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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________

QUIZ NO. 1 (2nd Quarter)


I. Directions: Read each statement carefully and write TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

____________1. Repair in communication refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker.
____________2. Turn-taking pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor.p
____________3. Communication must be only acceptable, polite and meaningful when talking to your superior.
____________4. Termination refers to conversation participants’ close initiating expressions that end a
topic in a conversation.
____________5. Nomination covers how procedural formality and informal ity affects the development of
II. Direction: ENCIRCLE the letter of the best answer.
1. This is a communicative strategy that we use when we want to establish a topic in a conversation
A. nomination B. restriction C. turn-taking D. topic-control
2. It is a communicative strategy used to end a conversation
A. termination B. topic-shifting C. topic-control D. repair
3. This strategy is used to address the problems encountered in a conversation.
A. termination B. topic-shifting C. topic-control D. repair
4. During group discussion, the leader asks everyone to brainstorm about the possible topics for a
group research. What communicative strategy is employed?
A. nomination B. restriction C. turn-taking D. topic-control
5. Every time your group conducts a meeting, nothing is accomplished because the time is used up due to
irrelevant and unnecessary topics that intervene the discussion.
As the group leader, how will you keep your members focused on the agenda of the
meeting using the restriction strategy?
A. Tell them that they will get kicked out from the group if they will not cooperate.
B. End the meeting immediately as soon as the group begins to talk about other things
irrelevant to the agenda.
C. Give instructions before the meeting starts to confine and limit what they can say.
D. Show disappointment.
6. Which of the following responses uses repair as communicative strategy?
A. “Best regards to your family! See you around.”
B. “Please enlighten me about the solution to the issue you are suggesting.”
C. "Excuse me, can you please repeat the question?”
D. “By the way, I need a few personal details about yourself.”
7. Which of these shows turn-taking strategy?
A. "I will hear your suggestion after you listen to my plan.”
B. "Ok, I am listening. Go on.”
C. "Precisely! That is a very good reason why we need to come up with a contingency plan.”
D. “Group 1 will talk about the advantages of technology while group 2 will talk about its
8. Among these statements, which can be used for topic shifting?
A. "Did you know that washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds will protect you from
B. “Let’s call it a day. We can all go home.”
C. “Wait. Before I forget to tell you, did you know we have a new classmate?”
D. "I would like to clarify two things regarding the announcement that I had made.”
For items 9-10, identify the type of communicative strategy evident in each statement.
_____________ 9. “In addition, to what you have said, I think we should also assure the safety of our
learners in times like this.”
_____________ 10. “The president will lead the meeting and then the secretary will write the minutes.”

Answer Key
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False

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