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Task 1 – Fibonacci investigation – do this task alone

The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ……..

The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.

· The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1)

· Similarly, the 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2),

Complete the first 20 terms in this sequence

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
Another special number, the Golden Ratio, can be found by dividing consecutive numbers (bigger
divided by smaller). The series again starts with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ……..

Complete the table below:

A B A:B A:B in the form 1:n

0 1 Can’t do Can’t do
1 1 1:1 1:1
1 2 1:2 1:2
2 3
3 5

A:B is not in direct proportion – why?

What does A:B get closer to as you go further through Fibonacci’s sequence?

This number is the Golden ratio, or φ - what is the value?

Task 2 – Watch this video first

Are you Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Person?

What to measure Measurement Question

The width of your palm Are these 2 the
The width of four fingers

Your height Are these 3 the

The distance from fingertip to fingertip
with your arms outstretched

The distance from your hairline (where your

forehead stops and the hair begins) to the
bottom of your chin. Now multiply by 10

Your height Are these 4 the

The distance from fingertip to fingertip
with your arms outstretched.

The width of your palm. Multiply by 24.

The distance from your hairline (where your

forehead stops and the hair begins) to the
bottom of your chin. Now multiply by 10

The length of your hand from the bottom of Is this a tenth of

your palm to the tip of your longest finger. your height?

The distance from your elbow to the tip of Is this a quarter

your longest finger. of your height?

Are you the Vitruvian person?

Test out here!

Task 3 – group investigation and presentation

1. Choose a topic to investigate the golden ratio application in

You can be as specific as you want here, for example you might just look at the golden ratio
application in the Google logo,

Another example could be that you may wish to investigate the golden ratio in buildings around the
world, this is limitless!

This website is a good starting point for your research

2. Make a presentation (max 5 mins)

This should include the background behind your topic and how the golden ratio applies to it

As in depth as possible look at the application of the golden ratio to your topic – you should include
tables and diagrams were possible

Make the presentation interesting, question the morals behind your topic and how accurate your
sources are

3. Present back to the class at 4:00pm – no pressure!

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