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Name : Aakash Kumar Choudhary

Paper code : Retail and Logistic Management

Roll no: BVRLM2023001

Levis is a global leader in denim garments especially the denim jeans.

Traditionally, the company has been a unisex company. Levis has
been in India now for more than two decades. Given the fact that India
is primarily a young inspirational market where the women are also
connected better with young and youthful market. Today, it has
competition from other brands, marketing casual wear and ethnic
garments. Given the market scenario of India, what marketing plan
would you develop if you were hired as Brand Manager.

As a brand manager of Levis it is important for me to first identify and

understand the needs, problems and requirements of Indian markets by
recognising the market trends, culture and preferences of people. This
will help me in formulating a Marketing plan.

Business Background.

Jeans are trousers made from denim or dungaree cloth. Often the term
"jeans" refers to a particular style of trousers called "blue jeans" and
invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873 .Jeans nowadays are
very popular apparel as casual or informal dress among men women and
kids also. In a country like India the demand for jeans met through
import and domestic production.

Profile of Customers

Some 20 years back jeans were popular outside india. And then jeans
Were launched in India people were reluctant in buying jeans because
they Wanted to keep themselves away from the so called Western
Culture, But from last 10 years jeans have become popular both
among the boys and girls. Thus the customer profile is very diverse
When it comes to jeans.

Long term and short term Objective

Our short-term goal includes to contract an advertising consultant for
one month to help us analyse and capitalize on our customer’s buying
trends and also analysing our primary competition and brainstorming on
what we offer that others don’t.
Our long0term goal is of receiving at least 34 percent positive customer
feedback regarding the product Quality, durability and life. It also
includes building the company’s name recognition within the customers.

Jeans can be prepared in different sizes, and are liked by all age
groups, including children, adults, men and women. as the size of jeans
differs for different age groups, it should be necessary to take an average
size to determine the annual plant capacity. The basic outline of the
operations for jeans in general is given below

1. Pattern design and pattern making.

2. Cloth cutting by mechanical process.
3. Sewing by high-speed industrial sewing machine.
4. Trimming and inspection.
5. Ironing and pressing as finishing process.
Unit is going to do only cutting stitching, pressing operations for the
manufacture of ready made garments, Which does not involve
in discharge of any type of pollution. Hence there is no need of taking
measures to control the pollution. So, it is technically feasible.

As company is targeting the masses of all income levels and
wants our jeans to not just be used by the urban crowd but also the
rural crowd and people With comparatively less income as India is a
population with 70% people situated in the rural area. With the
production being in large scale the cost will also (economically) come
down. Our motive is to make our companies jeans popular to the masses
at an affordable rate with the best quality possible.

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