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Global Student Experience

Information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic

UZH has been monitoring the situation in Switzerland and abroad and has developed different options for the
spring semester 2021. It has become increasingly clear that despite the recent easing of restrictions in many
places, we are still a long way from normal. On-site teaching is currently suspended until further notice; courses
will be held entirely in digital formats. Exceptions are courses that require attendance in person (e.g. practical
classes in a lab or clinic) and selected individual lessons (e.g. for certain forms of examinations). The faculties (or
respective office of the vice president or directorate for some continuing education programs) are responsible for
regulating such exceptions. Services (e.g. libraries, advisory services, cafeterias) will continue to be provided as
far as possible.

As an UZH student you are expected to comply with the measures outlined in this document and those
stipulated by the Federal Office of Public Health.

General Obligation to Wear Masks: Masks are now obligatory in all indoor and outdoor areas of UZH.
▪ Masks may only be removed in order to eat or drink.
▪ Desks/chairs may not be moved.
▪ Empty lecture halls/classrooms may be used for studying at any time at the students’ own responsibility,
provided the room is available ("Frei" shown on the room display or in the digital room occupancy plan
at Here too, the applicable rules must be adhered to (masks, 1.5 meters distance,
disinfection of surfaces).
▪ Eating is not permitted in lecture halls/classrooms.

More information is available here:

▪ Federal Office of Public Health:
▪ University of Zurich Information on COVID-19:
▪ Coronavirus Check:

This Is How We Protect Each Other at UZH

Everyone at UZH (UZH members as well as external service providers and visitors) must adhere to the following
▪ We wear a mask in all indoor and outdoor areas of UZH.
▪ We adhere to the hygiene and conduct rules of the FOPH.
▪ We keep 1.5 meters away from other people at all times.
▪ We stay at home when we are ill or have returned from a high-risk area (according to the FOPH).
▪ If we have symptoms we observe the current rules.
▪ Students and guests only come to the university when their presence on-site is required.
▪ UZH recommends using the SwissCovid app.

Mandatory quarantine for persons arriving in Switzerland

Anyone entering Switzerland from a country or area with a high risk of infection has been legally mandated to go
into quarantine for ten (10) days. This is governed by this continuously updated list, valid at the moment of
entry into Switzerland. Please consult this list continuously, and plan accordingly.

Were you in one of the countries or areas on the list at any point in the last 14 days?1 If so, you
must go into quarantine upon your entry into Switzerland and report your arrival to the cantonal
authorities within two days. The monitoring of the quarantine is organized by canton. Important: a
negative test result does not exempt you from the mandatory quarantine requirement or shorten the
quarantine period.
Phone infoline for persons entering Switzerland: +41 58 464 44 88 (daily from 6am to 11pm).

Please note: anyone who fails to comply with the quarantine requirement or the duty to report to the
authorities is committing an offence under the Epidemics Act (in German), which can be punished by a
fine of up to CHF 10,000.

1 The mandatory quarantine requirement does not apply to transit passengers who have spent less than 24 hours in a country
or area with an increased risk of infection. Further exceptions are set down in Article 4 of the Covid-19 Ordinance on
International Passenger Transport Measures.
Global Student Experience

What to do after entering Switzerland from an area with a high risk of infection
▪ Upon arrival in Switzerland, go immediately to your home or to other suitable accommodation. On the
way there, keep a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from other people. If you are unable to maintain this
distance, we recommend that you wear a mask. Avoid public transport if possible.
▪ You must stay there for 10 days from the day of your arrival in Switzerland without going out. Follow the
instructions on quarantine (PDF, 182 kB, 03.08.2020).
▪ Report your arrival to the cantonal authority responsible within two days: Online application form
▪ Follow the instructions of the cantonal authority.
▪ You have 14 days after your arrival in Switzerland to register with the authorities («Kreisbüro») for your
residence permit. Before doing so, you will need to pick up your student documents at the Global Student
Experience Office. Please schedule this visit and your registration with the authorities immediately after
the end of your quarantine in case this applies to you, so that you can register within the 14-day period. If
you cannot make it within the 14-day period, please contact the authorities directly to explain the
situation so that they will not charge you a late fee. Please see here for more information regarding
the registration.

▪ If you are staying in a WOKO residence, you may observe the quarantine there, but have to follow
their hygiene rules. Tenants are asked to help each other out, for example by delivering food to persons
in quarantine. Approach your housing representative and co-tenants if you need help and offer help to
others if you are not/no longer under quarantine yourself.

Measures within Switzerland

▪ The wearing of masks is compulsory in all indoor areas (this includes all university buildings, e.g.
corridors and bathrooms). Further information on the applicable prohibitions and obligations can be found
on the page measures and ordinances.
▪ You must observe the rules on hygiene and social distancing applicable in Switzerland.
▪ If you experience symptoms of illness after entering Switzerland, take them seriously, consult the page
“what to do in the event of symptoms and possible infection" and follow the instructions provided. This is
the best way to protect yourself and your fellow human beings. Most importantly, stay at home if you
experience symptoms. Always call the canton’s medical hotline before going to the doctor's or the
emergency room: 0800 33 66 55 (for Zurich)
▪ If there is another spike in the number of Covid-19 cases, the main responsibility for dealing with the
outbreak will lie with the cantons. If a canton notices an increase in the number of infections, it is
responsible for deciding what measures to introduce.

Most common symptoms of Covid-19 (these can vary in severity)

▪ Respiratory illness symptoms (sore throat, cough (usually dry), shortness of breath, chest pain)
▪ High temperature
▪ Sudden loss of sense of smell and/or taste

Practical Issues

The new coronavirus can be transmitted as follows:

▪ Through close and prolonged contact: If you’re less than 1.5 meters from an infected person without
protection (e.g. separated by a partition or both individuals wearing face masks). The longer and closer
your contact with an infected person, the greater the chances of becoming infected yourself.
▪ Through droplets: If a person who is infected sneezes or coughs, the virus can be transported directly
to the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth or eyes of other people.
▪ Via your hands: Infectious droplets can get onto your hands from coughing and sneezing. Or if you come
into contact with a surface contaminated with the virus, they can then get into your system if you touch
your mouth, nose or eyes.

Global Student Experience

Everyday measures to stem the spread of the new coronavirus:

▪ Keep your distance.

▪ Wear a mask when you are unable to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters to other people, as well as when
there is no physical protective barrier such as a partition.
▪ Wash or disinfect your hands regularly.
▪ Avoid shaking hands, hugging others and kissing to greet people.
▪ Cough and sneeze into a paper tissue or the crook of your arm.
▪ Download the Swiss Covid-app to enable more efficient contact-tracing.
▪ Important: Regularly and thoroughly clean household appliances and surfaces that may be contaminated
with viruses and that are frequently touched, particularly if you live in shared accommodation. Use a
normal cleaning agent for this purpose.


If you are struggling with studies or personal matters the UZH/ETH Psychological Counseling Service is
offering free counseling. Appointments can also be held over the phone, or in a video meeting (

You can also contact Safety, Security and Environment at UZH by phone (+ 41 44 635 49 29) or via email


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