Quantitative Research

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Quantitative Research

-is defined as the scientific investigation of
phenomena which includes collection,
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of
facts that lines an individual’s speculation
with reality.
-is an inquiry or an investigation with a
definite intention to carry out.
-is a scholarly process of search or exhaustive
investigation on any subject for any of the following
(a) to discover new knowledge and paradigm;
(b) to develop and improve standards and protocols;
(c) to test and apply theories in professional
practices, whether practical, clinical, and actual.
Quantitative Research
- is a form of research that uses statistical data as
the main source of knowledge.
- is deductive.
-according to Aliaga and Gunderson, (2000) is
“explaining phenomena by collecting numerical
data that are analyzed using mathematically
based methods ( in particular).”
of Quantitative Research
1. It is reliable and objective.
2. It uses statistics to generalize a finding.
3. It reduces and restructures a complex problem to a
limited number of variables.
4. It looks at the connections between variables and
stablishes cause and effect relationships in highly
controlled circumstances.
of Quantitative Research
5. It tests theories or hypotheses.
6. It assumes that the sample is representative of
the population.
7. The subjectivity of its methodology is a secondary
8. It deals with the details of the subject.
Strength of Quantitative
1. Allows for a broader study, involving a greater number of
subjects, and enhancing the generalization of the results:
2. Allows for greater objectivity and accuracy of results.
3. Applying a well-established standard means that the
research can be replicated, and then analyzed and
compared with similar studies.
Strength of Quantitative
4. Summarizes vast sources of information and
make comparisons across categories and over
time: and,
5. Personal; bias can be avoided by keeping a
distance from participating subjects and using
accepted computational techniques.
Weakness of Quantitative
1. Quantitative data is more efficient and able to test
hypotheses but may fail to notice contextual point;
2. Uses a fixed and inflexible approach and so employs a rigid
process of discovery:
3. The development of standard questions by researchers can
lead to “structural bias” and fake representation, where the
data in reality mirrors the outlook of the researcher rather
than of the participating subject;
Weakness of Quantitative
4. Results offer less detail on behavior, attitudes, and
5. Researcher may gather a much constricted and sometimes
superficial dataset;
6. Results are inadequate as they give numerical descriptions
rather than comprehensive narrative and usually offer less
detailed accounts of human perception;
Weakness of Quantitative
7. The research is frequently done in an unnatural,
artificial environment so that a level of control
can be applied to the study, This level of control
might not normally be in place in the real world
thus yielding “laboratory results” as opposed to “
real world results”; and,
Weakness of quantitative
8. Preset answers will not automatically reflect how
people really sense about a subject and, in some
cases, might just be the closest match to the
preconceived hypothesis.

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