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COVID-19 XBB variant

*What is it?*

It is an emerging variant of the COVID-19 virus from the omicron lineage. It, however, is not the only
new variant of concern. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues (which it is has despite the winding
down of restrictions) new variants continue emerge from time to time as the COVID virus genetically
changes. Most of the new variants generate little interest.

Some of them are of concern because of either their ability to spread faster as was the case with the
omicron variant or their ability to cause severe disease, as was the case with the delta variant.
Currently there are 2 major variants of concern; XBB and BQ1. Each with sub variants of its own.

*When was the XBB variant first detected?*

The XBB variant was first detected in samples in late August and by mid October this variant was
present in over 35 countries. The XBB sub variant 1.5 is the one that has been making headlines in
the US because its prevalence has been rapidly rising in the US, but its still not yet the majority.

*How different is it from the previous omicron variants?*

The XBB 1.5 variant in some places does appear to be spreading faster than previous Covid variant
but there’s no evidence available present to suggest that it causes more severe disease or that it is a
higher mortality than the omicron variant. They are reports that suggest that the XBB variant may in
fact be causing more milder disease than the original omicron variant. People were naturally
concerned about a new variant emerging over the Christmas period where people were likely to not
adhere to the principles of infection control and now also with the winter season in the northern
hemisphere. Hence the worry about a massive surge in cases.
* What are the symptoms of the XBB variant?*

The symptoms of the XBB variant are reported to be similar to those of the common cold with a sore
throat, runny nose and headaches

*Is the XBB variant present in Zimbabwe?*

This is very likely and because we do not have any genetic surveillance programs we have no way of
knowing whether this is the case. But as it goes with new variants , they almost always have a global

*What should we do in preparation? *

Zimbabwe has very high levels of immunity to COVID-19 as a result of natural immunity arising from
previous infections and vaccination to a lesser degree. There is no reason to believe that we will
experience a significant surge locally driven by the XBB variant resulting in hospitalizations and more
deaths. The government of Zimbabwe has not changed the COVID-19 restrictions as yet and that as
such businesses, individuals and families should continue to live their lives as normal as before.

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