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Sample Dance Assessment

Student Booklet
Proctor Booklet
Scoring Rubrics

Spring 2014
This performance assessment was developed by staff from the Dance Education Laboratory at 92Y in
conjunction with the New York City Department of Education’s Director of Dance. This packet contains the
student assessment booklet, proctor booklet, and rubrics used to score each task.
The Arts Achieve assessments were developed for the specific purpose of measuring students’ overall
achievement as a class. Results will reveal gaps in student learning and provide insight into how students can
progress toward recognized standards. In this way, the assessment results can also be used to measure
teacher effectiveness. It is NOT the intention for this assessment to be used to grade individual students.
In the Dance assessments, students respond both through writing and dancing to a video of a dance
masterwork, with some background information about the choreographer and the work.
Discipline-Based Performance Tasks
 Replicate (learn a dance phrase)
 Create a solo
 Peer coach or give constructive feedback using a protocol
 Create a collaborative group dance (duet in elementary, trio in middle school, quartet in high
 Perform

Written Performance Tasks

 Infer style and genre in the dance and justify their response.
 Compare and contrast the style of the dance to prior knowledge of styles and genres.
 Analyze elements of dance (body shapes and actions, use of space, energy dynamics, staging
relationships) and choreographic devices and structures.
 Reflect on and interpret meaning.
 High School: additional questions address stage directions, anatomy/kinesiology, dance-
related careers, and benefits of dance study
Each grade level’s assessment focuses on a piece that was selected according to the following criteria:
 By dance pioneers/historical relevance
 Age appropriate
 Explore universal human themes
 Recording must be professionally produced
 Clear sample of use of dance elements that align with the content to be assessed
 Easy to deconstruct using the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) categories of Body, Space, Ef-
fort, Relationships
 Video segments between 3 and 7 minutes in length
 It is helpful to select a piece that show several stylistic influences that can be addressed in the
For the Spring 2014 High School assessment, we selected Shelter by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar / URBAN
BUSH WOMEN. While we are unable to provide this recording ourselves, this piece or comparable
works can be found using other resources.
While all of the Arts Achieve performance assessments are psychometrically validated and developed against
recognized standards, instructors are encouraged to re-interpret and modify tasks to fit their own classes’
needs. We hope this assessment will be useful to your practice and your students!
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible, using your general
dance knowledge and your movement memory of the video we just watched.

1. Stage directions: Label the diagram below to show where Stage Right, Stage Left, Downstage,
and Upstage are located. Use the abbreviations shown:

Stage Right = SR Downstage = DS

Stage Left = SL Upstage = US

Use your memory of the movements and the sound accompaniment in the two video
excerpts of SHELTER to answer questions 2─5:

2. Use an arrow to indicate on the diagram above the direction in which the group exits at the end of
the second excerpt from SHELTER.

3. In the first excerpt from SHELTER, from which side of the stage do the soloists enter and exit, and
what is their pathway of travel during their solos?

They enter and exit from ___________________________________________________________

Their pathway of travel during their solos is ____________________________________________

4. What are the two types of sound accompaniment in SHELTER?


5. Circle two (2) movement qualities you most noticed in each of these two excerpts from SHELTER:

First excerpt: Strong Light Bound Free Direct Indirect Fast Slow

Second excerpt: Strong Light Bound Free Direct Indirect Fast Slow

 Use your general dance knowledge to answer question 6a. and b., and question 7:

6. a. Label the bones of the body appropriately, choosing from the list below:

Sternum Femur Tibia Pelvis Cranium

Vertebral Column Scapula Metatarsals Patella Clavicle





--------------------- __________________________


b. Turn-out in dance refers to the external rotation of the joint between the

___________________________ and the _____________________________.

(Choose two words from the list above)

7. Producing a dance like SHELTER requires a number of other professionals besides the dancers and
choreographers, who collaborate by doing different kinds of jobs to mount the production. Name
two professional careers that are important to staging a dance, other than ‘Dancer’ or
‘Choreographer’. Describe the role and responsibilities of each of these careers, and state why their
work is important to bringing a dance production to the stage.

PROFESSIONAL CAREER #1: _______________________________________________________


WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? ___________________________________


PROFESSIONAL CAREER #2: _______________________________________________________


WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? ___________________________________


8. Compare and Contrast: Compare and contrast the Modern Dance/African Dance blend that
you saw in SHELTER with a different dance style you have studied. Do not compare SHELTER with
another piece of choreography – rather, think of a different kind of dance technique or form of
dance you know about that is not the Modern Dance/African Dance fusion style used by Jawole
Willa Jo Zollar in her piece. Address the following elements:

Body (what parts move, kinds of shapes, kinds of movements)

Quality/Dynamics (how the body moves – for example, smoothly or sharply?)

Space (where they move – for example, on a high or low level, in place or traveling?)

Relationship (how bodies move with each other – for example, groupings and formations –
and in relation to the music).

List at least four (4) items in each side section of the diagram. Put characteristics that you
especially noticed as hallmarks of Jawole Willa Jo Zollar’s choreography for SHELTER on the left-
hand side of the diagram. Put characteristics that are special hallmarks of the style of dance you
have chosen on the right-hand side. List at least two characteristics shared by both dance styles in
the overlapping part of the diagram. Do not list any shared characteristics in the side portions of
the diagram – only in the center portion.

Modern Dance/African Dance fusion ► ___________________________________

(such as you saw in SHELTER) (Name of another dance style, form or genre)

↓ ↓
Characteristics of Characteristics of
Modern Dance/African Dance your chosen dance style
Shared characteristics

9. Written Analysis: Please write a detailed two-paragraph response to the following question in
the space provided below. Support your statements with specific examples. Your response will be
evaluated for how thoroughly you address all aspects of the question; the depth of your analysis
and insights; and your appropriate use of grammar, spelling, descriptive vocabulary and dance-
specific language.

How does Jawole Willa Jo Zollar use dance styles, movement qualities, tempo, groupings, and
sound accompaniment in these two excerpts from SHELTER to convey a range of emotions about
the devastating human impact of policies that disregard the future of our planet? What does the
ending of the dance suggest?

Please close your booklets. We will answer question #10 after we dance.

10. Reflection: Describe one significant way that studying dance, analyzing dance, and creating
choreography – as we did today – can help make you more successful in your other academic
classes and in life.

High School Dance Assessment
Spring 2014

Proctor Manual

ARTS ACHIEVE Proctor/Adjudicator Checklist
DANCE: High School Teams

Before starting, did we preset these items? Please check off each box:

1. Name tags set in a stack (unless already on students □

2. DVD of SHELTER is in laptop □
3. Smart Board or projector ready to go □
4. Conjurer music CD is in CD player □
5. Posters are mounted on mirror □
6. Proctor manuals are in hand, with score sheets labeled □
7. Name labels are pasted on exam booklets □
8. Two proctor rubric sheets are at hand □
9. Labeled student exam booklets are set out in a stack □
10. Solo/Group worksheets are set out in a stack □
11. Box of sharpened pencils is ready □
12. Drum & mallet (set on a chair) □
13. Stop watch is worn by one proctor □
ARTS ACHIEVE Proctor/Adjudicator Checklist
DANCE: High School Teams

After finishing, did we collect and pack these items in the large clear poly bag (student
test materials) or large box (supporting supplies)? Please check off:

1. DVD of SHELTER (in box unless another class is being tested) □

2. Music CD (in box unless another class is being tested) □
3. Posters (in box unless another class is being tested) □
4. Proctor manuals (2 in bag, on top of student booklets) □
5. Student exam booklets (in bag – 1 per student) □
6. Solo/Group Dance worksheets (in bag – 1 per student) □
7. Drum & mallet (in box unless another class is being tested) □
8. Stop watch (in box unless another class is being tested) □
9. Pencils: make sure all are collected and in container □

*AFTER THE ASSESSMENT: Pack the student exam booklets in alphabetical order by
students’ last names (should correspond to numbered order). Alphabetize the
Solo/Group Dance worksheets by soloists’ names and place with student booklets.
Place the two proctor manuals and the two proctor rubric sheets on top of the stack of
student booklets. Place the class roster on top of the written pieces so it shows
through the plastic envelope.

High School Arts Achieve Dance Assessment

Total time: 120 minutes

Materials needed:

School provides: Smart board or projector system with speakers to play DVD, CD player, box of
sharpened pencils, three sets of class roster labels, numbered name tags

Arts Achieve provides: Wall posters, masking tape, extra name labels, Sharpie, exam booklets, one
worksheet handout per student, DVD, CD, proctor manuals that include the scoring templates and
rubric, drum and mallet, stop watch.

 DVD of SHELTER has been tested and is in the Smart board or laptop/projector
 Conjurer CD is in the CD player
 Drum and mallet are set on a chair
 The two posters are mounted on mirror
 Written exam booklets are ready in a stack, labeled
 Solo/Group Composition student sheets are in a stack ready to hand out
 Box of pencils is set
 Two proctor manuals with labeled scoring templates are in hand
 Stop watch is worn by one proctor

Time Recommendations

Total time for proctor scripts, materials distribution/collection, and video: 15 minutes

Written Tasks: Time Recommendations

Exam booklet questions 1-9: Give students 30 minutes (notify students every five minutes)
Final reflection question 10: Give students 5 minutes (done at the end of the session)

Performance Tasks: Time Recommendations

Task #1 – Standing warm-up – 10 minutes

Task #2 – Improvisational traveling warm-up –10 minutes
Task #3 – Solo Composition – 10 minutes to create solos
Task #4 – Collaborate on quartet –10-15 minutes to create quartets; 25-30 minutes to score
40 minutes total
Proctor script:
“Today you will participate in various activities that will allow us to see what you
know and have learned about dance. You will see an excerpt from a famous dance
work on video and respond to it by answering some questions and writing an analysis.
You will also participate in an improvisational warm-up, create a solo, and collaborate
with peers to create a group dance. We will be looking for evidence that you can
interpret a piece of choreography for meaning, compare it to other kinds of dance with
which you are familiar, write persuasively about it, and use dance elements to create
your own compositions related to this work.
You are about to watch two excerpts from two different sections of a dance called
SHELTER. This dance was choreographed by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar for her company
URBAN BUSH WOMEN. The dance reveals the plight of people who are left homeless,
poor and dislocated by natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy.
The dance makes a connection between these natural and human disasters, and our
disregard for the ecological health of our shared planet Earth.

Keep these ideas in mind as you watch two excerpts, from the middle and the end of
dance. Pay attention to how Ms. Zollar mixes Modern Dance and African Dance styles
in her movement choices, and how she uses movement qualities, tempo, groupings
and sound accompaniment to convey a wide range of emotions. After we watch the
video, you will respond to some specific questions about the dance. Then you will write
an analysis of how the choreography in this work conveys its message.” [View video
excerpts: approx. 5 ½ min]

Proctor script:
“(If no labels have been provided) Please write your name on your exam booklet cover.
Now please look over questions 1 through 5, but do not answer them.” [2 minutes]
“I am going to show you the same two excerpts from this dance again. Please look
carefully in light of the questions you have just read.” [View Video again]

“Now you may begin the exam. Complete questions 1-9. Be mindful that question 9 is
an extended written analysis, so please move quickly through the exam questions so
you have time to write a meaningful response. You have 30 minutes. Please find your
own space.” [Give the students 30 minutes. Notify them every five minutes and prompt them to
move forward.]
(10 minutes)
Proctor script:
“Please take two (2) minutes to stretch and mobilize your muscles and joints in
whatever ways you need to prepare yourself for movement. [Give students 2 minutes].
“Now we will warm up with a simple sequence of exercises that will energize your
body for dancing. Please follow along with me – I will not demonstrate separately –
and do the exercises as fully as you can. I will say the exercises as we do them.” [Give
“5, 6, 7, 8” intro to give the tempo. Say the movements as you demonstrate them so students have
both auditory and visual cues to follow. Second adjudicator accompanies on the drum.]

1. Roll down 8 counts, plié and stretch twice, 2 counts each. Roll up 8 counts, flat back over and
recover in 4 counts each. REPEAT 4x.

2. Demi-plié-lengthen (2 counts) and relevé-lower (2 counts) 8x each in parallel 1 st, turned out 1st,
(“move the heels to”) parallel 2nd, (“move the toes to”) turned out 2nd.

3. Legs in 2nd position, arms in 2nd: sustained side stretch with opposition arms 4 counts over, 4
counts up. REPEAT 4x alternating R and L.

4. Twist with arms tasseling arms around the body (2 counts). Do 6 twists altogether, alternating R
and L. Close to turned out 1st and then parallel 1st (4 counts).

5. Coupé parallel, passé parallel with arms in 1st en avant, raise the arms to high 5th, arms and leg
down (2 counts each). 4x alternating R and L. REPEAT whole sequence turned out.

6. Brushes off the floor (degagé) with arms in 2nd. Do 4 brushes on each side, in parallel 1st, starting
R, only to front and side. Do sequence twice through. Take 4 counts to plié and change to
turned out 1st position. Then do the brushes in turned out 1st en croix, four times through.

Proctor script: “Now let’s take our warm-up into the air. First we’ll do some easy
bounces, and then some jumps.” [Prompt verbally on the upbeat so students can easily follow.]

1. Bounces with easy swinging arms, 4 each in parallel 1st, turned out 1st, parallel 2nd, turned out
2nd. Take a slight jump to change positions.

2. 8 jumps in parallel 1st, 8 in turned out 1st, 8 in turned out 2nd, and 8 pairs of 1st to 2nd. End by
balancing in relevé in 2nd.


Proctor script: [One proctor gives/demonstrates these instructions. The other proctor plays the
Conjurer CD at good volume, pausing it for each “Freeze!” Give about 30 seconds to 1 minute for
students to add on each layer.]

“Are you warmed up? Good! Now I am going to lead you through a guided
improvisation to help you explore some movement elements related to SHELTER in
preparation for choreographing. Listen to me and do as I direct. We will keep layering
more elements into this improvisation, so pay attention.
We will start with basic locomotor movements: walking, running, crawling and rolling.
Travel only on straight pathways. Punctuate your traveling with stationary moments
of stillness. You may travel forwards, backwards or sideways. Be aware of others and
maintain your personal space. Use the whole space. Start now.
 Freeze and listen:
Now you may add in some curved pathways when you travel.
 And start…………..Freeze:
Now add torso and arm movements while traveling, and hold a shape when you are
And start…………Freeze:
Now add leg extensions, kicks and jumps to your torso and arm movements while
traveling. When you are stationary, find two different shapes and alternate between
them. Be sure to explore different levels with your shapes.
 And start…………Freeze:
Find a partner while traveling. Decide when to stop traveling, and while you are
stationary use your shapes as a call and response with your partner.
 And start…………Freeze:

Now travel with your partner to another pair and make a group of four. Move through
space together as a group, stopping occasionally to use your shapes as a call and
response among the four of you.
 And start…………Freeze.
Now take turns supporting each dancer in your group in some way.
 Excellent work, everyone!”
50 minutes total

[Hand out the solo/group composition student worksheet. Instruct them to use the solo side]

Proctor Script:
“In SHELTER, Jawole Will Jo Zollar mixed Modern Dance and African Dance styles to
convey a wide range of emotions in response to the challenges of homelessness,
poverty and dislocation caused by natural disasters. Now you will create an original
short solo using your own blend of movement styles, to convey two different emotions
that you feel when faced with a challenge in your own life. The phrase should include
the following dance elements: [Point to the poster]

1) Traveling movements
2) Two contrasting shapes
3) A level change

You have 10 minutes to create your short solo phrase. To help you remember your
solo, record the choreography on your worksheet while you are making it or after you
have made it. Be sure to include all three required elements, use them creatively to
convey your two emotions, and practice your phrase so you can perform it dynamically
using the dance concepts and skills you have learned this year. We will softly play the
same music you just improvised to while you are working on your solos.”

My Life Challenge: ___________________________________________________________________

My Two Emotions: ___________________________________________________________________

My traveling movements My two shapes My level change

(describe; draw spatial paths) (describe and/or draw) (from ____ to ____)

[Play the Conjurer CD softly, repeating the cut if needed, while students are working. Students create
their short solo.]
[Place the students in groups of four, giving them letters A, B, C and D alphabetically, and explain the
collaborative task. Hand one worksheet to each group, instructing them to use the group side.]

Proctor script:
“Now you will collaborate with your classmates to create a one-minute group dance
that combines movements from all your solos, and connects you as a group in mutual
support, as we did at the end of our improvisation. Each student must contribute one
traveling movement and one shape from their solo to this group piece – so you will be
learning movements from each other. Choose two of the choreographic devices from
the list on your worksheet to structure your dance. [Read the list below to them, pointing to
the poster]. Your dance should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

You will perform each of your solos followed by your group study, so please retain
both in your memory. Record your choices on the worksheet. You have 15 minutes.
Begin working now. ”
1) Unison
2) Counterpoint
3) Canon
4) Call and Response

[Students collaborate in quartets to create their short studies: 15 minutes. Roam the room to check
how well they are collaborating. You may make brief notes on the score sheets.]

Proctor script:
“Now each group will perform. Please hand us your worksheets before you perform.
We will first see solos A, B, C and D in order, and then we will see how you combined
them in your group dance. Dancers, please all go to the starting places of your solos,
and hold that position in space until it is your turn to perform your solo. Before you
perform your solo, please state your life challenge and the two emotions you seek to

convey. Before the group performance, tell us which two choreographic devices you
used. The audience rules are:

1) Be respectful, quiet and attentive when your classmates perform.

2) No applause after the performances.”

[Students hand in their group worksheet. Play the Conjurer CD for each soloist as they show their
piece. Start it again for the group study. 30 minutes to score.]

5 minutes

[Hand out the student booklets again.]

Proctor script:

“Thank you for your performances. We hope you enjoyed today’s dance activities. To
finish our session, please turn to question #10 in your booklet, and answer it as a
thoughtful reflection on your dance learning.”

[Read the question aloud.]

“Describe one significant way that studying dance, analyzing dance, and creating
choreography – as we did today – can help make you more successful in your other
academic classes and in life”.

[Give students 5 minutes to complete this and then collect the papers. Thank the students individually
for their work.]

Performance Task
Group and Solo Rubrics
Scoring Templates

Rubric for Solo Composition

Criterion 4 3 2 1

ACCURACY TO TASK Clearly includes all Includes all the One required solo Two or all three
Does the student the required solo required solo element is missing solo elements are
clearly include all the elements elements, but is or barely addressed, missing, and what
required solo somewhat uneven but demonstrates is presented is
elements? in demonstrating the other elements completely unclear,
 Traveling them recognizably perfunctory or off-
movements task
 Two contrasting
 A level change

CREATIVE Blends dance styles Uses a dance styles Dance styles and/or Dance styles are
INVENTION and invented and/or invented invented elements unrecognizable or
Does the student use movements into an movements,  and are poorly arranged absent, and/or no
all the required inventive composes a phrase in the composition, other invented
elements to convey composition that competently, but but the solo conveys dance elements are
two distinct emotions effectively and the two emotions at least one emotion used, composition
in response to their strongly expresses could be expressed clearly has no discernible
stated ‘life two distinct with more impact order, and/or does
challenge’? emotions not convey any
emotions clearly

PERFORMANCE Dances with great Dances with focus Dances hesitantly Dances with
QUALITY conviction, strong and expression, with inconsistent complete lack of
Does the student focus, convincing solid body control focus and flow, many breaks
perform with focus, expressiveness, and coordination, expression, in movement and
expressiveness and dynamic energy, supported by basic inconsistent body focus, has a poor
dynamic energy, and nuanced body dance technique, control and sense of how to
demonstrate a solid control, and agile but some coordination, but control and
understanding of coordination, movements lack displays some connect parts of
body control, supported by solid articulation or moments of energy the body overall,
coordination, and dance technique energy and lacks any
basic dance dynamic energy or
technique? expression

Rubric for Group Collaboration

Criterion 4 3 2 1

ACCURACY TO TASK Includes all the Includes all the Includes only some Group is unable to
How thoroughly do the required elements, required of the required clearly
students fulfill the task clearly executed elements, but a elements, but those demonstrate any of
instructions? Clearly and immediately few of them are that are present are the required
includes: recognizable slightly unclear clear elements
 Two movements
from each solo
 Two choreographic
 Group supports

STRUCTURING Has a clear Has a beginning, The beginning, Does not

CHOREOGRAPHY FOR beginning, middle middle and end, middle or end is demonstrate a
EXPRESSION and end with a the study is fuzzy and the clear  beginning or
Does the study have a strong dynamic arc; competently overall structure is end, the middle is
clear beginning, middle movement is structured, but somewhat unclear, completely
and end? creatively the group’s but there are a few unfocused, and the
structured using solidarity and organized moments disorganized
Is the dance structured groupings, mutual support and the study structure does little
creatively to enhance formations and could be loosely addresses to express the idea
expression of the choreographic expressed with the idea of group of group solidarity
group’s solidarity and devices to express more impact solidarity and and mutual support
mutual support? the group’s mutual support
solidarity and
mutual support

COLLABORATION Group members Group members One or more group Members of the
Do all members of the contribute all contribute in members takes a group steadfastly
group work well effectively to the some way to the back seat while hold onto their

together and contribute dance, merging dance, but have others make most own point of view
equally to the dance? their individual some difficulty in of the decisions, but and find it hard to
(Scored by observing visions with the process of the group is finally compromise on
students at work and enthusiasm and compromising able to agree on the creative consensus,
from evidence in excitement into a and agreeing on creative result resulting in sloppy
performance) new group product creative work

Solo and Group: Common Core Rubric

COMMON CORE Skillfully adapts Attempts to adapt Performance shows Performance shows
performance performance occasional attempts little or no
according to according to to adapt awareness of the
Respond to
audience, task, audience, task performance audience, task,
Varying and/or purpose and/or purpose, but according to and/or purpose;
Demands of given for task; is not always audience, task little or no change in
Audience, Task performance successful in making and/or purpose, but focus or intent
and/or Purpose displays strong appropriate these are largely throughout
understanding of adaptations; unsuccessful; little performance; no
Entire task nuances and displays some change in focus and evidence of
appropriate understanding of intent throughout understanding of
adjustments in nuances and performance; shows nuances.
focus and intent. performance shows occasional
some evidence of inconsistent
change in focus and evidence of
intent. understanding of

Arts Achieve Dance Assessment Performance Task Scoring Template:

School: _______________________________________Class: ______________Date: _____________

Proctor Name:_____________________________________________

Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity


Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity

Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity

Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity

Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity


Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity


Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity




Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





Student Names and OSIS # SOLO GROUP BOTH

Accuracy Creative Perf. Accuracy Chor. Collab- Common Core

(please attach labels)
To Task Invention Quality To Task Structure oration Capacity





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