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1.1 What is the role of each block in the modulator scheme from BPSK modulator
1.2. What is the role of the initial conditions (seed parameter) in the random data generator. Check for
different seeds
1.3. What is the role of the frequency of the sine wave generator from BPSK modulator? Check for
f0=5,10,20, 50, 100. See the signal in frequency domain. What do you observe?

1.4. What is the role of the sampling period in the random data generator. For f 0=5Hz check for
different values of sample period in time domain. What do you observe?

2.1. For the BPSK modulator & carrier recovery & demodulator change the settings in all subsystems
such that the bit period is 1 and the carrier frequency is 20, next 5. How does this affect the
2.2. For the BPSK modulator & carrier recovery & demodulator change the settings in all subsystems
such that the bit period is 2,4,6 and the carrier frequency is 10, How does this affect the functionality?

3.1 What is the role of each block in the modulator scheme from BPSK carrier recovery scheme
3.2.Keeping the orders of the two filetrs unchanged (n1=n2=8) and changing the parameter

FTB2=0.1 determine the attenuation introduced by the 1 st filter and the overall delay
of the carrier recovery block. Fill in the table below.
Delta 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
delta t
Comment the results.

4.1 What is the role of each block in the modulator scheme from BPSK carrier recovery scheme
4.2.Keeping the orders of the two filetrs unchanged (n1=n2=12) and changing the parameter

, FTB1=0.1 determine the attenuation introduced by the 2 nd filter and the overall
delay of the carrier recovery block. Fill in the table below.
Delta 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Delta t
Comment the results.

5.1. What is the role of each Block in the BPSK generator scheme
5.2. In the carrier recovery block keeping the parameter ,
change the orders of the two BPF filters, n1,2=2; 5;; 10; 15; 20; 25 and evaluate the effect in frequency
domain (looking at the signal with the spectrum scope before and after each filter) and in time domain
(calculating the overall delay of the recovered carrier) . Fill in the table .
n 2 5 10 15 20 25
Delta t

6.1..Explain the role of each block in the BPSK demodulator scheme
6.2. Keeping the LPF cut-off frequency constant, ft=10Hz, modify its order n=2; 5; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50.
Evaluate its effect on frequency domain (looking at the signal with the spectrum scope before and
after each filter) and in time domain (calculating the overall delay of the recovered data). Fill in table
n 2 5 10 20 30 40 50



Comment the results

7.1..Explain the role of each block in the BPSK demodulator scheme
7.2. Keeping the LPF order constant, n=10Hz, modify its cut-off frequency. Evaluate its effect on
frequency domain (looking at the signal with the spectrum scope before and after each filter) and in
time domain (calculating the overall delay of the recovered data).Fill in table below
ft 25 20 15 10 5 2



Comment the results

8. Built in the DPSK modulator shown in the figure below

Compare the data signal (1) with the differentially encoded one (2). What can you observe?
Considering that the modulation / demodulation process in performed in ideal way (no delats, jitter, etc
) implement the baseband DPSK demodulator like in figure below

Compare the original data -take from the subsistem point (1) with the recovered one. Comment the

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