Obligations Notes - 1156

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ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.


- If obligations were not made
- Latin word “Obligatio” meaning
enforceable, then people can
disregard them with impunity.
- Bond recognized by the law by which
one is bound in favor of another to
Nature of Obligations under Civil Code
render something (giving, doing, or
● Civil obligation - obligations which
not doing
give the creditor/obligee a right under
- Civil Code definition is given by
the law to enforce their performance
Article 1156 in its passive aspect; it
in courts of justice.
stresses the duty under the law of the
● Natural obligation - based on equity
obligor when it speaks of obligation
and natural law; do not grant a right
as a juridical necessity.
of action to enforce their
- Manresa defines it as: “a legal relation
established between one party and
- Binding only in conscience and
another, whereby the latter is bound
according to natural justice.
to the fulfillment of a prestation
Essential requisites of an Obligation
which the former may demand of
1. Passive subject (debtor/obligor) -
bound to fulfillment of the obligation;
Juridical Necessity
he who has the duty.
- Obligation is a juridical necessity
2. Active subject (creditor/obligee) -
because in case of non-compliance,
entitled to demand fulfillment of
the courts of justice may be called
obligation; he who has the right.
upon to enforce its fulfillment or the
3. Object or prestation (the subject
economic value that it represents.
matter) - conduct required to be
- In case of non-compliance there will
observed by the debtor; without the
be legal sanctions.
prestation there is nothing to
- The debtor/obligor may be liable for
the damages.
4. Juridical/legal tie (efficient cause) -
- Damages are the sum of money
binds the parties to the obligations.
given as compensation for the
harm suffered by the creditor.
ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.
b. Corresponding legal
obligation of the
Form of Obligations debtor/obligor/defendant not
- Manner in which the obligation is to violate said right
manifested/incurred; may be oral,
written, partly oral and partly written. c. Act of the latter in violation of
- A contract necessarily gives rise said right with resulting
to an obligation but an obligation does injury/damage to the former.
not always need to have a contract.
1. As a general rule, the law does not - If any of these elements is absent, the
require any form in obligations complaint may be dismissed on the
arising from contracts for their ground of failure to state a cause of
validity or binding force. (see Art. action.
1356.) - The presence of a cause of action rests
2. Obligations arising from other on the sufficiency, and not on the
sources (Art. 1157.) do not have any truthfulness/accuracy of the
form at all allegations in the complaint.
- A cause of action only arises at the
Obligation, right, and wrong distinguished moment a right has been
● Obligation - the act the law will transgressed.
enforce - An obligation on the part of a person
● Right - the power a person has under cannot exist without a corresponding
the law to demand from another any right existing in favor of another, and
prestation. vice-versa.
● Wrong (cause of action) - an act of one - For every right enjoyed by a
party which violates the legal person, there is a corresponding
right/rights of another; may also be obligation on the part of another
called injury. to respect such right.

Essential elements of a legal wrong:

a. A legal right in favor of a
ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.
- damnum absque injuria (damage
without injury) - If damage
results from a person’s exercising
his legal rights.

Injury, damage, and damages distinguished

● Injury - wrongful act that causes - The plaintiff must establish that the
harm; illegal invasion of legal right. damage to him resulted from a breach
● Damage - the loss, hurt, or harm or violation of legal duty which the
which results from the injury. defendant owed to him; otherwise, the
● Damages - denote the sum of money consequences must be borne by the
recoverable as amends for the plaintiff alone.
wrongful act or omission; - In order that the law will give redress
for an act (or omission) causing
Existence of one without the other: damage, that act must be not only
- There may be injury without hurtful, but wrongful.
damage and damage without
injury. Kinds of obligation according to subject
a. Proof of loss for injury - a wrongful matter
violation for his legal right is 1. Real obligation (to give) - the subject
insufficient, there must be matter is a thing that must be
loss/damage caused by the violation. delivered to the obligee.
b. Liability for damages of a person for 2. Personal obligation (to do or not to
exercising his legal rights - a person do) - an act to be done or not to be
has the right to take legal steps to done.
enforce his legal right a. Positive personal - to
- Qui jure suo utitur mullum do/render survive
damnum facit - One who makes b. Negative personal - not to do;
use of his legal right does no includes not to give.
ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do.


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