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Geography Question Paper

(Marks -20 ). 9th std

Q 1.(A)
Complete the statements choosing the correct option:.
1.The term economics’ is derived from Greek word
(a) oikomonia
(b) oikonomica
(c) oikonomia
(d) oikonomics

Answer:(c) oikonomia

2 .While crossing the IDL, a person will have to add one day when travelling from
A. East to West

B. West to East

C. South to North

D. North to South


3.When the value of imports is more than the value of exports it is called
………………….. balance of trade.
(a) favourable
(b) unfavorable
(c) balanced
(d) possible
(b) unfavorable

Q1. B write in one sentence (any 3). (3)

1.To which economic factor is the management of individual or family finances
Management of individual or family finances is related to the economic factor of
‘income and expenditure.

2.What do you mean by globalisation?

Globalisation means aligning the country’s economy with the world economy.

3. Which of these is an easier way of doing trade?

To sell the product in other states of the country, domestic or internal trade is easier.
To sell the product in other parts of the world, international trade, i.e. export trade is

4.What do you mean by trade?

Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services to fulfil each other’s need.

5.Which meridian is used to determine world standard Time (GMT)?

World Standard Time (GMT) is determined using Prime Meridian at 0° longitude.

Q2A. Give extended form of. (Any-2) (2)

(ii) ASEAN
(iii) APEC
(iv) BRICS
(i) SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.
(ii) ASEAN – Association of South-East Asian Nations.
(iii) APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation.
(iv) BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Q2B Give geographical reasons. (Any-2) (4)

1.IDL is proving to be very useful in today’s times

IDL is proving to be very useful in today’s times because:

The IDL brings coordination between international airlines, transportation services,

economic and trade activities.
The IDL has been carved out of the necessity of coordinating time and date.
It is also important in today’s modern era and rapidly happening global
We can keep a track of all the calculations of a day and time accurately with the help
of IDL in case of global transportation especially, with respect to airways.
It is only because of the IDL that the schedules of the traffic worldwide are organised
2.The economy begins at home.
Household finance is related to income and expenditure.
Every household has unlimited expenditure and the income earned is limited.
The household has to make a choice regarding how it has to spend its limited
Management of this limited income to meet the unlimited expenses is Economics.
As we manage the finance of our family, similarly the villages/cities, states, countries
and the whole world needs to have economic management. So we say Economy
begins at home.

3.Some international economic organisations were set up

Some international economic organisations were set up:
To smoothen the process of trade between countries of different economic status.
To facilitate the growth of international trade.

4.The Consumer Protection Act been enacted

The Consumer Protection Act has been enacted to protect the consumers from
fraudulent traders supplying sub-standard products.
Many advertisements make exaggerated statements to cheat the consumers and
these advertisements use incorrect information.
The Consumer Protection Act empowers consumers with their rights and duties.
Consumers have right to complain and seek redressal.

Q3.A write in Brief ( any 2) (6)

1.While crossing the IDL, what changes will you make?

When you cross the 180° meridian, some precautions need to be taken.
There is a difference of 12 hours from Prime Meridian, if you go from East or West.
According to the convention, the start (and end) of a date is considered to be at 180°
Accordingly, an adjustment or change in day and time is made. Thus, while travelling
from east to west of IDL , a day is added whereas while travelling from west to east
of IDL, the day remains the same.

2.Explain the importance of Economics.

Economics is an important Social Science Subject.
We use Economics on a large scale in agriculture, trade, finance, administration, law
and in our daily life.
Economics holds a paramount4 importance in the overall social development of

3.What do you mean by wholesale trade?

In wholesale trade, the traders buy goods on a large scale from industrialists,
farmers, etc. For eg. the orchard owners of mangoes or oranges sell their entire
production to wholesale traders.
The wholesalers in turn sell these commodities to the retail traders.

4.Why is the IDL not a straight line like the 1800 meridian?
Attempt has been made to make the IDL pass through the Pacific Ocean completely.
Had it passed through a land or some islands, the people there would have had to
follow different dates and timings because dates would have been different on their
Eastern and Western parts.
Also, it would have been difficult to know when one crosses the IDL on land, and
when the date changes on the calendar.
Therefore, the IDL is not a straight line like the 1 180° Meridian. At places, it turns
East while at other places, it turns West.

Q3 B: write any one short note. (2)

1.Barter trade:
In ancient and medieval periods, trade was done through barter system.
Barter trade means exchange of commodities for commodities without using money,
is a medium.
For eg. grains in exchange of work done or salt exchanged for oil.
But it created the problem of estimating the price of a commodity correctly. As a
result, currency started being used.

2.State the objectives of WTO.

WTO stands for World Trade Organisation. The main objectives of WTO are:

To provide platform for negotiations in international trade.

To handle the differences related to trade.
To monitor the trade policies of member states.
To provide a technological assistance and training to developing countries.

3.the importance of marketing from farmers ‘point of view’?

Marketing involves price of a commodity, its sales promotion, its advertising and its
proper distribution.

In the traditional marketing system, the farmers used to sell their products in the local
market at whatever price available. This is because the fruits and vegetables are
perishable, so the farmers used to incur losses,
However, the modem farmers have acquired skills in marketing. They are aware of
the trends in the market.
They produce food grains and fruits as per the international standards.
They undertake grading and packaging of their products. The presentation of any
product has become indispensable now.
They advertise the quality of their product and keep the same for sale, along with
samples, in the mall.
These commercial-minded farmers contact the supermarkets and exporters through
the internet.
As a result, their products are sold at a higher price in the malls. They also fetch a
good price from exports.
Thus marketing is as important as the cultivation of crops. By following modem
marketing techniques, the income of the farmers can increase and that can improve
their standard of living.

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