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CONSTANTINO DATE: 11/ 19/ 2022



My teaching philosophy focuses to be an effective teacher to my

students and Helping them to develop and mold their minds and
characters not just to impart knowledge to them but to teach them
to be a better person. I also like to foster more discussion and
cooperation among my future students, so that we naturally
communicate and form bonds with each other, I can create a good
relationship with my students that is very important because you
should be close to your students so that you are able to understand
them and know what are the things we should do for their
development, and if they can bond over learning something
engaging and interesting, that's even better. That will give my
students a sense of wonderment and engagement and they will be
able to participate well in school during discussion or activities.
This also means that they enjoy the lessons more, and this has
almost invariably led to better grades. Of course every teacher
wants their students to have a better grades, because when a
students got a good grades it means that they are interested and
give importance to your subject and they appreciate your hard work
to teach them. I also see my role as a bearer of information and as
someone who inspires my students. I will achieve this by leading as
a role model to them, by giving demonstration and guiding them as
they seek for new knowledge. The most important is you have a
passion and love for teaching. We are all aware that teaching
especially here in the Philippines does not guarantee high salary but
more than the money, teaching will give you a kind of satisfaction
that is incomparable. To be able to make your students learn, to
help them achieve their dreams and realize their potentials, to be
able to mold their minds and characters, to be able to cause
difference in their lives, and to be able to shape the country's future
in your hands those are more than enough why we should never
stop teaching.

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