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• Main Ideas

Document 1:

• Freedom is wanted strongly in America, with a strong sense of liberty in the colonies. There is an
English sense of liberty and freedom in the colony's, and they are descendants from England.
Religion is necessary in the formation of a government, especially with Protestantism Punishing
the state of Massachusetts and them not being in complete submission made Burke realize that
Many of their “sworn by” principles were actually not of much importance. To prove that
Americans have no right to their liberties, the idea of freedom is undervalued

• Document 2:
• Liberty in a government should allow people to do what they want to do. The age of reason
changed everything, including the age of chivalry. tyrants are made when a king’s subject do not
pay heed to principle. To make a government is simple as you only need to be someone to be in
power and teach obedience, and so is the idea of freedom. On the other hand, the idea of
forming a free government is a lot more complex and takes more time and energy to form.
Leaders who say an idea towards liberty gets outbid by his competitor because their opinions
and ideas are so strong and The popular leader ends up defeating the purpose he initially

A. Briefly describe and explain how one Enlightenment thinker would react to Burke’s speech
“On Conciliation with the Colonies”.

I think John Locke would have agreed with the ideas of Edmund burke because he believed in
natural rights of freedom and that the government was determined by the people. Edmund
Burke mentions that freedom is portrayed as something that can be taken away based on
where one lives, whether one has emigrated from their country. John Locke would have agreed
that this idea of freedom that was portrayed is incorrect, as he believes that a natural right for a
man is to be free
B. Briefly describe and explain how the French Revolutionaries and King Louis XVI would react
to Burke’s assessment of the French Revolution.
King Louis XVI would have agreed with Burks’s assessment of the French revolution. He helps
convince a lot of people into following Louis again. On the other hand, I do not think the
revolutionaries will like what he is saying at all. Burke supports the king in this, and that is
against the revolutionaries' radical ideals. Robespierre would too not like Burke’s ideas
C. Briefly assess Burke’s support the English colonies in 1775, but condemnation the French
Revolution in 1790 using specific historical evidence and the documents.
In my opinion, Burke has two completely different takes on both the documents. He states that
although Locke’s ideas stared the revolution, the king (LOUIS XVI) is a good person. He does not
pay attention to his dishonest and amoral ideas, especially in the way he spends his money. He
argues that Louis does in fact agree rationalize with the ideals of the Americal Revolution.

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