Reading Comprehension On How The Tunnel Changed Europe Forever

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Axe: IDENTITY and EXCHANGE /1er AV /December 20th 2022/ Mr Zamoum

NB : You may answer in English or French. Give yourselves 50 minutes.
NB2 : YOU MUST ALWAYS JUSTIFY whether it is true or false (T/F) by quoting from the text

1- The Eurostar train takes you to either LONDON or PARIS only. (T/F)
FALSE - The Eurostar is a high-speed train that operates between London, Paris, and Brussels.

2 - Which places have turned out to be visiting places rather than just a transit places ?
Brussels, Paris, Manchester, Leeds

3- the Eurotunnel project had never been brought up before 1802 (R/W)
CORRECT - French engineer Albert Mathieu-Flavier first proposed a subterranean link between Britain
and France in 1802
4 -The total length of the Chunnel under the sea is 23.5 miles (T/F)
CORRECT - It took six years for 13,000 workers to build the 31.4 mile tunnel, 23.5 miles of which run

5-The total cost of 7.2 billion pounds in 1994 was way beyond the initial expectations/recknonings.
CORRECT - a massive 80% more than originally planned.

6-The Tunnel's success led to the renaissance of European declining rail services. (T/F)
FALSE - It helped spark a railway renaissance across the UK
"It put international rail travel back in the game," says Mark Smith

7- Travellers' main concern for their carbon footprint is their main drive for choosing the train over
the plane as a means of travelling.
CORRECT - They're fed up to the back teeth of the airline experience and they want to cut their carbon

8- The number of users has decreased as a result of some technical failures along with subsequent
industrial strikes and increasing illegal immigration. (T/F)

9-Brexit is to have a tremendous impact on the existing services. (T/F)

10-Concern for the environment is a guarantee of success for the next 25 years. (T/F)
CORRECT - "And while its green credentials will ensure it remains every bit as popular for the next 25

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