top
of the most used apps in the early versions of Windows due to its ease of use and the fact that it
comes with Windows, allowing many people to experience computer painting for the first time.
For straightforward picture altering tasks, it is still commonly used.


Present-day, object-arranged, broadly useful programming language C# is articulated as "C

sharp." The European PC Producers Affiliation (ECMA) and the Global Norms Association both
gave their endorsement for its advancement by Microsoft under the bearing of Anders Hejlsberg
and his group inside the.Net program (ISO). A language for the Normal Language Framework is
C#. Any of the regularly utilized content managers, like Notepad++, gedit, and so on, as well as
any of the compilers, might be utilized to make programs in C#. The application ought to save
the document with the augmentation subsequent to composing .cs.[8] C# is generally utilized in-
game turn of events and will keep on overwhelming. C# coordinates with Microsoft and
subsequently has an enormous interest group. The C# highlights, for example, Programmed
Trash Assortment, interfaces, object-situated, and so on make C# a famous game creating

3.4.3. Adobe Illustrator

A Windows or MacOS computer may be used to create artwork using the software programme
Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator was first made available in 1987; it is still regularly updated, and it
is currently a component of the Adobe Creative Cloud. Visual artists, professional illustrators,
web designers, and graphic designers all around the world utilize Illustrator to produce high-
caliber artwork. There are several intricate drawing tools in Illustrator that help speed up the
graphic creation process. A Windows or MacOS computer may be used to create artwork using
the software programmer Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator was first made available in 1987; it is still
regularly updated, and it is currently a component of the Adobe Creative Cloud. Visual artists,
professional illustrators, web designers, and graphic designers all around the world utilize
Illustrator to produce high-caliber artwork. There are several intricate drawing tools in Illustrator
that help speed up the graphic creation process.
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3.4.4. Visual Studio Code

A work area-based source code manager that deals with Windows, macOS, and Linux, Visual
Studio Code is minimal yet successful. It contains support for JavaScript, Typescript, and
Node.js worked in, as well as a powerful biological system of expansions for extra dialects and
runtimes (such as C++, C#, Python, PHP, and Go, (for example, .NET and Unity).
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4.1. Black-box Testing

Discovery Testing once in a while alluded to as Social Testing, is a product testing procedure in
which the analyzer doesn't know about the inward construction, plan, or execution of the thing
being tried. These tests might be utilitarian or non-practical, but useful testing is more normal.
Practical or non-useful testing that dismisses the inner association of the part or framework This
technique is the cycle for deciding or potentially picking experiments in view of an assessment
of the practical or non-utilitarian determination of a part or framework without considering the
inside construction of the framework. The Black Box testing technique is relevant to the
accompanying degrees of programming testing: • Integration Testing • System Testing •
Acceptance Testing The higher the level, and subsequently the greater and more intricate the
crate, the darker the box testing technique comes into utilization.

4.2. System Testing

Discovery Testing once in a while alluded to as Social Testing, is a product testing method in
which the analyzer doesn't know about the inside construction, plan, or execution of the thing
being tried. These tests might be utilitarian or non-practical, but useful testing is more normal.
Utilitarian or non-practical testing that ignores the inner association of the part or framework
This technique is the cycle for deciding as well as picking experiments in view of an assessment
of the utilitarian or non-useful particularity of a part or framework without considering the
interior construction of the framework. The Start to the finished testing situation is one more
name for this. Check for expected results by completely looking at each contribution to the
program. assessment of the application's client experience. That is an extremely essential
portrayal of what is engaged with framework testing. You want to construct definite experiments
and test suites that test every part of the application as seen from an external perspective without
taking a gander at the genuine source code.

4.3. Integration Testing

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Programming testing at the incorporation testing level includes joining and assessing numerous
product parts together. This degree of testing looks to distinguish issues with how incorporated
units communicate with each other. Incorporation testing is helped by the use of test pilots and
test nails. testing completed uncovering imperfections in the communications and connection
points between coordinated frameworks or parts. Framework combination testing as well as part
joining testing. Part mix testing is finished to find issues with how incorporated parts connect
and communicate with each other. Framework incorporation testing incorporates assessing
connection points to different associations as well as the joining of frameworks and bundles
(e.g., Electronic Information Exchange, Internet).

4.4. Unit Testing

Individual programming modules or parts are tried at the degree of programming testing known
as unit testing. The objective is to affirm that each piece of programming works as planned. The
littlest programming testable part is known as a unit. It regularly has at least one information
source and one result. A singular program, capability, process, and so forth can be generally
viewed as units in procedural programming. The littlest unit in object-situated writing computer
programs is a technique, which might be an individual from a theoretical class, determined class,
or base/super class. Unit testing is helped by the use of drivers, nails, mock/counterfeit articles,
and unit testing structures. Normally, programmers themselves or their partners do unit testing.
Autonomous programming analyzers may likewise be utilized in specific conditions.

4.5. User Acceptance Testing

The last phase of the product testing process is client worthiness testing (UAT). During UAT,
genuine clients test the product to guarantee that it can do essential errands in determining ways
in true conditions. Before newly produced programming is delivered to the market, UAT is one
of the critical last programming project tasks that should occur. Beta testing, application testing,
and end-client testing are further terms for UAT. The product's designated clients take part in
UAT straightforwardly. The product can be made open online for a free beta test as a feature of
UAT, or it tends to be tried inside by a group of genuine programming clients.
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5.1. GUI of 3D PC

5.1.1. Mode Selection Interface

5.1.2. Level Selection Interface

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5.1.3. Graphics Setting Interface

5.1.4. Level One Interfaces

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5.1.5. Level Two Interfaces

5.1.6. Level Three Interfaces

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5.1.7. Game Pause Menu

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5.1.9. Ads Interface: Image Ads: Video Ads

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8. References:

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%2Dplatfo rm%20game%20engine.
%20Paint,menu%20within%20the%20A ccessories%20Folder.
%20box%20testing%20involves%20testing,by%20the%20system %20under%20test.

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