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1. Kekhman and Associates Report; details regarding a company “V & M ICE PARK LTD.,” reg.

number 516157351.

According to the research, V & M ICE PARK LTD Reg. 516157351 was incorporated on February 9, 2020,
and its address is private (not provided, probably due to the fact that small local councils, especially Arab
local councils, often don’t have street names and full addresses), Ein Mahil, Israel. The company is
private and active. The company’s field of operation is not listed on the Israeli Companies Rating site and
our efforts to identify it in the open sources yielded no results. The company is flagged for non-payment
of registration fees for this and previous year – current debt is NIS 3,086.

Ordinary shares details:

Number of shares: 10,000
Registered Capital: NIS 10,000
Value of shares distributed to shareholders: NIS 2,000

The company’s shareholders and directors are:

 Vadim Borovskikh, ID 311846091 – director and holds 50% ordinary shares since February 9,
2020. This individual is also an owner of sole proprietorship business under the named “Hockey
Start.” Based on that, we assume it’s possible that the company in question is a hockey/ice
skating rink operator.
The registered address for this individual is 5 Dalia Str., Nof Ha-Galil, Israel.
We have checked the Israeli Land Registry records for this address, and the only potentially
relevant individual listed as a property owner is someone named Elena Borovskikh, ID
311846141. The corporate database shows that an entity linked to this ID is a sole
proprietorship business “Elena Borovskikh” located at 5 Dalia Str., Nof Ha-Galil, Israel. No further
information is available.
 Matar Matar, ID 36378123 – director and holds 50% ordinary shares since February 9, 2020. The
registered address for this individual is the same as the company (Ein Mahil).

The company’s executives, as appear in the Israeli Registrar of Companies, are as follows (this
information is not always available): Vadim Borovskikh, CEO; Matar Matar, CEO.

No Liens/ mortgages/ debts appeared in the company’s extract.

2. Katunin Report questions.

We checked the Land Registry records for the first address (62 Yitshak Rabin St, Hadera, Israel), and no
property owners with names similar to Katunin’s or his associates were identified.

Information on the third address (61 Khativat Golani St, apartment 29, Hadera, Israel) is already in the
report, see “The records further state that this person holds a mortgage on a real estate asset located at
the third address” in that paragraph.
3. Just to clarify- you did not check the Land Registry records for the second Mavlaynov's
address? (apartment in Herzliya Pituach), and my understanding is that you do not have a full
address? Also, does he hold Israeli ID number in his new name?

At this stage, we do not have the address for the alleged Herzliya Pituach apartment. Once obtained, we
will check it and deliver with the asset trace report on Mavlyanov. The Land Registry check requires a
street name and building number information, or the number of plot and block of land where said
building is located.

Yes, Mavlyanov’s Israeli ID is under the name Yitzhak Mabelon.

4. I have another question- "We have checked the Land Registry records for the alleged Mavlaynov
address in Rishon LeZion, and found no mention of him or any of the known associates". So that
means that neither of them owns this property? Are there any names of owners?
Agrer, we need to see the names of the owners of affiliated addresses even if they are not the
targets' names

To clarify regarding the Land Registry records: they provide very limited information.

There is an option to obtain an extract for “Street X, building Y”, but the produced record actually
includes all real estate assets located on the plot of land where said building is located (depending on
the size of the land plot, it can be one building or a whole neighborhood – with hundreds of property

Moreover, the record does not state the addresses or apartment numbers of properties on the plot of

For example, it can state that John Doe, ID X, holds a lease on a property on this plot of land, and often
give information on its size in square meters, since when he’s holding a lease, etc. BUT it won’t state on
which street is said property, or the number of the house.

Under the scope limitations and time constraints, we can only make sure that the records we obtain
have any mention of names or variations that are of relevance. In the case of Mavlyanov’s former
address in Rishon LeZion, the current record for the land plot is a document with dozens of individuals ,
none of which are him, or known associates, or anyone with a remotely similar name. Since we’re
currently conducting the asset trace research, any and all relevant information that we identify will be
reported on.

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