Zareen Mam Development Economics

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UNIT 1 BASIC SIC CONCEPTS AND ISSUES IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPING NATIONS: DIVERSE STRUCTURES = AND COMMON = CHARACTERISTICS — tt ‘Asian and African countries succeeded in pendence, they decided to embark on the ud not ignore thir existence. In doing so dof mind in these countries could have independent analysed the causes oftheir underdevelopment and would have suggested a development have suit est ofthe West. This would have been disastrous forthe Wester ol issues pertaining tothe economies of former colonies suddenly became favourite subjects for stu US.A. and other Western countries and over the past seven decades considerable work has been done inthis tunderplays the role of colonialism i the underdevelopment of Asian, African and most ofthese studies one doesnot find any reference to the historical past «partial view ofthe present day reality, policy recommendations have been made inan ideologically based framework. In addition, some economists have attempted to work outgrowth models forthe underdeveloped countries. In this book, it snot our purpose to survey whole of this iterature, We shall confine ourselves tothe main issues in economic development. A DEVELOPING NATIONS THEIR OVERSE STRUCTURES en Sri mtoandy rite to ano os enya cae 2 Mah i Sate ant ane sxsentt iy tegen tes exes ewe ae ‘een inon on ainda th oes A ovina npr cps mune The Hama enpmen Sepa pe 9 Un htm Prmme (UNDP hee eam 9, en king ay yay te fn Nea pt tug, oie a eae caps iacme l eeling oti epee ‘Pose ue cde ea ati papi, a a ; Sloat nn tne mee, peat ee re ere cheeie oes eee a eet Ge eg aes eee sich area ce ttcnenete ee ener ae Sa ne learn te ce coor Sandia egeminaasam noc saepreym ne ‘ibe Soeur pe ma Sinan i peters tea na, ee Sorte emer nar Sasnteesie set Swit teemacaserdeen ‘ei rs rt lac pao nteeteonesert Ee feaiepemnntiremnneeeipre treat ee as at ame ne oreuioe pean my cman ort i Frere nga epee rere ‘rae da aceasta moe crise stare anonconenace TT ey csp et Pe Imei ered wiley a shag fires rio ol a i oon nerf cue che seat hse evecpe i este nor ciate ands ppulin ad sn ndowmen of icant > oral, Reson: Hail saa rea cnge te i ena oe all = ira i nd pete a ees pe eh ee ee ee {aida ey pple le onan, oxen Dae Aa be einen le ely whe a ead Iseielf eveten Deeper hereto atone ‘She mpasa of ale tur ces ied an Paka Pes al 4 Theatrt co pling ond thereat importane of pbc and priate ans a te eh one de ae ain et i ereyelelele| si eli lPEelal: Sv Wel ak, or pena 1 Wags DS Fa TTS i ‘Exel dependence Acig Do Sn dpe contin tg Sse a ce ae) Se am ope a ring yen comes eee rnp when eco er epee sists git itn non mane Sipe fined y San eee ace te West Egencia a tp ahem, Por a in adh camer An Aten Lain ec wh ‘ele omen te hot an eh cen nesting fs eatope 10 tag clones ve wn pea em Deenene of he deere omen ‘este sume an seat te depends ont pes iyo can Th Ln dpete oer cous ste a no Angl's open ones Sime deve counts cena hae devo unl they rie mae aa slp al hlecte cn mange mals roth even ty a esa eral vente eg ade elas hereen Be dele an anderdveoed outs ps ‘om te ont of view ofthe dvelgmeno he ner Ith ben aoe ha rte te yon es, whee isp he iporai fepil,chooogy dint 7. ems Te Oey Ty ae ee eee at Ame Dre Barats apn Pe DEVELOPING NATIONS: THEIR COMMON CHARACTERISTICS sere tipenmenr cre ee a snes tae tag eee ‘erat eal mcrae rer de tmeetomeney ‘Sitesi aly apt ops ape peo a Sites enue gn atomemmneneeteasoareas toca ‘esi ear“ sro eay he me, ep a a orev cnn pre ge ‘om dl porns ep os ce oe Sa we ‘tli la ‘ogre ce ‘retest ote engsecap * Semaine See ees ee Re ecco ee Min tues cpg rie at om ON? pt ia eg ee eperan mlvcys cone Reet ta ble Ne eS ns cies ew tat coe neg a a earn a ec cged cums Fr ple we a may 18 ew ome SASSI rth pen 0 re 0 econ ene cone Cae Com, asad Cnt Aten Repl ane ee scees re eS] canes er which are Pon acme cn rd res Maeve, nro pecs natn ae xe 5 ‘turers uly oon area be wine "wget eT come per ners Sm ein sd lta we pg tas Ary oO oe eiaera Sy int nop ns om, Ace tan A a serpin Reeveeraecaern wraarmrien teapot EiSateemahelop meter peetinren tore hyo percep ace (othe ec of ng Kang) eS of Be 1 Ceapd ta Bape ar, 315 Weg C20 28 Om are See ee Sa ‘rn ot tenga a gar 4 a = SESS Sree rman Zo SStovecewave sere Fag SSeS [assem eet recente ene ectnenropans [Ee a4 SSS eet metre ITN mt i nd hee ps re 1 9.7 ea et a pry tw 5 pare Sean eae eal eft pet newb evry sn a 5. rat eo ee wih her bi te ae Seren momenta ne Sansa 1 Aa i orca fen be fo Ta fp sage {Eithec nny pe pot eon ne asset wth Siew tear nme deine tre ep ope nope ‘Sel 0 pew tne ee hcp mal ee ps ‘arpa ples We gsr re a: Man ea es en Sen Kae pr Om ap ala = nie ow tr pen pa ewe oe ‘epuoot S ppt sched ssc oe pn w eee e "iat io am el be pe ser ‘ead ctv mt na bec Wet end nua cr he oni en bon ol pr eet Seer meat cami ‘Sec he onontnf nral np a mana ne tyne sh {Levee precy. Lac protic n deep coums sow Sspeeinteeriow noting srs To nd Sh me rte ‘ation pracy wt nec sa sd sone pemamen I Tan Wo ‘mck rte pcp main of ond centro er deat ste dred his we inown they of salar and ema cen” nemo a I See Schaerer Ata 1 SSP Coa pata Mtn eh at gig em na i tt es an raga oan ey oe peau a res Ta cent ee sate en oem cn “s agente ae ee lwo proc rates ee oor oe, cepa reomeermersnenn eas ac ele aay enon mea Saini te on Sita hence ironic ctmsee wo reo eager on eta rt eae See feet Sat eee sitet ee mn ae Sigel ee aparece Sec gt cen Sisteeremee erect mone ects pene atten ae ce ane he een one en “Sept comer es ie ome Tower ne eon eet uring my tein’ bei 2 : nde cman wl be Med ed ora TR Trlr cin Ted Woe rc Nur as contended tie th maT mene reese Soares we eit ery a i aoa do nn cae ‘ive Forte, sa ed waka i cont tenes ide Hem ve nl een ee ie nrc cnc mtn ‘eine sre ahr aa ate ta s a 5 m CONCEPTUALISING . ® DEVELOPMENT a a a Dn se pont Wi Wa pel meine ig rons es coum ai Pee developmet cathe en Sic ee pias ome a Hen oe Sam ply my Sve mcr ey hg ret ors A apenas owt er dt he gen cma Thong ae et PSS el i pment cummin wa 2h at ne perc imo ned te onc BOND WH ST a a a no mpi, ee esd Ya ctr tn nar ccs vcore cone TET ety cy aly Sed ee oer ay ie ees entre cline Bch min Sn tienes he cone fen NE ett eae wrtingson 100 deve a fean totems have bemused mmo Hos ie oe ssicton whe eas of wth ats 9 a daring pst ix ede any eet eri A uncom bve manage ob thew sagan Inf roar Fave surpassed th average sot Feadway towards he goa of elimi este ve pate raed ad tbe the path of economic growth. In most vf these couric peogress on the employs they had embarked 00 exe vey disappointing. Te mmber of fron provide for any socal security mess on povery nd deprivation. Dans os i" ‘a kind of hell; and one cannot ‘understand how cruel xis in these counties“ pom poverty as an object Development is no change. Tere are qualitative fbn economy expressed i at ft nerscasins inthe development EES tags of an nese in mations pode ot x he pets ow het Tin Worl ois. THe pessoas wD Sr baer ese counses tava made a) ro crm forms ofporery nce nies fe xy autre ay were sx esas a WN ne jl asd ovr te yuna 0 SHER oo alo gt employe the meme, Mein sass that eon poet?” denial with growth I i taken to mn sro Pe ich maybe ising inthe owt The ruc per capi, Development al merely Dy BBINE Face eeeleaee “The Now Wate Ore Approach miu etna yh at etcin ‘ois ntis felt inatcicnc nem antsy aves wands one ‘el an sce nese be ng ‘Sevriwurerctirmen cane etpmen™trbecr howe eit Resttprcn steep ss pits a efi tal fam be nN ‘mean coy ung rod 9 sane of ene ae he ‘occ testy cc fem cmon aria eyed oo ‘Sums ep ne of enclose ie ‘Scape sn np Reser es os Scan eer Ta ia fanent Cn PR ol Be Hane, "ems See (tele a pence ml wl cpiy fr poe be ot come ‘tcf port wher fc yeh chngs ea ‘ep nt pe ess nti spe eho ‘Grand ahem erny nc ay teaches ge ‘tng Wr pn ae tsa ppd ey > SS Stn ten es Ae A i ‘wipe ocntat me ban ky om ‘GROWTH ANO DEVELOPUENT: A CONTRAST IN CONCEPTS. nee ter nmi orden ea ancy sa ants nar psy yn pein Oa ly mee rn po a TSR rae en gata op oer mer calomel co A ecm tpt alone wr mega ¥en POY ‘SRS Pama ne scm ets ay en Se as + nao an i ema Dp een a, ion 2. ies See tte eas ne al ml eich steiner copes oe a ee «eeu sump Inmet Wescn oe acer niin eal Tower me heme Be ve ag! el sin pareunertocs trots compared othe us Ween ede vy ene nse o {Sivan doce ccs see ptt tnd ice ean rt Us tae nines enon ntl ARETE ptm ome cure wiles or oer or une, enn a reel chang ra cn Slr eae Eveniexcuns maar lol ninth as ies a ee ‘Serer Tha ata we enn ‘toa tt sara treme nee ere be einem sanstncnesene cena, eh pa ne cps ay emi pen ai soto ei aon ca ps ce ne Fer cee eta lpm ea ey oe ai et ae naan pan como tl or rc oto ta aang ose ee “es mee n eniTe meti ei (poole Tidy te oe fina supe ° Saabs ere eon i * Se lite ne | : a Sa Sa SPO Po oe eae a ng wet a er enn ames nese ———— a ome paca ool rc Tn pling one at rgb ona MODERN GROWTH AND THE RISE ININTERNATIONAL NEQUALTIS telnet on enim en a ac ret om omc a ei nin LSEANiNictet arte and are er re 1a a nce pol tne et haa an pel chaee san e TOSI omy en ope at ae Ncme ee at onset cones sea hs il nos res ne a Shc peta nose ec ny sme ry ep ci gn cove al Tea Tora eho emp we ea sccm ae 9 see. Acorn csi CP a ng ety pte aru Oren a so ada eeepc pono eel he oe mami The poblen pean nsh mae cn TE che dreds under pe a yess th ye ‘Shosospatene meta nt eat ‘oat ct se leno oop ea ag re a cee eee SNe wna mater tore ec eee ee crenata ore te a tind maroon ope bone oS ‘Ses ein pe enhanc ie ‘CONVERGENCE OF DEVELOPMENT| ‘he deepen ayn fae ey, ewe set oer tome io wah osama LS OLN tase ay ama pow we sya ma 09 sac se ‘niece coq wcrecarenegg eee fe ame sg pon eas Senn ee geen, “ea erro 77" esa This implies at suming he egw insmecomy wit pr capa ima aa Seen perma oa ae 125 yen Yelts SEO 263 0 The stove dicusio shows at be uneeloped conreseuevey g pd caret vel of eee cane fe Sop ore, une a et rt te eo cust me Oey dete pen ai sal + omn3¢ om ts expesinwe cn find in ow may yah mp ten ie se gap eee he ect inca ow income sons an eee cans wilh wie Tose a eoname fDeropment ond Pening tog 37395 hich itt = "S709 ToECLOT)— log ODT, s0vern the county. For instance afer

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