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1.1 Background of the Study

Reading is not only a single skill, but also it needs a combination of
many skills and processes. It is a complex and complicated process. Complex
means in the reading process involve a various factors.

Reading is also one of the skill to be mastered in English language

learning. It is a wonderful habit and can bring many advantages. One of the
advantages of reading is to increase our knowledge. Being able to read
English is important because there are many books, comics, and news written
in English.

Based on the reseacher’s experience and observation in classroom

activities at SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal, there were some problems which
students faced in the reading activity. The researcher found that students’
reading activity was less interesting. The teaching and learning process still
used a conventional strategy. Conventional strategy here means that the
teacher only focused on reading aloud, finding difficult words, and translating
the sentences in the whole text to Indonesian language.

Furthermore, the teacher talked too much in the teaching learning

process. She or he did not give opportunity to students to be active in the
class. It made the students bored and were not interested in their subject
which affected their reading ability. Moreover, teacher read the text and the
students only listened and repeated what the teacher said.

Based on the fact, the teacher needs a method and a strategy for
reading comprehension activity to assist the students become active,
enjoyable and able to comprehend the main idea of reading text.

Accordingly, the researcher will use the collaboration of Know-Want-Learn

and Talking Stick to improve the students’ reading recount text.

Know-Want-Learn (KWL) is an instructional reading technique used

to activate students’ background knowledge, assist students in setting
purposes for reading, and help students to monitor reading comprehension by
using graphic organizer.

Talking stick is a strategy that uses a stick as tool or instructional

media. After reading the material, whoever holds the stick, he/she must
answer some questions from the teachers. The talking stick developed by
Kagan is a group of study that student can learn independently from one to
another. Each student has same chance to express their ideas and concern
with equal participant of students.

Recount is a kind of genre which has been taught for the first year
students of Senior High School. Recount means telling what happened. It
retells past event for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The tense used
in recount text is past tense . Recount text covers various range of topics,
such as retelling one’s personal experiences, a public figure biography, and
historical things. Students in the first grade of junior high school may not be
familiar with those topics. On the other hand, recount is close to students’s

It is also identical with diary writing since personal experience text also
belongs to this genre. When students are able to understand recount text
easier, they may get or learn various personal experiences from various text
source such as blog, newspaper and magazine. They can learn many lessons
from those texts.

In conclusion, Know-Want-Learn is powerful to activate students’

background knowledge and assist them in getting purposes for reading.
Moreover, talking stick is beneficial to make students active in teaching
learning process of reading , including recount text.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing Topic

The researcher has reasons for choosing the topic as the following :
a. Reading is a skill of language learning which needs various and proper
strategy to make interesting, attractive and active learning atmosphere in the
b. Recount text is one of English leaning material which has been taught in
Senior High School for tenth graders. It means that students must understand
the content of the text and able to write a text in the form of recount.
c. Know-want-learn and talking stick is one of reading learning strategy which
may be able to make more effective in teaching reading text for the first year
students of SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal in the academic year 2016-2017.

1.3 Statements of the Problems

1. Is there any significant difference between student’s achievement on
reading recount text those taught using know-want-learn and talking stick
and conventional teaching ?
2. How are the student’s responses in reading skill on recount text through
know-want-learn and talking stick ?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of study are to:
a. find out the students’ achievement those taught using know-want-learn
and talking stick and conventional teaching on reading recount text.
b. describe the students’ responses about the implementation of know-
want-learn and talking stick in teaching reading on recount text for the
first grade of MAN 1 Semarang.

1.5 Significances of the Study

The results of the research are hopefully useful to improve teaching
reading. In this research, the researcher hopes that it can give benefit to all
people such as :
a. The students
The students will get some motivation to read more and get improvement in
English subject using know-want-learn and talking stick strategy.
b. The teacher
The researcher hopes it helps the teacher to understand the way to handle the
students in teaching reading by using KWL (know, want, and Learn) and use
it as an alternative strategy to help students in improving their reading skills
to master reading materials.
c. The reader
The researcher hopes the readers will get some information about know-
want-learn and talking stick strategy to improve reading skill in English

1.6 The Scope of the Study

The researcher will only limit the research to improve students reading
of recount text and to know students’ responses in reading recount text by
using know-want-learn and talking stick strategy. The subject of this research
is the first year students of SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal in the academic year

1.7 Outline of the Report

The research paper comprises five chapters.
Chapter I is introduction which consists of background of the study,
reason for choosing topic, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,
significances of the study, scope of the study, outline of the study.

Chapter II is review of the related literature underlying the concept of

teaching reading which consists of the definition of reading, the importance
of reading the types of reading, the teaching of reading, the definition of
know-want-learn, the procedures of know-want-learn, the definition of
talking stick, the advantages of know-want-learn, and the definition of
recount text.

Chapter III is research method which consists of research design,

subject of the study, method and instrument of collecting data, data analysis,
and research procedure.

Chapter IV is related to the initial condition of experiment research,

the implementation of the experiment research and the interpretation of the

Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion.



2.1 Reading Comprehension

2.1.1 The Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading can be defined in many ways. It depends on the one who will
give the definition. Gray cited in Parel and Jain (2008:114) states that
reading is a form of experience. Reading brings us in contact with the minds
of great authors with the written account of their experiences. This recorded
lines and the advancement by them in various fields.

Parel and Jain (2008:113) also states that reading is an activity process
which consists of recognition and comprehension skill. Reading is an
important activity in life with which one can update her/his knowledge.
Reading is most useful and important skill for people. Reading can be sources
of joys for some students however, some other students may not encouraged
enough to enjoy reading. Reading is the most important activity in any
language class. Reading is not only a source of information and a pleasurable
activity but also as a means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge
of the language.

Reading comprehension requires the two important aspects, such as

purpose reading and vocabulary mastery. Purpose of reading may be varies,
yet, two important purposes are reading for pleasure and reading for getting
information and meaning from the text. Some scholars have pointed out on
the porpose that reading is on activity for getting fun or pleasure.

According to Weaver (2009:13), reading is a process very much

determined by what the reader brain and emotions and beliefs bring to the
reading the knowledge/ information (or misinformation, absence of
information), strategies for processing text, moods, fears and joys.

Parel and Jain (2008: 113) argue reading is not only the source of
pleasure and information, but also extending someone‟s knowledge.
However, reading is useless without comprehension. Reading cannot be
separated from comprehension. Comprehension is an active process which
the reader actively engages in a text to construct meaning. Someone can be
said to have comprehension in reading if he or she understands content of
reading and all of information explicitly and implicitly by using knowledge
and reasoning to understand the idea of the author.

In addition, several theorists also suggest some important purposes of

reading that are to get information or to get meaning from text. According to
Johnson (2008:3), reading is the practice of using text to create meaning.
Therefore, if there is no meaning being created, there is no reading takes
place. Next, Burton (2007:4) states that reading is one of basic skills in
learning English that has the purpose to get information and comprehend. It
is an activity that can increase reader’s knowledge or their understanding,
because to get the meaning from the text, include the knowledge of readers
itself and the points that readers get from the text that they have read.

Furthemore some researchers also stated that the purpose of reading is

to get the meaning of a word or vocabularies. According to Seyler (2004:3),
reading is the process obtaining or constructing meaning from a word or
cluster words. It means that to understand a reading text, we have to a good
competence to know the meaning of words, sentences, paragraphs. If the
reader has a good competence in reading, the reader will get the meaning of
the text easily.

Meanwhile, Brassell and Rasinski (2008:18) states that reading

comprehension is the ability to take information from written text and do
something with in a way that demonstrates knowledge or understanding of
that information. It can be said that reading comprehension is a skill to
recognize or identify the text, then recall the content of the text. To

demonstrate an understanding of the information obtained from the text, a

sequence of description or organize the text is needed .

Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that reading

activity is a thinking process. Reading not only requires a skill but also needs
a combination with other skills.

2.1.2 The Importance of Reading

Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and
adds to the conversational skills of the reader, which enhances the knowledge
acquired, consistently. Reading comprehension become important to the
students in learning English. According to McNamara cited in Indriyati
(2013:4) reading comprehension is a product of complex interaction between
the properties of the text and what readers bring to the reading situation.
It means reading comprehension is a strategy and process of making
connection between ideas in the text with student’s mind.

The habit of reading helps students to receive new words and phrases
that they come across in everyday conversations The habit can become an ad
to the information available on various topics. It helps students to stay in-
touch with contemporary writers as well as those from the days and makes
students aware to global issues. Reading can ensure either success or failure
in school, depending on the students’ ability to comprehend. Comprehension
is a complex process, in which many factors play a role, including the active
process of the interaction between the reader and the text, the understanding
of the language and vocabulary in the text, and the learning and use of
specific strategies for comprehension.

2.1.3 The Types of Reading

According to Parel and Jain (2008:117) there are four types of
reading, there are intensive reading, extensive reading, silent reading and
aloud reading.
a) Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is related to further progress in language learning

under the teachers guidance. Intensive reading will provide a basis for
explaining difficulties of structure and for extending knowledge of
vocabulary and idioms.

It will also provide material for developing greater control of the

language in speech and writing. Intensive reading is text reading or passage
reading. In this reading, the learners read the text to get knowledge or
analysis. The goal of this reading is to read shorter text. It is done to carry out
to get specific information. Learners need book to acquire knowledge is the
kind of intensive reading. There are few characteristics of intensive reading:

a) It helps learner to develop active vocabulary.

b) Teacher plays main role in this reading.

c) Linguistic items are developed.

d) It aims at active use of language.

e) It is a reading aloud.

f) Speech habits are emphasized and accent, stress, intonation and rhythm
can be corrected.

b) Extensive Reading

The purpose of extensive reading is to train the student to read

directly and fluently in the target language for enjoyment without the aid of
the teacher. Extensive reading can be made the basis for oral report of class
discussion. It may be the source for written compositions in which students
deal with specific issue arising from the material in the book.
Extensive reading is the reading for pleasure. The reader wants to
know about something. The reader does not care about specific or important
information after reading. Usually people read for to keep them update. Few
characteristics of extensive reading:

a. It helps learners to develop to active vocabulary.

b. Extensive reading is silent reading.
c. The subject matter is emphasized.
d. The learners play the main role because they ask for measures.
e. The idea can be developed.
f. The aim of extensive reading is to enrich the learners’ knowledge
g. Through extensive reading, the good reading habit can be developed.

c) Reading Aloud
Reading aloud also plays important role in teaching English. Teacher
should know that the training of reading aloud must be given at primary level
because it is the based of word pronunciation. What the teacher can do for
better and effective teaching of reading as under the material which teacher
present before students should be according to previous knowledge of the
students or related to their own experience.

a) The teacher should emphasize on the stress of learners

b) The teacher should be very careful while process of reading is going
on. If any mistake is committed by learners, be should correct it.
Correction should be friendly and productive.
c) The teacher should care about all readers. He/she also draws his
attention toward weak readers.
d) While teacher presents reading model, this reading model should be
appropriated the level of readers, The readers could understand it well
and pronounce well.
d. Silent Reading
Silent reading is categorized into intensive and extensive reading.
Intensive reading gives attention to grammatical forms, discourse maker or
other detail structures for the purpose of understanding literal meaning,
implications and or rhetorical relationship

It is kind of habit in which learner are enable to read without any

audible whisper. Teaching reading is very important skill because this
stage where the knowledge of learners starts to flight. How teacher can
make the teaching reading by silent reading effective:
a.Teacher should tell about the topic first to the learners, should motivate
the learners. The teacher should not read first but should allow the
students to read the text.
b. Teacher should not allow the student to murmuring while reading.
c.The subject matter should be interested, effectived and selected from
the reading material developed for it.
d. Eclectic approach can be used by teacher for better comprehension
and understanding.

2. The Teaching of Reading

Hedge (2008:89) mentions that teaching reading comprehension is not
easy, actually it is a difficult work. Teachers must be aware of the progress
that students are making and adjust instruction to the changing abilities of
2.2 Objectives of Teaching Reading
Teacher may have different objectives in teaching reading. Some
teachers want to introduce how to read well. for example a news reader.
Some others want to train students to get messages from reading.
Harmer (2004:99) said that there are many reasons why getting students
to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s job. In the first
place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for her
careers, for study purposes or simply for pleasure”. He also said that reading
is useful. Reading text also provides good models for English writing
opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, etc and the way how
to construct sentence. In real condition, teaching reading is part of English
lesson arranged by government to complete language skills. Teaching reading
is as important as other lesson like listening, speaking, writing, etc.

The objective of teaching reading is to show students ability on

grammar, pronounciation and understanding on text. Teachers should practice
to read well. They also should explain the technique clearly and understood
by the students.

2.2 .1 Teacher’s role in the Reading Class

Teacher is the most important element in successful reading class. A
good teacher can provide :
1. An anxiety free environtment in which students fell comfortable taking
risk and trying new ways of reading.
2. Enough practice for the students to master new strategies.
3. Friendly pressure in the form persuasion and timing.
4. Positive examples of how to approach a text.
5. A model for the kind of thinking that good reading requires.
6. An inspiring example of an enthusiastic.
There are some solutions to make reading class exiting and effective :
a) Make reading enjoyable for the students.
b) Make the students aware of the purpose of their work.
c) Always focus on the thinking process and not the “right answer”.
d) Ask the students to work in pairs whenever possible, especially on the
Comprehension skills exercises.
e) Emphasize the importance of trying to guess the meaning of words
from the context.

2.2.2 The Conception of Reading Comprehension

Pang (2003:3) states reading is about understanding written texts.
It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading
consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension.
Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols
correspond to one’s spoken language.

Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences

and connected text. Readers typically make use of background knowledge,
vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other
strategies to help them understand written text. Snow (2002:3) states
reading comprehension as the process of simultaneously extracting and
constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written
Reading and responding to a text are integral parts of language
learning. Effective readers employ a wide repertoire of meaning making
strategies that they can deploy independently with a range of texts. Effective
readers understand and remember what they read. They can summarize and
discuss the content and demonstrate their comprehension of the text. They
can analyze and evaluate what they have read.

2.2.3 Reading Comprehension Skills

According to Khoiriyah ( 2010:2) to make it easy to understand the text
or materials of reading , you need some reading skills. There are various of
reading skills. These skills can help you understand and remember what you
read . They are :
a. Recognizing the letters of alphabet
b. Reading group of letters as words
c. Understanding the meaning punctuation
d. Understanding the meaning of vocabulary items
e. Understanding the grammar of a sentence
f. Understanding the relationship between sentences and clauses in a text
g. Recognizing the organization of the text
h. Recognizing the effect of style
i. Making inferences and references
j. Reading longer text
k. Reading for detail
l. Previewing and Predicting

2.3 The Model of Know, Want and Learn

2.3.1 The Definition of Know, Want and Learn (KWL)
This strategy developed by D. Ogle in 1986. He has inspired some
teachers to implement it and researchers to conduct researches related with
KWL as development strategy. KWL is a strategy in helping students to
comprehend the text. Students are able to comprehend the information
contained from the passage. It consists of 3 phases (know, want to learn,
learned). According to Irena cited in Indriyati (2013:4) KWL reading strategy
has a value that enables readers to become better in reading
comprehension activity. KWL reading strategy provides a structure for
recalling what learners know about a topic, noting what they want to
know, and finally listing what has been learned and is yet to be
learned. The process gives information to improve comprehension and
retention of the material.
In addition, Fengjuan (2010:2) explained that KWL is instructional
scheme that develops active reading of expository texts by activating
learners’ background knowledge. KWL is a technique that helps students
activates what they already know before they begin a reading assignment. It
makes predictions about what they will be reading as well as engaging them
with other students in a discussion of the content of the topic. It means
students asked to predict their knowledge about the topic that given teacher
and share or discuss it with their friends. The KWL technique can help the
teachers engage their students from beginning of a reading lesson by
activating prior Knowledge and keep students interested, which is very
important as they think about what they have learned.
As the conclusion, K-W-L is a technique that helps students to collect
the information they know before they come into a reading assignment. It will
guide the students through a text which is begun by brainstorming everything
they know about a topic.

2.3.2 The Procedures of Know, Want and Learn

The process of KWL in reading can be explained as follow:
a) Step K-What I know. This opening step has two levels of accessing prior
knowledge. The first is a straight forward brainstorming of what the
students knows about the topic for reading. During this step the teacher's
role is to record whatever the students know about the topic on the board
or an overhead projector. The critical component here is to select a key
concept for the brainstorming that is specific enough to generate the kinds
of information that will be pertinent to the reading.
b) Step W-What do I want to learn. As students, it takes time to think about
what they already know about the topic and the general categories of
information that should be anticipated. Not all students agree on the same
pieces of information; some information is conflicting; some of the
categories have had no particular information provided. All this pre-
reading activity develop the students' own reasons for reading, reading to
find answers to questions that will increase their reservoir of knowledge
on this topic.
c) Step L-What I learned. After completing the text, direct the students to
write down what they learned from reading. Have them check their
questions to determine if the text dealt with their concerns. If not, suggest
further reading to fulfill their desires to know.

2.3.3 The Advantages of Using Know, Want, Learn Method in Teaching

There are some advantages in the know, want, learn strategy. Ibrahim
(2012) listed some advantages of KWL, such as:
1. It appropriate for all education levels from beginners up to advanced.
2. It can be used for all skills but is most suitable for reading skills.
3. It helps students to monitor their comprehension and knowledge.
4. It encourages students to do critical thinking.

5. It makes teacher and students become more interactive in the teaching

and learning process.
6. It sets out a purpose for reading. This means that readers have some
ideas about the text before reading the whole text and focus to find the
important points whilst reading.

2.4 Talking Stick Strategy

2.4.1 The Definition of Talking Stick
Talking stick Is a strategy that uses a stick as tool or instructional
media, who holds stick must answer questions from the teachers after the
students learn the topic. This is a kind of cooperative learning in order to
make the students participate, develop their confidence and be more active in
the learning process.

Talking stick which is developed by Spencer Kagan (1992: 1). It is a

group of study that student learnt independently from one another, each
student has the same chance to express their ideas and concern with equal
participant of students. It is one kinds of Cooperative learning method.

Cooperative learning method is an approach to teaching that makes

maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of
learners in classroom. Cooperative learning, like collaborative learning, entail
small group working on spesific task. This model is allow the interaction and
transaction among the student in the learning process that meets the rules of
view of constructivist. learning with cooperative strategy is proved very
effective in improving relationships between students. In practice the work of
cooperative learning team is systematically structure. So that, there is a
positive interdependence among the members in the groups. In group, the
members feel that they work together for emphasizes that “in a well-
functioning cooperative group there is a sense of join responsibility where
learners care about and get commited together”.

It describes a team environment where learners celebrate successes

and provide assistance to each other is likely to promote more positive peer
relationship, social support, high self-esteem, and academic achievement.

2.5 Recount Text

2.5.1 The Definition of Recount Text

According to Anderson and Anderson (1998: 24) a recount is a piece
of text that retells past events, usually in order in which they occurred. It’s
purpose is to provide the audience with a description of what occurred and
when it occurred.
The aim of the text is retell the past event or to tell someone’s
experience in chronological order. Recount text is a text written to retell for
information or entertainment.
This type of text is not only used at school but also at other media
written and electronic, it's used in many real social contexts. Example of
recount texts include: eyewitness accounts, newspaper reports, letters,
conversations, television interviews, speeches, journal, sport report,
biography, autobiography, diary.

2.5.2 Generic Structure of Recount Text

According to Anderson (1998:24), generic (schematic) structures of
recount text are :
a) Orientation
Orientation takes in the first paragraph that give background
information about who , what, where and when. And it is also
introducing the participants place and time.
b) Events
Tell what happened and in what sequence and describing series of
events that happened in the past. A record of events usually recounted
in chronological order, named : event 1, event 2 and event 3 .

c) Reorientation
Re-orientation it is consist of optional-closure of events/ending. It’s
concluding paragraph that may include a personal comment of the
writer to the story (not always necessary).

2.5.3 Language Feature of Recount Text.

According to Anderson (1998:24) cited by Astuti (2011:14) the
language feature usually found in a recount are:

a. Use action verb

b.Use a past tense

c. Use a conjunction

d.Descriptive language

e. Use linking verb



3.1 Research Design

The design of this study is an experimental research. According to
Nazir (2005:63) explains that experimental research is a research done by
manipulating research object and controlling. It means that there are control
class and experiment class.
The aim to examine whether there are differences or effect a second
group is taken randomly they have a same characteristic. An experiment
research involves two group. An experimental group will receive the
treatment and the control group will receive the different treatment, treated as
usual. The method will use KWL (Know, Want and Learn) and talking stick
to help the students to improve their skill in reading .
The reseacher will use two group random selection Pretest- Posttest
Design. In this design. Experimental group was given a treatment , control
group only use a conventional teaching. In both group started with pretest and
the final was given post test . The subject were selected randomly.
The design is as follows :

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental group =
E (R)
Control Group =
O   O
C (R)

3.2 Population and Sample of the Study

According to Sugiyono (2010:117) population is district generalization that
consist of object / subject who have quality and certain character which is definite
by researcher to be learned and then to get conclusion. In the other words,

Arikunto (2010:173) stated that population is total of research subject. In this case
the population is the students in the first grade students of MAN 1 Semarang.
There are ten classes in MAN 1 Semarang. The researcher will random them and
will select participants only two class. First, the experimental class (Class A), is
the class given treatment (Tx), while the second, the control group (Class B), is
the class that receives no treatment at all.

The population is the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal

in the academic year 2016 such as; X IPA 1, X IPA 2, X IPA 3, X IPA 4, X IPA
5. X IPA 6 and X IPA 7. They have 40 students in each class. Therefore, the total
of all the population is 280 students.

The sample in this research is a random sampling method which are X IPA
1, X IPA 2 and X IPA 7. The researcher decided to choose class X IPA 7 as the
experimental group, X IPA 2 as the control group, and X IPA 1 as the try out

3.3 Method and Instrument of Collecting Data

Research instrument is a tool, which is used by researcher to collect data.
According to Arikunto (2010:92) there are two kinds of instrument. They are test
and non-test. In collecting data the researcher thinks a method which is used to
represent toward the matter of the research. There are several techniques to collect
the data that are used in conducting a research.
The researcher will apply some instruments and method for the collecting data :
a) Observation
Arikunto (2006: 156-157) states that observation is an activity that includes
attention to an object by using all body senses. Observation was done to
monitor the students’ activities during learning process.The researcher will
observe before teach them.
b) Try Out
The quality of the data obtain is good or bad, this is based on the instrument
of collection data. Valid and reliable is an important qualification contained

in the good instrument. So, before the test is used as a data collection, the first
test must be tried out to students of other classes. The researcher gives it a try
out to 40 students in the class X IPA 1 SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal in the
academic year 2016.
In this case, the researcher will use random sampling to take the one class
for the try out group and two other classes are experimental and control
groups. After obtaining the results of the try out, the researcher make the
analysis to determine the validity, and the reliability.
c) Test
The test is used to measure the subject achievement in Lesson. According
to Arikunto (2006: 150) a test is a series of questions or exercises and other
tools that used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability or talent
of individual or groups. There are two kind of test. pre-test and post test. The
researcher will give 20 question in an experimental and control class. The
test is multiple choice and essay.
d) Questionnare
Quistionnaire is a tool of collecting dasta. It is used to get a subject
responses toward being a treatment is implemented in the classroom.
According to Arikunto (2006: 151) describes a questionnaire is a number of
written questions that are used to obtain information from respondents about
their knowledge, beliefs, and etc. In this research, the researcher will give a
questionnaire to students after finish given treatment.

3.4 Data Analysis

There are two kinds of data: qualitative and quantitative data.
Qualitative data is gathered from obsevation and questionnaire. Quantitative
data is gathered from the students reading scores. Both of data will be
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The data will comput after doing
research at MAN 1 Semarang. The pattern is as below:

Score = right answer X 100

Total item

After get the student score the writer catogerize into some criteria.
Below is the table criterion of student ability.

Students Score Grade Category

86-100 A Excellent
76-85 B Good
60-75 C Fair
55-59 D Poor
0-54 E Very Poor

Figure 1: Criterion of student’s ability

The formula is T test. This formula is to measure the significance of

pre- test and post test. T test is used to compare two different set of values. It
is generally performed on a small set of data. T test is generally applied to
normal distribution which has a small set of values. This test compares the
mean of two samples. T test uses means and standard deviations of two
samples to make a comparison. The formula for T test is given below:

x1¯ = Mean of first set of values
x2¯ = Mean of second set of values
S1 = Standard deviation of first set of values

S2 = Standard deviation of second set of values

n1 = Total number of values in first set
n2 = Total number of values in second set.

3.5 Research Procedure

Choosing the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Pegandon, Kendal as the
population. Taking one group of the population is the experimental group and one
another group is the control group. The reseacher decide to choose X IPA 7 as the
experimental group and X IPA 2 as the control group. Pretest is given to measure
conditions before treatment to the experimental and control groups. Next, the
experimental group is given instruction about the treatment of reading
comprehention a recount text and the control group did not get the treatment of
teaching reading recount text. This experiment is make to determine whether there
are differences in student achievement that comes up against the experimental
group with the control group. After finishing the treatment, posttest is given to the
experimental group and the control group.
The reseacher will give a pre test before doing treatment. After that, the
researcher will give a treatment.

3.5.1 Steps of Treatment

This research, the researcher uses KWL as technique and talking stick
as a media in teaching reading of recount text. It means that is combine
between technique and media.
There are some steps in teaching and learning process. first,the
researcher gives greeting to the students and pray together. Secondly, the
researcher checks the student’s attendance list. Thirdly, the researcher
motivates the students by giving some simple question that related to the
themes about recount text. Next, the researcher divides the students into
some groups. In one group consist of 3-5 students. After that, the researcher
gives text about recount text in each group has one text. Each group must
analysis and understand about the text with Know,Want and Learn.

Steps of know, want and learn, The first stage students are asked to read
a text, after that they write what they know. The Second stage they will read
again and then write down what they want to learn. The Third stage they
will read again and then write down what they have learned .Then each a
group must give analyze to the writer. After that, the researcher gives a stick
to each group, one group get one stick. From group one, a stick has move
from one student to the other students. It also happened in the other group.
Then, the writer starts with the song or count to moving the stick. When the
writer says “STOP”, or off the music moving stick activity must be stop in
one person. Whoever get a stick, they must be listen carefully about the
question given by their writer and they must be answer the question, and the
other quite listen. After they listen the question, who get a stick early to
answer it because the other group also think early to answer. Here, the
researcher chooses one group that they show the stick early. The researcher
gives time to answer, if they lost for answering and the time is up so, the
researcher gives change to other group to answer correctly. Repeat it until
the end of question.and then, the researcher will give a post test in an
experiment class.

3.5.2 Control Class

first,the researcher gives greeting to the students and pray together.
Secondly, the researcher checks the student’s attendance list. Thirdly, the
researcher motivates the students by giving some simple question that
related to the themes about recount text. The reseacher will give a pretest.
After that the reseacher will teach the students by using conventional
method. Then the researher will give a post test. Finally the reseacher will
analyze the result of the data to find the result of the research.


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