Sim-Sts Week 9

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Week 9: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are

expected to

a. Examine the costs and benefits to society of the nanotechnology and

the opportunities that may be opened by gene therapy; and

b. Explain how climate change happens and its implications.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Examine the costs and benefits to

society of nanotechnology and the opportunities that may open by
gene therapy.


Nano - One nanometer is equivalent to a billionth of a meter

Nanotechnolgy – the manipulation of matter on an atomic or subatomic


Gene - small sections of DNA within the genome that code for proteins. They
contain the instructions for our individual characteristics – like eye and
hair colour.

Stem Cell - are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of
cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are
two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

Essential Knowledge

WHY NANO? (10-9)

• Nanostructures can be found in nature. Such as catalysts, minerals, and other

particles that are measured on a nano scale.

• Nanoscience deals with materials that are very small using specialized
microscopes and other nano devices.

• The nano world cannot be seen in the naked eye. It can be recognized and
identified after technology has allowed for discovery of nanostructures.
• This leads to innovations developed in this field that include microprocessors
and strain-resistant fabrics and many others from manipulating matter on an
atomic or subatomic scale called Nanotechnology.

Areas where nanotechnology are used:
WHAT IS DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)?

- A long molecule that contains our unique genetic code. It holds the
instructions for making all the proteins in our bodies.

- The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical

bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).
Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99
percent of those bases are the same in all people.

- DNA bases pair up with each other, A with T and C with G, to form
units called base pairs. Each base is also attached to a sugar molecule
and a phosphate molecule.

- The thread like structure that that packed the DNA molecule is called

- In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a

total of 46. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same
in both males and females. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, it differ
between males and females. Females have two copies of the X
chromosome, while males have one X and one Y chromosome.
GENE THERAPY is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent

MEDICINE is one example of a scientific and technological innovation that made

a breakthrough in the area of human health. The known one was the aspirin
(relieved for various pain), an old technology in 21st century.

Gene therapy is one of the new discoveries on the areas of molecular and atomic
physics that are applied in biological basic building blocks (gene). This technique may
allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s cells instead of
using drugs or surgery. Researchers are testing several approaches to gene therapy,

• Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene.

• Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is functioning improperly.

• Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease.

This could be a promising treatment option for a number of diseases (including

inherited disorders, some types of cancer, and certain viral infections) but , it remains
risky and still under study to make sure that it will be safe and effective.


Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of
cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body.

Two main types of stem cells:

a. embryonic stem cells - derived from the undifferentiated inner mass

cells of a human embryo (IVF). Can develop into each of the more
than 200 cell types of the adult body as long as they are specified to
do so.
b. adult stem cells - are undifferentiated cells found throughout the
body that divide to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged
tissues. Have abilities to divide or self-renew indefinitely and
generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate —
potentially regenerating the entire organ from a few cells.

Stem cells are different from other cells in the body in three ways:
a. They can divide and renew themselves over a long time
b. They are unspecialized, so they cannot do specific functions in the
c. They have the potential to become specialized cells, such as muscle
cells, blood cells, and brain cells


Stem cell also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the repair response
of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives. It is
the next chapter in organ transplantation and uses cells instead of donor organs, which
are limited in supply.

• Researchers grow stem cells in a lab. These stem cells are manipulated to
specialize into specific types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells or
nerve cells.

• The specialized cells can then be implanted into a person. For example, if the
person has heart disease, the cells could be injected into the heart muscle. The
healthy transplanted heart muscle cells could then contribute to repairing
defective heart muscle.

But according to Filipino-American doctor-lawyer Samuel Bernal, an expert in

the fields of regenerative medicine and regulatory law, the public should take a lot
of precautions. It’s not a “cure to all”, it is actually trying to allow the body to
heal itself. It requires ‘analyzing at the molecular level what is causing the problem
or (what could be done) to prevent the problem. It’s just a small part of the molecular
approach to medicine.

Doctor –Lawyer Samuel Bernal – educated at Johns Hopkins’ and Harvard Medical
School. He’s currently Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of California –
Los Angeles. A member of American Association of Clinical Oncologists, the American
Association of Cancer Researchers, and recognized as cancer investigator with the
US National Institutes of Health.
A typical stem cell procedure looks like this:

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Mayo Clinic Staff (2011). Stem cells: What they are and what they do?. Retrieved
cells/art-20048117 (2020). Nanotechnology. Retrieved from (2016). What is a gene? Retrieved from

National Institutes of Health (2020). Stem Cells. Retrieved from

NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine (2020). What is gene therapy? Retrieved from

NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine (2020). What is DNA? Retrieved from

NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine (2020). How many chromosomes do people
have? Retrieved from

ScienceDaily(2020). Embryonic stem cell. Retrieved from
McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M., Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology
and Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.

Let’s Check

Activity 10. Now, you know the most essentials and concepts of nanotechnology and
gene therapy. Let’s try to check your understanding of these concepts. On the space
provided write your answer/s on what is being asked in the following statements:

_______________________ 1. It signifies the 23 rd chromosomes of a human cell.

_______________________ 2. A technique for treatment that uses healthy DNA to

replace Mutated DNA.

_______________________ 3. It’s an area of nanotechnology that focuses on the

making of drugs and treating diseases.

_______________________ 4. An area of nanotechnology that concentrates on the

innovations for food and agriculture

_______________________ 5. It is a regenerative medicine that promotes repair

response of diseased, dysfunctional tissues.

_______________________ 6. It is derived from the inner mass of a cell of embryo

that can develop many types of cell.

_______________________ 7. It is used to carry healthy DNA to replace the

mutated DNA of a cell.

_______________________ 8. A doctor-lawyer that said stem cell treatment is not a

“cure to all” but allowing the body to heal itself.

_______________________ 9. It contains the genetic code.

_______________________ 10. It manipulates matter particularly the subatomic

particles to provide human needs.
Let’s Analyze

Activity 10. You’re already acquainted with the essential concepts of nanotechnology
and gene therapy is not enough, it also matters that you should be able to explain its
relevance. Now, you are required to explain thoroughly your answer.

1. How can nanotechnology address problems in the environment?





2. How can nanotechnology be used in the prevention and treatment of illness?





3. Stem cell treatment has been a subject of debates since the 21st century. What
do you think about the current developments in stem cell treatment?





4. What do you think are the most relevant concerns in the country or even the
world that needs nanotechnology? Why?



5. What health condition do you think urgently needs to be treated by gene
therapy? Justify your answer.




In a Nutshell

Activity 10. The study of nanotechnology and gene therapy is in timing to what it
brings in the scientific development for the benefit of the societies’ conditions. Now is
your time to express your arguments or lessons learned about this unit. Write your
ideas briefly on the space provided below:

1. ______________________________________________________________




2. ______________________________________________________________




3. ______________________________________________________________




Do you have questions for clarifications?
Questions/Issues Answers

Nanotechnology Embryonic stem cell

Gene therapy Adult stem cell
Stem Cell Viral vector
Nano science DNA

Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Explain how climate change happens

and its implications.


Temperature - is a measure of how hot or cold something is; specifically, a

measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an
object, which is a type of energy associated with motion.

Climate – refers to the long –term weather patterns prevailing over a given
area of the planet

Climate Change – describes what the weather is like over a long period of
time in a specific area.

Parameters – any of a set of physical properties whose values determine the

characteristics or behavior of something (parameters of the
atmosphere such as temperature, pressure, and density).
Industrialization – the conversion of an agrarian economy into an
industrialized one on a large scale.

Essential Knowledge

In this topic, it concludes the interaction among science, technology, and

society which is the climate change.

Below, is another consideration in explaining climate change which an

interaction between the Sun and planet Earth:


• While the orbit remains an ellipse, its position or orientation in space
changes over time. The Earth’s tilt position result an unequal amount
received of sunlight. It’s spinning around its own axis with imaginary line
from North Pole to the South Pole which dips and wobbles gradually.
The elements in this interaction between the sun and the earth are defined as
1. Aphelion refers to the point in the orbit of the Earth farthest from the

2. Perihelion is the point in the orbit of the Earth closest to the sun.

3. Earth’s axial tilt is the inclination angle of the Earth’s rotational axis
in relation to a line perpendicular to its orbital plane.

4. Precession is the change of the orientation of the rotational axis of

the Earth.

5. Equinox refers to the time the sun at noon is directly over the
equator. It happens twice a year and causes an almost length of day
and night.

6. Solstice happens when the sun at noon sits above the Tropic of
Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn. The summer solstice has the longest
period of daylight in the year and the winter solstice has the shortest

7. Precession of the equinoxes refers to the motion of the equinoxes

relative to the precession of the Earth’s axis of rotation. It happens
over thousands of years.

MILUTIN MILANKOVITCH (1879-1958), a Serbian mathematician and

geophysicist, best known for his work that linked long-term changes in
climate to astronomical factors affecting the amount of solar energy
received at Earth’s surface.

• He proposed that the mechanism that brought about periods of glaciation

was driven by cyclic changes in eccentricity as well as two other orbital
parameters: precession (a change in the directional focus of Earth’s axis
of rotation) and axial tilt (a change in the inclination of Earth’s axis with
respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun). Below, are the orbital
Milankovitch variations.

The Milankovitch cycles include:

a. The shape of Earth’s orbit, known as eccentricity (isn’t perfectly circular, but it’s
pretty close due to the pull of gravity from Saturn and Jupiter);

b. The angle Earth’s axis is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbital plane, known as
obliquity (The angle Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted as it travels around the Sun
between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane); and
c. The direction Earth’s axis of rotation is pointed, known as precession (it
wobbles slightly upon its axis).

The Milankovitch parameters seem to be part of the cause of climate change,

though not the only cause but there are some other factors needed. Scientists who
studied climate change agreed that the average temperature of the planet has been
increasing by over 90% in the latter part of 21st century.

GLOBAL WARMING is a phenomenon of climate change characterized by a general

increase in average temperatures on Earth which modifies weather balances and
ecosystem for a long time linked to the increased of greenhouse gases particularly the
carbon dioxide. This is greatly abutted by the actions of human beings either from the
past and present actions.

Below is a graph of an oft-cited fact to better understand global warming

between temperature and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:

CO2 concentration (red), global temperature (blue) during the past millennium
The x-axis, shows the year and y-axis shows the amount of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere measured in parts per million (ppm). It shows that the
increased temperature abruptly happened in the early present century as the
carbon dioxide increases almost at the same period. It shows directly
proportional conditions, temperature increases as carbon dioxide also

GREENHOUSE GASES these gases in the atmosphere that trap the heat of the sun.
It naturally captures and holds the heat from the sun in the atmosphere so that the
Earth’s temperature becomes hotter than it would be otherwise. This mechanism is
good for the biosphere without it, earth’s atmosphere would become like Of Mars or
Antarctica which is extremely cold.
The main greenhouse gases are:
• Water vapor
• Carbon dioxide
• Methane
• Ozone
• Nitrous oxide
• Chlorofluorocarbons

John Tyndall (British Engineer) –concerned to what would become of the Earth’s
atmosphere if industrialization became widespread.

• Machines are primary used in an industry, the production of electricity by

means of burning fossil fuel like coal increases as industrialization took
place. But in Tyndall’s time, manufacturing plants were not widespread.
The burning of fossil fuel that time was not good enough to be an issue.

Charles David Keeling (American Scientist) – in mid- 20th century, led to find out if
increased of burning fossil fuel and the consequent release of CO2 in the atmosphere
and changing the global temperature. He started to measure the amount of CO 2 in the
atmosphere far away from the industrialized nations but on the extinct volcano on the
island of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean (Weart, 2003). Below shows the graph of Keeling:
The Keeling Curve (taken at Maula Loa Observatory in Hawaii)

• The graph shows that the concerns of Engineer Tyndall in 19th century
and Dr. Keeling in the mid-20th century were well founded. The carbon
dioxide concentration has gone up and the temperature has also risen
as a proof of global warming.

• Scientists turned to history and technology to substantiate that there is

a causal relationship between high CO2 and temperature levels. This
issues concerns many nations since not burning fossil fuels may mean
not industrializing or modernizing after contemporary debate were laid.
The debate was hinges on what really is happening and causing the
global warming. Another concerned area of the debate is centered on
the predictions to what will happen to the climate of the world in the
Below would be the possible Future Actions:
a. Using computer models – the challenge is to assemble sufficient and
well-established data from all over the world to make the predictions
as accurate as possible (Sparks & Hawkesworth, 2004).

b. Scientist setting a “tipping points” (specifying values of

meteorological parameters in which irreversible changes will take
place). Upon reaching the tipping point, a new state would replace
the old one.

A balanced plan must be created if we want to industrialize and at

the same time protecting the environment. Science has given the
humanity a tool for modernization. It allows the emergence of technology
that spreads and applies knowledge for the attainment of the good life.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Doug Macdougall (May 24,2020). Milutin Milanković, Milutin Milankovich. Retrieved


Alan Buis, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory(Feb. 27, 2020). Milankovitch (Orbital)
Cycles and Their Role in Earth's Climate. Retrieved from

McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M., Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology
and Society.1st ed. C and E Pub

National Centers for Environmental Information (March 23, 2018). What’s the
Difference Between Weather and Climate? Retrieved from
Let’s Check
Activity 11. Now, that you know again the most essential terms and concepts on
climate change, the global warming and the greenhouse gases. Let’s try to check your
understanding of these terms and concepts. In the space provided, write you answers
to each of the following questions.

_____________________ 1. The graph that shows the concentration of carbon

dioxide relative to temperature.

_____________________ 2. It would be the possible primary result of too much


_____________________ 3. Gases that trap heat from the sun into the atmosphere
to provide habitable temperature of the planet.

_____________________ 4. Aside from the natural movement of the planet that

causes possible climate change, the ______________
also emphasized concepts on the distance and
rotation of the planet from the sun, it affects and
changed climate.

_____________________ 5. It would be the farthest distance of the planet from the


_____________________ 6. The formation of the orbit of the planet that is affected

from the gravity of Mars and Jupiter.

_____________________ 7. It when the orientation of the axis of the planet changes

from vega star to Polaris Polaris star.

_____________________ 8. The graph of __________ simply explains or shows

the concentration of carbon dioxide that is closer to the

______________________ 9 . it is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere

______________________ 10. He’s concern is about what would Earth would

become if the industrialization is wide spread.
Let’s Analyze

Activity 11. You are now acquainted with most essential terms, definitions and
concepts on climate change and global warming. You are also required to write briefly
your answers on the following questions below. Again write it on the space provided.

1. How does climate change affect biodiversity?







2. What are some other pieces of evidences for global warming aside from the
rise concentration of carbon dioxide?




In a Nutshell

Activity 11. Based again from the important terms and concepts you’ve learned
and the exercises you’ve done are not enough. At this part, you are
required to write your arguments and lessons learned on the space
provided below.

1. ________________________________________________________________




2. ________________________________________________________________




3. ________________________________________________________________




Do you have questions for clarifications?

Questions/Issues Answers






Global warming Climate change

Carbon dioxide concentration Axial tilt

Milankovitch parameters Greenhouse gases

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