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Name: Valencia, Mikaela Joveane S.

Date Submitted: January 13, 2023

Year and Section: 10-Einstein

RRL Reading Report # 4

Quarter: 2

Bibliography Entry: Hamidi-Oskouei, A. M., James, C., & James, S. (2015). The Efficiency of UVC
Radiation in the Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on Beef-Agar Food Models. Food Technology
and Biotechnology, 53.


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Total = ________

Time Started: 8:40am Type of RRL: Processes and Procedures

A. Five (5) new terms that I learned from the reading and its definition.
1. White light interferometer - uses this phenomenon to measure the surface roughness of a
sample according to Keyence.
2. Non-thermal decontamination- is the most focused research areas in the food sector due to
consumer demands for safe and nutritious food free from microbes.
3. Agar- is a jelly-like substance consisting of polysaccharides obtained from the cell walls of some
species of red algae according to Wikipedia
4. Lux gene technologies- encodes genes for self-regulation and for the production of luminescent
5. Morphology- is the study of the internal structure of words according to Univ of Sheffield.

B. Two (2) new concepts/ideas/theories that I learned from the reading.

 An organic material was found to decrease the efficiency of other microbial decontamination
 The concept of using luxe gene technologies appears substantial differences in the recovery of
Salmonella Typhimurium.

C. What are the objective/s of the researchers in the article?

 The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of meat content and surface smoothness on the
deactivation of Listeria monocytogenes
D. How is it connected to our own study?
 It’s connected to our study because we need to see if the efficiency of the UVC will deactivate
the L. monocytogenes and there is some picture of the device usage in the test So we need it
to expand our knowledge of the device and how it works.

Time ended: 9:59am Parents Signature: _____________

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