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What are the strategies of Glenview Community Services in promoting work-life balance among their
employees? How about the strategies of Royal Bank of Scotland?

 Based on my understanding in promoting work-life balance among the employees of Glenview

community services they are more focused on giving more variety offers of benefits on
workforce planning, learning and development and flexibility of their employees. In addition,
Glenview Community are also focused on the three major elements of work-life balance: the
work and career, family, friends, and community and health. They aim to provide a supportive,
happy, and inclusive working environment to their employees by balancing work and personal
lives. While the strategies of Royal Bank of Scotland in promoting work-life balance among their
employees are giving them the “right to work flexibly”. This can be through a range of flexible
working practices covering job sharing, part-time working, homework game, variable working
hours, compressed hours, a term time working. This flexibility enables employees of RBS to
choose working patterns that fit them with their childcare arrangements or their personal lives.

2. What are the benefits of work-life balance in employees and the company itself?

 Stress is bad for our health, as we are all aware. Everyone may have both physical and mental
effects. In order to reduce stress and boost productivity at work, it's important for us to create a
balance between our professional and personal lives. For both people and their organizations, a
healthy work-life balance provides many benefits. The motivation, stress level, and output of the
workforce will all increase. These balanced employees are advantageous to employers since
they help a company grow. Additionally, having a work-life balance has advantages such as
giving themselves and Emily some alone time, lowering stress levels, having some control over
time management when meeting work-life commitments, improving focus and motivation at
work, and increasing job security because the company recognizes and supports family
responsibilities. However, the benefits of work-life balance to the company include lower staff
turnover, lower recruitment and training costs, lower absenteeism due to higher levels of well-
being, improved ability to attract staff, gaining a reputation as a good employer and company of
choice, improved morale, and job satisfaction, increased staff loyalty and commitment, and
increased productivity

3. Choose three (3) "perks" from the two (2) aforementioned companies that you want to have in your
future career. Justify your answer.

 The three (3) benefits that I have decided to have in my future career are flexible working hours,
remote job options, and additional part-time jobs. I can create a better work-life balance and, as
a result, perform better at work with a flexible work schedule. Additionally, I find remote
employment prospects interesting because of the epidemic. In addition to helping me push
myself to be more productive and motivating me to work hard to finish all of my responsibilities,
remote work options allow me to better manage my time and take frequent breaks. Finally, I will
need to take on more part-time jobs in the future in order to earn more money since right now,
money is a necessity, and having more money enables you and your family to live a better life.

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