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A very warm good morning to one and all present here. I am shivansh Srivastava of class 12-C .

Since are
on a time constraint, I will cut to the chase , why am I worthy of this position you ask? I'll let you in a
story, when I was younger like in 6th or 7th I always looked up to my seniors and I thought “I wish I could
orate as well as him ”, “I wish I could play like him” , “I wish I could BE like him" and I worked on myself
every day since then to become the person I am today and I feel I am all of those seniors I looked up to
summed up into one. I'm a goal oriented, determined , ambitious and a very passionate person. I'm
confident of my abilities and well aware of my capability and potential to rise to the top at every thing i
decide to do. I'm gloriously heading down that road by being a two sport nationalist- that is basketball
and shot put, with numerous co-curricular achievements such as debates, declamations model UN’s and
recently the AWWA National ethics Bowl where I represented the northern command and a meritorious
academic result amongst other things but that’s just my credentials I am not trying to boast or anything I
just want all of y’all to know that I have worked very hard and I feel like I must inspire you to do the
same. . As head boy, I want to promote the culture of all round excellence in the school and I want to
help my juniors get better. What I mean to say is whenever you guys have a problem with absolutely
anything be it a fight with your peers, issues with your seniors feel free to run to me . In fact, doesn’t
matter whether I am the head boy or not whenever there’s a problem I promise I’ll help you in whatever
way I can. I'm an NDA aspirant and I feel with your help, I can work on leadership qualities as well and
together we can carry the torch of this esteemed institution forward. Once again, I’m Shivansh
Srivastava and I hope you guys find me worthy of this position, thank you , good day.

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