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Academic Year 2022 – 2023

STD.: 10 M.M. 80
DATE: 17-12-22 DURATION: 2 hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section - I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Section –I (40 Marks)
Question 1
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [15]
(i) Which of these will act as a non-electrolyte?
A. Acetic acid C. Aqueous sodium chloride
B. Urea solution D. Ammonium hydroxide solution

(ii) Electron Affinity is minimum in:

A. Alkali metals C. Halogens
B. Alkaline earth metals D. Inert gases

(iii) To decrease the pH value of a neutral solution, we should add:

A. An acid C. An alkali
B. An acid salt D. A salt

(iv) The metal oxide which can react with acid as well as an alkali is:
A. Silver oxide C. Copper (II) oxide
B. Aluminium oxide D. Calcium oxide

(v) In which of the following apparatus, electrolysis of acidulated water is carried

A. Glass voltameter C. Silica crucible
B. Hoffman’s voltameter D. None of these

(vi) Carbon to carbon double bond is found in:

A. Butylene C. Acetaldehyde
B. Acetic acid D. Ethyl alcohol

(vii) Which one of the following is not a diacidic base?

A. Ferric hydroxide C. Magnesium hydroxide
B. Zinc hydroxide D. Cupric hydroxide

(viii) A polar covalent compound is:

A. Methane C. Ammonia
B. Nitrogen D. Chlorine
(ix) In which of the following alloys the metals zinc and tin are present?
A. Solder C. Bronze
B. Brass D. Duralumin
(x) The empirical formula of the compound is CH2O, the possible molecular
formula can be:
A. C3H6O3 C. C4H3O2
B. C2H4O D. C4H6O2
(xi) The reducing agent used for the reduction of copper (II) oxide to copper is:
A. Ammonia C. Oxygen
B. Chlorine D. Hydrochloric acid

(xii) What will be the change in the colour observed when Methyl orange is added to
A. Pink B. Yellow
C. Colourless D. Orange

(xiii) A salt which is formed by the incomplete neutralization of an acid by a base.

A. Normal salt C. Basic salt
B. Acid salt D. Complex salt

(xiv) A drying agent used for drying of ammonia gas is:

A. Anhydrous calcium chloride C. Phosphorus pentoxide
B. Quick lime D. Conc. Sulphuric acid

(xv) The formula of Zinc blende is:

A. ZnCO3 C. ZnS
B. ZnO D. ZnSO4

Question 2
(i) Fill in the blanks from the choices given within the brackets: [5]
(a) If an element has seven electrons in its outermost shell than it is likely to have
the _________ (largest / smallest / same) atomic size among all the elements in
the same period.
(b) Dilute nitric acid reacts with copper to form __________. (nitrous oxide / nitric
oxide / nitrogen dioxide)
(c) When a metallic oxide is dissolved in water, the solution formed has a high
concentration of ____________ ions. (Hydrogen / Hydroxyl ion / Hydronium
(d) The organic compound which undergoes substitution reaction is ______. (C2H2,
C2H4, C2H6)
(e) The compound that has two lone pairs of electrons is _________.
(water, ammonia, methane)

(ii) Match the column ‘A’ with column ‘B’. [5]

Column A Column B
(a) Zinc hydroxide (1) Ions as well as molecules
(b) Glucose (2) Ions only
(c) Lead hydroxide (3) Molecules only
(d) Acetic acid (4) Soluble in excess sodium hydroxide
(e) Hydrochloric acid (5) Soluble in excess ammonium hydroxide
(iii) Identify the substance underlined, in each of the following cases: [5]
(a) A cation that does not form any precipitate with ammonium hydroxide solution.
(b) The electrolyte used for electroplating an article with Silver.
(c) A gas which turns acidified potassium dichromate solution green.
(d) A dilute mineral acid which does not normally give hydrogen when reacted
with metals but does give a gas when it reacts with magnesium or manganese.
(e) A solid formed when an acidic gas reacts with a basic gas.
(iv) The diagram shows an experiment set up of the laboratory preparation of an
acidic gas. Answer the following questions related to the diagram: [5]

(a) Name the

gas collected in the
gas jar ‘B’
(b) Name the
substance ‘A’ and
what is the property
of it as a reactant?
(c) Write
a balanced chemical
equation for the
reaction which takes
place in the round
bottom flask below 200ºC?
(d) How is the gas produced above collected?
(e) Conc. Nitric acid cannot be used as a reactant for the above preparation. Explain.

(v) (a) Give IUPAC names: [2]

(1) (2)

(b) Draw the structural formula for each of the following: [3]
(1) Propan-2-ol
(2) Ethanoic acid
(3) 2-methyl butane

Section –II (40 Marks)

[Attempt any four questions from this section]
Question 3
(i) A compound contains 54.5% carbon, 9.1% hydrogen and 36.4% oxygen. If the vapour
density of the compound is 44, what is its molecular formula? [C=12, H=1, O=16] [3]
(ii) (a) Define Coordinate bond. [1]
(b) By drawing an electron dot diagram show the formation of Ammonium ion. [1]
(iii) Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds by a chemical test using a
given substance within the bracket: [2]
(a) Ferrous chloride solution and Ferric chloride solution [by Alkali]
(b) Dilute nitric acid and Dilute hydrochloric acid [by silver nitrate solution]

(iv) Identify the terms for the following: [3]

(a) The amount of energy released to add one electron to the outermost shell of an
isolated gaseous atom.
(b) Naturally occurring minerals from which metals are extracted.
(c) The property of carbon to covalently bond with other atoms to form chains.

Question 4
(i) Answer the following questions: [3]
(a) Name the catalyst used in the large scale preparation of nitric acid by ostwald’s
(b) Give the balanced equation for the decomposition of Lead (II) nitrate.
(c) State a method by which the yellow coloration can be removed from the
nitric acid.

(ii) With reference to the electrolysis of molten Lead [II] bromide, answer the
following questions: [3]
(a) Why is the graphite anode preferred for this process?
(b) Write the equation for reaction at cathode.
(c) What would you observe at anode?

(iii) Arrange the following as per the instruction given in the bracket: [2]
(a) Na, S, Cl, P [increasing order of ionisation potential]
(b) Br, F, Cl, I [Decreasing order of electronegativity]

(iv) Complete and balance the following equations and also state the conditions: [2]
(a) C2H4 + Cl2 
(b) CH3COONa + Soda lime 

Question 5
(i) Differentiate between electrical conductivity of copper (II) sulphate solution and
copper metal. [2]

(ii) State one relevant observation for each of the following reactions: [3]
(a) Action of concentrated sulphuric acid on sugar.
(b) Burning of ammonia in the atmosphere of oxygen.
(c) Action of dilute hydrochloric acid on iron sulphide.

(iii) Answer the following questions based on the extraction of aluminium from
alumina by Hall-Herault’s process.: [5]
(a) State the functions of Cryolite and Fluorspar used along with alumina as an
(b) Why is powdered coke sprinkled over the electrolyte?
(c) Write the reactions occurring at cathode and anode during electrolysis.
Question 6
(i) Answer the following questions related to the Lab preparation of ammonia: [3]
(a) Write the balanced equation for the above preparation.
(b) How is dry ammonia gas collected in the laboratory preparation?
(c) Why is ammonium nitrate not used in the preparation of ammonia?
(ii) Write the balanced equations for the following: [3]
(a) Action of conc. sulphuric acid on copper.
(b) Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine.
(c) Action of conc. Nitric acid on carbon.

(iii) Show the formation of Oxygen molecule by the electron dot diagram. [2]

(iv) Calculate the empirical formula of a compound whose molecular formula is C2H3O2
and empirical formula weight is 118. [C=12, H=1, O=16] [2]

Question 7
(i) Copy and complete the following table which relates to the homologous series of
hydrocarbons: [3]
IUPAC name of General Formula Characteristic IUPAC name of
homologous series bond type the first member

(ii) Ammonia is manufactured by Haber’s process. [3]

(a) Give a balanced equation for the reaction.
(b) Under what conditions do the reactants combine to form ammonia?
(c) State one possible source of each reactant used in Haber’s process.

(iii) Consider the section of the periodic table given below: [4]
H He
Li D O J Ne
A Mg E Si I M
Some elements are given in their own symbol and position in the periodic table, while
others are shown with a letter. With reference to the above table, answer the following
(a) Which element has the largest atomic size in the above table?
(b) Write the formula of the compound formed between R and M.
(c) In the compound between Q and J, what type of bond will be formed?
(d) Which is the element having highest ionization potential?

Question 8
(i) Give reasons for the following: [2]
(a) Acetic acid is monobasic acid, although it has four hydrogen atoms in the
(b) Vanadium pentoxide is preferred to platinum during the catalytic oxidation of
sulphur dioxide.

(ii) 100cm3 of acetylene (C2H2) is mixed with 300cm3 of pure oxygen and ignited.
Calculate the composition of resulting mixture when the mixture is cooled to room
temperature. [2]
2C2H2 + 5O2  4CO2 + 2H2O

(iii) Name the constituent metals present in the following alloys: [2]
(a) Magnalium
(b) Solder (Fuse metal)

(iv) A, B, C and D summarize the properties of sulphuric acid depending on whether

it is dilute or concentrated. [4]
A = Typical acid property B = Non volatile acid
C = Oxidizing agent D = Dehydrating agent
Choose the property (A, B, C or D) which is responsible for the reactions (a) to (d):
(a) KNO3 + H2SO4  KHSO4 + HNO3
(b) CuSO4.5H2O + H2SO4  CuSO4 + 5H2O. H2SO4
(c) MgO + H2SO4  MgSO4 + H2O
(d) C + 2H2SO4  CO2 + 2H2O + 2SO2


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