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Muscle Fiber Test

1-RM Test to Estimate Muscle Fiber Composition This is a simple indirect test that is used to estimate the predominant muscle fiber type - slow twitch or fast twitch. It is interesting for athletes to know the composition of their muscle fibers. If they are primarily a strength or speed athlete, they want fast twitch fibers. For endurance athletes, more slow twitch fibers is optimal. This test does not replace an actual muscle fiber composition test, which would be more accurate but involves an invasive muscle biopsy and more sophisticated analysis. purpose: to estimate the predominant muscle fiber type for any given muscle group. equipment required: Free weights (barbells, dumbbells) or other gym equipment, assistant/spotter. procedure: Determine your one repetition maximum (1RM) on a given exercise - a measure of the maximal weight a subject can lift with one repetition. Have a rest for 15 minutes. Then use 80% of your measured 1RM to perform as many repetitions as possible in a single attempt. scoring: the maximum number of times the weight is correctly lifted is recorded. Use the values in the table below to determine the muscle fiber type based on the number of repetitions at 80% of 1RM (Pipes, 1994). number of reps at 80% <7 7 to 12 > 12 muscle fibre type > 50% fast twitch (FT) equal proportion of fiber type > 50% slow twitch (ST)

variations: There are two other protocols / assessments. These variations are replicated on many sites online, though no cited references can be found. One variation also uses 80% of your 1RM (Dr F. Hatfield Test), though the interpretation is different, and the other uses 85% 1RM (Charles Poliquin Test). As in the test above, the maximum number of reps at that level is recorded. The results for these variation are interpreted as follows. number of reps at 80% <7 7 or 8 >8 muscle fibre type mostly fast twitch (FT) dominant mixed fiber type slow twitch (ST) dominant

number of reps at 85% <5 5 >5

muscle fibre type mostly fast twitch (FT) dominant mixed fiber type slow twitch (ST) dominant

advantages: the required equipment is readily available in most gymnasiums. disadvantages: performing a maximum weight lift is only for advanced weight trainers. It is important to be experienced in the gym and have good technique before attempting this test. The results for muscle fiber type is specific to the muscle group tested, and may not apply to the other muscles of the body. As muscle groups are involved in the lifting techniques, the muscle fiber composition of individual muscles is not able to be determined using this test. comments: The test results will be specific to the equipment used and the technique allowed, so is best used for test-retest measures. Muscle fiber types can be broken down into two main types: slow twitch (Type I) muscle fibers and fast twitch (Type II) muscle fibers. Fast twitch fibers can be further categorized into Type IIa and Type IIb fibers. reference: Pipes, T.V. (1994). Strength training and fiber types. Scholastic Coach, as referenced in Muscle Fiber Types and Training, by Jason R. Karp, Track Coach #155.

Muscle Fibre Test Testing and measurement are the means of collecting information upon which subsequent performance evaluations and decisions are made but in the analysis we need to bear in mind the factors that may influence the results.

Objective The objective of the muscle fibre test is to determine the fibre composition of the muscles used for a particular exercise. Two test protocols are described: The Dr F. Hatfield muscle fibre test and the Charles Poliquin muscle fibre test.

Required Resources To undertake this test you will require:

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Weight training facilities An assistant/spotter Selection of exercises

How to conduct the Dr F. Hatfield muscle fibre test

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Determine your one repetition maximum (1RM) on an exercise Rest for 15 minutes Perform as many repetitions as possible with 80% of your 1RM

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Less than 7 repetitions - fast twitch (FT) dominant 7 or 8 repetitions - mixed fibre type more than 8 repetitions - slow twitch (ST) dominant

If you are FT dominant, then you should use heavier loads and lower repetitions predominantly in your training. ST dominant individuals, on the other hand, will respond better to lighter loads and higher repetitions How to conduct the Charles Poliquin muscle fibre test
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Determine your one repetition maximum (1RM) on an exercise Rest for 15 minutes Perform as many repetitions as possible with 85% of your 1RM

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Less than 5 repetitions - fast twitch (FT) dominant 5 repetitions - mixed fibre type more than 5 repetitions - slow twitch (ST) dominant

If you are FT dominant, then you should use heavier loads and lower repetitions predominantly in your training. ST dominant individuals, on the other hand, will respond better to lighter loads and higher repetitions Target Group This test is suitable for all athletes but not for individuals where the test would be contraindicated. Reliability Test reliability refers to the degree to which a test is consistent and stable in measuring what it is intended to measure.

Reliability will depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test. Validity Test validity refers to the degree to which the test actually measures what it claims to measure and the extent to which inferences, conclusions, and decisions made on the basis of test scores are appropriate and meaningful. This test provides a means to determine the fibre composition of the muscles used for a particular exercise.

Associated Pages The following Sports Coach pages should be read in conjunction with this page:
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Articles on Performance Evaluation Evaluation and Performance Tests

References and Sources of Information For further information on this topic see the following: 1. Advanced Studies in Physical Education and Sport, P Beashel et al. 2. Physical Education and the Study of Sport, B. Davis et al. 3. Essentials of Exercise Physiology, W. D. McArdle et al. 4. Physical Education and Sport Studies, D. Roscoe et al. 5. The World of Sport Examined, P. Beashel et al. 6. Advanced PE for Edexcel, F. Galligan et al. 7. Examining Physical Education, K. Bizley 8. Sport and PE, K Wesson et al. 9. PE for you, J. Honeybourne 10. Explosive Power and Strength, D. A. Chu

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