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Interviews with Kristel Bauer • Neil Moodie • Adam Pacifico • Lisa Hurley • Theo X Vialucci
APRIL 2022

Editor's Note
Hi all. This is the first Issue of Podcaster Inc. magazine, and we are
excited to share our content with you.

The Podcast industry is no where near its peak and is growing at

an exponential rate. The consumption of audio and video content
tripled over the last two years due to the COVID lockdowns. While
the world is going back to a steady state post COVID, the demand
for Podcast content hasn’t slowed down a bit.

Our cover article for this Issue was written by Heather Monahan,
the Host of Confidence Creator Podcast. She talks about how to
build the confidence needed to become a Podcast Host. We hope
you enjoy reading this article and our magazine in general.

We also welcome article submissions from Podcasters interested

in sharing their knowledge with our subscribers. You can submit
your articles for review at



02 Editor’s Note

03 Table of Content

05 Heather Monahan -
Building the confidence
needed to host a

11 Trevon Houston - Three 05 33

steps strategy for
monetizing your

15 Six steps to building

your own podcast

21 10 Common mistakes
made when running a

25 Top 10 Podcasts for


33 Interview with Neil

Moodie - Host of “In bed 37 41
with Neil Moodie”
37 Interview with Kristel
Bauer -Host of Live
greatly podcast

41 Interview with Adam

Pacifico - Host of The
Leadership Enigma

46 Interview with Lisa

Hurley - Co-host of the 46 52
Introvert sisters podcast

52 Interview with Theo X

Vialucci - CEO of


Focus on what you
can control.
But prepare for
what you have no
control over!

How to build the

needed to become
a Podcast Host

After over two decades of Sales Here’s what I now know for
Leadership experience in sure:
Corporate America, the idea of
starting over as a rookie podcast Successful people don’t know the people don’t
host seemed insurmountable. It
will always be easier to criticize
how but they bet on themselves
to figure it out along the way.
know the how
than it is to create and any time
you create something new, the That doesn’t mean that you
but they bet on
criticism is sure to follow. That won’t make mistakes or need to themselves to
left me feeling scared. I was change direction but it does
scared to start over with no mean that you need to keep figure it out
expertise or any proof that I going in order to make it work.
would be able to create a along the way.”
successful show.



In those early moments when I was trying to get Just because something might not work out for
the courage up to launch my new show, I started to someone else doesn’t mean it isn’t possible for
reflect on my prior success in Corporate America. you.
While I had been a Chief Revenue Officer, I didn’t
start out as a CRO. I actually had started out as an Only you can determine what is possible for you.
account executive in radio knocking on doors
trying to land clients with no experience or I decided to stop asking for permission and start
expertise. I started at the bottom and over two taking action instead. If ten years ago was the
decades I worked my way to the top. As I right time, then today is the only time. I got
processed this truth I realized the key was just moving! I knew if I wanted to make a splash that I
getting started and the sooner I would start, the would need to land a big guest to get the market
sooner I would find success. place’s attention. I had declared that Gary
Vaynerchuck would be my first guest.
When have you started out as a beginner and
found success? Maybe it was when you were young After years of sending DM’s and not getting
and you learned how to swim or you tried out for responses I decided to take a different approach.
the baseball team? Think about it, there was a time I took out a google alert on his name and within a
you didn’t know how to do something and you week I was notified he was launching a new wine
simply figured it out. Can’t think of one? How company with a partner. I figured the partner
about when you learned how to walk? You didn’t would be easier to reach so I sent the partner a
get caught up with what others thought about your DM on Linkedin. The partner responded right
efforts. You didn’t stop to see if others would away and I offered to give him some tips on
cheer you on. You fell and you got back up and you launching a wine product as I had worked in that
kept on going until one day you had figured it out. business years before.
This is no different. Get clear on the idea that you
WILL figure this out. My goal when I reach out to anyone new is to
always lead with value.
I had finally gotten the initial confidence to launch
my show when I made the mistake of telling others He was so excited I wanted to help him, he called
what I was going to do. That’s when I heard the me immediately. After an hour long call about
same negative feedback from everyone: everything I knew about the wine business, he
“You are too late to podcasting. Podcasting is too thanked me for my time and asked how he could
competitive. You will never make it.” ever repay me. I told him I would so appreciate it
if he would get Gary as a guest for my new show.
Never take direction from someone who hasn’t been Then he did exactly that. My confidence went
where you are going. through the roof! Not only had I declared that I
would land Gary as a guest but I did the work to
I had learned this lesson earlier in my career when make it happen and that declaration became fact.
I decided to pitch the company I used to work for
on an idea I had to create a new VP role. Everyone Make bold moves and when you bring the ideas to
told me they would never say yes. I pitched them life your confidence goes to the next level.
the concept and they said YES!


I researched what a strong podcast When I pitched the other hosts I
launch looked like by talking to
others who had successfully done it.
They shared with me that I needed
made the pitch about the value
that I could add for their guests
and not about me. I would offer
“My goal
when I reach
to get others to post about my show, autographed book giveaways if
subscribe, rate and review my show they wanted to run a contest. I
and I needed to be a guest on others would focus on how I could add
shows to grow my audience.

out to
value to their audience.
I figured if I wanted to get my
Not only did I make a lot of friends
audience to exhibit certain

anyone new
behaviors I should reward them for in the podcasting world but I also
their efforts. My first year as a was getting tremendous practice
podcaster anytime someone would being on live podcasts. When you
leave a review I would thank them guest on other shows you are
live on air and send them my $299
Confidence Video Course for FREE!
That drove my reviews quickly.
growing your show, growing your
audience and getting much needed
practice being on air.
is to always
At the same time I began guesting
on numerous podcasts and each
show I would go on, I would offer to
With time and practice, I was
getting better and so will you.
lead with
promote and share the episode on
my platforms to support the other
host. People appreciated that and I
Today, I have been on air with my
show for over two and a half years
and I am a lot better than I was
value. ”
kept landing more shows.
when we first launched in 2019.


Here’s what I learned along the 8. Write your goals down for your
way to becoming a confident
show and share them with friends.
Hold yourself accountable.
“Done will
1. Just start. Nothing happens if
you don’t start. 9. Reward the behaviors that you
always be better
2. Done will always be better than
want. than perfect. My
first shows were
perfect. My first shows were far
from perfect but they helped me 10. Help people solve a problem
build momentum and continue. and not only will they listen but

3. Practice builds competence. they will become your champion far from perfect
but they helped
Competence creates confidence. sharing your show everywhere.

4. Set big goals and claim them. Be

me build
11. Ask for what you want. If you
relentless in your pursuit. When
you achieve them your confidence want listeners to promote the
will soar.
momentum and
show ask them to do it.

5. Ask for help along the way.

The key is to start.
6. Invest in a great producer. Start now.
Start today.
7. Don’t let the small things stop
Your future self will be proud!
you. Stay focused on your goal.


Author Bio
Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, keynote
speaker, TedX speaker and has most recently been
appointed to the Board of Directors of Healthlynked
Corp. Having successfully climbed the corporate ladder
for nearly 20 years, Heather Monahan is one of the few
women to break the glass ceiling and claim her spot in the

As a Chief Revenue Officer in Media, Heather Monahan

is a Glass Ceiling Award winner, named one of the most
Influential Women in Radio in 2017 and Thrive Global
named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018.

Heather’s first book Confidence Creator shot to #1 on

Amazon’s Business Biographies and Business
Motivation lists the first week it debuted on Amazon.
Forbes named it one of the Top 5 Books for Women
looking to build Confidence in Business in 2021.
Heather’s show, Creating Confidence , debuted on the
Top 200 shows on Apple podcast. Her guests include
Sara Blakely, Gary Vaynerchuck, Ryan Serhant, Kaitlyn
Bristowe among many other noteworthy celebrities and

Heather was named one of the Top 40 Female Keynote

Speakers for 2020 by Real Leaders. Her TedX talk was
promoted to TED and translated into 6 languages.
Harper Collins Leadership published her new book
Overcome Your Villains which hit the charts at #1 on the
Workplace Culture List on Amazon. Most recently
Heather was named Top 50 Keynote Speaker for 2022
by Real Leaders and has recently headlines events for
Google, YPO, Entrepreneur Organization, BNY Mellon,
Royal Carribean, Nature’s Sunshine, Harvard, Molson
Coors, Santander Bank and many others. Heather’s
keynotes typically center around Creating Unshakeable
Confidence and Overcoming Adversity in addition to
Sales and Sales Leadership strategies.

Heather’s has been featured in USA Today, CNN,

Forbes, Fast Company, Gary V’s Audio Experience and
The Steve Harvey Show. Heather and her son Dylan
reside in Miami.


Heather Monahan Links

Creating Confidence

Buy latest book:

Overcome Your Villains

Buy previous bestseller:

Confidence Creator

Hire Heather Monahan

for speaking



The Three steps

strategy for
monetizing your
Written by Trevor Houston Before you can monetize your show
“Before you
or podcast, you need to be clear
How do I monetize my podcast? about what you are offering. You can monetize
It's a question that I get asked can't expect a company to sponsor
very often. your episode or throw money at your show or
Monetization isn't only about you if you are not explicit about
getting paid for the efforts that what you are providing to them. podcast, you
With all the experience of creating
you put in while creating your
over 300 episodes of the Who Ya
need to be
podcast. It's also about providing
Know Job networking show, I have
value to your sponsors, building clear about
developed a 3 step strategy that
long-term relationships with
them, and growing your show
you can use to monetize your what you are
along with it. offering. ”


1. If You Build, They Will Come We didn't have any sponsors back I still do this today. Always remember to
One of the biggest mistakes that you then. We also didn't know how we push power to power.
can make as a podcast creator is were going to charge for the I am currently running free video ads for
assuming that no one would be commercials. That's when we come Grant & Elena Cardone to help them hire
interested in your show. Hence, most to our second step. candidates into the 10X community! Why?
of the creators don't even plan to There are multiple reasons.
approach sponsors. Take the first 2. Give Before You Get It helps build a solid relationship with
step! Spend time thinking about the To get something back from the the Cardones and the outside world says
different packages you offer and the community, you need to give and “Wow, the Cardones sponsor this show!
value you bring to your sponsors. provide value first. You can't ask They must be doing something!”
someone to sponsor your podcast It’s all perception, but giving spots away
For the WYK Show, we have always episode unless they know what has helped me land other large
been Live Stream/TV first and then they're getting. sponsors.
repurposed the episode into a For the WhoYaKnow Show, I asked From here I build out my large sponsorship
Podcast. We shoot in a high-end my power partners in the community packages, event packages, and event guest
multi-camera studio and film like a if they had a video, they would like us appearance packages. “You charge your
traditional talk show. And what does to promote for free because of how own guests?” Yes, often we do. Many
a TV talk show have? Video much we valued the relationship. different variables go into this one such as:
commercial ads! I told them that once we got our paid Who is the guest?
sponsors, they would have the first What is their level of influence?
right of refusal if they wanted to For example, if Gary Vee wanted to come
So, we decided to do the same. continue. They agreed of course! on our show I would give him all of our
We film two episodes in a 1-hour Who wouldn’t want a free promo, promo free of charge. Push Power to Power
Live Stream, break them up with right? So now I had the framework of remember.
commercial ads then repurpose them what the show would look and feel Once we got visibility, we often got requests
into two podcast episodes. But in the like and had examples I could show from coaches, authors, speakers looking to
beginning, this created a small potential sponsors. promote their business. And that's why we
problem. move on to the final step.

3. Supply and Demand

Once you establish an audience, people would
likely want to come on your podcast to promote
their services, increase their visibility, authority,
“To get
and drive business results. I started to notice a
pattern of the inbound requests I was receiving to
come onto my show. Most companies wanted to
come onto my show to promote the books,
coaching, services, events, etc. So I created a
prequalification form to ask them about their
back from the
business, their motivation for the appearance,
what they wanted to promote, and if they had a
promo video. Taking the responses into account, I
then created different sponsorship packages.
Creating a variety of packages, lets us cater to the
needs of different guests and sponsors.
you need to
The value that you provide to your community
give and
through your podcast/show is the foremost thing
that matters. It helps you form relationships, build
an audience, and helps you establish credibility.
provide value
Give before you get. Play your cards right and the
sponsors are likely to come to you. first. ”



Six steps to
creating your own
Written by the Business Anecdote This article will walk you through

Podcasts are a great way to connect everything you need to know about how

with people. They’re especially useful to start a podcast, from choosing a

for self-employed creatives because topic and finding content, recording

they’re the perfect platform to share episodes and editing audio, hosting your

what you do, how you do it, and why podcast on social media networks,

you do it in the way that suits your syndicating your podcast on Apple

business best. Podcasts or other players, and finally

promoting it.

The number of people listening to

podcasts has more than doubled in the It doesn’t matter if this is your first time

last few years alone. If you have hosting a show or if you’ve been doing

something meaningful to say or an idea this for a while, there are still things you

worth sharing, then this is just the right can learn from this article.

time for you to create your own




Step One - Choose a Topic Another way to find content is by surveying people who
When you’re first getting started, the hardest part is work in your industry and asking what they like and
deciding what your podcast will be about. There are a don't like about their experience with what you do. This
lot of different things to consider before you decide on way, you'll learn what people care about most with
a topic. regards to your product or service and it will give you
The first question you should ask yourself is what you some insight into what they would like to hear more
want people to take away from your Podcast? about!
Lastly, recruit people who can get you interviews that
Secondly, you need to think about is why you want to your podcast audience want to hear. This strategy is for
start a podcast in the first place. How passionate are interview styled podcasts not solo or cohosted
you about your subject or topic? What makes it special podcasts where hosts speak to each other only. If you
and different from other content out there? Once you have an interview styled podcast, you definitely want to
know these answers, then it’s much easier to narrow hire people who have the reach and connections to get
down your focus and choose one specific topic. you those big name interviews. Remember to think
about your audience first because these interviews are
Lastly, ask yourself what type of audience you want to content. It won’t matter if it’s Kim Kardashian you
reach? It’s important that your podcast reaches the interview when your audience doesn’t appeal to reality
right audience so that they can learn something new TV stars or celebrities.
and be entertained at the same time. If this is your first Step Three -Recording Episodes
time starting a podcast, it might be best you focus on
The first step to creating a podcast is to record your
one specific subject for now, like marketing, storytelling
episodes. This is the process where you actually record
or public speaking. If that's not enough for you, then
the dialogue and sounds that will eventually be used in
there's always the option of hosting multiple podcasts
the final edit.
that cover all those areas separately.
The good news is that recording a podcast can be as
Step Two - Find Content simple or as complicated as you want it to be. If you’re
the only guest on your show, then all you need to do is
Podcasts are more popular than ever, but it can still be
make sure your microphone is a decent quality and use
difficult to find good content. Especially if you’re just
a recording app like Audacity or GarageBand to record
starting out, you might not have your own great ideas
both sides of the conversation.
for a show. Luckily, there are lots of different sources
for content that you can turn to.
If you have multiple guests on your show, then things
One of the most popular places to find content is on
can get a little more complicated. In this case, it's best if
blogs. There are plenty of blogs on topics related to
you're using a desktop recorder like Logic Pro X for Mac
your niche that will have interesting blog posts on
or Adobe Audition for PC. These programs allow you to
them! You can use these blog posts as fodder for your
record everyone at once and even collate all of their
show, or you could even reach out to the author and ask
parts into one track for editing later.
permission to use their blog post's transcript as an

There are also tons of podcasts already in existence

that you could repurpose with permission from the
original podcast host. If you want to know more about
this process, be sure to read the section on how to
syndicate your podcast later in this article!



You are probably wondering what kind of microphone Step Four -Editing audio
should you get? There are three types of microphones If you’re just starting out, you probably don’t have
for podcasting: access to high-end audio equipment. You can still
record good quality audio without expensive
Dynamic - these are the most affordable and work equipment if you know what to do.
best for loud environments. They also have a great The first step is to find a quiet space outdoors or in an
sound quality, but they're not good in quieter empty room with minimal noise. The best way to record
great sound is by recording your voice-over in an
environment that has little background noise. Next,
Condenser - these are very sensitive and efficient
invest in a pop filter so that the “p” and “b” sounds are
at capturing a lot of detail, but can be too sensitive
not overemphasized.
for louder environments. You should also consider using the Voice Memos app on
USB - microphones plugged into USB ports capture your phone for recording instead of dictating into your
audio well and don't require any battery power or computer microphone because it will capture more of

phantom power, which is what condensers use to the nuances of your voice. When you're ready to edit,
use Audacity (or other editing software) to remove any
background noise and cut out long pauses; then save
your file as an MP3 or other format.



Step Five -Promoting your Podcast on Social If you want a more personal experience or a more
Media Networks targeted audience, then hosting your podcast on one
network only is the way to go. However, if you want as
Today, nearly half of all Americans use social media. If
many people as possible to hear your message or you're
you're trying to go viral, there's no better way than to
struggling with download numbers from Apple
share your podcast on social networks like Facebook, Podcasts or other player platforms then this method
Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. might not be right for you!
There are many benefits to hosting your podcast on
Step Six -Syndicating Your Podcast on Apple
social media networks.
Podcasts or Other Players

Syndicating your podcast on Apple Podcasts or other

First of all, most people who use these networks are
players is a crucial step that will help you get more
already listeners of podcasts! This means they're likely
to follow what you post. Second of all, it's cheaper and
Apple Podcasts is the world's most popular podcast
easier to host a podcast on a social media network than app, and it offers easy publishing of your episodes to
it is through other hosting platforms. This is because their platform. It’s really as simple as clicking a button.
most social media sites offer free apps for mobile If you plan on using another player, this is a necessary

devices that make it easy for anyone to listen and step if you want to be listed in these platforms.
It’s also important for getting more listeners because
subscribe to your show.
most people who download podcasts from Apple
Podcasts or other players do so because they can't find
them anywhere else.


Effective leadership
doesn’t seek to
control, it seeks to

10 Common mistakes
made when running
a Podcast
Written by the Business Anecdote 1: Not optimizing your podcast cover art.
Podcasting is a powerful way to 2: Not using social media to promote
connect with your audience. It can your podcast.
also be an efficient way to grow
3: Not creating a website for your show.
your business. Podcasts are a great
way to tell stories, engage in 4: Poor sound quality.
discussions and educate listeners.
5: Too many ads and promos.
While podcasting has never been
easier than it is today, it still takes 6: Your podcast is too long.
effort and time, and there are many 7: You're not producing good content
common mistakes that podcasters that's relevant to your audience.
make that cost them their
8: Ignoring SEO.
audience. To learn more about how
you can avoid these costly 9: Ignoring feedback from fans.
mistakes, keep reading! 10: Not adding your Podcast to iTunes


Poor quality audio recording
can turn people off from
listening to your podcast
when they hear it for the
first time

#1: Not optimizing your podcast cover art Mistake#3: Not creating a website for your show
Your podcast cover art is the first thing listeners will If you're going to spend all that time and effort on the
see and it is important to make a good first impression. show, you need to have a place for people to find it. A
Your cover art should be professional, well thought out, website is a great way to create an online space for your
and unique. If you have an image that qualifies as your podcast. It's a great way to store all of your episodes,
cover art, make sure you put it up front and center on provide links to your social media accounts and collect
your site so listeners can find it. contact information from listeners who want more
information about you or your products.
If you don’t have an appropriate image, try to create
one! It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive – any Now people make a big deal about creating a website
image will do as long as it looks professional and because they feel it is too expensive. Technology
matches the theme of your podcast. companies such as WIX have made launching a website
more affordable than it has ever been before. WIX
There are several ways to create a cover art for your offers free website templates you can edit and use. You
Podcast. You can either hire a professional to do this for could launch your website in less than 20 mins. The
you or you do it yourself. If you are going down the DIY downside is you will have to pay a monthly or annual
route then you need a software/app that is self premium fees if want the website launched under your
explanatory, easy to use and easy to navigate. own domain name. You would also have to procure
your own domain if you don’t already have one.
For us that software is Canva. Canva can be used on In all, it is still cheaper than paying tens of thousands of
both your desktop and mobile phone browser. It can dollars to design your Podcast website.
also be accessed using its Android or IOS app.
Mistake#4: Poor sound quality
Canva comes with numerous templates for creating
Poor sound quality is a major mistake that costs
social media posts and design posters. You can also
podcasters their audience. There are many ways to
schedule social media post for the future or post
improve the sound quality of your podcast, including
directly on different social media platforms. Lastly
using a pop filter for microphones or software like
Canva is supper affordable when compared to
GarageBand for editing audio.
professional design suites such as Adobe.

#2: Not using social media to promote your Poor quality audio recording can turn people off from
Podcast listening to your podcast when they hear it for the first
Social media is the best way to get your word out and time. There are many low cost or free methods you can
make a name for yourself. But many podcasters are use to improve the quality of your audio recordings
neglecting to use social media to market their podcast, before you upload them. For example, you can use a
which is costing them potential listeners. noise cancelling microphone, record on a professional
A great way to promote your podcast content on social grade microphone or invest in studio headphones and a
media would be to post a preview of the post cast pop filter to help reduce background noise. You should
episode. It could be as simple as telling people that in also make sure that each podcast episode has its own
the next episode, you’ll be discussing a topic on which unique intro and outro music, as this helps distinguish
they have been dying to hear more. Or it could be an one episode from another and add continuity
intriguing question that will drive listeners to tune in throughout the series. These are all things you will need
and find out where you’re going with this line of to edit into your audio file after it's recorded, so it's best
thinking. Getting people hooked on your podcast to do it beforehand!
before they even listen is a great way to increase your thank
audience size.



#5: Too many ads and promos #8: You're not producing good content that's
Podcasts are a great way to advertise your business, relevant to your audience
but they should not be full of ads. It can be tempting to There are so many amazing podcasts out there that
put many ads and promos in your podcast because this produce incredible content that's relevant to the
shows you are active and listeners may be more likely audience. If you want to keep your listeners coming
to listen. The problem is that it will make the podcast back for more, you should make sure that your podcast
less enjoyable for listeners. Every time an ad comes on, is a consistent and trustworthy source of information.
it interrupts the flow of the show and makes it difficult When you're not producing good content, it's likely
for listeners to stay focused. So, if you have a lot of ads they'll quickly stop listening or move on to another
or promos, try to space them out so that there is not Podcast.
one every five minutes.
#9: Ignoring feedback from fans
#6: Your podcast is too long
Feedback from fans can be invaluable when you are
Many podcasters make the mistake of creating podcast trying to grow your audience base. You never know
episodes that are too long. Podcasts are often listened what topics might interest them or what they want or
to while commuting or working out, so there is a limit to need from your podcast. You won’t know unless you
how much time listeners have available to consume ask! The best thing you can do is take charge and let
content. If your podcast episode is more than an hour in your fans know that this type of feedback is welcomed,
length, you're likely losing many listeners. The solution? and that you would love for them to share their
Keep your podcast episodes between 30-45 minutes in thoughts with you so that you can provide better
length and make sure the content is valuable and content for them in the future.
enjoyable for the listener.
#10: Not adding your Podcast to iTunes
#7: Ignoring SEO If your goal is to grow your audience and maximize your
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple exposure, then adding your podcast to iTunes is one of
words, you have to optimize your podcast content or it the first things you should do. The iTunes podcast
won't show up on search engines. directory is one of the most popular directories for
It is key you understand at this point that your podcast podcasts. It’s an excellent way to reach a broader
content strategy could be focused on social media, audience, and be seen by people who are interested in
search engines or both. your content.
You need an Apple ID in order to publish your podcast
To optimize your podcast content, you first have to to iTunes. You can sign up for one for free at
research key words and topics you know people search Once you are signed in with
for mostly on the internet. There are platforms you can the account, visit
use for this but we recommend Semrush and Neil
Patel's Ubersuggest. feed-url/ where you will fill out a few basic fields about
Once you have identified the relevant keywords you your show before generating a URL that you can use to
build your podcast episode around it. Make sure you submit your RSS feed to iTunes Podcast Directory
add a description of it on your website so Google and (
Bing can index it. When people search for that keyword
on the internet, your Podcast shows up if it ranks on the
search engine. Ranking on search engines for a keyword
isn't easy but if you drive traffic to your website using
social media, and people start clicking on that episode
link, it will increase your ranking on Google for that



Top 10
Podcasts for
Written by the Business Anecdote 1. The Jordan Harbinger Show.

Podcasts are a great way to learn about 2. The Tim Ferriss Show.
entrepreneurship, develop your business 3. Lewis Howes's The School Of
skills, and grow your network. With so
many podcasts out there, the hardest part
is finding the ones worth listening to. 4. The True Underdog Podcast.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our
5. Success Story Podcast.
top 10 favorite podcasts for
6. StartUp Podcast.
Whether you want to improve your 7. How I Built This with Guy Raz and
mindset or learn how to start a company,
Anna Sale.
these podcasts have got you covered. If
you're an entrepreneur looking for 8. HBR IdeaCast.
educational content that would help you 9. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman.
develop or inspire you next adventure,
10. Entrepreneurs On Fire.
these ten Podcasts are a great way to

The Jordan Harbinger Show. The Tim Ferriss Show.

The Tim Ferriss Show is a popular podcast that
features interviews with high-profile guests from
all walks of life, spanning politics and science,
entertainment and entrepreneurship.

Through his podcast, he shares his conversations

with some of the most successful people in the
world—from Nobel Prize-winning scientists to
leading CEO's, award-winning actors and
actresses such as Angelina Jolie and Denzel
Washington He deconstructs what makes these
people so different from everyone else and shows
listeners how they can achieve their own peak

Tim Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur,

and public speaker. He is the best-selling author of
four books: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour
The Jordan Harbinger Show is a podcast for
Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans.
ambitious people who are interested in growing as
human beings. Jordan Harbinger was once an
introverted, self-loathing lawyer with no social skills
and a tendency to ramble on with uninteresting
stories. After years of studying psychotherapy,
hypnosis, persuasion, negotiation and mindset
techniques, he transformed himself into the
successful entrepreneur that he is today.
Jordan’s podcast features interviews with authors,
entrepreneurs, musicians and cultural icons from
around the world who share their insights about
personal growth and success. The show's mission is
to help you take control of your life in a real way so
that you can start living the life of your dreams.
Each episode has a topic of discussion like "Self-
Esteem" or "Relationships". You can learn how to
develop more self-confidence or learn how to find
peace in the middle of all of life's chaos; all it takes is
one simple step in the right direction.



Lewis Howes's The School Of Greatness. The True Underdog Podcast

True Underdog is a Top 3 Entrepreneurship

podcast on Apple hosted by Jayson Waller, CEO of
POWERHOME Solar, one of the fastest-growing
private companies in the USA. Waller is a natural
star with great presence and has an impressive
following on Instagram and YouTube, with several
hundred thousand followers and subscribers, as
well as millions of listeners and views.

His show has featured guests like Shark Tank star

Kevin O'Leary, top-podcaster Jordan Harbinger,
former drug trafficker Rick ‘Freeway’ Ross, NFL
legend Barry Sanders, two-time IndyCar champion
Josef Newgarden, Hollywood actors Eric & Eliza
Roberts, and real estate mogul Grant Cardone.
Raised in a trailer park with no clear path to
success, kicked out of high school multiple times,
Lewis Howes is a former pro athlete turned lifestyle and faced with becoming a father in his teens,
entrepreneur, high performance business coach and Waller is the definition of a "True Underdog."
New York Times bestselling author. His podcast, The
School of Greatness, is distributed to more than 15
million people each month and has been downloaded
over 100 million times since its inception.

The School of Greatness is a podcast that teaches

listeners how to live, work and play in the world of
high achievement. Each week Lewis interviews a
successful person who has found their niche and
follows it until they have achieved a life full of
meaning and happiness. In this podcast, you will
learn from the experiences of not only those who
have found fame and fortune, but also those who
have made a difference in their own way. Listeners
will hear from Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington,
Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, Sir Richard Branson,
Daymond John and many more as they share what
led to them being at the top of their field.



Success Story Podcast. Startup Podcast

StartUp is an American Podcast from Gimlet

Media and it is hosted by Alex Blumberg and Lisa

The first two seasons follow stories of starting

businesses. Season 1 is about the starting of
Gimlet Media itself, and Season 2, covers a dating
company called "Dating Ring".

The third season follows one business per episode.

Season 4 began by following Gimlet Media again,
then aired episodes focusing on other companies.

Season 6 followed the making of the TV series

created about the Podcast. The most recent
season covers the founding of Success Academy
Charter Schools in New York City. The final season
Success Story Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, of Startup premiered in late 2019 and covered the
business executive, author, educator & speaker, process of selling Gimlet Media to the streaming
Scott D. Clary. media company Spotify.
On this podcast, you'll find interviews, Q&A,
keynote presentations & conversations on sales,
marketing, business, startups and
Scott will discuss some of the lessons he's
learned over his own career, as well as have
candid interviews with execs, celebrities,
notable figures and politicians. All who have
achieved success through both wins and losses,
to learn more about their life, their ideas and
He sits down with leaders and mentors and
unpacks their story to help pass those lessons
onto others through both experiences and
tactical strategy for business professionals,
entrepreneurs and everyone in between.
To get more of the Success Story podcast, go to



How I Built This with Guy Raz and Anna HBR IdeaCast
The Harvard Business Review weekly podcast
features the leading thinkers in business and
management. Hosts Alison Beard and Curt Nickish
dig into topics like how CEOs can drive sales,
management business issues, burnout and
networking . This 30-minute podcast comes from
one of the most esteemed universities and hosts
leading authors and thought leaders in business.

Host Alison Beard is a senior editor at Harvard

Business Review. She oversees the “Experience”
section of the magazine, which guides individual
managers in their careers. She previously worked
at the Financial Times.
While host Curt Nickisch is a senior editor at
Harvard Business Review. He earned an MBA from
Boston University and has reported for NPR,
Marketplace, and Fast Company.

Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the

world's best known companies. How I Built This
weaves a narrative journey about innovators,
entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements
they built. Order the How I Built This book at

Guy Raz has interviewed more than 200 highly

successful entrepreneurs to uncover amazing true
stories like these. In his “How I Built This” book, he
shares tips for every entrepreneur’s journey: from
the early days of formulating your idea, to raising
money and recruiting employees, to fending off
competitors, to finally paying yourself a real salary.
This is a great read for anyone who has ever dreamed
of starting their own business or wondered how
trailblazing entrepreneurs made their own dreams a



Master of Scale Entrepreneurs On Fire

John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the

award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire.
With over 100 million listens of his 3000+
episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire
into a media empire that generates over a million
listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual
revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally
published book, The Common Path to Uncommon
Success is the modern day version of Think and
Grow Rich with a revolutionary 17-step roadmap
to financial freedom and fulfillment.

Masters of Scale is a business and finance Podcast

hosted by Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn.

In each episode, Hoffman introduces a theory on

how successful businesses scale, and tests its
validity by interviewing founders about their path
to scale.

Guests have included Facebook founder & CEO

Mark Zuckerberg, Starbucks founder and former
CEO Howard Schultz, Netflix founder and CEO
Reed Hastings, FCA and Exor Chairman John
Elkann, Fubu Cofounder Daymond John and
others. Episodes also feature brief "cameo"
appearances from other founders and experts in
different industries who build on Hoffman's


Positivity without
reality is just a

Hair stylist Neil Moodie has been a leading figure in the fashion industry In March 2019 Neil launched his own
for nearly three decades. podcast series “In Bed With Neil Moodie”
He was notably a collaborator on some of the 90’s most iconic editorial where he interviews friends and colleagues
visuals with renowned photographer Corinne Day at the beginning of his
from the fashion and beauty industry who
freelance career, which has continued ever since.
He began hairdressing in 1984 and debuted into the world of editorial are trailblazing entrepreneurs, and think
styling in 1993, working with Corinne Day on an editorial for The Face out side of the box.
magazine. This lead to a quick succession of bookings, the first being for In December 2019 Neil launched Series 2
Italian Vogue followed by his first ever advertising campaign for Miu Miu. of his podcast series where he not only
interviews more friends from his industry
Neil climbed to the top of the global hairstyling arena to become one of
but also people he’s met from his talks
the industry’s most applauded and well loved names, and is considered as
one of the top British session stylists. about mental health. Series 2 is subtitled
He is a regular Vogue contributor with over 50 global Vogue covers to his “Turning a corner”.
name. He was an international ambassador for hair brands, Aveda and
Bumble & Bumble and a co-founder of the ‘Windle and Moodie’ salon & In our interview with Neil, we explore his
electrical hair tools ‘WAM’ in 2007 followed by the W&M product line in
career as a renowned hairdresser and



Thank you Neil for participating in this Q&A What key challenges have you faced in your
session. Before getting into your Podcast please career and how have you navigated these?
tell us what originally attracted you to a career in
Neil: Three things I found challenging were;
a) Dealing with success. When my freelance
Neil: I originally wanted to be a journalist when I
career took off in 1994/5, I quickly moved to
was at school, but I was discouraged by my English
New York and suddenly found myself in very
teacher who thought I couldn't concentrate
enough to do that. Because of this, I had no idea high demand. I developed a fear of saying 'no' to
what I wanted to do. As it was the early 80's, we jobs in case I didn't work again, but it was to my
were in the throws of new romantic fashion and own detriment in the end as I had a break down,
music. We were all colouring each others hair and where I suffered from severe anxiety attacks,
doing outlandish make up on ourselves and each
became agoraphobic and suffered from
other. I constantly coloured friends hair even
depression. I had to take 4 months off work to
though I didn't know what I was doing. I suddenly
recover, by having therapy, and trying out
came up with the idea of training to be a
hairdresser. I went on to do a 3 year various alternative therapies, like yoga,
apprenticeship and then move to London from acupuncture and meditation. My therapist
Birmingham. I worked in various London salons as taught me to be in control of my own mind, and
a haircutter and then as a hair colourist, before learn how to say 'no' when I meant 'no'. I also
going freelance to work on photographic shoots
had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which was
and fashion shows in 1994.
wonderful, and worked really well for me.

What would you say is the secret to your success b) Leaving my company Windle and Moodie in
as a renowned hairdresser and entrepreneur?
2018 which I co-owned. After 12 years of being
in a business partnership I realised I wasn't
Neil: I think the secret is to never stop learning,
happy, I didn't like the way the company was
nor feel like you know everything. I have an
going, and my business partner and I were
intuitive mind and I always want to know more,
understand more and experience new things. I'm disagreeing on how the company should move
prepared to go back and train for certain things if forward. The situation was making me feel
it will improve my general repertoire and increase down and depressed so I made the decision to
my skill set. resign for my own piece of mind and to protect
my mental well being. Again, saying 'no' was the
" In fashion, it's important to stay key here.
relevant. It's easy to become
complacent and rest on your laurels c) Staying relevant. In fashion, it's important to
and success. I think the way to stay stay relevant. It's easy to become complacent
relevant is by constantly researching, and rest on your laurels and success. I think the
looking for new ideas, thinking way to stay relevant is by constantly
outside of the box and never stop researching, looking for new ideas, thinking
learning.” outside of the box and never stop learning.



Please give us an overview of your Podcast “In What strategies have you employed to grow your
bed with Neil Moodie”? Podcast audience?

Neil: Following on from doing written Q&As for Neil: Constant promotion/PR of podcast episodes
my website I decided to launch my podcast after and also having the right guests on. Guest with
being encouraged by podcast host Jamie Day from stories people want to listen to. I do my podcast in
Man Talk. Jamie interviewed me about my series rather than every week so that helps me to
experiences with mental health as a man, and he get the right guests and plan, making sure each
said he thought I should host my own podcast. I series is as good as it can be.
decided to interview people within my industry
Before we conclude this interview, Is there
who are entrepreneurial and think outside of the
anything else you would like to add?
box. We talk about their childhood, growing up,
and what made them who they are today. My Neil: Creating a podcast is fairly easy, however I
Podcast also includes guests who are mental think you have to be very specific about what your
health advocates. podcast is about and then stick to the strategy.
Choosing the category it sits in is important to
How would you describe the target audience and
attract the right audience for your content.
value proposition of your Podcast?

Neil: My target audience is quite varied and

Thank you Neil for participating in this Q&A
probably ranges between 18 -60 yrs old. I do
session. It is much appreciated.
attract a lot of fashion and beauty people ,
especially because of the guests I have on. Neil: My pleasure.
Younger people like to hear the stories of people
established in their chosen fields as they get " Creating a podcast is
inspired. I think I deliver the messages that I want
to get across, especially because I choose guests fairly easy, however I think
that I generally know pretty well. They tend to
divulge a little more than normal into what makes
you have to be very specific
them tick and how they became entrepreneurs. about what your podcast is
about and then stick to the
What steps did you take to ensure the launch of
your Podcast was successful? strategy. Choosing the
Neil: I had a beauty PR who helped me launch the category it sits in too is
initial series and this helped to promote it in the
beginning. My guests have also been amazing at
important to attract the
promoting their own episodes on their social right audience for your
media. On my personal social media I constantly
remind people that episodes are available just in content.”
case they didn't realise.


Learn when to be humble
and when to be a lion. There
is a right time for

Kristel Bauer is a Corporate Wellness Expert, Kristel is redefining self-care at work & teaching leadership skills that
Female Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker, Top 1% support optimal communication, a vibrant company culture and
Podcast Host and Founder of Live Greatly with a successful innovation. Kristel can be booked as a professional speaker
personal mission of helping individuals thrive for in-person & virtual events and corporate trainings. Recent clients
personally & professionally. Kristel was recently include General Mills, Northwestern University, Cardinus Risk
featured by Forbes as a 2021 Top 10 Influencer. Management NAWBO & Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine &
Kristel will partner with you to make your next
event a huge success inspiring positive change Kristel is the host of the global Top 1% self-improvement podcast, “Live
and leaving a Powerful Impact on your audience. Greatly” where she talks with the top minds about wellness, life and
Kristel brings her expertise & extensive success. Kristel also shares her insights with her 2 minutes of motivation
experience in Corporate Wellness, Emotional episodes. Some recent guests include Camila McConaughey & volleyball
Intelligence, Leadership, Mental Resilience, legend Gabrielle Reece.
Burnout Prevention, Self-Care, Stress
Management & Work/Life Harmony to in-person In our interview with Kristel we explore the her origin story and the
and virtual events as Professional Keynote value proposition of her Podcast “Live Greatly”.



Thank you Kristel for participating in this Q&A Please give us an overview of your Podcast “Live
session. Please give us an overview of your Greatly”?
background and career to date?
Kristel: At the end of 2019, I left clinical practice
Kristel: I am currently a Corporate Wellness with the goal of sharing my message on a wider
Expert, Professional Keynote Speaker, TEDx scale via speaking and podcasting. My background
Speaker and Host of the globally ranked Top 1% and training was in healthcare so I did not have
“Live Greatly” Podcast, where I interview top any media or podcasting experience when I
minds to gain insights into their wellness and decided to take the plunge but I knew that I would
success. I was recently recognized as a 2021 Top figure it out along the way. I leveraged our local
10 Influencer in Forbes and am a motivational library media lab to gain support in editing and
speaker inspiring positive change for optimal recording and I actually recorded my first podcast
health and happiness. episode there! My first few guests were people I
knew through my Integrative Medicine Fellowship
After years of practicing in different areas of and I expanded from there. I recorded from our
medicine as a Physician Assistant, and going on to bedroom closet with audio only in the beginning
further my education as an Integrative Medicine and then later added in video and upgraded my
Fellow, I saw many gaps that needed to be filled in equipment and location. For the first year I didn’t
individual and organisational approaches to health outsource the editing and production and then
and success. gradually started bringing in more help as my
While practicing clinically in Integrative show’s audience grew.
Psychiatry and Functional Medicine, I supported
many individuals experiencing mental health As a Top Professional Keynote Speaker, I inspire
struggles and burnout. From top level executives and uplift my audience with my message around
to stay at home moms, I realized that there was a topics of Wellness, Self-Care, Healthy Habits,
strong need to start redefining self-care, success Leadership, Emotional intelligence, Empathy &
and mental wellness at work and at home. I Burnout Prevention. My Podcast features
decided to leave clinical practice in 2019 to share interviews with top CEOs, Professional Athletes,
my message on a wider scale. I started my Medical Experts, and other remarkable
company Live Greatly to empower and motivate individuals. I also share my insights in a 2 minutes
others to reclaim their health and well-being, of motivation episode, which is released every
personally and professionally. Friday.
I have appeared live on ABC 7 Chicago and Ticker
News along with being featured in Forbes, Forest
& Bluff Magazine and more. I recently gave a TEDx “Live Greatly to
talk about Redefining Work/Life Balance in a
Covid-19 World at Wolcott College Prep in empower and motivate
Chicago and am currently in the process of writing
my first book. I am located outside of Chicago, IL
others to reclaim their
but am available for speaking events, corporate health and well-being,
training, and consulting throughout the world. You
can learn more about me here personally and
What key challenges have you faced What steps did you take to ensure the launch of your Podcast was
in your career as a Podcast host and successful?
how have you navigated them? Kristel: I didn’t know much about launching a podcast at the time and had
Kristel: I expected my audience and just opened up accounts on social media. So the main focus for me was to
show to grow fast organically and just get started and get past the fear of starting something new. I didn’t
discovered that it takes time, effort and know about the strategies for launching a podcast and the tips for getting
consistency. Growing a podcast takes ranked which I think was probably a good thing for me at the time
patience! because I didn’t overthink it!
What is the target audience of your Podcast and how would you
When I first started my show I didn’t describe the value proposition you offer them with each episode?
have experience in marketing and had
not been on social media. There was Kristel: My target audience is working moms, but anyone interested in
definitely a learning curve for me with self-improvement and discovering ways to support their health and
navigating social media! happiness can benefit from listening to my show. I share an inspiring
interview every Tuesday and then a quick 2 minutes of motivation
I hired a mentor (Heather Monahan) to episode where I dive deeper into a topic every Friday.
help me after having her as a guest on
my show and learned a lot with trial What strategies have you employed to grow your Podcast listening
and error. I also eventually hired a
podcast team to help me with editing, Kristel: I have a podcast team focused on helping me grow my show and I
production and promotion which post regularly on my social media channels with each episode.
helped bring my show to the next level.
Before we conclude this interview, please tell us what your top 10
Podcast shows are, and whom your favourite Podcast host is?

“Growing a Kristel: Live Greatly, Habits and Hustle, Creating Confidence, The
mindbodygreen podcast, Body of Wonder, The School of Greatness, The

Podcast takes
Gabby Reece Show, The Kara Goldin Show, Build for Tomorrow and Ten
Percent Happier. My favorite host is Heather Monahan.
Thank you Kristel for participating in this Q&A session. We wish you
patience! ” all the best.
Kristel: Thank you! If you’d like to share my social handles I’m on
Instagram @livegreatly_co and my website is


The past cannot
be undone and
the future is not
set in stone.
Focus on the now!

Adam Pacifico is a Partner at Heidrick & Struggles and member of Adam is also the Co-author of "The
Heidrick Consulting based in London offices. He is also the host of the Leader's Secret Code" (shortlisted for
globally ranked podcast 'The Leadership Enigma' Business Book of the Year 2020), and an
Opinion columnist for CEO World.
He specialises in partnering c-suite
He has personally delivered cutting edge experiential learning to over leadership teams to be ready to face new
50,000 people globally including clients such as Google, Microsoft, Ageas, challenges, solve more complex business
HSBC, Mastercard, Rolls-Royce, Astra-Zeneca, UCB Pharma, Goldman issues and promote leadership as a lever
Sachs, Nilfisk, Huhtamaki, International Criminal Court, The Home Office,
for positive change.
all 43 UK police forces, Olayan (Saudi Arabia), Qatar Leadership Centre,
Generali, Deutsche Telecom, Prime Minister's Office of Abu Dhabi,
Tottenham Hotspur FC, Nike, CFA UK, Generali, MTV, QBE, Royal College In our Interview with Adam we explore the
of Surgeons, Roche, Standard Chartered Bank, Tata Steel, UBS, STC, value proposition of his Podcast, his
Qualcomm, CGI, Salesforce, Unilever, British Gas, Statoil, CRH, Bar background and career to date.
Standards Board, The Law Society and numerous international law firms.



Thank you Adam for participating in this Q&A Who is the target audience of your Podcast and
session. Please give us an overview of your how would you describe the value proposition
background and career to date? you offer them with each episode?
Adam: I started professional life as a Barrister, Adam: My target audience are leaders within
prosecuting and defending in the criminal courts. I Europe from all different kinds of businesses,
remain associated with Red Lion Chambers which small, medium and large global corporations. We
is one of the largest criminal sets of barristers in also have a global audience based on some of the
the UK. Took 6 years out from the law and joined virtual deliveries that we have completed, as the
the Metropolitan Police as a police officer. 3 years podcast acts as useful pre and post course content
spent on the proactive teams in relation to too. The value proposition is that we strive to
robbery, gangs and drugs. Had a number of speak to a very wide and eclectic group of leaders
leadership roles within education and professional in order to create a diverse, provocative,
development including CLO at PCA Law, Head of refreshing and transferable advice, guidance, tools
Custom, Europe for Emeritus, Managing Director, and techniques that listeners can use in their own
Duke CE, Director at BPP Professional lives.
Development. All of these roles created insatiable
curiosity for all things leaders and leadership. I am Success leaves clues and each episode allows me
now a Partner at Heidrick & Struggles in their to be naturally curious to explore the real human
London offices. I am a co-author of “The Leaders centred approach that my guests have utilised to
Secret Code” that was shortlisted for Business overcome challenges and take advantage of
Book of the Year in 2020 and now host of ‘The opportunities. We have guests ranging from
Leadership Enigma’ Podcast. hostage negotiators to CEOs, award winning
authors, Secret Service members of the
President’s Protection Team, former NBA players,
You currently host “The Leadership Enigma”
Paralympians, Psychologist and academic
Podcast. What’s the origin story behind your

Adam: The podcast started during the first

lockdown. I am an extravert who spent all his time " To start it can seem
travelling and delivering live events for clients.
daunting. The reality is that
That all stopped at the start of the pandemic. I
created the podcast to learn something new (I am you can start a podcast with
a lifelong learner) to stay engaged with my global
limited equipment, cost and
network and to try and keep my personal brand
current, relevant and interesting. Also, I realised time. Just do it and don’t be
that the podcast was creating value for people all
afraid to get your voice out
over the world, which is pretty cool for what
started as a selfish project to counter the there ".



What key challenges have you faced in your What podcast strategies have you employed to:
career as a Podcast host and how have you 1. Grow your listening audience; 2. Monetise
navigated them? your Podcast?
Adam: There are three key challenges from three Adam: 1. Great guests. I am blessed with an
different stages of my podcast. amazing global network due to the roles that I
1. To start it can seem daunting. The reality is that have had. Great guests make great content and
you can start a podcast with limited equipment, they are also an amazing referral system too if
cost and time. Just do it and don’t be afraid to get they have a great experience.
your voice out there
2. Don’t be too quick to try and monetise your
2. I started a podcast that releases once a podcast. Remember why you started it……….it
week…….time can become pressurised as you try pays dividends just to know that your podcast is
and fit in the space to do all the things that are serving an audience and is appreciated and
necessary to make great content….find guests, anticipated by people all over the world…how cool
book them, have preliminary chats with them, is that? Your RSS feed is your gold dust! Most
record, edit, publish etc. The benefits are also podcasts never make any money so understand
huge as I personally learn from every single guest that before you start. Also remember that you
that I have. may be making money from your podcast by
having an increased personal brand and people
3. Once you get traction and momentum (we are booking you off the back of your podcast to speak,
now in top 2.5% of podcasts globally out of 2.7 train, coach etc. I found it important to always
million and ranked No.1 for leadership in the UK remember why I started this project. To learn to
at Xmas 2021) the challenge becomes how to go to add value and have a voice and point of view in a
the next level and stand out from the crowd of top world that needs good leaders more than ever.
podcasts. Many of which are from people who
have strong personal brands and well known
guests. That’s when you need some help and
guidance from people in the industry who can be
your guide and help you spend time, effort and
money wisely.

" Success leaves clues and

each episode allows me to be
naturally curious to explore
the real human centred
approach that my guests
have utilised to overcome
challenges and take
advantage of opportunities".

Please break down the steps needed to launch a Thank you Adam for participating in this Q&A session.
Podcast? We wish you all the best?

Adam: It can feel overwhelming but here it goes! Adam: Thanks.

1. You need a name and a proposition as to the

“Don’t be too quick

subject / content and value proposition of your

2. You need some equipment: Microphone,

computer and some software to edit .
to try and monetise
3. Need artwork for your podcast (3000 3000px your podcast.
Remember why you
.jpg or .png)

4. Royalty free music for Intro and Outro. Also may

need voice actor for the intro and outro. There are
agencies that can assist you with this.
started it……….it
5. Need guests! Who will you have for your first 6
pays dividends just
shows and why?
to know that your
podcast is serving
6. Choose a podcast directory platform that will
distribute your content such as Buzzsprout.

7. Build some buzz for your show, speak to friends,

potential audience members etc and let people
an audience and is
know what is coming.
appreciated and
anticipated by
8. Be courageous….just do it and you will learn as
you go. There are also lots of podcasters who are
willing to assist the community in learning, growing
and diversifying.
people all over the
world…how cool is
Before we conclude this interview, please tell us
what your top 10 Podcast shows are, and whom

your favourite Podcast host is?

Adam: Not sure I have a Top 10 but I like large and

small shows. From “That Peter Crouch Podcast”
and “The High Performance Podcast”, to “Diary of
a CEO”, “Small Things Make a BIg Difference” and
“The Tennis Podcast”.



Lisa Hurley is a writer, speaker, and activist whose work In 2020, Lisa and her sister Sharon, launched the
focuses on anti-racism, texturism, and destigmatizing “The Introvert Sisters” Podcast to change the
negative narrative surrounding Introverts,
introversion. She is a passionate advocate for Inclusion,
especially those within the black community.
Equity, and Grender equality.
One of their core goals was to create a safe space
Lisa is the Editor-At-Large of Linked Inclusion™, Co-host for Introverts to receive affirmation that their
of Real Talk on Racism, Co-host of “The Introvert Sisters” personalities were not deficient, nor do they need
Podcast, and a member of the Black Speakers Collection. fixing.

Another key goal of their Podcast was to give a

She has been quoted/featured in Forbes, Essence, Teen face and voice to introverts within the Black
Vogue, and Fast Company, and on the Nasdaq screen in community.
Times Square New York. Most recently, Lisa was selected
as one of pocstock’s The Future of Black America Top 50 This and more were covered in our interview with
Lisa Hurley.
Leaders for 2022.



Thank you Lisa for participating in this Q&A Fortunately, we are very organized. We maximize
session. You Co-host a Podcast show called “The time by batch-recording, and when possible,
Introvert Sisters”. What’s the origin story behind batch-producing episodes. We also use ‘Later’ to
your Podcast ? schedule our social media posts. For ease and
Lisa: My sister and I are both introverts, and have speed of communication, we use Slack. Most
faced struggles, judgements, and micro-aggressions importantly, though, we both operate within our
because of our quiet personalities. We have always respective zones of excellence. Sharon manages
wanted to work together, so when we both had some our website, and most of the tech-related
bandwidth, The Introvert Sisters podcast was born.
functions, while I manage content and social
Our goal was, in part, to create a safe space for other
media. This reduces friction and promotes flow.
introverts: to affirm for them that personalities like
ours are not deficient, or in need of fixing. We
believe that introverts are awesome, and wanted to
put that positive message out into the world. What steps did you and your Co-host take to
Another goal of ours was to give a face and voice to ensure the launch of your Podcast was
Black introverts specifically, since there is a successful?
homogeneity issue in the introvert community.
Lisa: There are a lot of moving parts involved in
Seldom are introverts of color seen or highlighted.
launching a podcast as you know. Here are the steps
We wanted to expand people's concept of what
we took to launch ours:
introverts look like beyond what is considered to be
the default.
1. Select podcast name.
2. Secure URL.
In addition to normalizing introversion, our aim was
3. Secure podcast name across all social channels.
to demonstrate how "showing up as your authentic
4. Decide on cadence (weekly/bi-monthly/monthly).
self" plays out. For us, that meant choosing to cover
5. Decide on format.
topics beyond our MBTI personality type (which is
6. Decide on average show length.
INFJ). We therefore also discuss trending news, pop
7. Decide on launch date
culture, and, since we're both activists, anti-racism.
8. Based on the above, batch record enough episodes
The message is that introversion is a part of who we
so that you can launch with 3-5 episodes, and have
are; not our entirety. We are multifaceted and
3-5 banked for future use. Make these initial
intersectional; therefore so is our content.
episodes as evergreen as possible.
9. Decide on your hosting platform.
What key challenges have you faced in your 10. Create a launch/promo plan.
career as a Podcast host and how have you 11. If you are recording in a studio, book your
recording slots.
navigated them?
12. If you are recording in your home, get a decent
Lisa: The main challenge has been time. We're both (but not overly expensive) mic.
busy and grateful to be busy, but juggling all the 13. Purchase other equipment as needed.
aspects of our lives and careers is demanding. My 14. Develop your episode outlines.
sister Sharon Hurley Hall is the Founder of Sharon's 15. Design your logo.
Anti-Racism Newsletter, and the Team Lead for 16. Record (or get recorded) your standard intro and
Diversity, Equity and Belonging at Omnis Education. outro, and your theme music.
Needless to say her available time is limited. On my 17. Develop your show notes template.
end, in addition to my 9-5, I am also the Editor-At- 18. Write your podcast intro/description.
Large of Linked Inclusion™ Corp., and a Contributing 19. List your podcast on all platforms/directories .
Writer for No White Saviors. 20. Implement your launch plan.
21. Share widely.


What is the target audience and What podcast strategies have you employed to: 1. Grow your
value proposition of your Podcast? listening audience; 2. Monetise your Podcast?
Lisa: Our primary target audience are Lisa: Podcast growth takes work! Here are some of our
introverts (of color). Our secondary recommendations, based on strategies we have used, or plan to use:
audience comprises of people who are 1. Make your podcast available on as many platforms as possible.
interested in anti-racism, whether as 2. Promote and share episodes on social media.
an ally, an activist, or a person who 3. Be consistent. Stick to your episode release cadence and your social
experiences racism. In both cases, we media posting schedule.
offer insights, share our lived 4. Invite guests.
experiences, and provide tips and 5. Guest on other people’s podcasts.
inspiration. Ideally, at the end of each 6. Build an email list.
episode, our audience has learned 7. Repurpose/mention your podcast content on your other owned
something, and feels better able to outlets, such as a blog or newsletter.
navigate some of the issues they are 8. Engage with your audience! Respond to, or at least acknowledge all
facing. questions and comments.
9. We recently launched our Patreon:
“Our goal was, in part, to
create a safe space for 10. Leverage CTAs: ask listeners to subscribe, follow, listen, and write
other introverts: to affirm reviews.
for them that personalities
like ours are not deficient, In terms of monetization, sponsorship and merch are in the works. Stay
or in need of fixing.”
Please elaborate on your journey as an activist, and why this role is 3. Black hair (
important to you? you-still-cant-touch-our-hair/)

Lisa: I started writing about anti-racism in the aftermath of the 4. The censorship of creators of color
murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. One of the disturbing (
trends that I noticed was that a lot of people (who consider themselves defeated/)
to be “good people”) were ok with the brutal ways in which these men’s
lives were taken. They did a lot of mental and ideological gymnastics to 5. Performativity
defend what had occurred, and to support “blue lives”. (

It became clear(er) to me that there are a lot of racists hiding in plain 6. Activism (
sight; a large segment of the population who chose not to see that they why-activism-is-hard-tisot-12/)
are racist, or exhibit racist behaviors. There were also a lot of
companies and colleagues who were oblivious to the effect that the 7. Police brutality (
constant devaluing and snuffing out of Black lives was having on justice-for-breonna-taylor/) …and more.
people of color. So I began writing as a way to educate, agitate, and
advocate. Being an activist is important to me because I believe that
we all have a role to play in dismantling white supremacy,
One of the earliest pieces that I wrote is You Might Be a Racist… so doing my part is imperative. As a Black person, I cannot
(, which be silent or remain neutral in the face of the continued
outlines specific behaviors that the hegemonic class enacts towards campaign to annihilate people who look like me. My voice
minoritized populations. The piece performed well, and I continued and my keyboard are my weapons in this fight. Activism
writing. In the past 18 months I have also written and spoken about: is, at least in part, a way for me to fulfill my purpose, and
uplift my sisters and brothers.
1. Allyship (

2. Microaggressions (


Before we conclude this interview, please tell us what your Thank you Lisa for participating in this Q&A
top 10 Podcast shows are, and whom your favourite Podcast session. We wish you all the best.
host is? Lisa: Thank you so much, and I appreciate the
opportunity to be featured! Wishing you all the best as
Lisa: In no particular order, these are my top 10 podcasts. It's hard
to choose a favorite host, but I'm a huge fan of Luvvie Ajayi Jones.

1. Black Power Moves, hosted by Elizabeth Leiba “Being an activist is important

2. Absolutely Not!, hosted by Katrina Strohl
3. Let’s Humanize The Workplace!, hosted by Vivian Acquah to me because I believe that
4. Brown Table Talk, hosted by Mita Mallick and Dee C. Marshall
5. The Black Shutter, hosted by Leslie Ogoe and Idris Talib we all have a role to play in
6. Professional Troublemaker, hosted by Luvvie Ajayi Jones
dismantling white supremacy,
7. Black Girl in Om, hosted by Lauren Ash and Makkah Ali
8. Small Doses, hosted by Amanda Seales
so doing my part is
9. Jemele Hill is Unbothered, hosted by Jemele Hill
10. The Tea on Tap, hosted by Krychna Baker, Sereine Brudent,
and Lisa Hurley.
If you don’t believe
you can, no one else

Theo X Vialucci is the CEO of The Podcast is Uncensored and Uncut!. It includes in-studio and host of the Vialucci interviews with hand-picked people from many professions:
Podcast. He is also the Editor in Chief of the fitness experts, biographers, neurologists, psychologists,
Vialucci Magazine. philosophers and many more.

In 2006 Theo discovered he was dyslexic Theo’s main company, offer services such as
when he found out that he was able to Podcast Production, Studio hiring, provision of Audio /Visual
understand more when he listened than when Technician, creation of Intro & Outro Music and the design of
he read. Over the years he developed a Podcast Logo. For more details visit
passion for listening to Podcasts. Then in
2019 he decided to start his own Podcast
called The Vailucci Podcast, which is a long In our interview with Theo we explore his journey as a Podcaster
form weekly conversation show for people host and delve into the value proposition of The Vailucci Podcast.
tired of the bog standard chit-chat which is
out there.



Thank you Theo for participating in this Q&A Please outline the steps you went through to
session. We would like to start by exploring your launch your Podcast successfully?
journey as a Podcast host. Firstly, what's the
Theo: The initial problems were figuring out all the
origin story behind "The Vialucci Podcast"?
audio equipment we needed and where to record

Theo: It started around 2006 when I discovered the shows. I wanted it to be a podcast with guests

that I am dyslexic. This was something that I’d which meant trying to find somewhere in central

been completely unaware of because the poor London. As you can imagine that wasn’t cheap so I

education I’d received had led me to falsely had to work during the day while still driving vans

believe that I didn't like learning. It was only when at night. It took a while but eventually I was able

I started listening to audiobooks that I realised I to get enough money together to buy the

could understand the spoken word much more equipment needed and afford the studio fees.

easily than the written word. I got a job as a long- After that, it was a matter of finding the right

distance van driver, working at night so that I audio person and co-hosts. Getting the team in

could absorb everything I could get my hands on, place took a lot of years, with multiple iterations

continuing with audiobooks and then onto both in front of and behind the scenes. Then,

podcasts. The next four years were spent listening during the development of a short film that I was

to anything I could find, from “Robert Sherard’s producing, I got lucky because I met a brilliant

The Life of Oscar Wilde” to “The Ricky Gervais audio/visual technician called Kerem Isik who now

Podcast”. It was then that I decided I’d put my own produces the podcast, as well as two writers:

podcast together as a substitute for my lack of Andrew Kevin Fawn and Charles Kirby, who are

education because it would allow me to speak to my co-hosts. Thanks to their commitment and

various people from various backgrounds. The professionalism we’re able to record weekly

thing is, I wasn’t sure how to actually put a podcast shows which go out on all the major platforms.

together so I contacted a producer at BBC and

“Most non-celebrity
arranged a meeting. Now, this was at a time when
there were probably less than 10 regular podcasts
available anywhere on the net so the producer
(who shall remain nameless) while very polite was
podcasts start out with
unable to fully grasp that I wanted to get involved no money behind them
with this type of thing that, in his words, "people
do from their bedroom". While he listened to me
so it’s a matter of finding
explaining about wanting to do a podcast with the
BBC his face went from perplexed to polite
the right people who
incredulity when I talked about the show being believe in the show
“uncensored and uncut”. As I say he was very
polite throughout and did listen attentively but he
you’re putting together.
just didn’t believe that this podcasting thing would Without that, you’ll just
ever catch on. After a brief tour around the BBC
offices, he suggested that perhaps it would be a be chasing one problem
better idea to get involved with their training
program for audio. I knew that was not for me.
after another…”


What key challenges have you faced Please tell us what your top 10 Podcast shows are, and whom your
in your career as a Podcast host and favourite Podcast host is?
how have you navigated these?
Theo: I don’t have a fixed top ten as I try to listen to a variety of podcasts.
Theo: It absolutely is about the team I’m drawn to shows based around science, people’s lives and society. At
you have around you. Most non- the moment, I’m listening to a lot of BBC shows, including “Great Lives”,
celebrity podcasts start out with no “In Our Time”, “Start the Week” and “Desert Island Discs”. Beyond those,
money behind them so it’s a matter of there’s “All the Way Theroux”, “Tank Riot” and “The Dropout”. In terms of
finding the right people who believe in favourite podcast host, it’s tricky a one but I’d probably have to say
the show you’re putting together.
Andrew Marr.
Without that, you’ll just be chasing one
problem after another, with people not Before we conclude this interview, is there anything you would like
to add?
turning up on time and generally not
treating it as a professional endeavour. Theo: Well, we were there from the start of podcasting before it became
so ubiquitous. At we truly do love podcasting and
What is the target audience of your people. Unfortunately, there are a lot of other podcast production houses
Podcast and how would you describe
the value proposition you offer them which have been quickly thrown together in the last few years purely to
with each episode? make money. We keep being asked by guests to produce shows for them
which is why we’ve set up our own production service. We really do love
Theo: Our shows aren’t specifically
the whole process of making a show with someone and seeing it through
targeted at a particular type of
from root to fruit. With we want to make the art of
audience because the people we sit
podcasting more entertaining and enjoyable to record. Starting in 2022
down with aren’t from a specific
background or industry. It’s about we’ll be bringing something much much more to the podcast world. You'll
people that will offer something just have to see what I mean. The world of podcasting ain't seen nothing
interesting and informative. Our value yet.
is that we don't do interviews we do Thank you Theo for participating in this Q&A session. We wish you
conversations. Enough shows are firing all the best.
off bog-standard questions to guests so Theo: Many thanks for asking me to be in the first edition of Podcast Inc
we try to just have a long-form, relaxed
Magazine. Best wishes for its future success and get ready for
conversation, finding out the person’s in 2022!
story - the kind of things you wouldn’t
necessarily hear people discuss in an
It takes a lot of
courage to speak
up for what you
believe in.
If efforts always
fulfil dreams,
everyone would
be successful.

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