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Grade 4 Literature culminating script(Matilda)

Welcoming All: Leanna:

Good morning to one and all. We the students of grade 4 welcome our Respected
Principal ma’am ,coordinator maam, teachers and our dear parents for our
culminating day.
Matilda ! who is she ?To know about her story we all have gathered here….
Come lets all see who all are there in Matilda’s Life.

Introduction of Characters:
Niara- MATILDA : Hi ! I am Matilda.I love to read books
Yashodhan -MR.WORMWOOD: Hi I am Wormwood. I am Matilda’s father.I am a
second hand car.
Varshini – MRS.WORMWOOD :Hi.I am Mrs.Wormwood.I am Matilda’s mother.I
love to play Bingo.
Dattatreya-MICHAEL: Hi !I am Michael.I am Matilda’s elder brother.
Leanna -MISS HONEY :Hi ! I am Miss Honey.Matilda’s teacher.
Ikia -MISS TRUNCHBULL: Helooooo! I am Trunchbull.Headmistress at Crunchem
Hamsika – LAVENDER : Hi!.I am Lavender. I am Matilda’s classmate.
Sri Sai Lakshmi- HORTENSIA : Hi ! I am Hortensia .I am ten years old studying at
Crunchem Hall.
Aashvi -AMANDA TRIPP : Hi !.I am Amanda Tripp.I study at Crunchem Prep.I
always come to school with braided pigtails.
Ganav- BRUCE BOGTROTTER : Hi! I am Bruce. I study at Crunchem Hall.
Vihaan -FARMER : Hi ! I am the farmer ,who gave Miss Honey the cottage to live in
Rohan – MAGNUS: Hi ! I am Magnus.Miss Honey’s father.
Vihas- NIGEL HICKS :Hi ! I am Nigel .I am Matilda’s classmate.
Vihan – RUPERT : Hi ! I am Rupert .I am Matilda’s classmate.
Rayaansh – ERIC INK : Hi ! I am Eric.I am Matilda’s classmate.
Dattatreya – WILFRED: Hi ! I am Wilfred.
Sahana -MRS.PHELPS : Hi ! .I am Mrs,Phelps.I am the Librarian
Ganav – FRED : Hi ! I am Fred.I am Matilda;s neighborhood friend.
Vihas – MR.TRILBY : Hi ! I am Mr.Trilby.I am the deputy head of the Crunchem
Yashodhan -PRUDENCE :Hi ! I am Prudence.I am Matilda’s classmate.
Niara -MS.PLIMSOLL: Hi !.I am Ms .Plimsoll .I am the teacher in the highest form.

Leanna :
Now I call my friends Rayaansh , Ikia and Vihaan to explain about the activities
and projects done by us.
Good morning to one and all. Here what you all see is the Matilda story board
activity where we have taken few incidents from the Matilda story and depicted
This explains of how Matilda was reading books,how much she had the passion to
read books,her liking for books.
This explains of how Mr.Wormwood had applied the oil that was mixed with
Mrs.Wormwood’s cream ,a trick played by Matilda to teach her father a lesson
and as a result Mr.Wormwood’shair turned to silver colour.
Thank you.
Good morning to one all. Home is a place where we stay with our families and live
safely. The saying “East or West ,home is the best is true in many ways. After
Matilda visited Miss Honey’s cottage and saw how it was, we had an activity base
on that where we had to make the model of our dream house. Everyone has
dreams how their house should be, we all here have dreams how our house
should be ,what all facilities we need. Here are few model of houses done by us
under our teachers guidance using simple things .
Thank you


Goodmorning to one and all. Here we see Diorama presentation. Nowadays we
have television where we see movies .In olden days when television was not
invented, The diorama was a popular entertainment that originated in Paris in
1822.The Diorama was a theatrical experience viewed by an audience in a highly
specialized theatre. Here, we have created a diorama where Scenes from
Matilda’s life are depicted. We have used a shoe box to create this
creativity ,where we roll on this sticks which is actually pencil .The one side we
roll,the picture changes and the next picture comes.
Thank you

Now let us see about an interesting incident happened in Matilda’s school……

Ikia – TRUNCHBULL: Bruce come here!

Ganav – BRUCE : Yes !Miss Trunchbull
Ikia – TRUNCHBULL: Come here ….(angrily).I know you love cake.Come and have
this …
Ganav – BRUCE: But… Miss Trunchbull..Thanks for your offer .I just had my
Ikia- TRUNCHBULL: Youuuuuuuuuu…. Better eat it now!
Ganav-BRUCE:Yeah !ok
Ikia – TRUNCHBULL: You must have enjoyed it right?
Ganav -BRUCE : Yes……(enjoying the taste) it was awesome….
Ikia- TRUNCHBULL: You! Now enjoy this treat
(Cook brings the cake) – (Rohan will bring the cake).
Ganav- BRUCE: (Stunned ,shocked ,slowly starts to eat the huge and all his friends
cheer him up) atlast he finished it…..

Sahana-This is how Trunchbull trouble all the children in the school and lock them
up in the chokey if anybody speak against her.
Now lets see few more …………

Aashvi -NARRATOR 1: : Like Matilda ,her friend Lavender is also bold ,adventurous
and courageous.She plots an unusual plan to counterattack Miss Trunchbull ,Here
is what she does…..
Vihas – NARRATOR 2: : Miss Honey explains to her class that Miss Trunchbull
takes over every classroom in the school for one hour each week and quizzes the
children about what they have learned this week.Their classroom will receive
their first visit tomorrow ,Thursday at two o ‘clock in the afternoon.Gravely,Miss
Honey advices everyone to be on their best behaviour at that time
Leanna -MISS HONEY: : Never argue with her ,never answer her back .Never try
to be funny,If you do,you will make her angry and you better watch out.
Leanna -MISS HONEY: Miss Trunchbull drinks a lot of water .The class needs to
have a pitcher of water and glass ready in case she gets thirsty during the lesson.
Now who will be responsible to see it is there
Hamsika -LAVENDER : I will Miss Honey
Aashvi -NARRATOR 1: To Lavender ,the job of carrying water for the Trunchbull
seems like a perfect opportunity to become a hero like Bruce Bogtrotter .She
resolves to do something awful to that water pitcher to humiliate and annoy the
Hamsika – LAVENDER : : I have pond in my backyard. Let me catch a newt with
my hat.There ! I have caught it,ill keep in my pencil box with some swamp weed.I
am going to tip the newt with the swamp weeds into the Truncbull’s pitcher.
Vihas – NARRATOR 2: The next day, Lavender brings the newt to school and hides
it in her desk,By lunchtime she is so excited that she could hardly eat.Miss Honey
notices this and asks about it, but Lavender negated by claiming that she had a
heavy breakfast.
As soon as Lavender is released from the lunch table, she rushes to enact her
plan. She runs to the school kitchen for a pitcher of water and a glass and then
she carries them to the classroom ,which is empty because all the kids are out at
recess. Hurriedly Lavender tips the newt and its swamp weeds into Miss
Trunchbull’s pitcher.
Aashvi -NARRATOR 1: : Miss Trunchbull enters the class that afternoon after lunch
Ikia – TRUNCHBULL (blabbering) Small children are the worst. They should not
exist at all. Someone should invent a spray to vanish them off or may be a new
kind of sticky fly-trapper that catches them so they can be thrown away.”My idea
of perfect school… one that has no children in it all”.You all make me sick .I
want a glass of water.
Aashvi -NARRATOR 1: Miss Truncbull pours herself a glass of water and
Lavender’s newt plops into her glass
Ikia- TRUNCHBULL (Scared and shocked) What is it? EW !Its disgusting !Its a
snake !Its a baby crocodile!Its an alligator!
Vihas- NARRATOR 2 :Miss Trunchbull is already prejudiced against Matilda
because of the negative remarks given by her father,Mr.Wormwood considers
this as one of her misdeeds.
Ikia- TRUNCHBULL:Standup
Niara- MATILDA:Who me?What Have I done?
Ikia -TRUNCHBULL : You have put a crocodile in my drinking water! There is no
worse crime in the world against a headmistress! You should be chased out of the
building with hockey sticks and then sentenced to a home for juvenile delinquents
for atleast forty years.
Niara- MATILDA:I did not do it!I am telling you I did not do it. I have never seen a
creature like this in my life!
Sahana – NARRATOR 3: This makes Matilda furious .Personally ,she would not
mind getting into trouble if she had really played the trick, but she refuses to
accept harsh treatment for a crime she did not do.
This experience leaves Matilda so angry she is shaking all over. She feels energy
building up inside her and her eyes get hot. She has an odd feeling ,as if her eyes
can reach out and move things. Matilda focuses on Trunchbull’s water glass and
wills it to spill.

Niara-MATILDA:Tip it over! Tip it over!

Sahana- NARRATOR 3::Amazingly ,Matilda’s thoughts actually cause the glass to

tip it over ,water splashes all over Trunchbull’s jacket and the newt lands on her
big bosom.
Ikia : Matilda I knew it was you!

THE CLASS : ( Vihaan ,Dattatreya, Hamsika) She didn’t do it! Matilda didn’t move !
You must have knocked it over yourself.
Leanna-MISS HONEY: :None of the children did it Miss Trunchbull.You must have
knocked it over without knowing it.
This made Miss Trunchbull speechless and had to leave the class……
Niara-MATILDA: Please may I talk to you for a moment something very strange
has happenend to me.Miss Honey I was the one who tipped the glass over.
Vihas-NARRATOR 2: She gave the testimony to Miss Honey by tipping the glass
again using her telekinesis skills again.Miss Honey was awestruck .Miss Honey was
very desperate to know more about Matilda and wanted to share her feeling with
Matilda.So she invited Matilda to her house to have some tea post school.
Sahana -NARRATOR 3: Matilda went along with Miss Honey to talk about
Matilda’s powers.Matilda found that Miss Honey was extremely poor and lives in
a tiny house.when they were talking ,she told Matilda that Miss Trunchbull is Miss
Honey’s aunt and that Miss Honey owns Miss Trunchbull a lot of money.
Miss Truncbhull used to be Miss Honey’s nanny ,but when Miss Honey’s father
died Miss Trunchbull became her guardian.Matilda found out that Miss
Trunchbull name was Agatha and Jennys’s father name was Magnus.
When Matilda got back home ,she started to practice to make things move by
using her eye power.She practiced for many hours and eventually she was
successful to make things move in the air for long time.
Niara -MATILDA:What did Miss Trunchbull call your father at home?
Leanna -MISS HONEY:I am sure she called him Magnus
Niara-MATILDA: And what did your father call Miss Trunchbull?
Leanna-MISS HONEY: Her name is Agatha,I am sure he called her that
Niara-MATILDA:What did your father and Miss Trunchbull call you?
Leanna- MISS HONEY:They called me Jenny
Vihas-NARRATOR 2:On the following day at two ‘o clock ,Miss Trunchbull is
scheduled to come to Miss Honey’s classroom for her weekly visit.When she
marches in like some giant of doom, her first action is to check the water
pitcher.This time there are no newts awaiting her.This pleases her and she warns
the children that she will make them pay if such a thing happens again.
Ikia-TRUNCHBULL: Let us see how well you know your 3 times table .You stand
up,Recite the number 3 multiplication table backwards
Dattatreya-WILFRED: Backwards, but I have not learnt to do that way.
Ikia -TRUNCHBULL: The children are not learning anything ,Miss Honey
Leanna -MISS HONEY :There is little point in teaching anything backwards.the
whole object of life….is to go forwards.
Ikia -TRUNCHBULL: Answer me this. I have 7 apples ,7 oranges and 7
bananas .How many pieces of fruit do I have altogether ?Hurry up.
Dattatreya-WILFRED: That isn’t the 3 times table.Three sevens are twenty one.
Vihas- NIGEL: The chalk is moving by itself
Aashvi -NARRATOR 1: Miss Trunchbull whirls around and sees a piece of chalk
writing her name on the blackboard .She drops Wilfred and shouts

Sahana -NARRATOR 3: Nobody except Miss Honey and Matilda – who is

controlling the chalk with her mind-knows what is happening .Naturally ,neither
of them explains the situation to the headmistress .slowly Matilda makes it seems
like a ghost of Miss Honey’s father is using the chalk to write a note Miss

Lakshmi,Yashodhan ,Varshini Vihaan (ALL TOGETHER)

Agatha ,this is Magnus
Agatha,give my Jenny back her house
Give my Jenny back her wages………..
If you don’t ,I will come and get you …….
Like you got me
Vihas-NARRATOR 2: Miss Trunchbull was so shocked that she fainted .No one ever
saw Miss Trunchbull again.
Miss Honey got her house and was happy.
Rohan : Hi Niara …
Niara : Hi Rohan …Tell me
Rohan: I have doubt?
Varshini :You always have doubt,now what new thing u have….
Lakshmi: I thinkkkk ,no better u only tell Arnav
Rohan: Why in all culminating celebrations parents just sit and watch?
Lakshmi: … what sort of doubt is this….(laughing)
Varshini: Why he should not get that doubt,he s right….
Sahana: I think because they are invited to watch their child perform…
Niara:Is it so…Then this time we will involve them in our celebration
Vihaan: How is that possible…..
Rohan: Good Idea!But how
Aashvi:We have organized few games for parents . Due to the place constraint we
have organized it in the foyer area, so I kindly request all of you to move to foyer
area .

After that parents assemble in foyer area

Vihas: Thank you parents for your co operation
Here you all can see few small buckets and few balls near you
What you all have to do is pick the ball and put it in the buckets
This is a timer game. In 30 seconds the more balls in the basket who has put is the
Ikia: Now we have game 2. Her as you all can see few toys are kept and few rings
are there. Each participant gets 5 chances to put the ring over the toys. Who puts
the maximum rings over the toys, they will be the winner.

Lakshmi:Thank you parents for your enthusiastic participation

Now I request all of you to kindly go back to the class

Respected Principal maam,Coordinator Maam ,Teachers and my dear parents.
I take immense pleasure to put forward the vote of thanks on behalf of grade 4
students to all those who have contributed in one way or other to make this
culminating activity a great success.
It is a great joy to have all of you here for our culmination. Our teachers and we
have enjoyed every moment of putting up this show for you. We hope you
enjoyed it as well. We stand before you today because of the efforts put in by our
teachers, so thank you teachers.
We would like to thank all our dear parents for taking of time in your busy
schedule and encouraging us.
Looking forward to meet you all in the next culminating activity. Thank you once
again. Have a blessed day.

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