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March 10, 2022


Charles Perrault

Cinderella was just a narrative about a young lady who wants to go to the great ball and
feel what it's like to be dressed up in a beautiful gown. It was rewritten in 1697 by Charles
Perrault, a French author and literary figurehead. When he retired from his job, he used his
skills to teach young children. The author may intend for Cinderella to be read as a bedtime
story, similar to all other stories with a moral lesson at the conclusion, but for others, the story
has a deeper meaning.

Cinderella's character was a lady who didn't know how to fight and was content to
accept the cruelty of her stepfamily, who treated her as a household servant. Because she has
a good and kind heart, Charles Perrault makes her character helpless. Cinderella's father was
absent throughout the story, allowing her stepmother to govern their home and abuse
Cinderella. Her agony came to an end when a prince came looking for her. It's as if the author
wants the reader to take away the message that women need men to escape their problems.

Charles even added magic to the story, which is why his Cinderella version became
more popular. The pumpkin, the wand, as well as the animals that transform into horses,
footmen, and more are provided by the Fairy Godmother, who assists Cinderella in getting to
the ball and finally meeting the prince.

Charles did an excellent job in adapting Cinderella for children. This is the type of story
that children would like to read. One of the reasons is the prince, who is patiently searching for
the owner of the glass slipper, believing that she is the princess he met at the ball, despite the
fact that searching for your true love is a bad idea. Who knew he'd be patient in his search for
his so-called true love? The prince's actions have an impact on man. When they are truly in love
with a girl, they will go to any length. Cinderella's kindness, on the other hand, is on a different
level. Her gentleness can give the impression that she is a pushover (especially when her evil
stepmother and stepsisters are treating her as their household servant). But it takes a quiet
strength to be as kind to others as she is to herself. She easily forgives her stepsister after the
cruelty they inflicted on her. Cinderella's character, without a doubt, represents a kind and good
soul. The most important scene in the story was Cinderella's Godmother's assistance. Charles
creates a character who quickly transforms Cinderella from a poorly dressed lady to a well-
dressed lady. The addition of magic to the story was a good idea. became more enchanted,
much like the most popular fairy tales for children.

Cinderella is undoubtedly beneficial to children, but there is a deeper understanding that

people recognize. Cinderella's story is not about becoming a feminist; rather, it shows how
women seek attention from men and can fight for their own. One example is Cinderella's two
step sisters, who do everything they can to prove that they are more beautiful than the other
ladies. They are enhancing their posture with corsets, which may be harmful to their health, but
they don't care as long as they are attractive in everyone's eyes. Cinderella establishes
patriarchal ideologies and oppresses girls into believing that they must rely on a man in times of
need. We all know she has the right to speak for herself because she is the true heiress in their
family, but she did nothing. The story also depicts women fighting rather than complimenting
and supporting each other. This was demonstrated when the two ladies didn't want Cinderella to
attend the ball because they knew Cinderella was more beautiful than them. Women's
empowerment was absent and ignored. Last but not least, the story fails to convey the true
meaning of true love. In the story, the prince was taken aback by Cinderella's stunning beauty.
They are simply dancing until the prince believes he has fallen in love with Cinderella. He didn't
even say anything, not even a weed. He didn't even ask her name or what her day was like, and
yet he's in love. When the prince was looking for his so-called true love, he decided that
whoever stepped on the glass slipper first would marry her. What if there are people with the
same shoe size as Cinderella? Nonetheless, the prince has the audacity to search for his true
love using a slipper. The prince only discovers his "true love" by allowing her to put on the glass
slipper, and he decides to marry her because the shoe fits her foot.

The characters created by Charles in Cinderella depict people's kindness to everyone.

The characteristics of the characters have a different engagement in our lives, such as
Cinderella, who has a kind soul, and the prince, who is patient in finding her love. Also, thank
you to your godmother for always being there for you when you need her. However, those
characteristics may have a different meaning and perception to others. One of the things that
makes Cinderella anti-feminist is that it emphasizes women's need for a man and the
importance of men in a woman's life. Cinderella waited for a prince to save her life from the
cruelty of her stepfamily for this reason.

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