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Assessment Cover Sheet


Qualification Title: TQUK Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Module Title: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Assessment Type:

Due Date:

Assessors Name:

Word Count:


Your assignment must meet the formatting and referencing requirements noted in the unit outline. By signing below you are
confirming that you have met those requirements.


This assignment is my own original work. No part of this work has been copied from any other source or person except where
due acknowledgement is made, and no part of the work has been previously submitted for assessment at this or any other
institution. I have read the Student Academic Integrity Policy and understand its implications. For the purposes of assessment
and standards, I give the University permission to retain this assignment; provide a copy to other assessors; and evaluate its
academic integrity through the use of a plagiarism checking service (which may store a copy of the assignment on its database
for future plagiarism checks).

Student’s signature
Typed name is permitted if submitting via the
Canvas VLE or email
Credit Value: 20 Guided Learning Hours: 65

Qualification: TQUK Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Unit Title: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training


Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books
without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework;
stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if
found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by BACT.

Students are advised to review the module content before attempting to address any of the tasks


1. Learners are required to submit their work using the BACT Assessment cover sheet.

2. You are required to submit your assignment by the date assigned by your trainer

3. If you have any special requirements these must be communicated to your tutor prior to the commencement of the assignment

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

On successful completion of this unit the learner The learner must demonstrate the ability to:

Understand roles, responsibilities and 1.1 Analyse own role and responsibilities in education and training
relationships in education and training
Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of
practice relating to own role and responsibilities
L01 Analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and
1.3 other professional roles

Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners

Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of
Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing
2.2 individual learning goals

Be able to use initial and diagnostic Use methods of initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual
assessment to agree individual learning learning goals with learners
goals with learners
Record learners’ individual learning goals

Devise a scheme of work in accordance with internal and external

Design teaching and learning plans which respond to the individual goals
3.2 and needs of all learners; and
curriculum requirements.
Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners
Be able to plan inclusive teaching and 3.3
Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet
3.4 the individual needs of learners

Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive

3.5 practice

Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect

Be able to create and maintain a safe, for others
inclusive teaching and learning Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity
L04 environment 4.2

Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment


Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used in own

5.1 area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

Analyse benefits and limitations of communication methods and media

L0 Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and used in own area of specialism
5 learning

Analyse the effectiveness of resources used in own area of specialism in

relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

Use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including

technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners

Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching


Adapt teaching and learning approaches and resources, including

technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners
Communicate with learners and learning professionals to meet individual
5.7 learning needs
Be able to assess learning in education and 6.1 Explain the purposes and types of assessment used in education and
training training

6.2 Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the

individual needs of learners

Use types and methods of assessment, including peer and self-

assessment, to:

• involve learners in assessment;

• meet the individual needs of learners;

enable learners to produce assessment evidence that is valid, reliable,
LO6 sufficient, authentic and current; and
 meet internal and external assessment requirements

6.4 Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the assessment process

6.5 Record the outcomes of assessments to meet internal and external


6.6 Communicate assessment information to other professionals with an

interest in learner achievement

Be able to implement expectations of the Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in
minimum core in planning, delivering and 7.1 planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning
assessing inclusive teaching and learning
7.2 Apply minimum core elements in planning, delivering and assessing
inclusive teaching and learning

Be able to evaluate own practice in Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and
planning, delivering and assessing 8.1 assessing inclusive teaching and learning, taking account of the views of
inclusive teaching and learning learners and others
8.2 Identify areas for improvement in own practice in planning, delivering and
assessing inclusive teaching and learning

Module 2: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Chapter 1 Understand Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

1.1 Analyse own role and responsibilities in education and training

1.2 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own
role and responsibilities

Activity 1.1
Analyse how you remain up to date with your professional role and responsibilities as a teacher and why it is
important to be aware of your role and responsibilities.
_ My role as a teacher is to deliver sessions , put lesson plans which must be inclusive and suitable to all my
students, standards, I give regular feedback to them to allow them to achieve better , I support and help some
struggling students who has learning difficulties.
In addition, my responsibility is to keep updated or to keep my subject knowledge up to date, to meet the needs
of my students with diagnostic and initial assessments .The initial assessment should be done at the beginning of
the school followed by the diagnostic assessment which is more developed to determine my student’s needs {ex:
in Dubai ,CAT4 cognitive abilities test help teachers to determine the level of the student and which grade he must
attend or branch(scientific, literary…)}.After these assessments I can determine the learning needs of my students
and go to prepare my lesson plan which include all the learning needs, weaknesses and strengthnesses of each
student, also prepare my classes , my materials , my grade assessments .My responsibility also is to observe all the
laws relating to safety, equality, diversity, and child protection. I must be very careful to achieve these inclusions
in my classroom. During dealing with my students I should take into my account to set boundaries which are
based on love, respect, and care. I should be the model role of my students in my behaviour, in my knowledge, in
being well qualified (I should teach all students equally without discrimination , to maintain the confidentiality of
learner information).
_To remain up to date with my personal role and responsibilities I should always make sure that I complete all my
tasks required before its deadline because it is very important to follow a schedule or a deadline for ending an
activity Ex: if my deadline is 50 minutes I should finish my session in 50 minutes.
_It is important to be aware of my role and my responsibilities:
- to remain legal: every institution or organisation has its own policy and legislation, so I should follow the
policies and legislation of my school ex: one of my school policies is that I shouldn’t share the final assessment
with attendees .
-to introduce myself in a moral way: I must be a model role in virtuous and values especially morals because each
teacher or trainer has a great influence on his students so he should be honest, truthful, moralist and aware of his
role and responsibilities to access professional points of referral ( internal and external) .I should observe any
strange case in my class:
In every school in Dubai there are internal points of referral (students services, welfare, financial aid, support)
which contribute to increase the academic access and the quality of the learning experience ex: I can refer any
problem that I can’t manage in my classroom to the internal point of referral in my school (if I notice that there is a
student can’t contact with me through eye contact, body language, gestures.. ) then I refer this student to a
specialist in the school which is could be a nurse or a social worker who will diagnose the problem .
Another case as an example of external points of referral :I have observed a student who does not involve in the
lesson activities such as watching videos ,building puzzles analysing some pictures , reading some issues even
writing, he did not care and respond to any learning preference so I referred him to a nurse who in turn will refer
him into a specialist outside the school who diagnose the student in this case as an autism spectrum, which need a
special care and followed treatment for several months to be able to involve in class activities. However, my
responsibility is to cooperate with the school stuff ( social worker, nurse, head master and the manager) to help
this student to become sociable
Activity 1.2
Now that you have covered key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice:
Construct a table and highlight how each of these affect your own role and what responsibilities you have.
(Minimum 100 words)
Provide 3 Summaries of What are your responsibilities as a
How EACH summary affects
international teacher in EACH summary of
your role as a teacher?
law or legislation legislation?

_To make sure that I implement the

Every human being has the right of international and local laws in my
access to education what so ever classroom .
his nationality, his religion, his _I must plan, prepare, deliver my
race, his social or economic lesson in a way that process fair
background. access to education for all my
As a teacher in Dubai , they are students.
1- Article 26
very careful about implementing _ I should determine the learning
Human rights
and acknowledging of international needs of all my students and provide
and local laws of education , I have them with their learning preferences.
to be familiar with these laws , I _I should observe and report any
have to spread the knowledge of incident to the proper authority, any
the rights of every student to accessillegal activity.
the education. _I should treat all students in the same
2- Making education safe, Every student and child should be My role and my responsibilities are
fair, and accessible for all safe physically, mentally and must integrated with role and
be protected. responsibilities of the hall stuff of
-As a teacher my role in make -I always have to be sure that safety
education safe, fair and accessible and health requirements are followed
for all is to work with my in my classroom such as avoiding
school ,or with the local authority, exposed cables and wires near
or governmental organisation, or students , dangerous equipment.
charities to identify areas where I -I should know what to do in case of
can help to improve access to emergency for example in case of fire
education and facilities ex: I can and how to guide my students to be
work with community to buy safe , to find the suitable exit.
technological devices such as -I have the knowledge of the first aid
laptops to my school, the school in case of a medical issue in my
should be sure that building and classroom for example student with a
facilities provide health, high temperature , headache, or
safe ,sanitizing, hygiene, food stomach ache or some accidental
safety. injury in the class .
-I must protect children from violence
-I should work with my school to in school(physical punishment,
make sure that everything in the bullying, emotional abuse, neglect,
learning environment is healthy and harassment) by following up
following the hygiene and safety procedures and consequences, the
regulation ex: in the laboratory we government’s national standards, local
have usually dangerous and safeguarding children board,
burning chemical materials like organizations of child protection
Cl ,so I should very careful about guidelines.
the safety of my students during the
experiments .

-I should establish good and close

relationships between students
inside groups based on respect and
-I should provide my students with
opportunities to share about their
backgrounds and cultures .
-I should promote equality,
diversity, fair, safety and all the
learning preferences of my
-I should seek to connect my
students with the greater
community through field trips ex: I
can take my students to the dairy
factory to learn about making
cheese , butter and others .Also I
can invite them to attend some
educational meetings ( to talk for
ex about autism spectrum disorder )
to be aware about different diseases
, or to talk about bullying,
harassment, or abuses

Child Act is an act which places a

duty on local authority to promote
and safeguard the welfare of
children .This Act protect children
from violence , exploitation, abuse,
neglect and keeping them safe from
harm , harassment, and bullying. It
3-child Act 1989 helps children to grow up in a safe
and supportive environment.

-my role as a teacher is to ensure

that I uphold all children’s rights
to privacy, dignity and safety.
-ensure the protection of student’s
physical and mental immaturity

- My responsabilities :
- I must be aware of all local and international legislation which cover the rights of the child .
- I should be involved in educating student’s parents in order to uphold these international and local ways.
- I must observe and monitor if every child’s mental and physical needs are being met ex: if -I have
observed that one of my students ha signs of abuse( changes in behaviour , aggression) I have to report the
case through safeguarding to government or organisation.
- I must build trust between me and my students to tell me of any problem they can face it with their parents
or their peers.
1.3 Analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles

Activity 1.3
Analyse the relationships and boundaries between your role and other professional roles by discussing at least 3
other professionals that you work with in your teaching practice. (e.g. Head of Department, Nurse, Specialist)
Head of department: I discuss all matters related to student progress and educational goals that must be achieved.
ex: I discuss the levels of my students (outstanding, middle achiever, low achiever) to put a plan to enable them to
make progress. In addition I should take the opinion of my head of department in all my study plans and share
ideas in communication with him regularly through weekly meetings and to find out the requirement that must be
met the necessary work needed for the progress of the educational progress, and also to agree with him to
assessment and development plan.
The nurse: I refer to her when I have a healthy case in my class.
The teacher assistant: I share with him the plan goals that I put in place and prepared at the beginning of each
term, I involve him weekly in my lesson plan and activities to suit the level of all my students, I ask him about the
feedback of students that they help during the lesson, I track with him the progress of each student.

1.4 Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners

Activity 1.4

Knowing who to refer learners to when you need expert support is an important part of supporting learners. Complete the
following table to describe at least 2 internal and 2 external points of referral and when you might need to access each of them.

When you may need to access EACH of

Points of referral them

1_They can help in improving the quality of learning

experience , academic performance and success of my
students. they help me to increase the diversity of my
Internal points of referral: student’s experience.
(staff who works inside the school, for example: social
worker) 2_they can offer support and direction to asses in
making appropriate career decision and choices , ex:
1- Student services (financial aid, welfare, they encourage students to make decisions concerning
student report). their learning process, their learning preferences .

3_If I have a student with a problem in pronunciation ,

I refer him to the specialist monitor to help him solve
2- career service advice and guidance his problem which could be behavioural, social, or
3-team of social workers (nurse, social -also if I have in my class a student with autism I refer
therapist ,student of determination department) him to the social worker who in turn will refer him to
an external point of referral (doctor clinic) which will
put a plan to treat the student in cooperation with the
school stuff including me the teacher.
1_In the case of aggressive student who always hits
and uses very worse verbal abuses with his peers I
refer him to the social worker who in turn if he didn’t
succeed in managing his behaviour can refer him to the
police station which will go to call his parents to put a
treatment plan for him, in order to treat his aggressive
behaviour, taking into account the possibility that this
student is treated in bad way by his parents.

_They uphold the law prevent crime and disorder, and

External points of referral: protect all people .office is committed against children
(such as agencies, organizations or bodies) particularly sensitive and offer require the police to
work with other organisation such as children social
1- police station care in the conduct of any investigation .

ex: if a student who have injured in the playground

during a football game because of a damage in the field
, so all school team are responsible and this case
2- childhood and adolescence mental service should refer to any police station to investigate in the
cause of this accident and who is responsible.

2_This office is responsible about diagnose and treat

people with emotional , behavioural or mental health
difficulties with a multi discipline team including
nurses, therapists and social workers ,psychologists.
Ex: if I have a student with a mental disorder, I refer
him to an internal point of referral in the school which
refer him to the office of childhood and adolescence
mental services. Also if In the case of a hyperactive
adolescent thus adolescence is a very sensitive stage I
shouldn’t skip the internal referral in the school.
Chapter 2 Identifying and Meeting the Individual Needs of Learners

2.1 Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners

Team email activity 2.1

Your team’s teaching observations are due soon.
In previous observations some of the teachers were excellent at identifying and meeting learners’ needs and others had
poor level of attention to students’ needs and did not differentiate very well.
Your manager would like you to use your knowledge to send an email to your colleagues in which you explain:
Why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners.
You may present your information in a table or use clear headings with bullet points/ numbering.
You may use the template opposite to help to get you started.
(Minimum 150 words)
To: head of department
From: Layal
Subject :science
Introduction : The first stage of the teaching, learning and assessment cycle is to identify learner’s needs. This
is essential as “most people learn in different ways, known as learning preferences, what suits one learner
might not suit another”.
It is very important that we identify the needs of students and it is often done with a questionnaire. Students
are interviewed before starting a course, an ideal opportunity to identify and discuss any adjustments required
during the course.

Some of the ways we can identify learners’ needs include:

- Identifying students weaknesses, strengtheness and applies measures to overcome them.

-Identifying their talents and providing the essential support to develop them, which help the learners to
discover and grow them in a specific area. Ex: If I observe that one of my student want to be a pianist I should
support him and encourage him.
-Promote tolerance, and dialogue with students in the class with good presence, care and respect, to gain the
interest of them and love the subject .
-Use different teaching strategies to suit all my student learning preferences.
-Planning classroom activities so each activity targets the needs of specific students (through oral tests,
observation , group activities) such that by the end of the day, every learner’s needs are fully met.ex: if I
observe that a student in my class doesn’t give me attention during the lesson , so in the end of my
presentation I ask him about the reason
- Organising the classroom by first identifying the characteristics of each learner. If a student has visual
difficulties, we can sit him or her closer to the blackboard. They can also sit near a door or window where
there is an abundance of light.

We can look at meeting these learning needs with students learning goals , and allow them to devote their
energies beyond regular teaching into effective education that is supportive and considerate for each learner.
In this way, the students are motivated, supported, empowered, and developed because optimum learning
conditions are created.

2.2 Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals

2.3 Use methods of initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners

2.4 Record learners’ individual learning goals

Using assessment data to create individual learning goals
Create individual learning goals using results of initial and diagnostic assessments for two different learners within their
individual learning plan document (ILP (for example: determination student & distinguished student). You will need to
photocopy 2 initial/ diagnostic assessment of 2 different learners, then 2 ILPs for the same students. You can use the
following templates to complete your answer. (Don’t forget to redact personal information from your photocopies to
preserve student confidentiality)


Student’s Name: Grade & Div. Gr. No: DOA:

ILP Start date: Review date: Subject: Teacher’s Name:

YP: Grade: Students CAT 4 Score: ISA LEVEL: ENG. _____ MATHS _____
SC. ____
V: Q: NV: S: Mean: LP:








Overall observation:


ILP Meeting Date: Parent’s signature: signature:

Term End Meeting IST/SIT

Date: Parent’s signature: signature:

Tracker codes:

++ Fully achieved

+ Getting there

- Reinforcement required

Your manager will want to know the role of using diagnostic assessment and how you have created these individual
learning plans to help to provide training for other team members.
Create a guidance document on what the role of the diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals and how
you have used initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing them. (You can create this in Microsoft Word). Don’t forget
to use clear headings and make the document accessible and easy to follow.

Guidance Document
The role of Diagnostic assessment is completed once the results of initial assessment are
determined and their level of study has been set , and to determine each student strengthnesses ,
weaknesses, knowledge and skills this allows the teacher to make reasonable adjustments in the
curriculum and delivery to suit learner’s individual learning needs example: student survey,
quiz tests, interviews, performance tasks, conferences, gap closing, kwl test………..

As a teacher to create an ILP I follow these steps:

First: Assess: get to know your student and how they learn
I need to use a strength-based approach to learn about the student and their learning differences.
Focusing on the positive aspects of their abilities. This information will help me develop a
learning profile.

In this stage I should:

- identify the student’s strengths and interests and any challenges or barriers to learning.
For example, English as an additional language, refugee status, experiential, cultural,
linguistic and social background
- include information about the student to support their education needs, such as results of
any formal/informal assessments in literacy, numeracy or social-emotional assessments,
recommendations from allied health professionals, data or classroom observations
- think about the student’s current entry level skills
- ask the student what helps them to learn. Student voice allows students to engage and
take part in their own learning. It also contributes to building leadership, confidence and
other skills that ensure student wellbeing.

I have to make sure the student is the focus of the planning process. When planning a student’s
ILP, it’s important get input from the student, their parent/guardian(s) and relevant teaching and
support professionals.

In this stage I should:

- work to develop long-term and short-term goals

- get advice from others where relevant, for example education support staff and allied
health professionals
- Review the student’s learning environment
- monitor agreed actions and give an update at the next review meeting
Third: make adjustments that will meet the student’s needs:
It’s important to create responsive teaching and learning environments and put in place
teaching strategies and adjustments that address the student’s learning needs and goals.

I have to make sure my teaching strategies, adjustments and supports include how to:

- teach the skill

- provide multi and varied opportunities to practice the skill
- reinforce the skill

Finally, Monitor and evaluate: assess the effectiveness of the approach: An ILP is tailored
to the needs of the student. It’s important that ILPs are monitored and evaluated so they are
responsive to the changing needs and educational progress of the student.

In this stage I should:

- determine if the teaching strategies, adjustments and supports provided have been
effective and whether the student’s goals have been achieved
- make educational decisions based on the information to determine if:
the goals should be modified ,taught in different ways or changed, whether current
teaching strategies, adjustments and supports should continue, or if they need to be revised or
- think about what is working or not working well.

Chapter 3 Planning inclusive teaching and learning

3.1 Devise a scheme of work taking account of: the needs of learners; the delivery model; and internal and external

Scheme of Work Activity (3.1)

For one of the programmes you are delivering.
1- Identify briefly your external and internal stakeholders (People who have an interest in your programme) and make
notes on:
 3 external requirements for the programme plan.
 3 internal requirements for the programme plan and schedule.
2- Which model of communication from Module 1 corresponds with the approach you plan to take when designing the
lesson plans for this scheme of work? Provide reasons for your answer.
3- How does your approach to communication ensure inclusion for a varied group of learners?
Now go ahead and create a scheme of work (SOW) taking all the above internal and external requirements. You may use
the template provided here:

Scheme of Work
Scheme of Work

Qualification/ Venue:
Course Title:
Tutor: Start and End Date
of Course:

Sessi Topic Learning Objectives Learning Resources Assessment

on Methods Methods
By the end of the
session one, some
or all learners will
be able to:-

3.2 Design teaching and learning plans which respond to: the individual goals and needs of all learners and
curriculum requirements.
3.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners

3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners

Activity 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4

You may already have delivered lessons using a lesson plan. This is your opportunity to refine your lesson planning skills!
4- Create a lesson plan for one of your subjects where you respond to individual learning goals and needs.
Your lesson plan will also take account of curriculum requirements.
5- Write a short 200-500 word summary to explain how you met the needs and goals of individual learners and met
curriculum requirements. You need to include 3 different ways in which teaching and learning can be adapted to
meet individual needs of learners (you may provide examples of specific needs of your learners and explain how you
changed your approach to address your learner’s needs)
6- You may use the template provided here:

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Qualification/ Science Topic of the Needs of Animals and Plants

Course: Lesson:

Number of 15 Date & Time:


Aim of the lesson: (Always shown as a question)

By the end of the session all, some or one of the learners will be able to:


Brief content/ overview of the session:

Differentiation strategies:

Functional/ core skills and other skills development:

Links in the learning to previous/ future lessons:

Health & Safety and Equality & Diversity to include domestic issues, health and safety issues and how E&D
will be promoted
Time Brief Content Trainer Activity Learner Activity Resources
nt Strategy

Extension Exercises:

Assessment Strategy

3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice

Activity (3.5) Identifying Opportunities for Learners to Provide Feedback to Inform Inclusive Practice

Provide at least 4 different ways (strategies/ tools/ approaches) where feedback or opinion of learners can be gathered.

Chapter 4 Promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others

4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others

4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity

4.3 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment

Activity (4.1 & 4.2):
Create a poster for your classroom and learners explaining the importance of appropriate behaviors and respect for others.
The poster should be original and reflect your area of specialism.
You may use bullet points, colours and pictures to make it more appropriate.
Provide at least 3 behaviours and clarify their impact on the learning environment.
Add ways in which you can help learners to promote equality and value diversity.

Activity (4.3)
You will need to ensure your observer records whether you have established and sustain a safe, inclusive learning
environment in the observation feedback form.
Observation feedback form found here:

Your Summary

Chapter 5 Analysing the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used inown area of
specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

5.1 Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to
meeting the individual needs of learners

5.2 Analyse benefits and limitations of communication methods and media used in own area of specialism

5.3 Analyse the effectiveness of resources used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual
needs of learners

Activity 5.1
1. Observe at least 2 of your peers make notes on the different approaches they applied in their teaching and learning
2. Identify how the effectiveness of these teaching and learning approaches can be measured.
3. Describe whether they were effective/ successful approaches. Provide reasons why you think this.
(Minimum 250 words)
Activity 5.2
Now look at the following suggestions of types of communication and media commonly used in teaching and add in your own
thoughts. Which methods do you commonly use? What are the main benefits in your experience? What are the limitations?
Face to face


Audio and visual (e.g. Podcasts, videos, Images)



 Written communication (Written case studies, notes, PowerPoint, written assessments, e-learning, emails)


Activity 5.2 (part 2) & 5.3

• With all the above in mind, review and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning resources and materials
e.g. You can choose from: hand-outs, worksheets, case studies, diagrams and charts, textbooks, journals, magazines,
leaflets. How well do these resources meet the needs of individual learners?
• The teacher should evaluate the chosen resources to ensure that they meet needs of the learners.

5.4 Use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual
needs of learners

5.5 Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching

5.6 Adapt teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual needs of

5.7 Communicate with learners and learning professionals to meet individual learning needs

Activity 5.4 5.6 5.5 5.7

For one of your observed lessons:
1. Describe how you have used inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources including technologies to
meet individual learner needs. Provide copies of your lesson observation feedback, the lesson plan and learning
resources/ activities.
2. Demonstrate and explain how you promote equality and diversity in your own teaching and learning practice.
Describe which resources/ materials have been adapted / changed to meet the specific needs of a learner/ group of
3. You should use your scheme of work, differentiation document and a record where you have had a conversation with
a learner and learning support staff to meet an individuals’ learning needs. Write a brief supporting summary
4. Write a summary of how you have used the technology and how it meets learners’ needs. Ask your observer to sign
that they agree with your statement summary.
This evidence can be gathered from a formal observation.

Chapter 6 The Purposes and Types of Assessment used in Education and Training

6.1 Explain the purposes and types of assessment used in education and training

6.2 Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners
Activity 6.1
An external awarding body has asked your centre to explain the purpose and types of assessment available to you in
education and training.
(e.g. Dignostic assessment/ formative assessment/ summative assessment.)
Explain the purpose of each of them in your own area of specialism.
You may explain its advantages and how it could be effective in your teaching practice.
Provide assessment samples for every type of assessment.
Write the previous requirements in a short report to submit

Activity 6.2
From the table on the left choose 3 different assessment methods that you are familiar with:
Assessment methods:

• multiple choice questions, • projects, • discussion,

• short answer questions, • coursework, • question and answer,
• essays • examinations • peer assessment,
• practical activities, • self-assessment
• observations,

Analyse how effective they are in relation to meeting individual learning needs. You may use examples to help illustrate
your answers

The Assessment Method: 1- 2-

(How it develops and help learners, 

how you can use it to meet learners
needs) 

Disadvantages 

6.3 Use types and methods of assessment, including peer and self- assessment, to: involve learners in assessment;
meet the individual needs of learners; enable learners to produce assessment evidence that is valid, reliable,
sufficient, authentic and current; and meet internal and external assessment requirements

6.4 Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the assessment process

6.5 Record the outcomes of assessments to meet internal and external requirements
6.6 Communicate assessment information to other professionals with an interest in learner achievement

Activity 6.3
Your internal and external quality assurance will be looking at the various methods of assessment you are able to use to assess
your learners.
Submit evidence of different types of assessment (give evidences for at least
2 type of assessment such: formative
assessment (like: exit cards) and summative assessment (like final exam) you have used with your learners and
what the outcomes of the assessment were. (explain how you meet the needs of all individual students, and students
achieve or not their learning goals)
Provide evidence of reflective diary entries or
peer observation where you have:
1. Involved learners in assessment (by
using for example: feedback, or
dialogue and discussion, self-
assessment, etc.)

2. Meet the individual needs of learners;

(by using different methods of
assessment. And considering the
individual needs of learners. for
example,… or explain all the ways in
which you modify or adapt the use of
assessments in your subject to meet
the individual needs of your learners.)

3. Enable learners to produce

assessment evidence that is valid,
reliable, sufficient, authentic and
(Explain how the assessments that
you have been created were meeting
the test criteria: VASCAR)

4. Able to meet internal and external

assessment requirements.

Explanatory appendix:
Activity 6.4 6.5 6.6

Now that you have your assessment strategy in place for at least one of your programme.

1. Provide an ILP for an individual learner, and inside of this an ILP record the Individual learners’
feedback on the formative and summative assessment conducted to him.

2. Then get the whole Students’ feedback about the assessment . Encourage your students to identify how the
assessment allowed them to demonstrate their knowledge effectively and how it (the assessment) could be improved. (to
give their opinions about the assessment strategy, the assessment tools, how this assessment represent
their knowledge and to give their opinions about how we can develop our assessment strategy.

Chapter 7 Analysing ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning,
delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning

7.1 Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and assessing
inclusive teaching and learning

7.2 Apply minimum core elements in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning

Activity 7.1 and 7.2

1- You have been asked to share your knowledge of minimum core by producing a short training session for your
colleagues. Create a PowerPoint presentation where you:

Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in:

• Planning,

• Delivering

• Assessing inclusive teaching and learning

2- Within your presentation demonstrate to your colleagues how you have implemented the minimum core for one of your
groups of learners at each stage. Provide examples of schemes of work, ILPs, Lesson Plans, Differentiation document,
learning resources/ activities. (Don’t forget to delete any learner names)

These criteria are covered within Chapter 5 (Analyzing the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Approaches to
Meet the Individual Needs of Learners). There is no separate chapter for LO8

8.1 Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning,
taking account of the views of learners and others

8.2 Identify areas for improvement in own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and
Activity 8.1 and 8.2

• Complete a reflective diary entry to review the effectiveness of your teaching, learning and assessment. Use a
reflective model of your choice. Record your own observation. Take the feedback from your lesson
observation and learner feedback into account to look at your strengths in each area and further areas for
development in your inclusive teaching and learning practice.

(Minimum 250 words)


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