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106 Educational Technology 2

online. However, responses The results further point to online
primary factor in teaching
SKills as as an
evolving and
find helpful in promoting developing teaching practice and therefore,
faculty are still adiustino
varied as to specific skills faculty course content. It can to this style of teaching n
a new learning environment. It will
online interaction and in designing of these faculty take sometime before these taculty can become
be from the results that majority
observed comfortable and
to utilization of the system eventually become ettective
online.1he foregoing results gathered
participants interpret skills
of the system tools from this study supports the inclusion of these three
which is directly equated to the applications key elements
before one can start
to teach in the formative evaluation system
resources. They express that where faculty practices may be
and have mastery of
must first looked into within the context of these key elements.
online, it is imperative that he/she
the system. From the study results, however, the researcher
level of interactivity is
not that another criterion within the system element must
As also noted in the results, the include
that faculty online practices focus mainly administrative support. With the inclusion of this particular
very high. This suggests more the problem in accessibility and availability of the IVLE
consideration. Teachers pay
on the hardware or system
may be properly addressed. system
tools and resources of thè system
attention to how the various
as a secondary
function and relegate the other pedagogical aspects
c o n c e n in the total delivery of online courses.
revealed moderate
The results of this study likewise
of the design of course
content Along with the rapid development of online programs in
acceptance by faculty participants universities worldwide, also came the emergence of formative
and sustaining online interaction. This many
in prompting, promoting, evaluation studies designed to examine the merit and worth of this
on the responses
of faculty
observation is based particularly new educational practice. The pilot test of the formative
interview where majority
cited the IVLE evaluation
participants during the
online interaction. For these system developed in this study which was conducted at De La
tools as more critical in promoting Salle University supports the premise that the three
the technology factor is foremost in teaching key elements
faculty participants, namely, faculty technology skills, design of course content and use
online and that through
the use of these tools and resources,
interaction of the system features and capabilities are vital elements
content may be presented
in a m a n n e r thet online which a
current literature formative evaluation can examine to measure the level of online
and sustained. However,
may be prompted that online teaching is interaction. The interactions of these elements can
suggests that
teachers need to understand an provide
of technology. It involves
observance of empirical data in identifying which area in online learning may
not simply about use need improvement and support. Based on the results
use of visual tools, presentation of this study,
some basic design principles, it is not enough that online
interactive software. faculty have the technology skills
PowerPoint and other
software such as likewise includes use of related to the application of the courseware
In addition, design of
c o u r s e content
need to acquire and apply other
system. They also
language, higher-order thinking pedagogical skills in the design
simple and easy-to-understand content in logical order and and presentation of online course
content. These pedagogical skills
of c o u r s e
questions, presentation in to technology factor. deepen the interactivity
which previous authors have identified as
considerations support
other pedagogical key to online leaming. While online faculty accepts the
the item the design to importance
The low rating received. by of the design of course
content, in this study faculty paid more
attributed to the lack of understanding
of course content may be attention in their skills to use the IVLE tools and resources.
value of this element in
on the part
of the faculty on the
interaction. It can also be
noted that such This study further shows that
promoting online sustaining online interaction
observation is also
true in a face-to-face classroom teaching involves
some pedagogical orientation on the part of the faculty
the design and presentation how learning takes place in a virtual environment, navigation
where many faculty
seldom consider
of the faculty agree that ot the IVLE is not
of course content. While majority enough; it is how teachers facilitate to
criteria cited in the survey and students develop meaning which makes
these design the online interaction Tieu
application of teaching, in actual practice
important online d engaging. This was reflected in the chat rooms and discusstou
interviews forums of faculty
to the system.
faculty pay
108 Educatonal Technoogy 2 Appendix
in this study
can human computer interaction research. In Nardi, B. A.
system developed
fomative evaluation three Context and consciousnesS: Activity theory and
ne interaction among these
interaction, 17-44.
in promoting
teachers design of course computer Cambridge, MA: The MIT
nus assist technology skills, Press.
Key elements, namely, faculty resulting in
a clear
features and capabilities
Content, and system of online learming
program. Maslowski, R., Visscher, A.J., Collis, B. & Bloemen, PP.M. [20001.
picture of the development The formative evaluation of a web-based course-management
this formative
application of
The researcherbelieves that the
data for school system within a university setting. Educational Technology.
systemprovide empirical
can ther current Mutanyatta, J. (1989). Formative evaluation of distance education:
evaluation in improving
for online faculty
administrators and consequently improve A case study of the certificate in adult education at the
online teaching and learning
practices and
University of Botswana.
the delivery of their online programs. mutanyatta.html
in other higher learning
A parallel study maybe participants in
order to
Rossi, P.H., & Freeman, H.E. (1993). Evaluation: A systematic
involve more faculty
institutions and may conclusive findings. approach (5th ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication,
a wider basis
for making more
provide Inc.

Russell, D. Activity theory and its implications for writing

instruction. In J. Petraglia, (Ed.). Reconceiving writing,
rethinking writing instruction (pp. 51-77). Mahwah, NJ:
References Lawrence Elbaum Associates, 1995.
framework for pedagogical
O. (1999). A
Britain, S., and Liber, environments. University of Scriven, M.S. (1967). The methodology of evaluation. In R.E.
of virtual learning
evaluation Programme Stake (ed.) Curriculum evaluation (Vol. 1).
Wales Bangor. JISC
Technology Applications Chicago. Rand
(JTAP). and influence
(1999). The
evaluation Volery, T., & Lyon, E. (2001). Online education: An exploratory
Chiu, Huang, & Chang
network- supported
c o l l a b o r a t i v e concept study into success factors. In J. Educational Computing
interaction in
& Education. Pergamon. Research, 24 (1) 77-92, 2001. Baywood Publishing Co., Inc.
mapping. Computers for NY.
versatile framework
Activity theory:
Dayton D. (2004). from Weston, C., Mc Alpine, L., & Bordonaro, T.
research. (Available (1995). A model for
March 17, 2004).
PDF, understanding formative evaluation in instructional design.
as Educational Technology, Research and Development. Vols 43
The virtual classroom
Cummings, J. (1997). learning in (3) p29-48.
Hallet, K. & Collaborative, problem-based
authentic experience: C o m p e t i t i o n - C o n n e c t i o n - C o l l a b o r a t i o n :

www environment. Teaching

a Conference on distance
the Annual
Proceedings of Wisconsin-Madison,
WI: University of
and Learming. Madison,
formative evaluation of distance education:
Herbeson, E. (2001). A
learners and instructors,
Experiences of

L. (2002). Activity
Theory and Design in
Method. (Available
a potential framework
Activity theory as
Kuutti, K. (1996).
110 Educational Technology 2

Educators, Technology and 21" Century Skills: Dispelling the Interactive Film Scenes for Tutor
Five Myths: a Study on the Connection Between Training in Problem-Based
K to 12 Technology and 21 Century Skils" Learning (PBL): Dealing with Difficult Situations

Subtitle: Administrators Perceptions of Their Schools with

Emphasis on
21 Century Skills Background
Richard W. Riley in
problem-based leaming (PBL), tutors play an
role essential
facilitating and
efficiently structuring tutorials to enable students
College of Education and Leadership to construct individual
cognitive network and have a significant
Walden University impact on students performance in subsequent
necessity of elaborate training to fulfill this assessments. The
The Findings: undeniable. In the plethora of data on PBL, complex role is
has been paid to tutor however, litle attention
seemed to be more aware than the teachers training which
Administrators moderation of specific dificult situationspromotes competence in the
of the term 21st century skills. commonly encountered in
PBL tutorials.
users did not
2. Teachers who were infrequent technology
place the most emphasis on the 21st century skills as
frequent users do.
Major interactive obstacles arising in PBL
3. Majority of the administrators believe that their identified from prior tutorials were
schools very strongly emphasized 21st century publications. Potential solutions were defined
by an expert group. Video clips were
tutor's role and produced addressing the
skills. providing exemplary
solutions. These clips were
embedded in PBL
stronger perceptions of
Administrators have somewhat tutor-training course at our medical faculty
combining PBL self-experience
student behaviors with a non-medical case.
the positive effects of technology on provided pre- and Trainees
their PBL-related post-intervention self-efficacy ratings regarding
and engagement in
associated with 21st century skills
learning than teachers. knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as their
of the
acceptance and the
feasibility of integrating the
have somewhat stronger perceptions PBL video clips into
5. Administrators
effects for students of the following skills:
at all).
(all items: 100=completely agree, O=don't agree
visual form
5.1. Communicating thoughts effectively in An interactive online tool
5.2. Analyzing information developed comprising 18 video clipsfor PBL tutor training was
to diverse perspectives in PBL tutorials to highlighting difficult situations
trainees to develop and formulate
5.3. Beingg open
effectively in written form their own interventionencourage
strategies. In subsequent sequences, potential
5.4. Communicating thoughts interventions were presented
for for the
the global issues and implications specific scenario, with
5.5. Under_tanding concluding discussion which addressed a
their work tool was well accepted and unresolved issues. The
t (81.62+/-16.91; 62.94+/-16.76).considered worth the time spent on
o prepare them well to Tutors considered the videos
References: century-skills_grun tutorials respond to specific challenges in
(75.98+/-19.46). The entire future
self-experience and video clips as training,
which comprisea
elements, improve
self-efficacy with respect to dealing with
PAFTE Project
Topics in Education Vol. 1 of Ledwith pemission from Special Topics in
Lifted with permission from Special
Quezon Cíty by Lorimar Publishing,
Inc. TE, 2012, Education Vol. 2 of PAFIE PrOEt
LIe in published
WRITE, 2012, published in Quezon City by Loimar Publishing. inc.
112 Educational Technokogy 2

Situations (pre: 36.47+/-26.25, post: 66.99+/-21.01; p<.0001) and Appendix

method (pre: 113
Sgnificantly increased appreciation of PBL as a A Teacher for the World:
Are You
61.33+/-24.84, post: 76.20+/-20.12; p<.0001). The Global Teacher In?
Filomena T.
Conclusion Dayagbil, Ed.D.
The interactive tool with instructional video clips is designed
to broaden the view of future PBL tutors in terms of recognizing INTRODUCTION:
specific obstacles to functional group dynamics and developing
individual intervention strategies. The results show that this tool is In an of
globalization and
teacher is at the forefront of
meeting theinternationalization,
well accepted and can be successfully integrated into PBL tutor- the
training. century education. Innovations abound, challenges of the 21st
millions of
made available in the worldwide web
and new
information are
have emerged. The teacher is faced ways of learning
savvy generation whose educating the technology
dependency on technology can be a
blessing or a curse. Some teachers have observed
that the
generation is too distracted with many things to the
References: learning is sacrificed. On the other hand, point that
that their teachers are not learners are
Hans M Bosse, Soeren Huwendiek, Silvia Skelin, Michael complaining
Kirschfink and Christoph Nikendei BMC Medical Education Who is the culprit in this making them learn as they should.
continuing learning gap? If
2010, 10:52doi:10.1186/1472-6920-10-52 Published: 6 July you consider teaching as a
is given the system wherein the adult
2010 responsibility to guide and educate the (the teacher)
learner), there is wisdom in young (the
to train them to refocusing the attention to the teachers
capably lead the young. What should the
possess to effectively carry out teachers
Are there learming in this globalized world?
that the teacher
global educator? What does it take to be should possess to be
globalization and internationalization? Theseteacher in a world

dealt with in this questions will be

A. Globalization and Global Education
Globalization is multifaceted. It needs
and multifaceted an
Larson (2001) in his definition to cover its complexity. Thomas
book The
Globalization defined the term Race
as the
to the
Top: The Real Story of
of process of world shrinkage,
distances getting shorter, things
increasing ease
with which moving closer. It pertains to the
interact with mutual somebody on one side of the world
Side of the benefit, with somebody on the other
world. Others define
economics and societies all
globalization the integration as

Technological, economic, political,overandthe world which involves

PoSsible largely by advances in cultural exchanges
communication, made
nitrastructure. Globalization is simplified term transportation,

Lted with pemission from Special of describing tne

WRITE, 2012, Topics in Education Vol. 3 of PAFTE PrOECI

published in Quezon City by Lorimar Publishing. inc.
114 Educational Technology 2

spread and connectivity of economic and cultural life all over the Appendix
world. By its very nature, globalization encompasses a multitude of resolution, and communication skills. It 115
for diversity, a
commitment to peace and promotes values like
disciplines, communities, and cultures. There is no area of human with peoples of the world
harmony, and empathy
activity that is not affected by globalization. thus, taking concrete
Globalization finds its greater impact on education. Due
globally to make a better world. Global steps locally and
by accident. It must be education
to the advent of globalization, the way people think, study and
taught. thoroughly planned anddoesn't happen
learn have changed tremendously. The effects of globalization on
The mission of
education be seen in the rapid developments in technology and

communications, changes within learming systems, the changing roles

Recommendation on Educationeducation
is outlined in
of students and teachers, and major concern on lifelong learnming. Cooperation and Peace. This documentInternational Understanding,
calls on teachers
around the world to in
More so, there is a shift in the concept of learning as contained international dimensionpromote education at all levels schools with an
and organized in school, to the learner with the vast potential and a global
and respect all peoples
and their
perspective in, to understand
to learn from all his experiences. The use of the internet and life, to become aware of the cultures, values, and ways of
other computer forms has paved the way for alternative learning
between peoples and nations and increasing global
systems in education like online learnming and
distance learning.
international solidarity and
understand the interdependence
cooperation. necessity for
Educationally sound and well packaged curriculum materials become
the priority of schools as well as the technologically sophisticated B. On
overworked teachers.
becoming a
global teacher
'solutions' to the pedagogical problems of The realities of
In this borderless information society, education has to respond
increased the demand for globalization
and global
education have
to additional demands of a rapidly globalizing world by raising out the
global teacher
who can
awareness of societal and cultural diversity and the idea of a
challenges of the
be a global teacher? globalized world. What does effectively cary
it mean to
What are the
global village. a globalized world? characteristics of a teacher in
The major concern of teachers is to carry out the lesson
Various experts have
effectively and effect learning. Teachers need to master the subject
global teacher. identified characteristics
and Most say that of a
matter, implement efficient classroom management strategies expert in his
field, global teacher should be an

thinker, problem solver good

understand the learners inorder to maximize learning. Beyond these
communicator, pragmatic, critical
expectations is the ability of the teacher to bring a global touch the most creative thinker.
that a skill Others believe that
the classroom. It is not complete if students
will be taught
howto information literacy. global teacher should possess is
speak the English language corectly. To add
a global dimension is across
countries, the Considering many literature and researches
to make sure that students learn how to communicate in English
categorized into two: characteristics of a
global teacher can be
in a variety of audiences considering rich cultural context. There
global teacher with
global teacher with
is an increasing need to broaden the horizon of people in the the heart to love the
global teacher should have
academic community to embrace the concept of global education. she or he must unlovable, to
have the endure the unbearable
To produce global citizens is to provide global education. The and
CHARACTER competence make learning to
refers to his/her posSible.
Global education has been defined as an "education which of the
characteristics teacher
promotes the knowledge, attitudes and skills relevant to living raits of the COMPETENCE refers to the personal
teacher needed
responsibly in a multicultural, interdependent world" (Fisher &
wOrk. what use is
Of in the
effective professional
Hicks, 1985, p. 8). Kniep (1985) states that "global education
A global teacher competence performance of his/her
without character
consists of efforts to bring about changes in the content, methods should have both the and vice versa.
and social context of education in order to better prepare students Deing a global teacher does character and
for citizenship in a global age. Global education develops skills each there. A
not mean
going competence
out of the
global teacher thinks
such as critical and creative thinking, problem solving, conflict Deng able to globally and acts country
Classrooms is theaddress diversity of learners locally
essence of the in her/his owu very
global teacher.
116 Educational Technology2
of content knowledge and pedagogical skills. A competent teacher
The Teacher with Character should have the professional artistry to induce learning among
get her son to stop eating sugar
A mother once asked Gandhi to students. Cognitive skills like critical thinking, creative
back in nwo week.
Gandhi old the child to come and problem solving are required of the teacher in the 21"
before Gandhi. century.
Two weeks later, the mother brought the child However, effective teaching in the 21" century requires more
Gandhi said to the boy, "Stop eating sugar than a basic understanding of educational theory and classroom
ask yOu why you
"Thank you, but I must management. Teachers must also collaborate with other educators
Puzzled, the woman replied,
didni tell him that wo weeks ago." to learn how to implement new
technology in the classroom, and
suga how to prepare students to enter a global
Gandhi replied, "Two weeks ago, I was eating economy. This is where
(author unknown) ICT skills are very important. The global teacher
must have
information and communication technology literacy skills. She//
to follow
realized that for the boy He should be proficient in finding and
Gandhi, the teacher, of modeling. managing resources, using
This is an example the internet, publishing in the web,
him, he must stop eating sugar.
before he/she connecting with colleagues,
teacher should be a model of good behavior students, peers and global communities. The global teacher
students. If the teacher a networked teacher who has the
behavior from the skill in
can demand the same
should social using networking,
be punctual, he/she blogs, wikis, digital photo
demands that his/her
students will
sharing and the like to
promote and
school. A teacher enhance learning.
model punctuality by arriving early in
Love of
desirable character should
have CLASS: Commitment, Learning how to
learn is one very
standards, Sociability and Sincerity. global teacher. The teacher needs to important skill of a
learners, Accountability for high She learn, relearn previously
should be committed to his/her work. learned concepts and unlearn those that
An effective teacher
to render extra
service without counting the cost. Her
this, she/he has to be a lifelong learmer.
insignificant. To do
is willing
others and create a difference becomes her on his/her own is
Having the ability to learn
commitment to serve one most single skill that
high standards. will empower the
passion. global
A teacher should be accountable
for teacher for
lifetime. Once the teacher is in
the workplace, she/he
out needs to make sense of the
aims for quality and excellence in carrying
lifelong learner. Reflection isexperiences
The global teacher
not settle for anything less
around her/him to
She does become
the teaching learning process. one skill that
and listens to her students.
learning. The facilitates lifelong
She attends classes regularly concept of growth through reflection
deals with educators. However, only is not new for
teacher should be sociable. Teaching primarily very few teachers
people and to succeed
in the profession, the global
teacher must
since it entails deep thinking. The aim engage in reflection
teacher the of reflection is to
have social skills. In
this world of diversity, the global opportunity to compare theory to offer
must know how
to deal with people in all
walks of life. She/he understading to doing. Reflection can practice, belief to behavior,
know how to persuade the students
to do what is expected educator's technical provide the bridge" from
1987). Further Schonknowledge
should to
of them. She/he should
establish rapport with the community
professional competence (Schon,
that there
effective teacher must know how
people to get their support. An
the right words at the right time; to
make "reflection-in-action"
are two

kinds of reflection:
The former is
to communicate, to say
address thinking while acting to
students learn through clear and understandable language. Lastly, an reshape
unexpected problematic situation. the current action to
be measured n
the global teacher has sincerity. Sincerity can actively
She/he practicing, teacher can think of
For example, while
one's dealings with the learners and other people in the community makes sense of the what she/he is
teacher with sincere intention of helping the learners, he/she
analyzes feelings which situation, challenges doing.
always loved by the students. lead to the assumptions
Teacher then critically evaluates particular course of action. The

Corporates them into and restructures

these beliefs and
further action. On
The teacher with competence
u-action is a
Aready taken, process used
the other hand,
Teachers' competence can be measured through mastery by learners to look
critically analyze reasoning back on
and data and evauac
Educational Technology 2 Appendix
118 119
new perspective
which results in forming a in the global community. One study involved students from
by testing that action, reflection, the
teacher continues to universities in the South West of England and set
out to
for future action. By using expertise in the investigate
become a lifelong
learner and gain
professional how knowledgeable the teacher trainees are on
global issues,
where do their knowledge and understanding come from and
profession. how
prepared (and motivated) they are to include global
characterizing the global in their teaching. The study revealed that
Below is the schema
pre-service teachers are
knowledgeable, enthusiastic and interested to teach about
issues. The teacher trainees cited television and
main sources of information, but after that newspapers 'as
they differed. Important
sources of information for them were
parents and school, followed
by magazines and books. Although teacher trainees have knowledge
on global issues, they are not
Commitment Pedagogical confident to teach them. One
Love for Learners
Content implication is that teacher education institutions need to
Knowledge trainee teachers with content knowledge and equip the
Accountability for
teaching global issues. The curriculum shouldpedagogical
-Problem Solving skills in
High Standard be relevant to the
-Critical Thinking
changing times exposing pre-service teachers to the real world and
Sincerity THE GLOBAL relevant issues of the 21st
Thinking century.
TEACHER A study on the
in California USA
Uniqueness of the Filipino Science
(unpublished master's thesis, Cebu Normal
University, 2009) by Ms. Jerry Potter revealed that
have adjusted easily as
educators in the foreign land. Filipino teachers
the ability to transfer their They have
LEARNING with diverse.culture. One learning/training to the new
of the factors that
their adaptability to the contributes to
environment are the
perseverance, patience, commitment, Filipino traits of
of humor. The
study recommended that positive thinking and sense
the personal traits of
teachers should be honed and the
prepare them for the developed in the pre-service training
Technology-based challenges in the real world of work.
instruction should be
What do I need to remember? instruction always integrates technology. emphasized since
I need to remember the following What
of challenges for
Globalization ushersa lot teacher the lesson? What significant learnings have you gained from this
A global teacher has to relearn, unlearn, and learn new skills
for the world?concrete steps will you undertake to be a teacher
be effective. A teacher is an educator with character and
competence. She/He should possess the personal and
professional What do I need
characteristics and lifelong learning skills needed in carrying 0u to do?
effectively the teaching learning process. Let's do the
following activities:
What does research say about this? Bring an
object that would symbolize
in the
21st effective teacher an
Various researches have been conducted on the teacnc partner why century. Form a dyad and share with your
you have chosen
such object.
Educational Technology 2
2. Interview the following education
captain. Ask them about
students, principal,
and barangay
teacher. Submit an article (to be
their idea of a global
the global teacher based
published in the school paper)

on the stakeholders' responses.

additionalinformation about this?

Where can I get


The Effective Teacher. New York:

Anderson, Lorin W. (1989).
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Reflective Planning, Teaching and
Eby, Judy W. (1996).
Evaluation: K-12. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall.
the Top: The Real Story of
Larson, Tomas (2001). The Race to
Globalization. Washington DC. Cato Institute.
the Reflective Practitioner. San
Schon, D.A. (1987). Educating
Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass.
Experiential Learning Handbook, 2007. Department of Education,
Teacher Education Council.

Electronic Materials/Links
Mary Stone Hanley. The Scope of Multicultural Education. www. strategies/multicultural/deering.etal.html
Educational Technology Standards and Performance. Indicators for
All Teachers.


Corpuz, Brenda (2010). The 21st Century Teacher: A Transforming

Influence. The Professional Teacher Journal, Volume ll
Number I.
Guajardo, Miguel, et al (2008). Transformative Education:
Chronicling a Pedagogy for Social Change. Anthropology
and Education Quarterly, Volume 19.
Holden, C and Matin F. Education for global citizenship: the
knowledge., understanding and motivation of trainee teachers.
The Global Project. University of Central England

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