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Irrigation Enginecri ny Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel ter. jesign of Irrigation Channel 6.1 Introduction The success of the irrigation system depends on the design of the network of canals. ‘The canals may be excavated through the difference types of soils such as alluvial sail, non alluvial soil ct. The design consideration rnarurlly varies acconding tw the type of soi Based on the water requitements of the erops on the area to be ievigated the catite system of main canal secondary canal, tertiary eanul and field distriburaries/main canal, branch canal, distrbutaries and -warer courses should be designed properly for a certain rast value of peak discharge that must pass through them, so as to provide sufficient irrigation to the commands. Again, the design of unlined and lined canals involves differen ppractical and economical consideration, ‘The design of a channel involves the selection of channel alignment, shape, size; and bottom slope and whether the channel should be lined wo reduce seepage and/or to prevent the erosion of channel sides and bottom. The dlesiga of the eapacity of an irrigation channel consists of the determination of the cross-sectional arcas, depth, Widlh, side slopes and the longitudinal slope, ete, for the given boundary surface, Once these parameters have bbeen determined, the longitudinal & cross-section of the channels may be drawn. Procedures are net presently available for selecting optimum channel parameters directly, Eaeh site has unique feanures that require special considerations. Typically, the design of a channe! is done by trial and ervor. Channel parameters are selected and an aialysis is done to verify thit the operational requirements are met with these parameters. A number of altematives are considered, and theit costs are compared, Then, the mast economical alternative that gives satisfactory performance is selected. ‘The design dischange of an irrigation channel cepends up nn the irsigated area of crops in different seasons and the water requirement of erops. ‘The design of the canal is mainly govemed by the quantity of sit in the water and the type of boundary surface of the channel, Depending up on these factors, the irrigation channels can be broadly classified in to the following types. 1. Nomvalluvial channels 2. Rigid boundary channels 3. Alluvial channels 1. ‘The none alluvial charineds arc excavated in nonvalluvial soils such as loam, aay, boulder etc: Generally there 0 silt protilem in these channels anu they are relatively stable. 2 In rigid boundary channels, the surfice of the channel is lined. The quantity of silt transported by such channels remains more oF less the same as that has entered the channel at the head. In such channels, ‘elatively high velocity of low is usually permitted whieh does not allow the sit to get deposited, Therefore for these channels, the problem of silt usually does not exist, 3. The allvtal channels ate excavated in alluvial sols, such as silt. In the ease of alluvial channels the ¢ of sit may vary form section to section along reach. The silt content may increase due to scouring of bed & sides of the channel, ‘The silt content may duc to siking at some sections. If the velocity is high, scouring will occur, but when the velocity is low, silting Occurs, Both these phenomena result in modifying the eross= section of the channel, Ifthe bed and sides are scoured, the cross-seetion increases and the Full supply level falls, whiel results in the decrease of command. On the other hand, iF so silting occurs, the cross-section decreases ancl the discharge capacity deereases, which also results in-« decrease of command, such channels should be designed For a non-scouring and non-silting velocity, called eritical velocity 6.2 Design of Non-Atluvial Channels General In none allavial channels the water is clear and thereforc, no-silting problem occurs. Nonvalluvial evils relatively: ‘te clay, hard loam or soils formed as a result of disintegration of rocks, —_———————_— Civil Engineering Dep., iT-]U Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 1 Irrigation Enginecri ter 6: Design of Irrigation Channet Ihivial channels are consklered stable if there is no silt problem in such channels, These channels arc usually designed based on the maximum permissible velocity which the channel boundary surface can resist without scouring. In the permissible velociey method, the channel sive is seleeted such that the mean flow velbeity fe the design discharge under uniform flow conditions is less than the permissible flow velocity. The permissible velocity is defined as the mean velocity at or below which the channel bottom and sides are not eroded. ‘This velocity depends primarily upon the type of soll and the size of particles even though it has been recognized that ie should depend upon the flow deptis as well as whether the channel is straight or nat, Table | below gives the typical values of the maximum permissible velocity in different type of materials, ‘Table 1: Permissible velocity _ Type ofmatcrial | Permissible velocity (78) ‘Tean clay soil or loan 0.38 t0 1.37 Chay OAT w LOT Tieawy ela 0.45 t0 1.70 Sandy clay 0.52 to LD Gravel 0 Boulders TS te 18 "Soft rock 18 to 24 Hard rock = 30 The side slopes of the channel Forchannels excavated in clay: &:1 im eurting & 121.5 in filing Forehannels in gist, soft rock & hard rock taken respectively as 1015, 1:0.25 anel 10.125, > Imhard rock, the sides may be kept vertical, ‘The design of now-alluvial channels is usually done by using Manning’ formula or Chexy's equation, 1. Manning's Formula. 22 oy Where= v= aR 392 V = Velocity of flowin the channel n= Manningsroughiness Coefficient R =Hydraulic radius of the channel ‘$= Longitudinal or hydraulic slope of a channel ‘The value of a depends up on the pe of surface. Table 2 below gives n values. ‘Table 2: Manning's Coefficient, n ‘S.No | Type of surface Manning's» $ Earth channels, clean straght & uniform 0.016 to 0.020" 2 | Farth channels, clean but weathered 0,018 wo 0025 3 | Farth channels, with grass & weeds 1,022 0 0033 4 Channels in gravels with stones 0.03 ko 0.035. 5 Channels in rock, smooth & uniform 0.025 to W040) 6 [Channels in tock, rough 0.035 10 0.050 2. Cheay's Equation V=CURS Whore & is Chexy's Coetticient. The value of Chexy's Coeificient is usually determined from Bazin's equation o-—*! Veske a Where k is Basin's Coefficient, which depends up on th surface of the channel. Table 3 below shows the basins Civil Engineering Dep. iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 2 Irrigation Engineer Table 3; Basin's Coefficient (K) S.No | Type of surtaee Basin's K ‘Smooth Plaster 0.06 ‘Ashlaz, neat brick work or Rubble masonry Plaster, very smooth earth Tan channels in good condition arth channels in poor condition. Channels in which siling problems are anticipated should be designed to have some minimum. permissible velocity oF non-silting velocity, A minimum velocity oF 0.Sm/s is usually taken. Procedure ‘The following procedure is used for the design of non-alluvial channels by Manning's formula, Similar procedure applies for the design by Chery’s equation. Givens: The diseharge(Q), the maximum penmissible velocity (V), Manning's Coefficient (a), Bed slop (S), and the side slope (Zl) ate given oF have been assured, Steps TT iam aits a He cio dear RM i ora aati O= Av or A= DDewenine dhe hyube cus Grom che Manning fornta 2 Desemnin the wets perimeter fom theron = 4 4. Determine the depth, ID and bed width B from the values of A and P obtained above by solving the equations given below, See Fig below. ‘eiset A=(B42ZD)D P=B+2NIe2 oviez® D Fig 1: Cross-section of a trapezoidar non-alluyial canal Example 1 Design an img permissible velocity is O.8m/s. ‘Assume the bed slope of Vin 4000 8 channel ina non-erodible material t0 cirry a discharge of LScumecs when the maximum | side slope= Is] and Manning's n=0.025. Given wi Q=15m'/s VaR ig va 7 V=0.8m/s * is in 4000, . ssoti a] ee wat) = 142m 025 Lod Step 3: Determine the weited perimeter, P Solution Step 1: Determine the eross-seetional area, A 5 18.75m* Step 4: Determine the depth, D and bed width B ‘As the side slopes are given the seetion is trapezoidal. Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 3 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel ‘Substitute thevaluesof B fromeg.2in 100g), selve for D DEB + D) = 18.75 DA(I3.2-2.828)+ D]= 18.75 13.20-2.8280" + D? =18.75 1.828)" =13.20418,75 =O a Fora trapezoidale. ~ _vetion The cross—sccitonal area, A= IB + 2D) 35 = DiB+1D)~ ~£ gt) The wetted perimeter, P = B+2Dy1 B2=8+2D\ieF 132=B+2V2B 2=B+2828D Thisiva quadtraticeguationin D.dtis wbesolved by quadratic formuta, == 4.02) 1:725m Thisis absuedl and! uot acceptable. D=D, =1.94 B=13.2-2,82841,94= 7.70 Hencethe answersare Depth, B= 1.94% Bottom width,B=7.20i 6.3 Design of Lined Canals /Rigid Boundary Channel / A fined canal isa rigid boundary channel. It can with stand much higher velocity as compared tc an unlined, no alluvial channel of allusial channel. The design is similar to the design of non-alluvial channels discussed in the precediig section, However, the maximum permissible velocity is relatively high. See Table 4, ‘Table 4: Maxinium permissible velocity S.No ‘Type of lining r Boulder lining 2 Bric ie 3-_| Cement conercte lining “The design of lined canal is usually done by Manning's formula. ‘The value of Manning's Coefficient n depends up on the type of lining, The higher values are for relacively rough surface and the lower, for smoath surface. See “Table 5 below. For deualed description of n values pleaee refer to Table 6 of chapter 5 ‘Table §: Manning's Coefficient n for lined canals Type of lining Mannir | Cement comerete Hig Brick lining O01 0.013, 017-0027 ined excavated fork Compiled By: Efrem W. Page + Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel Cross-section of lined canals In most cases lined canals are designed as most economical sections. retically, a semicircular section is the best section for as open channel. radius () should be maximum, ‘Th 1F most economical section, the hydraulic However, it is not practicable w adopt this section, For practical consideration a channel of trapezoidal or triangular section is usually Example 2 selected. The comers of these seetions are rounded to increase the hydeaulie radius. Design the most efficient cross-section of a lined trapezoidal canal to carry a discharge of 15 cumees when the maximum permissible velocity is 2m/s. Assume the side slope: if the Chezy coefficient, = 60. Given Q=15m'/s m/s Solution Step |: Determine the cross-sectional area, A @ 1S a6, dae p a Tsm Step 2: Compute the hydraulic radius, pat RE For trapezoidal see tion he following holds true. A= D(B+ 2D) = D(B +1D)= D(B + D) pa e+2DVi+2" = a+ 2DVi4 =B+2N2D= 8428280 DiB+D) B+ 28280 For mast efficent trapeznide cvoss ~see tion D R= D{B + D) 2 Bw2828D DB+2.828D* = 2D8+2D* DB~-2DB +2.828D? -2D* =0 = DB +1828)? =0 ~B+1.828D B=1828D Also, determine the bed slope for the eanal A=DB+D? Substiinte the value of A=7-5m* and B =1.828D intothe aboveeguration 7.5 = D(O828D)+D* O828D + D* =L828D" 1026 L828 V1028 =2.03m = 2.00m B=0828*2 = 1.66m Deter minationof bed slope, CURT Chezy's formula f= 1.66m —# Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 5 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel 64 Design of Alluvial Channels ‘An atfuivial channel is defined s & channel ia which the flow transports sediment having the same characteristics 4s that of the material in the chanel bottom. In the ease of alluvial channels, the ehannel surface consists of alluvial soil which ean be easily scoured, Moreover, the velocity is low which encourages silting. ‘Therefore, in an dllusial channel, both seouring aa\l silting may occur if dhe channel is ade properly designed. The quantity of transported ly water in allaviak channel varies from section tn section due to scouring of bed & sides-as well as duc to silting (or deposition). If the velocity is too high, scouring may aceur. On the hand, 6 the velocity is too lor, silking may oceur. “The command of an irrigation channel decreases if the scouring occurs because the full suppfy level falls. The discharge capacity is deereased if the siting occurs beeause the reduction in eross-seetional area, Therefore, the alluyial channel should be designed such that neither scouring nor siling oceurs. "The velocity at which this condition oceurs is called the eritical velocity. Such an alluyial channel is calles! a stable channel A. stable channel is one in which banks and bed are not scoured and also io which ao silting accurs. Ewen if there is some minor scouring and siting, the bed and banks of a stbie channel remain more or less unaltered over a long rival of time. 10 appmoaches have been used for the design of stable alluvial channels: (1) Regime theory (2) tractive force method ‘The active force approach is more rational, since it utilizes the laws governing sediment transport and rosistanes to flow, The reginie theory is purcly empirical in nature. 1, Regime Theory The definition Of repjme channel varies according to the investigating authors. Lacey [1930] defined a reime shanoe! 4 channel canying a constant dischange under unsform flow in anu incoherent alluvium hy the same characteristics as that transported without changing the bottom slope, shape, of size of the cross section over a period of time. ‘The regime theory is purely empirical io nature and was developed based on observations an a number of irrigation canals in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. Since the sediment concentration in these eanais is usually less than 5040 ppm by weight, the regime theory should be assumed to be applicable to channels carrying similar eoncenteation of sediment load. Generally speaking, the design of alluvial canals using tegime theory depends on the investigations made on sediment/silt load of channels. Several investigators have studied the problem and suggested various theories. These are known as silt theories, ‘The following nwo theories ane extensively used foe the design oF canals i alluvial soils. 1. Kenned)’s sit theary 2 Lacey's silt theory. 6.4.1 Kennedy's Theory Gerard Kennedy, from his observation eorieluded hat the silt suppeitting power ina channel erass-scetion is mainly dependent up on the generation of eddics from the bottom width of the channel section, rising. to the surface. See Fig 2. These eddies are generated due to the friction of the flowing water with the channel bottom surface. ‘The vertical component of the eddies try ta move the sediment up, while the weight of the sediment tries to bring it dawn, thus keeping the sediment in suspension. Thus he ackled if the velocity is sufficient to sgenerate these eddies, to keep the sediment just in suspension, sifting will be avoided. Then Kennedy stated that a channel i stid tw be in.a state of "regime" if there is neither silting nor scouring in the channel, A Fig 2: Generation of eddies from bottom of the channel Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU ‘Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 6 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel Based on that, he defined the eridcal velocity (V.) in channel as the mean velocity, which will keep the channel free from silting or scouring & related it the depth of flow by equation. Vo =O. €, & C, are constant depending on silt discharge = 0.55 & C, = 064 in MKS units VY = ossyo Vo =0ssmy m= critical velocity ration Later on he introduced a factor m to account fr soil rype through which the canal passes. This factor which depenals on silt grade is named as extical velocity ratio (C-V'R) denoted by m. Table 6 below shows the value of m for different types of silt. ‘The equation for the critical velocity was then modified as: in channel in rn/see meters m= enitical velocity ratio (C.V.R) ‘Table 6: Silt type and m value No | Type of alle Value 1 lt O7 2 [Light sandy ail 10 3 _| Light sandy silt a little coarser Lb | Sandy, aoumy sil 12 3 _| Debris of haed soil 13 Design of Procedure A The critical velocity V, is to be determined by the equation Vp = 0.SSmy" by assuming i trial depth, 3% Then determine the area of the channel by dividitiy the discharge by the critical velocity. Ve, Next determine the channel dimensions. ° Finally compute the actual mean velocity (V) that will prevail in the channel 0 f this cross-section by Kuiter’s formula °® Compare the mean velocity, V and critical velocity, W,, the two velacties V, and V works out 10 be the same, then the assumed depth is all right, other vis change it & repeat the procedure tll V, and V becomes equal 1 (2s4 noms) ‘ Pel = Kutter's Formula va(as 2) . s JR Please refer to Example 3 Example Given Design an itrigation channel to carry S0nv’/sce of discharge. The channel is to be Inid at a dope of 1 in a=som 4000. 1 The critial velocity aati for the soll is 14. Use] S= i555 Rutter’s rugorsity Coefficient as 0.025. Civil Engineering Dep., JiT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 7 Irrigation Engineering Solution 1) Determine the critical velocity, V, Assume a depth, y = 2m 0.85my"* SS 11820 = 0,942 2) Determine the ceoss - sectional area Q sont Ve 0942. =53.1m? 3) Determination of channel dimensions Assume sie dope of 12 in which b/#—_b—__-+4 Fig 3: Channel crass-section Cross-sectional area, A A=y(b+Zy) 53.1= 26 +052) =2he2 Wetted Perimeter, P Pobedyiee = 25.55m+2*2/1+ 05) = 30.03 HHycraulic Radius, R aed Tm P3003 4) Compute the mean velocity flow, v 1 0.00155 + | 23+ 0.023 1 Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel 5 43.5+ (23 + 6.2) 2%-0.023+ re 133 2.7 4d =Trosos *!3* 33 Ri 1 = 7505 *!99* 635 .016 msec 5) Compare the mean velocity, Vand critical velocity, 942m/sec or V>Vo Heace we have to tepeat the computation. In ander to increase the ertieal velocity, increase the depth, so increase the depth, Assume, depth y = 3m ‘Then repeat the above procedure feom 1 to 5 V, = 0.55"1, 183)" = 1.220 we have to 50. d= = 40.820" 408=3p+ +3] a0s=3+45 40.5—4.5 I O.001SS 2 aon ¥ =| ———___ £4000 _ b.17* Vooo 0.00155 | 0.023 217 L 4000 =1168%/, e116, 21.22 sor Vy= 1.08 7m/see Hence we need to try again. Third trial, increase the depth. Use 2.7 m depth Vo = 0.605 x 1.189= 1.147 148m/sec=W,=1.147m/ste Accordingly, the actual mean velocity tallies with the a trapeadidall canil cross-section with depth, y=2.7m, botram depth, b=H4.L4m or rounded to 14.20m and side slope 1:1/2, 6.4.2 Lacey's Theory Lacey cartied out an extensive investigation on the design of stable channels in alluviums. On the-basis of this research work, he foundl many drawbacks in Kennedy's Theory aad he put forward his new theory, Lacey's regime Channels Icis stated hy Kennedy" that a channel is said to be in a stare of "regime" if there is neither silting. nor scouring in the channel, Bur Lacey came out with the statement that even a channel showing no silting and no scouring may actually not be in regime. He, therefore, differentiated b/a three regime conditions @ Truc regime i) Initial regime (ii) Final regime According to him, @ channel which is under initial regime is not a channel in regime (through outwardly ie appears to be in regime as there is no silting oF seauring) and henee, regime theory is not applicable 1 such channels, His theary is therefore applicable only to thase channels which are either in tne regime or in final regime, True Regime A Channel shall be in regime, if there is neither silting nar scouring. load entering the ehasinel must be edtried theough by the channel seetion. Moreover, there can be only one channel section and one bed slope at which 2 channel carrying a give discharge andl a particular quantum and type of silt would be in regime, Hence, an artificially constructed channel having a certain fixed section & 4 certain fixed slope can behave in regime only if the following conditions are satisfied. ‘An artificial channel section having a certain fixed section and! bed slope can behave in regime onfy if this condition to be satisfied, the silt Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel ‘Discharge fs constant Flow is uniform Silt charge is constant, Lc., the amount of silt is constant Sik grade is constant, ic, the size & type of silt is always the same Channel is flowing through 4 material which ean be scoured as easily as it can be deposited (such soil known as incoherent alluvium) and is of the same grade as is transported. Hence the designed channel shall be in "uc regimc”. If the above conditions are satisfied. But in practice all these conditions can never be satisfied, Therefore, artificial channels can never be in “true regime”, they can cither be in intial reginne or final tepime, Initial regime and Final regime > When only the bed slope of a channel varies & its eross-scetion dr wetted perimeter temains un affected, even then the channel can exhibit “nb silting & no scouring”. Properties called Loitial regime. When water flows through an excavated channel with somewhat narrawer dimensions & defective slope, the silt earried by the water gets dropped! in the upper reaches, there by inereasing the channel bed slope. Consequently, the velocity is increased & a non-silting equilibrium is established called Initial regime, Sides of such channels are subjerted toa lateral restraint & could have scoured if the bank soil would have been a tue alluvium. Bur in practice they may cither be grassed or be of elaycy soil & therefore they may not get eroxled at all. Hence such channels will exhibit *-non-silting - non- scouring” properties & they will appear to be in regime, but in fact they are not. Thy hue achiered only a working stability cae to tbe rigity oftheir banks. Their shapes & velocities arc higher & cross-sections narrower than what would have been if the sides were hot rigid. Such channels are termed as channel in initial regime, and regime theory is not applicable to them as they in fact, not the channels in alluvium. me if there is no resistance from the sides, and all the variables such as perimeter, depth, slope are free 1 vary 8 finally get adjusted according to discharge and sit grade then the channel is said ta have achive! peemancat sbi lle inal eer > Regime theory és applicable to such channels only, and aot to all regime channels including initial regime as envisaged by Kennedy. Final regime channels in whieh all variables are equally free to vary and has.a tendency to assume a semi- elliptical seetion, ‘The coarser the sll, the Matters the semi-ellipse, ic, the greater isthe width of the water surface. The finer the silt the more neaaly the section attains a semi-circle, Sec Fig 4. v ¥ vw channel shépe ‘ica redo sized a sareying te sl Fig 4: Channel section according to 8 The second point which Lacey atgued was that the silt supporting: ede as from the sides of the channel, See Fig 5. Based on this he argued that the sediment is kept in suspension noe aonly by the vertical component of eddies which arc generated an the channel bed, but also by the ccldies penerated om the sides of the channel content generated from the batiom as well Kerineely had neglected the eclies that are generated on the sides of the ennnel, by presuming thar such eddies has horizontal movemene far greater part, and therefore, do not have sediment supporting power. Lacey thus, argue that the sit supporting power of a channel is proportional te the wetted perimeter ofthe channel and not ‘width, a6 was presumed ly Kennedy. Thirdly, Lacey argued that grain size of material forming dhe channel is an important factor and should need ‘much more rational attention than what was yiven to it by Kennedy different values of critical velocity ration, Civil Engineering Dep., ITU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 10 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channet Tor different types of soils), He, thercfore introduced a term called sife factor (iin his equation and connected it te the average particle size as per the following equation. 31.75) Ginn, Where, d_.. = Average particle siz The various equations put Forward by Lacey for the design of stable channels are given below in the topic design procedure for lacey theory. Coarser silt particles Design Procedures for Lacey's Theory 1. Compute the silt factor, / f= 1.75 /Tnin Where, d._, = Average particle size in mm. See Tuble 7 for values of average particle 2. Caleulite the velocity of flow from the following equation 2% velo hn + Q= Discharge is cumecs ‘Table 7: Values of average particle size, d,.. for various types of alluvial materials ie Toe oat ‘ay 3. Compose cross-sectional arca-of channel setion =2 v 4. Compute wetted perimeter of channel se P=4.75/Q , Where P is inm and Q in m'/see weering Dep.,JiT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 11 Civil En Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel 5. Work out the hydraulic radius/mean depth (R) from the following equation Compare the value s obtained with the value of hydraulic mean depth compured by using the following, formula. A Retinm 6. Knowing the values of A and P above, the channel sections (the depth, y and bottom width, ) is then determined, 7. Finally, determine the bed slope S by the following equation. Sce example 4 Example 4 Design a regime channel of ora diseharge of 50 cumees and silt factor 1:1 using Lace Given Q= 50 cumecs Solution 1, Compute silt factor, f Ibis already give as 2.Compute the mean Velocity of flow 2h ° } e121! v.[% |'-2 i) & [so 121 é 140 140 140 =(0.432)9'7 3099. 3.Compute eross-sceional area of channel section Aa 0. 563m? Vv 0x6 4,Compure wetted perimeter of channel section P= 4.757 = 4.75V350-=33.56m 5, Compute the hydraulic mean depth, R i) With Lacey formula 2 ii) With conventional formula A_ 363m? oop ho7 Theory. "The two values are very dose and may be taken as correct and oh. 6.Computation of the dimension of the channel seetion Fora trapezoidal channel, choose side slope. 1 A hs: Sidestope, WW kk zy ——__y y V2 —,—4 For atrapezoidad eras section Theeross ~ sectional area, A= y(b+ Z)) The wented perimeter, P = b+ 2yV1+ 2° Substitute ihe known values fromabove Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 12 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel P=b+2yyi+(03P 335656422369 Substiruting y=1.83m into equ. 1 above we can get => b=33.56-2.236y--nnnceq.l the value of b b=33,36-2.24y A=ylb+0.5y) 56.3= y(b403y)----=eg.2 Substitute equation | into 2 $6.3 = {33.56 -2.240y]+0.5y = 33S6y~ 2.240y? +0.5y =33.96-2.24(1.85) 29.42m 7. Determine the bed slope y . £8 ty a 2 sot =33.36y +1.740y" Fak mae L.740y? = 33.56y+56.3 a b © ‘This is a quadentic equation with a=1.7 HH S28 a, es 1172 33.56m and ©=563m, Thus we ean use the = quadratic formula co solve it Hine ° ea. 1.172 =1in 5470 E2736 33.56427.10 Ory, = ESF FINO a7 45 * 736 ™ yo = (7A3mis veryTargestnfensbleand results innegarive valueof b. Hence, y = 183i 6.5 Fixing the longitudinal section of the canal and other design consideration If a channel is designed acconding to Lacey's theory, it shall have a fixed slope and fixed. section for a given discharge & silt factor. But on the ather hand if the channel is designed on Kennedy's theory it can have different sections for different slopes. In practice it has been found aut that Laces’s slope equation gives excessive slopes. The slope af the channet is how ever fixed on the available country slope eansistent with economy. A steeper slope governed by maximum ‘will be economical, but will lower the FSI, causing less irrigation area. Henee, the maximum, possible iengation coverage woukl indicate Mauter slopes govemed by minimum permissible velacity, A via media between these two limits must be adopted far sclecting.a suitable bed slope of the channel, If the chosen designed slope is found to be flawter than the nanaral available slope, the difference can be adjusted by providing suitbly designed drops (Chaprer 7). But if the designed slope is steeper thart that available, then adjustments are made to change the design slope, so as to make it near the available slope as possible, Since a change in depth causes non-uniform flow, it is desirable to change the depth as less as possible. For this reason, the channels in the upper reaches are gencrilly desigmed with lange bed width to depth ratio. Suitable adjustments in bed slope, depth ete. can be made for fixing PSI. on various considerations. After fixing L-section af the channel, the erass-section ean may be fined on the basis of various canal standards, Civil Engineering Dep., JiT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 13 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel Design Procedure (1) The ongitudinal scetion of the existing ground along the proposed canal alignment i¢ plotted on a ble scale. ) A suitable channel slope is assumed G) A slope tine is marked for drawing FPS1-tine, keeping the guide lines already given (4) ‘The channel is designed from its tail reach to its head reach, km co km (6) The dlisehange required in the channel in the given reach, for required irrigation, potential is worked out and losses are aulded so as «0 calculate the required discharge, (6) The bed slope, FSL, falls/drops, ete: are adjusted using intelligence, judgment and knowledge. The bed levels, water depths, etc. are drawn on L-section. ‘The X-section ar every km is drawn on L-section. Example 3 ‘A distribution canal takes off from a braiieh canal having canal beel level at 204m and PSL, at 205.8%, The gross command arca at the head of the distributary is 30000 hectares andl afver each km itis reeluced by 5000 hectares. Out of this command, the cilturable area is only 7 ‘The intensity of irigation for season 1 and season 2 is Design suitable channel section for the first 3km of this © Total losses below kim 3 = 0.44m'/see fi) Channel losses occurs @ 2m'/see/million square m. of wetter perimeter {ii Crop period for wheat (season 1) = 4 weeks =B Gv) Kordepth for whear= Hem=(4)yroat Kor period forrice (season 2) = 2.5 weeks = B Kor depth for rice (season 2) = 20cm =(A)yigg Manning's,» = 00225 critical velociy tasio: (CAY.R) = 095 Silt feetor = The ground levels at every 200 meters, along the line of proposed alignment have been obtained and are tabulated in the table bekow, "and 15% respeetively- sributary, assuming the following data, ‘Table 8: Ground levels Distance fom Head | Reduced Gil. 0 28.200 [200 215.50 ‘400, 0 800 Too em 100 Tain 1800 Bin 2200 240 2600 2800. ‘3000 203.80 Solution > ‘The channel is ta be designed from its tail (where the losses are known) torwards its head km by ken, > The gross command ares and eultursble commanded areas at various kms are, first of all worked out in tibble 9 below. Civil Engineering Dep., JiT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 14 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel Table 9: Gross and culturable command areas Gross command | Gross culturable area Below km | area, ha (G.C.A) (ha) 1 2 W fie, head) | 30,000 1 25,000, z 20,000 3 15,000 ® Out let discharges fir the two crop seasons are determined as given below: @ For season 1 a Od B= 4 weeks = 28daysand A = tem = 0.4m @) Por season 2 po 8648 _ 8.64428 “Mh, ™ B= 2.5*7 =17.5 days and A= 20cm = 020m. Intensity of irrigation for season 1 = 32% Intensity of irigation for season 2 = 15% If G is the gross culurabie arca at any point, then 0-32 G is the area for season 1 and (15 4 is for scason 2, Out let discharge ~~ 0326 3. Disehe red A (out ler diseh = __ sehunge required for season I(t et dscharse) = ae cao TB) wee the discharge required fur season 2 is greater than that requited for season 1, the outlet fretor For scason 2 becomes a controlling factor. > Discharges requited (necdedl at various Kilometers for the given command are worked out below. ‘Table 10: Computation of discharge Culturable Discharge required Below kam AreaG a, inf 2 a 23,500, a6 18,700 372. OD _| 200 11,250 25 Civil Engineering Dep., JiT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 15, Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irigation Channel @ Design at 3kim Losses below km 5 = 0.44m’/s (given) Discharge required for esop at this point = 2.23m’/see ‘Total discharge requited +04 = 267m'/s Design discharge = 10% more than requives QO. 1inaer = 20 Ze critical velocity ratio ¢ = Uns 0022s ‘© Lacey's regime slope for this dischange & silt factor 1 is approximately 22cm per km. © Determine § from S= and is found to be, i, 334006 ©) Assuming side slope of 1: V4, the channel seetion is designed and the cross-sectional dimentions are found to be as indicated below, (b= 45m) (= Liem) omen] Pe] ee om |e [ee Ta [ipso] oe | am a [ie ) me came | 7 Ss as] soe | sw | oe | om [ove] on ii) Design at km 2 ‘* Outlet dischange required below km 2 = 2.9%m/s = Losses below km 3 = O4m!/s Losses in channel b/n kim 38& lem 2 For the caleulation of this loss, the perimeter of the section at kan - 3 shall be taken Wetted perimeter = b+ '5* y=4.5 +13 "1,08 =6.92m 3 6.92 * 1000 Los @ as . ee a 10% sqm oral loss below km -2 = Losses below kan 3+ losses b/m km 3 8 km 2 = 044 + 0,014 = 0.454an'/see ‘Tonal discharge required at km 2= 2.98 +0.45: Aduami/s Ld 334 *. Design Discharge Use the same side slope S = os fe] xT ssfosz pe fe a 5 A [As[orgppe foram k se |i_[eo lias) as | oss | ass fons] ox comes | Ze Civil Engineering Dep., ITU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 16 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel (ii) Design at am 1 © Out let discharge required below, km 1 = 3.72m'/sec © Losses below km 2 worked out eat 0.454m'/see © Losses between ke 2 andl km | ‘To work out these losses, the perimeter of the section at kin 2 shall be tiken, as the section at kim 1 is for kiiwn soe Wetted perimeter ar section km2, p = b+ 2yV1+k> = 6+2* 081+ OS) = BA LS Losses @2', hoe (ie., in the length of km, ie., 100m) = 2 [Pao 17 ‘million sq.m Le Total losses belaw km 1 = 04540 + 0017 = (a7Emi/see ‘Toral dischange required at kin | = 3.72 + O47 =4191m’/see Design dischange = 1.14.19] = 4,6lm'/see Let us adopt a slope of 20cm in/km ic ese | ox iv) Design at 0 km ‘© Outlet discharge required at km = 446m'/sce © Losses below kml as found above = 0.47Im'/see + Losses b/mhm O10 “To work out these losses, the perimetet of the section at km 1 shall he taken, as dhe geet atk is not known so far, Wetted Perimeter P=h + 3." 10" cavers 24)/ 1! att mth ‘Total losses below km 0. = 0471 + 0.017 O488m'/sec ‘Tonal discharge required at (1 km: = 4.46 + 0.488 = 4.948m"/sec Design discharge = 1,1%4.948 = S.44nn'see 1 Lecus adopt slope of em in Thm e., S= so 0+ V5.13 = 6.42.68 6m 0.01736= 0.077 omar S| <| Civil Engineering Dep., iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 17 Irrigation Engineering Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel Detailed Design at km.3: Presented as sxample =0,55*1" 64 = Losses below km 3 = 0.44m'/see Wass" ENthl2) Discharge required: 1 2.94m'/ see v 5, = GVR=1 Yo n=0.0225 Hence Adopt All the data worked out above, has been entered at their proper places in ‘schedule of area statistics and channel dimensions’. Sce Table 11 below. The table has been completed with the help of Canal Standards by making same adjustments, Then the leseetion of the distributary canal is drawn as shown in Figure Starting from the (ie, Ohm) by keeping its PSL at the head at 0.2m below the FSI. of the branch channel Civil Engineering Dep,, iT-JU Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 18 {i is Engineer Chapter 6: Design of Irrigation Channel ‘Table 1: Schedule of area statistics und channel dimensions on we Bed slope fom them) ‘Bred usnichtls fom Waser depth (metres) Freehoard from Table 14.20 in metres He. of bank above ground decided after drascing Wideh of bank from ‘Tobte te 22 Velocity im mfnec UO) | MY) 1h | teh | at | tise | t6) 0 | sagonH 23500 fs | 156 foun “has swfom fan aa] os uw | 2 os: fam 1] as0on)) 1700 Jasna 1 | oom on 60 OS | 00} 20 | os 0 2 tac] ‘000 )2.2900 ) 186 | oon bus am | as] oo | uns] 0s fave | a0 | os os 4 Wg a0 vans] as | — | bu [as as | a fia | os [oss ! 20 | om | om | — } i | @ | im | i= = & Civil Engineering Dep, jIT4U Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 19 Urgaton Engel Chae 6: Dexgn of rigation Chane Piguet Longitudinal section of the ihc ean FOL Linwite Ue Map! avove tne m5 tei SSE URUR ADR RW WE A ae —PPRPERR EMEA RA AE Civil Engineering Dep. JT Compiled By: Efrem W. Page 20

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