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Name: Valencia, Mikaela Joveane S.

Date Submitted: January 13, 2023

Year and Section: 10-Einstein

RRL Reading Report # 2

Quarter: 2

Bibliography Entry: Holck, A. L., Liland, K. H., Drømtorp, S. M., Carlehög, M., & McLeod, A. (2018).
Comparison of UV-C and Pulsed UV Light Treatments for Reduction of Salmonella, Listeria
monocytogenes, and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli on Eggs. Journal of Food Protection, 81(1),

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Total = ________

Time Started: 3:02pm Type of RRL: Processes and Procedures

A. Five (5) new terms that I learned from the reading and its definition.
1. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds- are a group of chemicals used for a variety of purposes
including as preservatives, surfactants, antistatic agents, and as active ingredients in disinfectants
and sanitizers.
2. N-halamine compounds- a compound containing one or more nitrogen-halogen covalent bonds
that are formed by the halogenation of imide, amide, or amine groups
3. Electrolyzed oxidative water- is an emerging decontamination technology that has attracted
much attention in recent years.
4. Hydrogen peroxide- is a mild antiseptic used on the skin to prevent infection of minor cuts,
scrapes, and burns.
5. Fluorescent light- a low pressure mercury-vapor gas-discharge lamp that uses fluorescence to
produce visible light

B. Two (2) new concepts/ideas/theories that I learned from the reading.

 Eggs can become contaminated with bacteria from the hen’s intestinal tract, feces, infested
nests, or from the surrounding environment

 The higher germicidal effect at lower fluence for the UV-C light is likely explained by most of
the energy being emitted at 254 nm, at which relative germicidal effect is close to the

C. What are the objective/s of the researchers in the article?

 The objective of this study is to compare the UVC and Pulsed UVC Light Temp to deactivate
Salmonella, L. monocytegenes, and lastly the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli on Eggs.
D. How is it connected to our own study?
 It is connected to our study because we need some information about bacteria such as
Salmonella, L. monocytegenes, and lastly the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli to prevent
the infection of the bacteria’s

Time ended: 5:00pm Parents Signature: _____________

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