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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Pre/Post-Test Score _____/100

Standards Assessed:

SC.6.L.14.3 – Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar processes to

maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from food, getting rid of waste and


SC.8.L.18.1 – Describe and investigate the process of photosynthesis, such as the roles of light,

carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll; production of food and release of oxygen.

SC.8.L.18.2 – Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide

energy and releases carbon dioxide.

Answer the following multiple questions (5 points each)

1. Sunlight +6H20 + 6CO2--> C6H1206 +6O2 - What does the equation above represent?
A. Cellular Respiration
B. Human Respiration
C. Photosynthesis
D. Solar Energy

2. What is Energy?
A. The ability to do work
B. The Sun
C. The Earth
D. Photosynthesis

3. Energy is never created nor destroyed; it only is transferred from one thing to another.
A. True
B. False

4. What is an autotroph?
A. An animal that eats out of a trough
B. An organism that makes its own food
C. An organism that eats using its mouth
D. An organism that makes its own food

5. Where in the Cell does Photosynthesis take place?

A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria
C. Chloroplast
D. Cytoplasm
6. What are the two reactions that take place in the process of photosynthesis?
A. Intermediate Reaction and Beginning reaction
B. Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle
C. The Krebs Cycle and Glycolysis
D. Respiration and Exhalation

7. What is chemosynthesis?
A. The process of making chemicals into chemical energy
B. The process of changing the cell
C. The process of moving electrons
D. The process of linking two things together
8. Where does the process of glycolysis take place?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Nucleus
C. Mitochondria
D. Chloroplast

9. What step of Cellular Respiration is the majority of the energy produced?

A. Calvin Cycle
B. Light Reactions
C. Krebs Cycle
D. Electron Transport Chain

10. C6H1206 +6O2--> 6H20 + 6CO2 + ATP - The equation listed represents the overall reaction
that takes place during which process?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Cellular Respiration
C. Human Respiration
D. DNA Replication

11. What are the reactants in photosynthesis?

A. Carbon Dioxide and Water
B. Glucose and Water
C. Sunlight and Water
D. Oxygen and Glucose

12. What are the products of cellular respiration?

A. Water and Glucose
B. Oxygen and Water
C. Carbon Dioxide and Water
D. Oxygen and Glucose
13. A student is collecting the gas given off from a plant in bright sunlight at a temperature of 27
degrees Celsius. Which gas would the student be collecting?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
D. Vaporized water

14. Plants and animals exchange materials through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
Which of these statements is true about the way these two processes are related?
A. The products of photosynthesis inhibit respiration.
B. The products of photosynthesis are also the products of cellular respiration.
C. The reactants of photosynthesis are also the reactants of cellular respiration.
D. The products of photosynthesis are the reactants of cellular respiration.

15. What does the Chloroplast do during the process of photosynthesis?

A. Stores water
B. Moves the energy into the cell
C. Control cellular activities
D. Transport glucose (sugars) through the cell

Short Answer:

Write the equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Identify both the products

and reactants in each equation. Explain how the products and reactants of photosynthesis are

related to the products and reactants of cellular respiration. (Total Value 25 points)

Concept 5 4 3 2 0
and Point
Equation Accurately Accurately The equation The equation is No Equations
displays the displays the is missing missing certain
correct reactants correct certain reactants or
on the left for reactants on the reactants or products from
both left for both products from one or both
photosynthesis photosynthesis one or both processes.
(water and (water and processes.
carbon dioxide) carbon dioxide) Does not
and cellular and cellular Does not indicate the
respiration respiration indicate the correct number
(oxygen and (oxygen and correct number of each
glucose/sugar) glucose/sugar) of each molecule.
AND the AND the molecule.
products on the products on the Includes
right hand side right hand side Includes sunlight as a
of the equation – of the equation sunlight as a necessity for
– necessity for photosynthesis.
Indicates the photosynthesis.
correct number Does not Does not
of each indicate the Includes both include both
molecule. correct an equation for an equation
number of photosynthesis for both
Includes each molecule. and cellular photosynthesis
sunlight as a respiration. and cellular
necessity for Includes respiration.
photosynthesis. sunlight as a
necessity for
Includes both an photosynthesis.
equation for
photosynthesis Includes both
and cellular an equation for
respiration. photosynthesis
and cellular

Identify Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly No Products

Products identifies all 4 identifies 3 of identifies 2 of identifies only identified
products (2 from the 4 products the 4 products 1 of the 4
photosynthesis / from from products from
2 from cellular photosynthesis photosynthesis photosynthesis
respiration) and cellular and cellular and cellular
respiration respiration respiration
Identify Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly No reactants
Reactants identifies all 4 identifies 3 of identifies 2 of identifies 1 of identified
of the 4 the 4 reactants the 4 reactants the 4 reactants
reactants from from from from
photosynthesis photosynthesis photosynthesis photosynthesis
and cellular and cellular and cellular and cellular
respiration respiration respiration respiration
Explains Accurately Addresses the Addresses the Acknowledges Shows no
relationship identifies both fact that at least fact that at least that cellular relationship
the reactants of one of the one of the respiration has between the
photosynthesis products of products of a relationship reactants of
are photosynthesis photosynthesis with photosynthesis
released/created is used in the is used in the photosynthesis and products of
as products of process or process or (and vice versa) cellular
cellular cellular cellular but makes no respiration
respiration AND respiration respiration OR connection AND reactants
both of the AND at least at least one of between the of cellular
reactants used in one of the the products products of one respiration and
cellular products cellular being used as products of
respiration are cellular respiration is reactants for photosynthesis
the products respiration is used during the other (vice­
created/released used during photosynthesis. versa)
from photosynthesis.
A­ 25-23
B­ 22-20
C­ 19-18
D­ 17-16
F­ 15-0

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