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Author Name Abhinav

Title NTCC
Paper/Submission ID 492529
Submission Date 2022-04-14 09:29:19
Total Pages 54
Document type Assignment

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2 On the Integration of Blockchain to the Internet of Things for Enabling Publication

Access R by Pal-2019

3 Publication

5 bIoTope Building an IoT Open Innovation Ecosystem for Smart Cities by Publication

6 An Approach to the Study of Analyzability and Analyses The Course of Publication

Forty Cons by Erle-1979

7 A detection and classification approach for underwater dam cracks, by Publication

Shi, P. Fan, X. N- 2016

8 A Novel Rate Control Algorithm for Onboard Predictive Coding of Publication

Multispectral an by Valsesia-2014

9 A Lightweight Authentication and Authorization Framework for Publication

Blockchain-Enabled by Tahir-2020

10 Imaging techniques for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer by McLoud- Publication

11 A Reliable Data-transmission Mechanism using Blockchain in Edge Publication

Computing Scenar by Zhang-2020

12 Internet Data

13 Internet Data

14 Internet Data


15 Soil erosion risk scenarios in the Mediterranean environment using RUS Publication
by O-2009

16 Internet Data


17 Exploitation of stem cell homing for gene delivery by Penn-2008 Publication


18 Internet Data


19 Internet Data


20 Surveilling the marginalised How manual, embodied and territorialised Publication

surveilla by Clarke-2020

21 Splitting plaster with a scalpel blade A safe way to allow easy split by Publication

22 Publication

23 Patterns of Expenditure Development in Sweden, Norway and Denmark Publication

by B-1977

24 Internet Data


25 Internet Data


26 Intensifying Social Exchange Relationships in Public Organizations Publication

Evidence fro by Morte-2012

27 For completion of the third year program of the seven year plan ahead by Publication

28 Coordinated Multilevel Buffer Cache Management with Consistent Publication

Access Locality Q by Son-2007
29 Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Minnesota Lost and then Publication
by Rober-2008

30 Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastru by Publication

31 Internet Data


32 Antibodydrug conjugates in triple negative breast cancer by Tray-2018 Publication


33 Internet Data


34 Synthesis and characterization of g-C3N4BiVO4composite Publication

photocatalysts with impr by Ou-2014

35 Internet Data

Dissertation Report on “An analytical review on Blockchain
and it’s integration with IOT”.

Amity University Jharkhand

Under the guidance of

Mr. Pallab Banerjee





I, Abhinav Kumar Singh, a student of Bachelor of Computer

Applications hereby declare that the Dissertation titled “An
analytical review on Blockchain and it’s integration with
IOT” submitted by me to Amity Institute of Information Technology,
Amity University Jharkhand in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for award of degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications, has not
been formed anywhere for any degree award. I further broadcast that
report is written by me and no part of the report is copied from any
source without being duly acknowledged. If it is found to be
plagiarized beyond acceptable limit, I accept the responsibility and
action can be taken against me as per University Rules &

Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)


Sign. of the student

Name of Student:
Abhinav Kumar Singh

Enrolment Number:

On the basis of Dissertation Report submitted by Abhinav Kumar

Singh, student of Bachelor of Computer Applications, I certify that
the Dissertation Report “An analytical review on Blockchain
and it’s integration with IOT” which is submitted to Amity
Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Jharkhand in
partial fulfilment for award of degree of Bachelor of Computer
Applications is made by him with existing knowledge under my
guidance and supervisions. To best of my knowledge and thinking’s
the report is not been submitted for any degree to this University or
anywhere else.

Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)


Signature of Guide (Internal)

Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee


I owe a debt of gratitude to AMITY UNIVERSITY, RANCHI

(JHARKHAND) and my mentor and guide Mr. Pallab Banerjee sir for
the vision and fore sight, they had in me, which inspired me a lot to
complete this report.

I also want to express my thanks to my family and friends for

believing in me and supporting me throughout the entire process of
the completion of the training.

This has been an excellent learning experience for me and I thanks all
who were involved in making this training and report success.


PROJECT OBJECTIVE- The main objective of the research

paper is to show the ways by which blockchain helps IOT with different
scenarios by different ways.

 We will be dealing with different terms of BLOCKCHAINI &
 We will be going through different research paper on the topic
and will try to analyze different points and elaborate accordingly.
 We will look at the problems that are faced in IOT and how does
blockchain solve these problems in some ways.

This research paper deals in the area of Blockchaini and its integrationi
with IOTI. We will come to know that how does blockchain helps IOT
in different scenarios in different ways, what problems are faced, what
isi the solution and what would be the futures scope that can also be
implemented to make it more better.

Preliminary Pages

• Declaration
• Certificate
• Acknowledgement
• Synopsis

List Of Contents (Main Text)

1. Basic Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Some concepts of IOT
1.3 Some concepts of Blockchain.
2. Literature Review
3. More on Blockchain & IOT, Future work
4. Conclusion
5. Reference
1. Basic Introduction

1.1. Introduction

Internet of Things (IoT) is made up of devices
that generate, process, and exchange massive
volumes of important and privacy-sensitive data,
them attractive targets for various cyber-
attacks. Many of the new networkable devices that
make up the
Internet of Things are low-power and
light-weight. These devices must spend the
majority of their available energy and processing
to executing core application functions, making
the challenge of enabling security and privacy in
an affordable manner rather difficult. In terms of
energy consumption and processing overheads,
traditional securities methods are more expensive
for IoT. Furthermore, because to the challenge of
scale, the many-to-one structure of the
communication, and3
single point of failure, many
state-of-threat security frameworks are extremely
centralised and hence not well-suited for IoT.
Existing approaches for protecting user privacy
sometimes expose noisy or partial data, which may
it difficult for some IoT applications to
provide personalised services. As a result, IoT

security and privacy protection must be

lightweight, scalable, and dispersed. Because of its
dispersed, secure, and private nature, the

Blockchain technology that powers Bitcoin, the

first cryptocurrency system, has
the potential to
overcome the aforementioned difficulty.
1.2. Some concepts of IOT

The Interneti of Things (IoT) unite physicali object

with the virtual worldsi. Intelligent devices,
machines are connectedi to each other and the
Internet. Theyi capture relevant iinformation about
their direct environments, then analyzei and link it.
The devices performsi specific tasksi on that basis
1.3. Some concepts of Blockchain

The word "Blockchain" comes from the technical

structure of
the system (Chain Blocks), which
refers to the relationship between each block and
the one before it. The blockchain concept operates
by connecting data clusters' connections or
transactions. The cluster is a data structure that
contains a5 large number of financial transactions.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) came up

with the Blockchain concept (DLT). This
technology is being developed to provide
Convention validation
technology across a
network that could
span the entire globe
in order to support
peer-to-peer and
financial transactions.
Third-party roles in
financial transactions, such as banks, agents,
mediators, or any authority that may be necessary
to ensure and maintain the fulfilment updating of
transaction data, are marginalised by this
approach. After that, double-check each financial
transaction and save it as a new block for an
existing transaction. The transaction cannot be
modified, overwritten, or deleted once it is saved
within the string, necessitating higher degrees of
security and transparency.

The Blockchain is an electronic system that

employs "Peer to Peer" technology to handle
financial transactions. It serves three primary

1.Allow for highly reliable and secure financial

between individuals and
all over the world, as they
eliminate so-called "double spending."

2.Enable transaction traceability (the capacity to

track something on the Internet back to its
assets), which implies transactions will be
more clear, transparent, and secure.
3.Using the same system, protect users from any
attacks or violations by malicious users.
Furthermore, central authorities are not
required to participate in financial transactions
or to assure lower costs.
2. Literature Review

wide range of related terms, such as IoT, BIot,
Block chain, Message Time, and Algorithms, were
utilised to search for relevant literature. In
terms of
the dates of review of sources of literature, the
researcher looked at a mix of ancient and modern
studies to present a comprehensive picture of the
findings in this field. Designing a Blockchain for
Internet of Things (IoT) Applications Blockchain
technology is employed in a33 variety of situations
and domains. According to several sources,
progress in the application of blockchain began
with Bitcoin as Blockchain v1.0, then shifted to
smart conventions as Blockchain v2.0, and finally
to justice, applications efionation, efiency, and
Blockchain v3.0. The key benefit of using
Blockchain with smart contracts, according to the
authors of "Blockchain everywhere," is that it can
automatically assess these contracts. Temperatures
may be automatically analysed and the sender and
receiver notified using smart contracts.
Furthermore, the preserved data were non-
manipulative and could be used by third parties to
undertake checks on the practise of appropriate
medical product distribution. On a contract-by-
contract and byte-by-byte basis, a decentralised
system like Ethereum may be fully utilised to
resist manipulation at a cheap cost. With a large
number of stakeholders in the supply chain,
Blockchain technology can be utilised to automate
operations and, as a result, save money by
ensuring stakeholder confidence.
3. More on Blockchain & IOT, Future

IOT & Blockchain Integration

The Internet of Things is altering and refining

manual processes to bring
them into the digital era,
resulting in massive amounts of data that supply
knowledge at previously unimaginable levels. This
understanding is assisting in the creation of smart
applications such as improving city administration
and citizen quality of life through the digitization
of services. Cloud computing technologies have
helped to provide the IoT with the essential
capabilities to
analyse and process data and turn it
into real-time actions and knowledge during the
last several years. The Internet of Things'
remarkable growth has created new community
opportunities, such as ways for accessing and
sharing information. The open data paradigm is at 12

the forefront of these efforts. However, as has

happened in many cases, one 10
of the most
significant vulnerabilities of these projects is a
lack of faith. Cloud computing designs, for
example, have made a significant contribution to
the development of IoT. However, they act as
black boxes when it comes to data openness, and
network participants have no idea where or how
the information they contribute will be used.

The following are some of the

benefits that this
integration can provide: • decentralisation and
scalability, to name a few.
• identity.
• autonomy.
• reliability.
• security.
In the service market
• deployment of secure code
• IoT-IoT: Because it can work offline, this
approach may be the quickest in terms of latency
and security. IoT devices must be able to
communicate with one another, which is often
accomplished through discovery and routing
techniques. Only a small portion of IoT data is
saved in blockchain, and IoT interactions are
conducted without it (Figure 1.a). This strategy
would be effective in cases where there is
dependable IoT data and low latency IoT

• IoT-Blockchain: in this technique, all interactions

are recorded on the blockchain, allowing for an
immutable record of events. This
ensures that all chosen interactions are traceable
because their details can be searched in the
blockchain, and it also promotes IoT device
autonomy., an IoT application that intends
to trade or rent, can use this strategy to supply
their services. Nonetheless, documenting all
interactions in blockchain would necessitate an
increase in bandwidth and data, which is one of
blockchain's well-known problems (Figure 1.b).
All IoT data linked with these transactions, on29
other hand, should be recorded in blockchain.

• Hybrid approach: last but not least, a9 hybrid

design in which just a portion of the interactions
and data are stored in the blockchain and the rest is
transferred directly between IoT devices. One10
the difficulties with this method is deciding which
interactions should be routed through the
blockchain and offering a way to do so in real
time. Because it utilises the benefits of blockchain
and real-time IoT interactions, a perfect
orchestration of this technique would be the ideal
way to merge both technologies. Fog computing,
as well as cloud computing, might be used to
supplement the constraints of blockchain and IoT
in this strategy. Fog computing, for example, uses
fewer computationally limited devices such as
gateways, and it might be a site where mining
could take place in the same way as other IoT-
based initiatives (Figure 1.c).
IoT Security using Blockchain
Securing IOT with Blockchain
Futurei Worki

Blockchain can also be utilised entirely in the

sector of encrypted currency, which will
considerably improve the Internet of Things'
compatibility with blockchain. In addition,
blockchain may be used in conjunction with IoT to
improve security and privacy in a variety of smart
application fields.
4. Conclusioni

In several fields such as health, finance, education,

economics, and many others, the current era is
witnessing a huge technological change. The
emergence of the Internet of Things is the primary
cause of this revolution. The
world has become
overly reliant on these tactics, which enable people
to achieve their objectives in the lowest amount of
time and effort possible. Furthermore, the
emergence of Blockchain technology is a part of
this revolution. The Blockchain is a true global
revolution in financial and non-financial trading
and transaction. These
methods are extremely
important in the
lives of both individuals and
institutions. The term "blockchain" comes from the
technical structure (chain blocks), which refers to
the relationship between each block and the16
that came before it. The cluster is a data structure
that contains a large number of financial
transactions. Transactions are exchanged between
individuals or entities. These transactions might be
both financial and non-financial. This study has
brought a scientific contribution to the notice of
scholars working in the fields of IoT and
Blockchain integration. The study demonstrates
the importance of both individual and collective
technology. According to the current literature,
security and privacy are key concerns for
companies, particularly
in the case of the internet
of things, and combining Blockchain with the
internet of things to provide security
and privacy is
a better feasible solution. Furthermore, the
demonstrates that the integration of34
and Internet Objects provides valuable features
that could aid in the development of appropriate
solutions to the Internet Objects security concerns.
The Basics of Blockchain, Basic Functions of
Blockchain, Types of Blockchain, and Blockchain
and (IoT) were all discussed in this study. Based
on the literature, we discovered that combining the
two technologies will be able to overcome the
current security issue with IoT-based applications.
5. Reference



iii. Getting Started with Internet of Things:

Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers
to the Cloud by Cuno Pfister.

iv. Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex



NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 24/01/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 01 of 09; Current Week Duration: 17/01/2022 to 23/01/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I studied the different domains of computer science for the topic selection.
MON / 17/1/22

I analysed the different parts of the domains, that I came up with.

TUE / 18/1/22

Decided my topic and submitted it.

WED / 19/1/22

Researched about my topic more for a better idea.

THU / 20/1/22

I got the approved topic from my faculty guide.

FRI / 21/1/22

I got myself registered with the approved to topic in Amizone.

SAT / 22/1/22

SUN / 23/1/22 I worked on my Synopsis.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 31/01/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 02 of 09; Current Week Duration: 24/01/2022 to 30/01/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I worked on the project objective.
MON / 24/1/22

I analysed the different related papers for the methodology.

TUE / 25/1/22

Worked on project methodology.

WED / 26/1/22

Researched about the work of other person on the topic more for a better idea.
THU / 27/1/22

I submitted my synopsis on Amizone.

FRI / 28/1/22

I worked the abstract for my paper.

SAT / 29/1/22

SUN / 30/1/22 I continued my rest of the work pending for the abstract.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 07/02/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 03 of 09; Current Week Duration: 31/01/2022 to 06/02/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I completed my abstract part of the paper.
MON / 31/1/22

I analysed the different related papers for the Introduction.

TUE / 01/2/22

Worked on the Introduction for the paper.

WED / 02/2/22

Completed my Introduction part.

THU / 03/2/22

Researched about the work of other person on the topic more for a better idea of the literature review part.

FRI / 04/2/22

I worked the literature review.

SAT / 05/2/22

SUN / 06/2/22 I continued my rest of the work pending for the literature review.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 14/02/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 04 of 09; Current Week Duration: 07/02/2022 to 13/02/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I studied the basics of Blockchain.
MON / 07/2/22

I continued the basics of Blockchain.

TUE / 08/2/22

I studied the advance of Blockchain required for the paper.

WED / 09/2/22

Continued the advance learning of Blockchain.

THU / 10/2/22

Researched about the work of other person on the topic more for my paper.

FRI / 11/2/22

I studied the basics of IOT for the paper.

SAT / 12/2/22

SUN / 13/2/22 I continued studying the basics of IOT.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 21/02/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 05 of 09; Current Week Duration: 14/02/2022 to 20/02/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I studied the advance of IOT required for the paper.
MON / 14/2/22

Continued the advance learning of IOT.

TUE / 15/2/22

I worked on IOT and Blockchain integration.

WED / 16/2/22

I continued working on IOT and Blockchain integration.

THU / 17/2/22

Completed my work of IOT and Blockchain integration.

FRI / 18/2/22

Researched more about the work of other person on the topics for my paper.
SAT / 19/2/22

SUN / 20/2/22 I continued my rest of the pending work.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 28/02/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 06 of 09; Current Week Duration: 21/02/2022 to 27/02/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I studied the Blockchain IOT interactions.
MON / 21/2/22

Continued studying the Blockchain IOT interactions.

TUE / 22/2/22

I worked on figure explanation of Blockchain IOT interactions.

WED / 23/2/22

Researched more about the work of other person on the topics for my paper.
THU / 24/2/22

Completed my work of Blockchain IOT interactions.

FRI / 25/2/22

I studied IOT devices that are used as blockchain components.

SAT / 26/2/22

SUN / 27/2/22 I continued my rest of the pending work.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 07/03/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 07 of 09; Current Week Duration: 28/02/2022 to 06/03/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I studied current challenges and issue for BIOT applications.
MON / 28/2/22

Continued studying current challenges and issue for BIOT applications.

TUE / 01/3/22

I studied Blockchain platform for IOT.

WED / 02/3/22

Researched more about the work of other person on the topics for my paper.
THU / 03/3/22

Studied and analysed Blockchain platforms for creating blockchain applications.

FRI / 04/3/22

I studied about different blockchain applications.

SAT / 05/3/22

SUN / 06/3/22 I studied about different IOT-Blockchain applications.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with
NTCC WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT (WPR) (Even Semester 2021 - 2022 Session)
(To be submitted by the Student to his/her NTCC FG by 11:00 am on every Monday)

Student Name: Mr. Abhinav Kumar Singh Enrol No. : A35404819016 Program: BCA, Batch: 2019-22, Sem- VI

FG Name: Mr. Pallab Banerjee, NTCC Commencement Date: 17/01/2022, NTCC Completion Date: 21/03/2022, WPR Submitted On (date): 21/03/2022

NTCC Work Title: An analytical review on Blockchain and its integration with IOT.

NTCC (Independent Study and Research. ETISR100); WPR Wk. No: 09 of 09; Current Week Duration: 14/03/2022 to 20/03/2022

DAY / Date Summary(precise & quantified information should be given here and student must show their weekly progress to FG)
I completed my future work of the research paper.
MON / 14/3/22

I worked on the conclusion part of the paper.

TUE / 15/3/22

Completed my conclusion part.

WED / 16/3/22

I worked on the bibliography page.

THU / 17/3/22

Worked on the report and checked everything.

FRI / 18/3/22

I worked for the plagiarism in the report.

SAT / 19/3/22

SUN / 20/3/22 I checked the plagiarism and completed my final report.

Note: Student must include all the original signed WPRs in the NTCC Final Report.

Abhinav Kumar Singh

(Student Signature with Date) (Industry Guide Signature with date, if any) (Faculty Guide Signature with

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