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Quarter 2 – Module 7: Week 7
Analyzing the Characters and the Setting
Used in Print, Non-print and Digital Materials

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Edlyn B. Sangalang, Ramil L. Demerin
Editors: Angela L. Salenga, Judith Louella D. Mendiola
Reviewer: Bernabeth B. Manio, PSDS
Layout Artist: Froilan G. Isip

Management Team Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas EdD CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, CID Chief
Arceli S. Lopez PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan EPS- English
Ruby M. Jimenez PhD, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,
City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address:
What I Need to Know
This module will assist you in encouraging the learners to analyze the
characters and the setting used in print, non-print and digital materials.
Please help the learners in sharing their ideas and knowledge from their
experiences so that there will be collaboration and learning will be easy.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Inculcate to the learners the
value of honesty while answering this module.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. analyze characters and setting in print, non-print and digital materials;
2. determine whether a character is presented explicitly or implicitly; and
3. assess whether the setting depicts rural or urban and affluent or poor.

What I Know

A. Look at each picture (1 – 5) and analyze whether the setting is rural or

urban. Draw a if it is rural and if it is urban. Do it in your answer sheet.

_____ 1. _____ 2.

_____ 3. _____ 4.

_____ 5.
B. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.

6. I heard she was born in the Manila, so I think she is of Philippine ____________.
a. attitude b. gender c. nationality d. behavior
7. He was showing some __________________ in our practice, so we did not finish.
a. attitude b. gender c. race d. behavior
8. The pupils were rewarded for good __________________.
a. nationality b. gender c. race d. behavior
9. Male and female refer to one’s __________________.
a. nationality b. gender c. race d. attitude
10. I can’t stand the rude ___________________ of that boy, so I left the room.
a. nationality b. behavior c. race d. attitude
Analyzing the Characters and Setting Used in
7 Print, Non-print and Digital Materials

Being able to identify the characters and the place in the story is a basic
reading comprehension skill. Character analysis can strengthen our ability to analyze
people in the real world, and to better appreciate the points of view of other people.
On the other hand, having a clear concept of the setting in a short story or film (or
even in a poem) will help us understand how and why the characters behave the
way they do.

What’s In

Match each sentence to the character trait it represents. Choose one from the
Word Bank and write your answer in your answer sheet.

Assertive Religious Responsible

Creative Honest Racist Kind
Independent Charismatic Optimistic

_________ 1. Filipinos experience natural and man-made calamities every now and
then, yet they are able to smile and still thank God that they are alive.
_________ 2. Anna is a good friend because she always understands and shares
my feelings.
_________ 3. Enrico’s parents work during night time, so he often gets his own
dinner and wakes to an alarm.
_________ 4. May’s parents leave her in charge of her siblings when they are away.
_________ 5. Jennifer isn’t afraid to speak up if someone tries to take her turn.
_________ 6. Trisha made a desk organizer out of used carboards and plastic
soda bottles.
_________ 7. No matter what happens, let us always expect things to get better.
_________ 8. Carlito found someone’s wallet, and turned it in at the lost and
found counter.
_________ 9. There are some Americans who do not like Asians like Chinese, Thai
and even Filipinos.
_________ 10. Everyone likes to be around Daniel, and all the girls have a crush
on him.
Notes to the Teacher
The teacher must consider the prerequisite skills needed in the
development of this competency including the schema or background
knowledge which may reinforce learning. This module will help the
learners bridge the gap of learning to attain mastery of the lesson in its
spiral progression.

What’s New

How are you going to describe your family? What kind of parents, brothers
and sisters do you have? Are you happy with the kind of life you have today? Will
you consider your family rich or poor? Read the story carefully.

The Two Brothers

In a barangay at Floridablanca, there was a fourteen-year-old Kapampangan
boy named Samuel. He lived with his father, mother, and younger brother in a simple
house with a big backyard full of vegetables and fruit-bearing trees.
Samuel was an industrious boy. In the morning, he cleaned the backyard and
helped his father in harvesting some vegetables and fruits. He helped his mother in
preparing their meals, too. Aside from being industrious, he was also smart and
responsible. Since the quarantine period started, he spent his time drawing and
reading books. He also used DepEd Commons and answered most of the questions
in the activities correctly. He knew and he followed the things he should and should
not do. He just stayed home.
Carlos, Samuel’s brother who is two years younger than him, was very
different. He was lazy. He did not like helping their father nor their mother in any of
the household chores. When COVID 19 broke out, Carlos consumed almost of his
time playing mobile games. He was negligent of himself. At times, he skipped his
meals because he slept late at night and got up late in the morning. He was
stubborn. There were times when he secretly went out of their house to meet his
One day, Carlos felt sick. He had headache and cough. He also felt really
tired. Since the two brothers shared a room, their parents told Samuel to stay and
sleep in the living room for the mean time. Their parents confiscated Carlos’ cellular
phone and instructed him to have enough rest. Samuel and his parents took care of
Carlos. Their parents fed him with nutritious food. Samuel gave his brother enough
water and vitamins to take. They also knelt together and asked the Almighty to
heal Carlos.

The next day just as when their parents were about to report Carlos’ case to
the barangay health workers, Carlos went out of the room looking perfectly fine. He
did not have any headache nor cough anymore. He did not feel tired anymore. He
felt stronger and healthier than before.

Carlos looked at his family with teary eyes and said, “Dacal a salamat kekayu.
Pasensiya na kayu at megi kung pasaway.”

NOTE: If the learner is with a guardian, discuss the following questions together. If
the learner is accomplishing the module alone, he will reflect on the following:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What can you say about Samuel?
3. What can you say about Carlos?
4. What can you say about their parents? Are yours the same? In what way?
5. Where did the story take place?
6. Is the family rich or poor? Prove your answer.

What Is It

Discussion of Activity 1

There are two ways on how the characters are revealed in a story. First is
explicitly or direct, wherein the narrator gives some fact about the character and
interpret them. Then the other one is implicitly or indirect, wherein the characters
are revealed by what they think, say and do.

How were the characters in The Two Brothers presented- explicitly or

implicitly? Correct! They were presented explicitly because the narrator of the story
gave the behavior and attitude of the characters directly and interpreted them by
giving examples.
Take a look at these examples:


1. The seventy-five-year-old Filipino politician from Davao, Rodrigo Roa Duterte,

is the first Philippine President from Mindanao. (Age, race and nationality are
directly stated.)
2. Digong is a brave, straightforward and outspoken male leader. (Gender and
attitude/behavior are directly stated.)

1. Martha got up early, prepared the breakfast and packed some lunch. She
began doing the laundry while waiting for her kids to get up. (Analyzing the
character’s action, we can conclude that she was a hardworking mother.)
2. Ben told himself, “I should save some money and buy my mother some
flowers. I want to make her happy on her birthday.” (Analyzing the character’s
thought, we can conclude that he was a thoughtful and loving son.)

Setting is an important literary device. Creating clear depictions of time and

place in a story creates mood and moves the story along. Without setting, the plot
line would be confusing and boring. A key element of a strong setting is using
descriptive details, pulling on the reader’s senses.

In non-fiction literature, setting may be in a rural or urban environment. In a

rural setting, we usually read of or see people living in barrios, towns and provinces
that are away from the city. Life in rural areas is simple and quiet. There is less or no
pollution and traffic. There are few or no tall buildings and commercial
establishments. The people usually work as farmers, fishermen or livestock raisers.
They depend so much on their natural environment for their resources. An urban
setting however, is the opposite of rural. Urban people live in cities where housing,
pollution, traffic, congestion and even crimes are usually the problems. Life here is
complicated and fast-paced. People have different jobs and work is non-stop, hence
the main streets and avenues are lit up during the night. We see tall buildings or
skyscrapers, business districts, leisure and entertainment establishments and
modern facilities.

The setting will tell us whether the characters live in an urban or rural area. It
will also tell us whether the characters’ economic status is affluent or poor. It is
important to understand that living in an urban area does not necessarily mean
affluent or comfortable life. Likewise, not all people in rural areas are poor. The
affluent and the poor may co-exist in an urban or rural setting.
What’s More

Independent Activity 1

A. Identify whether the underlined setting is Rural or Urban. Write your

answer in your answer sheet.

1. Joyce works as a data analyst in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

company in Angeles City.
2. Uncle Fred watches intently as his twelve-year old son tries surfing in
the beach.
3. Some pupils are crossing the river just to get to school.
4. Workers patiently line up in boarding the MRT.
5. Diana studies Pharmacy and stays in a boarding house near the university.

B. Tell whether the character is revealed implicitly or explicitly in a sentence.

Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Gino is an Igorot who is not ashamed of his race.

2. Paula hit the ball across the net, and she scored. She did it repeatedly and
made her team the champion.
3. “I will not forgive him. I will never forget how he mistreated my family”, Sam
told herself.
4. Hector is a very talented pupil of Calantas Elementary School. He is also an
honest and polite boy.
5. As Cathy was walking way home, she saw an old woman carrying heavy bags
crossing the street. She immediately ran towards her and helped her with the
bags then guided her crossed the street.

Independent Assessment 1

Based on the story “The Two Brothers”, accomplish the analysis table of
Samuel and Carlos. Do this in your answer sheet.

Name: Samuel



Type of Community
(Urban or Rural)
Economic Status
(Affluent or Poor )

Name: Carlos




Type of Community
(Urban or Rural)
Economic Status
(Affluent or Poor )

Independent Activity 2

Analyze how the characters are described in each picture. Choose your
answer from the sentences below and write only the letter of your choice in your
answer sheet.

A. Glen is helpful. He always tries to help others.

B. Tantan enjoys drawing. He is an artistic little boy.
C. Roy is a shy boy. He lacks confidence. He is afraid of talking to others.
D. Mika easily gets angry even with a small mistake. She is a hot-tempered
E. Mike loves his twin sister. He does not like her getting sad. He is thoughtful.
F. Lady is a cheerful little girl. She is always smiling and is always happy.
G. Miss Krista is a smart and dedicated employee, so she always receives award
and recognition.
H. Miko and his friends are impolite. They do not listen to their teacher and are
noisy in their class.
I. Trixie loves singing. She is musically-inclined because her parents are both
J. Brix is a lazy boy. He does not clean his room and spends most of his time
lying on his bed, watching movies on his tablet.
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Independent Assessment 2
Classify whether each indicator in the Word Bank is Affluent or Poor. Write it
in its appropriate box. Do it in your answer sheet.

local and international travels 4P’s lots of jewelry

designer’s clothes tattered clothes high-paying job

squatters’ area beggars luxury cars jobless

Affluent Poor
1. ________________________ 6. ________________________
2. ________________________ 7. ________________________
3. ________________________ 8. ________________________
4. ________________________ 9. ________________________
5. ________________________ 10. ________________________
Independent Activity 3
Read each sentence carefully. Determine whether each sentence tells about
a Character or a Setting. Write the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. Frontliners risk their lives while taking care of the patients.

2. The school canteen serves nutritious food for the children.
3. She goes home to her family in the province every weekend.
4. ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya and GMA Kapusong Totoo gave away relief
goods to the affected families in remote barangays.
5. Myra always smiles at everyone she meets.
6. Leo always sees an opportunity to make new things out of the recyclable
materials in their house
7. Soldiers are assigned to the mountains where rebels hide.
8. Ben kept all of the chocolates given by his grandparents and did not give his
siblings any piece.
9. In tropical countries, people experience dry and wet seasons; no snow.
10. After going to the grocery, mother took me to a dentist in Sto. Cristo.

Independent Assessment 3

A. Analyze each situation carefully. Determine whether it tells about the

character’s age, gender, nationality, attitude or behavior. Write your
answer in your answer sheet.

1. Cindy was walking step by step, little by little trying to balance herself. She
stumbled and fell down then started crying. Her mother ran to her.
2. A foreigner wearing Hanbok greeted the guests in Hangul.
3. The group leader assisted her members in fulfilling their tasks.
4. Ester wants to finish her studies and be the best doctor in their town
someday. She wants to help many people.
5. The family was prayerful.

B. Is the setting Rural or Urban? Write the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. 2.
3. 4.


What I Have Learned

Draw a ( ) if the statement is true and a ( ) if it is false. Do it in your answer sheet.

_____ 1. The setting of the story is the time and place that it occurs.
_____ 2. The sequence of events in a story make up the setting.
_____ 3. The characters in the story are revealed by what they think, say and do.
_____ 4. Without a setting, readers and viewers cannot follow a story plot.
_____ 5. There is less traffic and pollution in a rural setting.
_____ 6. She is short, black and with curly hair. The character is implicitly revealed
in the story.
_____ 7. Nancy loves to talk. She talks to everyone about anything. You can infer
that Nancy is a talkative girl.
_____ 8. A character who lives in a condominium suggests affluent living.
_____ 9. Poor people may be found both in rural and urban settings.
_____ 10. The setting provides the answers to the questions who are the
characters in the story.

What I Can Do
Think about your favorite movie. Now, think about the main character and the
setting of that movie. Write a five-sentence paragraph about it using what you have
learned in this lesson. Write your paragraph in your answer sheet.

A. Analyze the setting in each picture. Write Rural or Urban and Affluent or
Poor in your answer sheet.

Setting Rural or Urban? Affluent or Poor

1. _________________ 2. _________________

3. _________________ 4. _________________

5. _________________ 6. _________________

B. Write YES if the statement can help you in analyzing a character and
NO if it can’t. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. The weather was hot and no one was out.

2. The young Aeta girl made everyone grooved as she danced.
3. The store opens at seven o’clock every day.
4. Hazel picked up the pieces of papers and candy wrappers inside the room then,
threw them in the garbage bin. She did it without anyone looking.
5. It happened during a rainy day in August.

Additional Activities

Given the chance to choose, where would you prefer to live - in a rural or an
urban setting? Why?
Assessment What I Have Learned
1. Urban
2. Affluent
3. Rural or Urban 2.
4. Poor
5. Urban
6. Affluent What’s In
7. No 1. Religious 6. Creative
8. Yes 5. 2. Kind 7. Optimistic
9. No 3. Independent 8. Honest
6. 4. Responsible 9. Racist
10. Yes
11. No 7. 5. Assertive 10. Charismatic
Independent Activity 3
1. Character
10. 2. Setting
Answer may vary.
What I Can Do 3. Setting
4. Character or Setting
5. Character
What’s More
Independent Activity 2 6. Character
1. H 6. E Independent Activity 1 7. Setting
2. J 7. G 1. Urban 8. Character
3. C 8. B 2. Rural 9. Setting
4. A 9. D 3. Rural 10. Setting
5. I 10. F 4. Urban
5. Urban Independent Assessment 3
Independent Assessment 2 6. Explicit 1. Age
Affluent (answers may come in 7. Implicit 2. Nationality
any order) 8. Implicit 3. Attitude or Behavior
1. local and international travels 9. Explicit 4. Attitude or Behavior
2. lots of jewelry 10. Implicit 5. Attitude or Behavior
3. high-paying job 6. Urban
4. luxury cars 7. Urban
5. designer’s clothes Independent Assessment 1 8. Rural
SAMUEL 9. Urban
Poor (answers may come in any AGE: 14 10. Urban
order) GENDER: Male
6. 4P’s RACE: Kapampangan
7. tattered clothes What I Know
8. squatters’ area RURAL OR URBAN: Rural
9. beggars 1. 6. c
10. jobless 2. 7.A
AGE: 12 3. 8. D
RACE: Kapampangan 4. 9. B
RURAL OR URBAN: Rural 5. 10. B
Answer Key

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