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ISSUE #3 JUNE 2021




03 Editor's Note

Cover Interview with
Dominnique Karetsos
CEO and Co-Founder of
Healthy Pleasure Group

16 Article: Invest in your

future Wellness

Short Article: The Golden

Article: Why join the Sexual Rules of Sex, Tax & Money
Health & Technology
industry? - contributed by
Healthy Pleasure Group

31 Featured interviews with

Business Leaders:

Glenise Kinard-Moore - P31

Patricia López Trabajo - P39

Heather Morrison - P49

Jeff Bennett - P59

Rachel Braun Scherl - P67

Ola MiedzynskaPatricia - P73




Edi t o r ' s N o t e
June has been a great month for the Business Anecdote Magazine. We
started the month by publishing our second Issue featuring Shay
Rowbottom and today we are publishing our first special edition focussed
on the Sexual Health and Tech (SH&T)sector.

Without giving much away we have a great line up of business leaders in

the SH&T sector. They talk about their entrepreneurial journey and the
value proposition of their products and services.

Prior to publishing this Issue, I had been told by a number of people not
to. Their reasons were all the same, they felt business and SH&T don't go
together. They said a lot of things I probably can't write here but it was
clearly a subject area they felt uncomfortable associated themselves with.

I guess that's the benefit of owning the business publication, because you
get to do whatever you want. I see the value in the SH&T sector, and I am
not referring to the fact that it is a multibillion dollar sector, I am talking
about the positive impact SH&T has made on the mental health, sexual
health and the wellbeing of people who need the products and services
generated by this industry.

I hope readers will see not just the economic value of this sector but the
social impact it is making on millions of lives globally.

Hubert Nomamiukor



Written by Hubert Nomamiukor Dominnique is a seasoned brand and business
Photo by Dominnique Karetsos
architect who has represented companies

Dominnique Karetsos is the CEO and co- across the beauty, retail and health sector, for
longer than she cares to remember. Beginning
founder of The Healthy Pleasure Group
her entrepreneurial journey at 13 years old.
(HPG), a global outfit dedicated to the
She went on to graduate with degrees in
future of Sexual Health and Technology
International Marketing Management, Logistics
(SH&T). HPG seeks to define, reshape and
Management from the University of
revolutionise the sexual empowerment of
Johannesburg . and a masters in Maritime and
all generations and pave the way for
International Trade from Sweden International
healthy sexuality and healthy pleasure for
Business School, JIBS.



Hello Dominnique, and thank you for

participating in this Q&A session. You’ve had a
diverse and multifaceted career, working as
Brand manager, Head of marketing, Investor,
Broadcaster, CMO and eventually CEO of two
different companies. At what point were you
introduced into entrepreneurship?

Dominnique Karetsos: As early as I can remember,

my Greek family roots have been in politics,
commerce and entrepreneurship. Business was
always discussed at the dinner table with my
parents, both successful entrepreneurs in their
respective fields. My first entrepreneurial success
was importing alcohol-free, beeswax balm perfumes
and oils from Greece to South Africa and selling
them at multiple craft markets and hotels. I was 13. I
then went onto study and work in Maritime,
shipping and international trade, at UJ
Johannesburg and in Sweden.

How much of your upbringing, background and environment has influenced your entrepreneurial
Dominnique Karetsos: All of it. My Greek father was raised in Egypt, while my mother comes from Vryheid
where my grandfather was a criminal attorney representing and fighting for justice for the African
communities. Across both sides of my family, everyone was an entrepreneur, failed and successful. I myself
was raised between Greece and mainly in Kwazulu Natal. From living in a country like South Africa that heaved
with inspiration and encouraged disruptive entrepreneurship in times of political change, to my scholarship
abroad in Scandinavia. There was no escaping the exposure and learnings. All of this has enriched my
upbringing with powerful historical and spiritual storytelling.

The stories you hear, experience and make, all become the fabric that makes entrepreneurship so enticing and
exciting. They become your social motor for celebration and change, as you continue building, with passion and
driven by curiosity. This is how upbringing can impact us. After my first attempt at university ended after a
year when I quit to travel the world, my father refused to pay for any further education. So, in order to pay my
tuition fees I waitressed during my first two years while living on my own and in my third year created a
corporate gifting company for mobile companies like Nashua Mobile in South Africa. It felt really good to pay
for my final year of university fees and get through four years of studying without having to take a loan out.
Entrepreneurship is sometimes borne out of pure necessity when we want something bad enough.



The stories you hear, experience

and make, all become the

fabric that makes

entrepreneurship so enticing

and exciting. They become your

social motor for celebration

and change, as you continue

building, with passion and

driven by curiosity. This is how

upbringing can impact us.

Dominnique Karetsos
CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group

You started working in the sexual health technology sector late in your career, and your first stint
was with Intimina in 2016 as the Head of Intimate Health. As an entrepreneur, what attracted you
to the Sexual Health Tech sector?
Dominnique Karetsos: I was drawn to the Sexual Health & Technology sector through my love of people:
how we move through the world, how we behave and engage with sexualities. Our sexual identities are our
most impactful social and economic life motors. I went from commercial zoning of the oceans, to being a
business & brand architect, entrepreneur and investor for over 15 years. Then eight years ago, while a co-
host on BBC Radio London, I experienced both the birth of my daughter and a financially crippling divorce.
This led me on a personal journey that haloed the intrinsic value that pleasure and healthy sexuality
contributed to leading a fulfilling life. I left my successful career and joined a leading adult brand as head of
EMEA and quickly learnt the lay of the recently coined ‘SexTech’ land. The space was grossly, but not
surprisingly, polarised: it was either family planning or porn. As far as women’s sexual health goes we had
been historically ignored and underserved. I realised then we had a lot of work to do to democratise sexual
health for women, dismantle the entrenched social constructs we abide by as women, reposition sex as
something to be explored, empowered and healthy and build the foundations for the internet of smart
sexual wellness, health and technology.



What key challenges have you faced

as an entrepreneur and business
leader? Additionally, how have you
navigated this and how much support
have you received?

Dominnique Karetsos: From day one, being

one of the few women in the world of
maritime, it was (and maybe still is) a man’s
world. I encountered sexual harassment,
discrimination and minimising of my
thoughts and ideas. Sometimes it was
because of age or my gender, sometimes
merely because my voice, choice and
opinions existed.

I worked in Fortune500 global companies

I worked in Fortune500 global
and even there, I was instructed to stay in
my lane, don’t colour outside of the lines. I companies and even there, I
can communicate this now because I have was instructed to stay in my
the language to name it. At 24, I just knew it
lane, don’t colour outside of
felt wrong. But I couldn’t name the problem,
I had no one to tell it to and no social media the lines.
existed for me to call it out publicly. Dominnique Karetsos

CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group



Dominnique Karetsos: When I got

brave enough, I dealt with each
challenge differently, but a running I have learned the art of boundaries,
theme for me has been something my both in business and in my personal life.
father taught me. He used to say that Boundaries are vital to success, they are
what other people thought of me was
the kindest armour I can wear and they
none of my business. The only control
empower me to live believing that "No" is
we have is to listen. How we then react
a full sentence and "Yes" is an authentic
is ruled by the attitude with which we
gift of gratitude.
listen with.
Dominnique Karetsos

I apply this to any challenge that I face; CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group

from sexual harassment to conscious

uncoupling through a crippling divorce.
Through business failings and some
beautiful successes, I have learned the
art of boundaries, both in business and
in my personal life. Boundaries are vital
to success, they are the kindest armour
I can wear and they empower me to
live believing that "No" is a full
sentence and "Yes" is an authentic gift
of gratitude.

When it comes to navigation day-to-

day, I surround myself with people who
have a great sense of humour so we can
enjoy laughing at ourselves and the
royal mess ups we are bound to make.

The same goes for people who are brave

enough to fight the systemic taboos we
encounter each day in our space, and
who can celebrate the smallest of
victories too. Loving what we do means it
no longer is work (a cliché I know). And
finally, great coffee. Life is too short to
live without great coffee.



Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation

surrounding the Sex Tech industry, especially within
We have to remember that
the African community. As someone who grew up and
inadequate, or even non-
schooled in Africa, what is your advice for the African
community? existent, sex educations is a

worldwide, systemic issue.

Dominnique Karetsos: We have to remember that
inadequate, or even non-existent, sex educations is a The absence of sex

worldwide, systemic issue. The absence of sex education education combined with
combined with the cultural, religious and socioeconomic fibres
the cultural, religious and
that make up a society, especially in Africa, means that any
instruction is created via a fragmented belief system, one that socioeconomic fibres that

is thread through an exclusively patriarchal lens. make up a society,

especially in Africa, means

So, be it a multi-tribal community or the rainbow nation,
education is the key starting point for Africa, as it is for the that any instruction is

rest of the world. Democratising and normalising created via a fragmented

conversations around sexual health and consensual pleasure,
belief system, one that is
while reshaping the narratives and language on topics like
menstrual care and the many different sexualities must be thread through an

inclusive. It must echo sexual empathy and tolerance for all exclusively patriarchal lens.
genders and all sexualities. When we live in a society that
Dominnique Karetsos
prioritises education like this, we can close the gaps on
pleasure, on pay and, mostly positively, impact people to live CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group

with self-efficacy and autonomy.



Moving on to your company, Healthy Pleasure Group (HPG). What is the origin story behind

Dominnique Karetsos: As someone who identifies as a woman, mother, Investor, advisor to many Sex tech
start ups, and a co-creator of sexual innovation with Dr Mafe Peraza Godoy, I understood and related to
the recent spark in social reform. Billions of people around the world, namely women and marginalised
communities, were rightfully demanding credible education and human-centric technology to solve their
sexual health problems and desires.

It was clear that the only way we were going to fast track this $billion industry, and make a positive
behavioural impact in Sexual Health & Technology, was through innovation, investment and education. So
we created the Healthy Pleasure Group (HPG) to be the leading catalyst for impactful positive behavioural
change and established our own estate within the $4.5 billion global wellness industry of Sexual Health &

What is the target market and value proposition of HPG?

Dominnique Karetsos: As the first global outfit dedicated to Sexual Health & Technology, HPG’s
ecosystem is powered by four value-driven divisions: The Agency, The Lab, The Demand and The Fund.
Brands looking for a new product development partner to create the next generation of Sexual Health &
Technology products, can turn to HP Lab, the only global commercial innovation Lab dedicated to Sexual
Health & Technology. Headed up by world-leading Urologist Dr Maria Peraza Godoy and with input from
our global ecosystem, HP Lab knows what consumers want and has the capability to build game-changing
products, white-label or licence our existing portfolio of innovative solutions and products, all with the aim
of solving millions of heartbeats’ sexual health problems.



Dominnique Karetsos: Founders and CEOs looking for support in their marketing efforts can rely on HP
Agency, the first full service agency committed to the growth of Sexual Health & Technology brands.
Working with more than 60 brands worldwide means we drive clients in their category to create, build and
thrive through authentic marketing and communications. Answering business problems with proven
commercial marketing solutions, our roster of Impact Marketing Services generate growth in an
exclusively censored digital landscape. Using our fail-safe Approach, HP Agency can help any brand in this
space no matter where they are in their brand lifecycle.

Businesses that want to explore their customer

touchpoints can turn to HP Demand, the global
commercial business dedicated to the future of
sales in Sexual Health & Technology. Building and
placing brands and categories in over 35 markets
around the world, we work with global distribution,
emerging marketplaces and retail partners using
our commercial growth team to position brands
across multiple territories, channels and consumer
categories where they belong. Aiming to create
meaningful touchpoints to connect products and
services into the hands of millions of customers at
the right point of their dynamic sexual wellness

Finally, businesses seeking investment can turn to The Fund, Amboy Street Ventures (ASV). ASV is the
world’s first venture capital fund dedicated to the future growth of, and investment in, Sexual Health (for
all genders) & Women’s Health Technology startups. We seek to make investments covering all areas in
this industry across Medtech, Femtech, Sextech, Healthtech, telehealth and wellness. ASV invests in
startups that are creating the vital technology that meets the needs of our progressive society.



As an organisation what key challenges has HPG faced, especially during the COVID 19
pandemic, and how have they navigated these?

Dominnique Karetsos: This global threat to humanity blew up the Sexual Health & Technology industry,
busting ancient taboos and exposing the positive impact it has on our social and economic systems. Living
through COVID has immersed us in digital bubbles. One for work, one for social connections, one for
fitness, one for pleasure and so on. It has meant embracing a two-dimensional connectivity with the
complete absence of non-verbal communication, diminishing some of our most innate, human behaviours.
For those fortunate enough, COVID has granted us the permission to consider and explore our sexual
health and pleasure as a priority. As a result this has meant a surge in exposure and growth for the brands
we work with across the globe, and in turn rapid growth for HPG to support those brands targeting and
innovating to ensure sustainability and scalability in these digital life-chambers.

COVID has spotlighted that consumers have evolved their thinking from consumers as users to customers
as people. Nothing fuels the desire to feel human again like a global, life-threatening pandemic. Internally,
HPG has thrived and tripled our teams and while our growth is predominantly in the USA and Europe we
continue to successfully deliver remotely. We are believers in performance over presenteeism, team over
talent and in challenging times for our mental health, there is no place for toxicity. Preventable healthcare
is sexy healthcare.



What initiatives does HPG currently have to support women empowerment, equality, diversity
and Inclusivity?

Dominnique Karetsos: We pride ourselves in ensuring gender equality at HPG. We are co-founded and
run by three women and the majority of our teams identify as women. We are from all walks of life across
different socio-economic, racial and religious backgrounds. What connects us all is our commonly held
values of sex positivity and the belief that healthy pleasure should not discriminate.

What are HPG’s expansion plans and will it be targeting under utilised markets such as Africa ?

Dominnique Karetsos: Our offices are currently based in London, Barcelona and LA and we deliver value
in Northern America, LATAM, UK & Europe and look forward to expanding more in EMEA

What would you say are the key traits of an effective entrepreneur and business leader,
especially in the Sexual Health and Technology sector?
Dominnique Karetsos: The key traits of any effective business leader are:
1. Listen, learn and lead with transparency & accountability, but also vulnerability. We are people after all
and I challenge the idea that vulnerability and kindness is weakness;
2. Make a decision and lead with authentic conviction;
3. Learn always, there are no limits to learning;
4. Choose team over talent. In our space skills can be taught but the willingness to lean into what is a
disruptive and challenging market is harder to find ;
5. Be fair but firm;
6. Have zero tolerance for misogyny and bullying

Any advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs and business leaders?

Dominnique Karetsos: Learn the value of "No". Understanding that saying no means you understand your
value. That by saying no to something, you are saying yes to the better opportunity which is true to your
calling. The majority of businesses are still dominated by men and as women we are often raised to believe
that saying no is rude or that we are not being a team player. No means only one thing. "No", nothing more,
nothing less.

Don’t be afraid to ask for an expert opinion or support from other women. I have learnt that people really
do want to help. I challenge the idea that women are each other’s worst enemy. Ego is the enemy. There
were many who lifted me up and took me with them. But I only started to see my career move in the right
direction when I knew exactly what I wanted help with and asked for it. If you don’t ask, the answer will
always be no. I always encourage women to follow their curiosity and be fuelled by their passion. As Peter
Thiel explains “There is no reason why technology should be limited to computers. Properly understood,
any new and better way of doing things is technology.” As women our instincts are our influence, follow
them. The business leaders I learn from decide where they want to innovate for change and then go for it.
Take the chance. Believe in yourself.



We have come to the end of the interview and would like to thank you for taking the time out
to participate in this Q&A session. We wish you and HPG the best.

Dominnique Karetsos: Thank you, we appreciate how thorough your research must have been to ask
these questions




By Dominnique Karetsos
CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group

Global Wellness is worth $4.5 trillion and

is growing twice as fast as global
economic growth. Within that, one
industry which has historically been
fragmented and is now being
consolidated at pace, is the Sexual Health
& Technology industry

The Business Anecdote was given the

inside track from Dominnique Karetsos,
CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group, the only
global outfit dedicated to Sexual Health &
Technology (SH&T) to discuss the future
of this rising industry…


Above all, COVID-19

has taught us that

preventable healthcare

is sexy healthcare!

Dominnique Karetsos

CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group

COVID - living has meant that all of us have been totally immersed in what I call our digital
life-chamber bubbles. One for work, one for social connections, one for fitness, one for
pleasure and so on. It has meant embracing a two-dimensional connectivity with the
complete absence of non-verbal communication, relinquishing our most innate, human
behaviours. While shaking us to our core, it also reshuffled our priorities, causing tectonic
shifts in our behaviour and attitude to the status of our health. How we protect it, track it,
verify it and poignantly - share it.

Above all, COVID-19 has taught us that preventable healthcare is sexy healthcare!

The pandemic blew up the SH&T industry, along with its iron-clad ancient taboos, exposing
its so-called vice for the positive impact it has on our social and economic systems. Human
curiosity is the driving force behind the future of innovation in SH&T.

Historically, sexual health has been excluded from our list of health and wellness priorities.
For the first time, we are proactively seeking preventable healthcare instead of reactive
solutions. Nearly 8 billion heartbeats worldwide are suffering and seeking to read, watch,
learn and heal their sexual health issues, and interests on a daily basis, so we are
demanding change.

Sex therapist and author, Emily Nargoski, says it beautifully, “there are as many sexualities
as there are people,” and everyone deserves a voice and a choice to be seen and heard.


This social reform has been met by a wave of new

developments and innovations in all areas of our sexual
health and wellbeing. Throughout our global network, we
see innovation and technological advances in everything
from family planning to porn. In the last two years, human
curiosity has forced the market to proliferate and spotlight
sexual health and wellness. Cue the huge category boom
that we see on shelves and online in this $4.5 trillion
global wellness landscape, which is growing twice as fast
as global economic growth.

However, this isn’t an industry that is without its

challenges. Much of the innovation in SH&T is driven by
women: alternative solutions to contraception, fertility
tracking, menopause, education and how we talk to our
children about sexual health. In order to get to market, you
need investment. And who are the investors? Men! We
know that 12% of VC funding goes to startups with co-ed
founders, which drops to less than 2% for all-female
founder teams. There is a real need for a drive in

Alongside the recent spike in innovation and drive in

investment, is a global overhaul of the lexicon used around
sexuality. With consumer demand and sophistication at its
peak, the way we talk about these products and how we
share the problem is more important than ever before. I’m
done talking about sexual dysfunctions like we are broken!
That language is harmful and is just adding to the taboo.
Education is vital to maintain the momentum in our

So, with this opportunity in innovation, education and investment we sought to build the SH&T
economy of the future and set up a global ecosystem, The Healthy Pleasure Group, that caters for
the needs of every business in this space. We have not only created the infrastructure but are
trailblazing with five businesses that look to answer any challenge. We bring innovation from
Healthy Pleasure Lab, with a consistent creation of next generation IP, developed by world-
leading Urologist Dr Mafe Peraza Godoy.


We put products in the hands of millions of consumers with HP Demand, our global commercial
business. With predictions that authoritative digital content as an industry will be worth $250m
by 2024, we drive education in our industry via HP Agency and our School of Healthy Pleasure,
helping people and brands tackle daily challenges of learning in an exclusively censored digital
landscape. Finally, Amboy Street Ventures, our VC Fund, is spearheading the advancement of
investment in women’s health and sexual health.

Looking to the future of the industry, the next major change we will see is market consolidation.
We are fortunate to speak to over a hundred brands a month and can see that the Sexual
Health landscape has been fragmented across a range of categories including medtech,
femtech, sextech, healthtech, telehealth and wellness. Each of these spaces are booming, so
our mergers and acquisitions pipeline is a powerful avalanche waiting to close the trifecta
between sex, health and technology and raise the industry up.

The new normal is feeling

human, not a transaction, a

user or just a consumer. We

see a demand in human-

centric technology, not

technology that is simply

marketed to humans.

Dominnique Karetsos

CEO of Healthy Pleasure Group


In looking to invest in a share of Future Wellness, we should no longer accept the ‘one size fits
all’ approach to our sexual health. The new normal is feeling human, not just a transaction, a
user or a consumer. We see a demand in human-centric technology, not technology that is
simply marketed for humans.

The pandemic proved that our health and wellbeing is a complex system of not just “physical
fitness” but interconnected fibres within our physical, psychological and sexual wellbeing as
well, none can exist alone.

To be healthy in 2021 is to feel fulfilled in all areas of our lives and our industry is growing as a
result. As we come out of the pandemic, the ease of access to technology is ultimately being
driven by the desire to hold autonomy over our health and our bodies.
It’s never been a more critical time to care about our future wellness, whatever business that
you’re in, it’s finally about owning a share of how and why and where the next generation will
move through the world and how we want to right now.


Contributed by Healthy Pleasure

As a relatively young industry,

there is no talent pool to choose
from, no one can study the
landscape because it's being
built, created and shaped in real
time. So why do people join the
Sexual Health and Technology
industry? Here are a few voices
who sit within Dominnique’s
global ecosystem across the UK,
Europe and the US.


Carli Sapir
Partner of
Amboy Street

As a VC, I know many funds have a Vice Clause in their agreements that prohibits

them from investing in anything ‘sex-related’. After struggling with my own

women’s health issue for years, in 2019 I started the Female Founded Club, an

organisation that helps female founders raise capital. My health problem was still

undiagnosed, so I really resonated with founders who are solving the problems in

the Women’s Health and Sexual Health space, but it was and is a real struggle

with women making up only 5% of Partners at US VC funds.

It became clear to me that there was a need in the market for Amboy Street

Ventures to combat the traditional VC decision makers who are not in the target

demographic for a lot of the companies that are seeking investment, therefore

may not understand the market needs and prevent genuine social change.

Carli Sapir
Founding Partner of Amboy Street Ventures


Dr Mafe Peraza
HPG and Head
of Healthy
Pleasure Lab

As a Professor of Urology, having seen nearly half a million genitalia-based issues,

I have been seeking a space in the world with a unique outlook on sexuality that

did not yet exist in the market.

Healthy Pleasure Group was born out of that necessity to carve a space where

conversations about sexuality are framed not only in terms of health, but where

sexual pleasure is understood as a biological and emotional gift that enhances

well-being and allows personal and human growth. We find ourselves in a very

dissonant time, where awareness about the importance of sexuality in our lives is

greater, access to information is immediate and technology is dabbling in the

area. Incremental change is not enough, the pandemic has proven that. We still

find ourselves coming up against antiquated social conventions and the pleasure

gap still exists, so we will persist.

Dr Mafe Peraza Godoy

Co-Founder, HPG and Head of Healthy Pleasure Lab


Sasha Lund
Chief Strategy
Officer -
Healthy Pleasure

Even people in the most developed countries in the world still struggle with the

shame and fear of having “sexual health” conversations. We need a bridge that

takes us from that fear to curiosity and that starts with education.

Sexual health to me is also part of our biology, pheromones help us make

decisions and make us trust certain people, in business and in everyday life. This

has driven my personal and professional curiosity for awareness and education

and now I have a child, a hope for the future. The main goal when I look at this

industry is to normalise the taboos and stigmas that exist. Women’s bodies and

their functions are so much more than just sexuality. We need to get away from

censorship to help empower women and to give them the tools and the language

to feel it is ok to talk about it, to live it. By living it, I am empowering myself.

Sasha Lund
Chief Strategy Officer - Investment,
Healthy Pleasure Group


CEO and Co-
Founder of
Healthy Pleasure

When you scratch beneath the surface, you start to identify that systemic issues

go way beyond the patriarchy. It’s my personal mission to change how we

perceive autonomy of our bodies.

Motherhood and a financially crippling divorce completely debunked my belief

system in autonomy of sex, tax & our bodies as women. We don’t know a lot

about our autonomy, expression and freedom and we don’t ask enough questions.

So we tick the box, like Mrs., Ms. or Miss and just assume that the world will treat

us fairly. This industry is where we can make a change.

Dominnique Karetsos
CEO and Co-Founder
Healthy Pleasure Group


The Golden
Rules of Sex,
Tax & Money
Having faced adversity over a decade ago with
bankruptcy due to divorce and the inevitable financial
problems that come with those challenges, Dominnique
is passionate to unshackle the guilt and shame of these
three topics and ensure that they become more
considered and re-shaped in our daily conversations.


Carve a safe space to explore and discover all aspects of

your life, including your sexual health. When you have the
confidence to ask for what you want - from the bedroom to
the boardroom - you have the confidence to ask for anything
you desire. But it all starts with yourself. Decode your self-
perception... If you can’t champion your own sexual health,
it's very difficult to champion everyone else's.


From the conversations you have with friends, strangers or

your loved ones, the heart and soul of the matter is our
understanding about women’s autonomy and the lack of it.

There’s so much shame and limitations around women and

money, women and sex, & women and tax. Regardless of
your gender, at a societal level this knowledge and the
shortfalls it leaves us with, whether you’re a father with a
daughter or a menopausal woman, we must all participate in
the sex, tax and money dialogue we see and hear in the

Participate to shift the shame and snub the guilt. Participate

to educate. For me, that’s looking at how I raise my daughter.
Arming her with the knowledge that behavioural change
requires social motors to alter their direction.



This year I took part in the UN’s sixty-fifth session of the

Commission on the Status of Women. It gave me a
different perspective of how reform of equality for
women, girls and marginalised communities is
happening, and is crucial, but is slow to change.

We are all aware of the systemic issues. We have all, on

some level, experienced them and possibly even
contributed or served them.

To everyone who is trying, there are tectonic shifts that

you are making: from changing policies, to
safeguarding public places, to commanding political
agendas, all for the good of the world, humanity and
women and girls. Let’s keep demanding change.



Written by Hubert Nomamiukor Their latest innovation, The VDOM , is an
Photo by Glenise Kinard-Moore
app-connected adult wearable device that
Glenise Kinard - Moore is the CEO & has the ability to go from flaccid to erect at
Founder of Skiimoo Tech. She is also the the push of a button.
Founder of VDOM, LLC.
We had the pleasure of having a Q&A session
VDOM LLC is an ingenious sex-tech firm with Glenise where she shared her business
that focuses on human inspired engineering anecdote with us and talked about her
and artificial intelligence. company's value proposition and challenges
they have had to face



Hello Glenise, thank you for taking the time

out to participate in this Q&A interview
session. We would like to start by exploring
your origin story. Please give me an overview
of your background, initial career aspirations,
and most importantly how you got into

Glenise: Thank you for the invitation to be apart of

this interview session. I am an information security
consultant by profession and an ambitious tech
creative at night and self-proclaimed tech nerd. I
like to say that her superpower is breaking apart
many things to create new things and that is how my
premiere product, The VDOM, was born. Having an
idea like The VDOM forced me into
entrepreneurship, I tried my hand at it right out of
college, but nothing serious. I didn't have aspirations
to be one, so to be honest I didn't have the proper
training to be an entrepreneur but what I do have by
nature is the ambition to be an entrepreneur, with
that, I have just learned along the way how to truly
be an entrepreneur and CEO.

How much of your upbringing, background and environment has influenced your entrepreneurial
Glenise: My upbringing is the true impacting factor on me being an entrepreneur. My mother has worked for
herself as a private nurse for majority of my life. I have seen both of my parents have multiple jobs at once to
provide for our family, so that grit and hard work have been most impacting. But in addition to that, my wife is
a caterer outside of her 9-5, I have friends who are entrepreneurs, so my environment definitely has an impact
as well.

How much support have you received through your entrepreneurial journey?
Glenise: Support has been tremendous. Creating a product that is still a bit taboo, you would think that my
support system would be lean an almost non-existent but that is the total opposite. My wife and my parents
and majority of my family support me with this endeavour. Some of my family and friends were my first
investors in my business. And I can't forget the SexTech community which is being led by some amazing
women, the support and encouragement has been through the roof!



What was it that drew you specifically towards the Sexual Health and Tech (SH&T) sector?
Glenise: Honestly, it was necessity. When you can't find products that fulfil a need and you realize you are not
the only person with that need, you then create and simply fulfil the need. My creation just so happened to
land me in this sector. And it has been an amazing journey thus far.

What key challenges have you faced as a black entrepreneur in the SH&T sector, and how have you
navigated these?

Glenise: If I had to point out anything it would be the fundraising side of the house. We all know the statistics
for the funding of black women owned entities, they are beyond ridiculous. Now add on a very misunderstood
and taboo industry to the mix. Fundraising is definitely a sore spot. All of my fundraising thus far has been my
savings account and family and friends.

Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the SH&T industry. People still
see it as a taboo to speak about sexual health and business within the same context. Why do you
think this is happening, and do you have any proposals to address this?
Glenise: I truly believe it is just a result of age-old fears, misrepresentation, and the lack of education. Our goal
is to educate educate educate. We believe if we can educate through effective communication, we can then
slowly chip away from the age-old thought processes around sex and health.



Let's explore your company SkiiMoo Tech. What does

SkiiMoo Tech do, and where did the idea for this
company come from?

Glenise: SkiiMoo Tech is a firm that focuses on

creating tech-based consumer products for
underrepresented communities.

At SkiiMoo we just want to create real life problem

solving products for real people through technology. It
may be a mobile app or a hardware device, as long as it
solves a problem, we want to create it.

SkiiMoo came from the idea of creating The VDOM. I

knew that The VDOM would not be the only thing I
wanted to create and the other things I wanted to
create would not reflect The VDOM, so I started the
firm to be a parent to all the brands we will create.

What is the value proposition and target market of

SkiiMoo Tech?
Glenise: Our value proposition is more so with our premiere product, "Our patent-pending prosthetic genital
device allows individuals with anatomical and/or lifestyle restrictions, the experience of unencumbered sexual
encounters with their partner. The VDOM can be worn at any time and can be activated & deactivated in less
than a minute using our mobile app on any smart device".

The first product SkiiMoo Tech is bringing into the market is The VDOM. Please tell us what
VDOM is, what it does, what its target market is and how much it costs?
Glenise: The VDOM is the solution for those who suffer from copious anatomical and lifestyle restrictions. Our
product is an app-connected prosthetic genital device that allows comfortable all day, everyday wear, with the
ability to go from flaccid to erect at the push of a button or a swipe via our mobile app on your smartphone or
smartwatch. It is currently priced at $675 and we have pre-orders available through our website, in which, we
are offering a deep discount for early adopters.



Has the COVID 19 pandemic impacted your business

positively or negatively?

Glenise: The pandemic effected us in both a positive and

negative way. The positive side was time. We had time to
sharpen our craft with the build of the product.

On the negative side, the pandemic affected the supply chain

in the worst way. We were supposed to launch in April of this
year, but due to a very important part being on backorder
due to the pandemic, we lost our place in line for
manufacturing. But we have pivoted and are just a few more
weeks away from being able to get the product to market
and to fulfil our pre-orders.

What is the current geographical reach of SkiiMoo Tech

and do you have any expansion plans?

Glenise: Currently we are selling to and plan on shipping

worldwide. Our entire team is here in Atlanta, including our
engineers and manufacturers.

You are a cybersecurity expert. With the recent hacks in America and the fact that the internet
connects all things, how secure is VDOM from hacks and data breaches?
Glenise: We take this very personal at VDOM. We believe in safety and privacy to the highest degree. We are
doing everything in our power to build a product and mobile app that is safe from hacks but if we were to be
hacked we make it a point to protect individuals data and uphold their privacy.

We would like to get your perspective on some entrepreneurial questions. Firstly, what would you
say defines a successful entrepreneur and business leader?
Glenise: A successful entrepreneur and business leader is defined by ones ability to get from point A to point B
in the most efficient way possible. In addition , it takes someone who can uphold integrity and character while
pursuing to make money. And most of all, solve real problems for real people. I like to say, yes I am in the
SexTech business, but I am more so in the People Tech business. I just want to solve problems for everyday
people like myself. It has to be a combination of those things for me, to truly feel successful.



What would you say are the key traits of an effective

entrepreneur and business leader, especially in the Sexual
Health and Technology sector?
Glenise: The ability to get to the grit of an issue or
opportunity and the ability to pivot and not be thrown off
course by things you can't control.

What is your take on the systemic racism in America? Do you

think the Biden administrations will do better than the Trump
administration to address this?

Glenise: This would be a very very very long answer to this

question. But I will simply say, the US has a lot of bullsh*t to
clean up. I believe we are finally peeling back centuries of
wool from over the world's eyes when it comes to systemic
racism but we have a long way to go

We have come to the end of the interview and would like to

thank you for taking the time out to participate in this Q&A

Glenise: Thank you again for inviting to me. It was very





Written by Hubert Nomamiukor
Photo by Patricia López Trabajo It is a pioneering brand developing a
revolutionary scientifically proven method,
Patricia López Trabajo is the CEO and
that helps men and their partners to reach a
Founder of MYHIXEL. Born in Seville, she
new sexual level.
describes herself as a citizen of the world.
She has had several year of professional
After a successful Kickstarter campaign in October of
experience working in the Tourism and
2018, MYHIXEL sold more than 500 units in 30 days,
Sex-Tech industry.
across 35 different countries. We had the pleasure of

Her company MYHIXEL, was founded in having a Q&A session with Patricia where she shared

2017 with the mission of improving male her business anecdote with us.

sexual well-being.



Hello Patricia and thank you for taking the

time out to participate in this Q&A interview
session. We would like to start by exploring
your origin story. Please give me an overview
of your background, initial career aspirations,
and most importantly how you got into

Patricia: I was born and raised in Seville, in a family

that was deeply respectful of my personal growth
from an independent point of view, and let me take
my path. During my college period I studied tourism
and worked for years in the sector.

Then, life took me to a company in the adult sector

where I spent 4 years, and for several
circumstances, my interest in sexual health began.
After noticing that most of the sexual wellness
companies were focused on women, I decided to
take my steps towards creating MYHIXEL, a brand
for men's sexual health.

How much of your upbringing, background and environment has influenced your entrepreneurial
Patricia: Well, I grew up in an environment where I have been always allowed to take my own path, and to
follow my dreams. My family has always been very respectful with my decisions, although I was told very
clearly that I’d have to accept the consequences of those decisions.

Also, I have never been afraid of changes. For example, I moved from one country to another country, and from
one day to the other, to understand different cultures and learn their language better.

So, when I totally changed my professional experience from tourism to the adult sector, nobody got surprised
and when I realized there was a big lack of need to cover the male wellness market, I just jumped into the
adventure of becoming an entrepreneur founding MYHIXEL to improve male sexual wellness.



What was it that drew you specifically towards the Sexual Health and Tech (SH&T) sector?
Patricia: After almost 4 years working in the industry, I realized that the future was linked to health, tech &
education, so all old and new brands should make an effort and invest in innovation if they wanted to have a
space in the middle term.
It was time to give the relevance that men's wellness also deserved, by building a new brand that could bring
together health, tech & education, by offering innovative products and solutions for men. Since then,
MYHIXEL has become a pioneering brand focused on men's sexual health; based on science and technology,
developing solutions for ejaculatory control, MYHIXEL MED for Premature ejaculation, and MYHIXEL TR to
improve climax control, and to decide when to ejaculate.

What key challenges have you faced as a black entrepreneur in the SH&T sector, and how have you
navigated these?

Patricia: First of all, in MYHIXEL we have had to face many stigmas that surround male sexual wellness, this is
still a taboo and we are working to break it and normalize it. We want to help people realize that male wellness
is as important as female. We also have to face difficulties on how to announce our brand on platforms like
social networks. To navigate these, we show that MYHIXEL is not a brand that creates products for sexual
pleasure but a brand that has the FDA medical certification and is marked with the European CE as a medical



Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation

surrounding the SH&T industry. People still see it as a
taboo to speak about sexual health and business within
the same context. Why do you think this is happening,
and do you have any proposals to address this?

Patricia: Although sexual health is just as important as

overall health, it is true that traditionally it has been
linked to reproductive health overall. Just recently
this denomination has made possible for ideas like
MYHIXEL’s to be in a category inside of the business
of health.

Due to this, it is not surprising that putting sexual

health and business in the same context still make an
impression on some people, the fact that pleasure is
linked to sexual health and the stigma surrounding
pleasure products makes it difficult for SH&T
companies to navigate in business.

In any case this taboo is slowly fading and we can see it

on a daily basis. I think that the future of sexual
wellness is linked to technology supported by science,
and it is also a business area which is starting to grow.
Let's explore your company MYHIXEL. We'll have to keep working and talking about it until it
What is MYHIXEL and where did the becomes normalized.
idea come from?

Patricia: In 2017 while some other female brands were focusing on health, tech & education, in the case of
male products, most of them were far behind with just a few examples. So, I thought that it was time to create a
new brand that could bring together health, tech & education by offering innovative products/solutions for
men. We started to do research, then we developed MYHIXEL, which became a pioneering brand focused on
male wellness and based on science and technology. We develop solutions to face premature ejaculation,
MYHIXEL MED; and to improve ejaculatory control, MYHIXEL TR.
Our solutions, both, consisting of an app called MYHIXEL Play, with a program of activities developed by
doctors, engineers, and sexologists, specially created to face these sexual issues. This app is combined with a
pleasure device, MYHIXEL I, which is made to make the activities guided by the app. We are also working on
future solutions that will face other male sexual issues, like retarded ejaculation.



What is the value proposition and target market of


Patricia: We are a differential company, as our products are

designed to bring an improvement in the sexual life of men
and their partners and we rely on science and technology to
achieve it. Our goal is for men to achieve their sexual well-
being in a natural way, which also gives them a boost in self-
esteem and happiness. There are many companies focused
on male concerns such as hair loss and others focused on
ejaculation control, but rely on chemical-based products
such as pills or sprays. Our modus operandi is very different,
as it is based on science and technology and no chemicals are

What key challenges has MYHIXEL faced since its launch and how have you navigated these?
Patricia: One of our main goals was to make clear that our method is therapeutic, and made to
improve sexual wellness and health through pleasure. So, one of our most important challenges
was being certified as a sanitary manufacturing company by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and
Health Products (AEMPS), we also are CE marked as a medical device and we are FDA registered
as sanitary products.

Challenges regarding restriction policies, as mentioned, on social networks, or on the

communication side to explain our product are day-to-day challenges. In any case, after numerous
attempts, some more successful than others, and through the knowledge and experience that the
team is acquiring, we are trying to refine each day to be able to give visibility to our brand without
breaking the restriction policies.

On top of that, our international market keeps growing, today we are selling in more than 42
countries with a view to extending to more countries. But sometimes because of the country's
restrictions and policies, we have had setbacks that have prevent us to be able to sell there.
Looking out to the future, we are ready to face the new challenges related to male sexual wellness,
to keep covering the needs men have related to their sexual concerns.



With the recent cyber attacks happening worldwide, what

mitigations has been put in place to secure MYHIXEL from
hacks and data breaches?

Patricia: In MYHIXEL we are fully committed to the security

of our users' data. We work with two different systems when
regarding the web and the app. In our website we count with
services like Cloudflare to protect against injection and
identity theft, but to upgrade our security we also have an IT
security company working with us, which guarantees us and
our customers full security of our IT systems.

In the developing of our app, we collaborated closely with a

team of cyber safety experts. As a result, the architecture of
MYHIXEL Play is designed so that it is not necessary to
collect personal information from the user. Thus, the usage
data of the app is completely anonymous. Besides this, safety
has been guaranteed through the guidance of the latest and
most demanding international verification standards in
mobile applications.

Has the COVID 19 pandemic impacted your business

positively or negatively?

Patricia: As it is known, the pandemic had a positive impact

on online companies in terms of purchases. As our shop is
online, we increased our sales, we understand that people
spent more time than usually connected to their devices so
we could reach more targets, and the fact that people had
more free time also helped.



What is the current geographical reach of MYHIXEL and do

you have any expansion plans?

Patricia: We are present in countries all over the world

through our online store that allows us to sell
internationally. Although our strongest markets are Spain,
the US, and the UK, where we work hand in hand with
distributors besides shipping from our store.

Although there are countries whose policies make it difficult

to sell, that doesn’t prevent us from keeping the expansion
through the different markets. We are also entering LATAM,
a market with a great economic barrier for a product like
ours, as well as in different European countries. In short, our
goal is to continue to grow in LATAM and to establish
ourselves in Europe. as well as to continue to reinforce our
distribution, marketing, and communication channels to
continue growing and trying to enter new markets little by

We would like your views on some entrepreneurial questions. What would you say defines a
successful entrepreneur and business leader?

Patricia: Perseverance; I have always believed in this quality, so being persistent has helped me to not
give up on achieving my dreams. Today, at MYHIXEL, we continue to work towards our goal without
giving up.

Form a team who is motivated with the project and working with them side by side, all going in the same

Adaptability; it is important to be quick to adapt to the circumstances of each situation in this evolution.

Don´t give up, if you don't achieve a goal, there will always be another way to achieve it and even a
better goal to aim for. For example: when we get rejected by an investor, it feels like we're taking a step
backward, but then I realize it is just a bump in the road and other investors will be interested. In fact,
that is what has happened.



What would you say are the key traits of an effective

entrepreneur and business leader, especially in the Sexual
Health and Technology sector?
Patricia: Surround yourself with a great professional team
that shares the same values as you. Only if you share the
same principles and values, the team will make sense in the
long term.

- The ability to adapt to change is vital. In a start-up, you are

in a constant state of flux and you have to be agile in the face
of change.

- Believe in yourself above all else. If you don't, it shows in all

areas and is the beginning of the project’s decline.

- Rest and take time for yourself and your loved ones.
Success is meaningless if it is not shared.

Any advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs and business leaders?

Patricia: First of all, before jumping into the entrepreneur adventure, It's important to believe in your
project and be emotionally prepared to deal with the ups and downs. Entrepreneurship is a roller
coaster and it is relatively easy to throw in the towel when you are at your lowest point. But if you trust
in your project, you will overcome any difficulty.

On the other hand, I would also advise female entrepreneurs not to lose sight of tech and what it can do
for them. I think it is the future for companies, and nowadays everything that surrounds us has a
technological influence, even health. So, I will tell them to jump into the adventure and engage with
technological advances, to access opportunities tech has to offer.
We have come to the end of the interview and would like to thank you for taking the time out to
participate in this Q&A session.

Patricia: Thanks to you, it has been a pleasure.



Written by Hubert Nomamiukor

Photo by Heather Morrison Handi was launched two years ago by
Heather and her brother Andrew Gurza, an
award winning disability awareness
Heather Morrison is the CEO and Co- consultant. Hindi’s first product on the
Founder of Handi, a company market is called The Handi Joystick. It
revolutionising sexual health and tech for specifically caters to those with hand
the disabled community. limitations, which is the biggest barrier for
She has spent the last 10 years plus disabled people to access self pleasure and
working in the advertising and marketing has been designed to remove the reliance
space, and creating innovative strategies on fine motor skills.
for brands of all shapes and sizes



Hello Heather and thank you for taking the

time out to participate in this Q&A interview
session. We would like to start by exploring
your origin story. Please give me an overview
of your background, initial career aspirations,
and most importantly how you got into

Heather: For over a decade, I’ve worked in

advertising and innovation as a strategist. When I
first fell into advertising, I remember being amazed
by the incredible combination creativity and
brilliance the industry attracted. I loved being part
of big, bold campaigns that used creativity and
insights to challenge traditional ways of thinking. I
always knew I was entrepreneurial and dreamed of
creating something that could benefit people and
make a demonstrable difference, but I never really
knew what I wanted to do. I had a lot of ideas, but no
follow through. It wasn't until I was confronted with
a problem so big, so shockingly unresolved, and
which directly impacted my brother and so many
like him, that I was compelled to do something about
How much of your upbringing, background and environment has influenced your entrepreneurial
Heather: Growing up our house was always a little bit crazy - I have 3 younger brothers and I was the only girl.
Amidst the chaos, was incredible amount of room for creativity and ingenuity. We were always making (and
breaking) stuff, filming adventures, creating stories and art. And we were encouraged to pull on the threads of
creativity and 'give it a go' by our parents.

When I look at my siblings now, we've all become artists and creators in our own right (a musician, a visual artist,
a speaker and entrepreneur). It would be pretty hard to say it wasn't a direct result of the upbringing we had and
belief our parents instilled in us. When I entered advertising I often felt that I didn't really fit in. There were so
many times I wasn't sure why I was there and suffered from intense imposter syndrome (I still do). I felt like I was
always trying to escape ad land, escape the grind, and escape need to separate my work from my own values,
unsure of my place within it. But now looking back I am so grateful for every moment. Not only did it reinforce the
power of creativity and provide an incredibly solid foundation for grit and hard work, but it also taught me so
much about business, story telling, building presentations, public speaking, strategy, analytics and content. The
list goes on and on.



Heather: In the midst of ad land I spent some time at an innovation agency working to create products and
services for different companies. This also gave me tools that I have used every day, such as the ability to
facilitate research, put together and execute large scopes of work, manage stakeholders, and understand and
execute design thinking models. So, my family, friends, and career all led me to be where I am today. Laying the
groundwork and arming me with the tools an entrepreneur needs. I grateful for every minute i spent and every
lesson I learned along the way.

What was it that drew you specifically towards the Sexual Health and Tech (SH&T) sector?

Heather: I never in a million years thought I'd be creating sex toys and sex tech for a living. But I'm so delighted
it's where I landed. I was drawn to it because of the simple and shocking fact that hundreds of millions of
people aren't able to access their human rights to sexual pleasure due hand limitations. And that, even more
surprisingly, there are no toys that have been designed with this in mind.

It was a huge lightbulb moment for me and one that I believed I could have a positive impact on. Over the last 2
years I have met so many incredible people who work in this industry.. and some wankers too.. but 99.9% have
been amazing, talented, dedicated people who have welcomed Handi into the community and been so
inclusive and supportive on our journey. Today, if I were to step away from Handi, the first place I'd look is sex
tech. Not just because of the amazing community, but also because there are so many opportunities to help
people and solve problems that others don't even realise exist. Because it's seen as a taboo, it's a massively
untapped opportunity goldmine.



What key challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur in the SH&T sector, and how have you
navigated these?

Heather: Some challenges that we've experience so far include:

1. Sex sells, but not on Instagram & Facebook - Most companies have the ability to market to their
audiences through paid social media channels. Unfortunately Facebook (and therefor Instagram)
have extremely prudish and strict policies when it comes to sexual content. They don’t allow any
paid content which looks at sex from a positive, pleasurable perspective. Even sexual health and
wellness content gets removed by their filters. This really limits our ability to gain mass reach
within the disabled community and able-bodied communities as well. So we need to take a more
creative approach, to be very nimble and leverage as much PR, Influencers, Word of Mouth as
much as we can.

2. Hardware is Hard - When we naively set out to completely reimagine sex tech for disabled
people, we had never heard this turn of phrase commonly used in start-up land. Essentially
birthing a physical product into the world take a lot of initial capital than software does. It involves
design, testing, physical prototypes, materials, manufacturing, shipping and meeting of regulatory
standards, to name a few. Particularly because we are innovating and designing a totally new need
- we can’t rely on previous designs or drop shipping like some other companies. To navigate this,
we've learned to ask for help and know when we don't have the answers and go out and find
someone who does.

We've leaned into the amazing startup and sex tech communities who have both helped and
advised us at every stage. It takes a village to launch a startup, and we've got a two pretty great

3. Investment - both of these dovetail into investment hurdles. Reduced access to audience stifles
your traction and demonstrating 10x or 100x growth that investors are looking for when you
don't have a physical product yet is pretty impossible. It takes longer and requires investment up
front. We've also found many investors and grants don't want to invest in sex tech due to the
stigma around it, despite it being a billion dollar industry. We're still navigating this one - we lean
into more impact investors and angels who believe in our mission. We know we'll get there. We
just don't always know how.



Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding disability and the SH&T
industry. People still see it as a taboo to speak about sexual health in a business context and
disability context. Why do you think this is happening, and do you have any proposals to address
Heather: Sex is still taboo in many societies. Even more taboo is masturbation. Then layer on top of that
disability and people get very uncomfortable very quickly. But this means that people don't talk about
what's happening in the world of sex+disability, which only perpetuates the stigma and causes feelings of
shame and isolation for the disabled community.

It also leads to low problem recognition. Many people don't even realise there are needs and rights not
being met, which results in a lack of innovation and problem solving. To change this, we must come out of
the shadows and openly have conversations to tear down the taboos that sit around them and normalise
the topic of sex+disability.

That's a big focus for Handi, leaning into the taboos, tearing them down, normalising conversation to breed
feelings of inclusion and empathy. Talking about it is the first step to solving the problem. To this end, we
created The Handi Book of Love, Lust & Disability last year, working with 50 disabled contributors to talk
about all aspects and feelings surrounding sex+disability. Topics that we couldn't see had been discussed
anywhere else, including best and worst sexual experiences, kink, the sexiest thing anyone's said to you, the
intersection of pleasure and pain and body image.

Let's explore your company Handi. Where did the idea and inspiration for Handi come from?

Heather: My younger brother (and co-founder) Andrew Gurza has been working as a sex and disability
activist for over a decade to shine a light on the topic and tear down the taboos surrounding it. Due to his
work and lived experience as a disabled man, he gave me my lightbulb moment 2 years ago, making me
more aware of the problem - that many disabled people are unable to access sexual pleasure, himself
included. Like so many able bodied people, I had just never thought about it or the limitations that might

Handi was born from a simple and surprising fact, that there are hundreds of millions of people worldwide
who cannot self pleasure due to hand limitations. Shockingly there are no toys on the market that have
been designed with this in mind. Given sexual pleasure has been declared a basic human right by the World
Health Organisation this seemed like a problem that needed solving and so we, somewhat naively, decided
to give it a go. We believe that everyone regardless of their ability has the right to ‘get off’, so we’re on a
mission to put sexual pleasure in reach… for everyone. We are a brother and sister team tackling sexual
inclusion and rights, which gets us into some pretty interesting conversations and we probably know more
about each others’ sex lives than we'd like to. But all for the greater good :)



What is the value proposition and target market of Handi?

Heather: Our overarching brand purpose is to Put Pleasure Within Reach. This includes our brand acts and
content, products and future services. For so many disabled people pleasure and sexuality has simply been
taken off the table or refused to them, either physically, culturally or systemically. We want to change that
and believe that everybody should be able to access their human right to sexual pleasure.

Our target market is the disabled community, they are the biggest minority group in the world, and
completely overlooked when it comes to their sexual needs and health. Despite leveraging what we call
disability-driven-design, we know our products will be enjoyed by all and that our content and brand acts
will drive positive change for society as a whole.

Our first toy on the market is The Handi Joystick. It specifically caters to hand limitations, which is the
biggest barrier for disabled people to access self pleasure and has been designed to remove the reliance on
fine motor skills. But we intend to continue to innovate and release a full product range because we
recognised early on we would never hit all disabilities, needs and preferences with one toy.

Has the COVID 19 pandemic impacted your business positively or negatively?

Heather: The COVID pandemic has both helped and hindered our progress, but mostly helped. We launched
during lockdown, at a time when the rest of the world was at a standstill we were sprinting forward which
gave us incredible momentum. We also benefited from many brilliant people being on reduced hours and
wanting to donate their time and talent to a cause they believed in. Without the contributions of these
amazing people, we wouldn't be where we are today. We are forever grateful for their support.

Like I said, it takes a village! COVID lockdowns hit the disabled community pretty hard, with higher
vulnerabilities and underlying risks. This increased isolation and time alone further reinforced the need for
our brand and product. Finally, the industry itself has witnessed huge growth during the lockdown. We know
what people were doing with their spare time..the data doesn't like, haha. We did have to chop and change a
little bit at the beginning , it meant we weren't able to get into people's homes to test the designs and needed
to adjust our research methodologies. But overall there have been more pros than cons.

What is the current geographical reach of Handi and do you have any expansion plans?
Heather: We are currently speaking to a global disabled community from our socials and The Handi Book
we created last year. We learned from day one that we would need to be global, because the problem was
so widespread and solutions so non-existent. However, we will do a small test roll out with our first
product, focusing on Australia to test and learn before rolling out internationally. Australia is a great test
market for larger markets like the US & Europe and will allow us to glean learnings for a successful
geographical expansion.



We would like your views on some entrepreneurial questions. What would you say defines a
successful entrepreneur and business leader?

Heather: I think everyone will carve a slightly different trail up the entrepreneur mountain. And everyone
defines success differently. Whether it's getting a product to market, building a team, making your first non
friends and family dollar, signing your first client or getting a positive review. It's important to celebrate the
little wins as much as the big ones. But there are a few key traits that have helped me and I've witnessed in
others around me:

1. Resilience is a big one as there will be so many obstacles, many unforeseen to overcome along the way.
And without the resilience to keep going even when the going gets tough (and it will), you may not make it
to the top.

2. Passion - believing in your mission and why you're on it beyond the financial opportunity. The reality is
monetary payoff if you're successful comes later, not right away. So if you're not driven by a real belief and
passion for what you're building and why, you may ditch and run when you look at all the work you're
putting in for very little financial reward.

3. Asking for help! No one has all the answers, even seasoned entrepreneurs surround themselves with
advisors. Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something or need help. There will be so many
moments when you need to lean into the expertise of someone else, ask a friend to pitch in, or call in
favours. You can't do it alone and the more you ask for help from those who believe in you and your
mission, the stronger your startup and abilities become. And the more you can focus on the areas you excel

Any advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs and business leaders?

Heather: If you have an idea that you can't shake, believe would help people or make a difference in their
lives, and makes you both excited and terrified, go for it! Start by taking the first step, and then the next
step after that. Starting a business can feel daunting and I think so many of us suffer imposter syndrome
and doubt ourselves. Taking small steps one at a time, can help make things far more achievable and less
overwhelming. You don't have to have all the answers today, you just need to take the first step.

We have come to the end of the interview and would like to thank you for taking the time out to
participate in this Q&A session.
Thank you







Written by Hubert Nomamiukor

Photos by CNET and Jeff Bennett
After two decades in the medical device
industry, Jeff sees a world where all beings
can enjoy their sexuality freely with
Jeff is the founder and CEO of Morari confidence, curiosity and control.
Medical, an innovative sexual health
and wellness company. A proven Morari Medical’s mission is to restore
medical device industry leader, Jeff has confidence in sexual health. The start-up is
more than 20 years of sales and a pioneer of wearable tech that enables all
marketing experience, with the level of to create the climactic journey and sexual
his role and responsibilities increasing experience they desire.
over the course of his career.



Hello Jeff, thank you for taking the time out to participate in this Q&A interview session. Please
give us an overview of your career in the Sexual health and tech sector, key milestones and

Jeff: I have over 25 years of product marketing experience in the medical device industry. One of my first
product responsibilities involved neuromodulation and specifically, neurostimulation, which uses electrical
energy to treat a variety of medical conditions. Later in my career I transitioned to the areas of Urology and
Sexual Medicine. During this time, I came up with the idea of a type of wearable product that could be used to
delay an ejaculation using neuromodulation. In 2017, myself and two business partners formalized the
company Morari Medical with a mission to restore confidence in sexual health. We have developed a working
prototype, filed intellectual property and completed a feasibility study. In January of 2019 we won the
inaugural Proctor and Gamble Innovation Challenge. In addition, we were named by Medgadget as the 2021
Consumer Electronic Shows most interesting medical gadget. Earlier this month we won the best startup
award at the SexTech Summit meeting.

As a Business leader and entrepreneur, what initially attracted you to the SH&T sector?

Jeff: Throughout my career I have always focused on looking for and solving unmet needs. While working with
Urologists and Sexual Medicine experts, I became aware of the various issues surrounding sexual dysfunction.
I was surprised to see how little innovation had occurred in an existing multi-billion dollar market. Let's face it,
sex is an important contributor to overall quality of life. Sexual health and wellness represents a large
opportunity to bring more innovative solutions to areas of unmet need. I am one of the millions of men
worldwide who would like to delay an ejaculation at times. Because of this, I started to ask my Urology
customers about the potential for a ejaculatory delaying product. To my surprise, I was told that 30% of men
experience premature ejaculation. In addition, there is another segment of men who don't meet the clinical
definition of premature ejaculation but either they or their partner are looking to last longer.

What key challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur in the SH&T sector, and how have you
navigated these?
Jeff: My first challenge, was how to get comfortable discussing my desires to start and lead a company in the
sexual health and wellness space? Would my wife support? Family? Friends? Business Associates? When is the
right time to leave a well paying job to focus full-time on the new company and not have a salary right away? I
struggled with these questions for years and finally decided to go for it. The experience of going for it has been
liberating and the support I have received from all within my network is more that I could have ever hoped for.



Jeff: Now that we have formed a company, new challenges exist. The first of which is raising funds to manage the
business. Initially myself and two business partners self-funded the business. In the summer of 2020, we raised
our first outside money through friends and family, which for me, as a first time entrepreneur, carried with it an
increased burden of responsibility. We are currently raising a second round of funding and have been fortunate
to raise some money through angel investors. We are planning to complete the second round with additional
investors to include venture capitalists. Given the sexual health and wellness market has been regarded as a
taboo topic, many investment firms/groups have not been willing to invest in this space. This is starting to change
but in general, it remains challenging to find investors who are comfortable with this space.



Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the SH&T industry. People still
see it as a taboo to speak about sexual health and business within the same context. Why do you
think this is happening, and do you have any proposals to address this?

Jeff: In general, when people hear sexual health they think of sex toys. Sex toys are a multi-billion dollar
industry but don't represent the full scale of sexual health opportunities. For example, urinary incontinence
can have a profound impact on an individuals overall sexual health and wellness. Small steps such as this article
will help. Another positive step occurred in 2020 when the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) allowed sex tech
companies to formally exhibit at their annual meeting.

Many of the headlines coming out of the meeting were related to sex tech. At Morari Medical, we believe
awareness and education will help break the stigma of this taboo topic. Along with others in the sexual health
and wellness industry, we want to work with social media companies to raise awareness of how sexual health
and wellness impacts overall mental health..

Let's explore your company Morari. Please give us an overview of what Morari does, their value
propositions and target market?

Jeff: Morari Medical has developed a chemical-free wearable patch for the treatment of premature ejaculation
(PE). PE is the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, estimated to affect 30% of men worldwide. With a
higher incidence than erectile dysfunction (ED) or an enlarged prostate, PE represents a large global market
opportunity. We have completed proof of concept testing, developed a Bluetooth enabled prototype,
completed an early feasibility study and filed several patents for a wearable treatment solution. PE can be a
serious quality of life issue. Most men don’t consult a doctor and doctors lack meaningful treatment options.
The impact of PE on partners can be significant. Our market research discovered that many partners express
disappointment, helplessness, frustration and unfulfilled feelings when their partners experience PE.

Still on value proposition. Morari developed a wearable tech solution for Premature ejaculation
called the Taint Bandaid. Please talk us through what this device does and it’s target market?

Jeff: As previous stated, 30% of men experience PE, where PE is defined as ejaculation occurring in less than
two minutes post penetration. In the absence of PE, an additional 40% of men would prefer to last longer. The
product uses neuromodulation to inhibit the nerves of the penis, thereby delaying ejaculation. The design
includes a patch which contains elements that, when activated, interfere with the nerve signals from the penis
to the brain to delay an ejaculation. The patch is worn during intercourse and after ejaculation, is removed and
disposed. To clarify, our product is not called a taint bandaid. We haven't decided on a final product name yet
but do like that the media coined the term and continue to use taint bandaid to refer to our technology. When
you think of removing a bandaid you may think of discomfort associated with removing it from the skin or hair.
We have identified a very novel medical adhesive that is strong enough to hold our patch to the skin and gentle
enough to remove to avoid the sometimes unpleasant experience of removing a bandaid.



With the current waves of cybercrime, hacks and ransomware, what measures have been put in
place by Morari to protect users of the “Tainted bandaid” from hacks and data breaches?

Jeff: At this point our product is not collecting or reporting any data. We have developed an app which uses
Bluetooth to change the energy delivery setting of our patch. As we work to develop a commercial product, we
will be working to ensure that the app is privacy protected. There is an opportunity for sexual and health
companies to collect and report data with their products, but to do so, need to ensure the safeguards are put in
to protect the use and gain their trust. If data is made available, we believe there will be interest for people to
review their data and compare with other anonymous data.

What key challenges has Morari faced to date and how were these addressed?
Jeff: Outside of the funding challenges mentioned previously, we were challenged in recruiting for a formal
feasibility study of our product. We tried using advertisements on various social media channels to recruit
study participants but the ads were rejected given the sexual nature of the content. As a result we ran some
radio ads in our local market and were able to get approval from the radio station to allow the use of the word
ejaculation in the radio ad. This was a key win for us as the response we had from the radio ads were very
positive and allowed us to recruit and complete our study. In addition, we received hundreds of email
messages from others who represent future customers.



Still on challenges, what impact has the COVID 19 pandemic had on Morari?

Jeff: Other than not having the ability to meet with potential investors and partners in-person, COVID 19 has
not had a material impact on the business.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders in the SH&T sector?
Jeff: If you have an idea that can solve an unmet need, don't wait to go after it. Don't worry about what others
think of you entering into this space as they probably have similar ideas but are too embarrassed to discuss it.
Once in the industry, start to develop your network with others in the industry. I have found everyone to be
incredibly supportive and willing to help if they can. Be prepared to be exposed to products, services and
offerings that you may not have known existed. Finally, get comfortable with the uncomfortable!

We have come to the end of the interview and would like to thank you for taking the time out to
participate in this Q&A session.


Written by Hubert Nomamiukor
Photos by Rachel Braun Scherl
As a prolific thought leader on the Sexual
Health and Tech, Rachel published
Rachel Braun Scherl is the Co-Founder
Orgasmic Leadership: Profiting from the
of SPARK Solutions for Growth, a
Coming Surge in Female Health and
company helping customers take
Wellness in May 2018.
advantage of new growth opportunities
Rachel previously co-founded and served as
more successfully. She is a dynamic
President of Semprae Laboratories, a
speaker, an accomplished consultant,
venture-backed company engaged in
and an established authority on
developing and marketing women’s sexual
leadership, entrepreneurship and
health products. The company was sold to
women’s health.
Innovus Pharmaceuticals in 2013.



Hello Rachel, thank you for taking the time out to participate in this Q&A interview session. Please
give us an overview of your career in the Sexual health and tech sector, key milestones and

Rachel: I started a venture-backed business in the space of women's sexual arousal, desire and satisfaction,
which with my business partner, we built and sold. I have run and worked with growing companies in the space
and worked in and with large companies with leading brands in the space. In addition, I create important
partnerships between start-ups and large healthcare companies. I speak often about the importance of the
growth of the category. I have written a book in the space, "Orgasmic Leadership: Profiting from the Coming
Surge in Women's Sexual Health and Wellness". In addition, I conducted over 120 interviews with leaders in
femtech, sextech and women's health for my video series, "Quotes from Quarantine" which is being analyzed
by a leading business school for publication in an academic journal. In Q2 2021, I launched a podcast with my
OB/GYN podcast co-host, titled "Business of the V", focused on the intersection of women's health, unmet
needs and the businesses being created to resolve those questions.

As a Business leader and entrepreneur, what initially attracted you to the SH&T sector?

Rachel: I saw it as a perfect storm when I started my first company in the space. I saw a huge need for women's
sexual health and wellness, limited conversation, insufficient education, huge needs and limited, if any
solutions. I was presented with a clinically-proven product that improved arousal, desire and satisfaction for
women of all ages and lifestages. The company which owed the product was interested in selling - that was my

What key challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur in the SH&T sector, and how have you
navigated these?

Rachel: Every business and business sector faces challenges. Businesses in women's sexual health,
reproductive health and wellness face some idiosyncratic challenges - societal discomfort with many of the
topics and body parts involved, often limited access to the kind of capital required to grow these businesses,
and significant barriers in terms of availability of social media outlets. I have faced all of these challenges as
have many many of the founders in this space.

Still on key challenges. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the SH&T industry. People still see
it as a taboo to speak about sexual health and business within the same context. Why do you think this
is happening, and do you have any proposals to address this?

Rachel: This is such a critical question. There are a number of challenges to speaking about this - different
cultural and religious backgrounds, different, inadequate or no education on sexual health and wellness, fear of
sexual enjoyment especially for women - the list goes on. We need to provide information, generate
conversations and continue to develop a language around all of the complex glory of sexuality. Many companies
in this space are stepping up to be sources of information to fill in the very large gaps left by inadequate
education and discomfort.



Let's explore your company, SPARK Solutions for Growth. Please give us an overview of what
“SPARK Solutions for Growth” does, their value propositions and target market?

Rachel: I SPARK focused on catalyzing topline growth for brands and businesses. With a laserlike focus on
achieving client business objectives, SPARK develop growth strategies with actionable steps and measurable
milestones as well as clarifying and defining positioning and message. SPARK identifies and connects
businesses with key partners, both internal and external, to facilitate growth. Importantly, SPARK delivers
results on strategy, on time and on budget.



SPARK Solutions for Growth is 23 years plus now. What key challenges has this company faced to
date and how were these addressed?

Rachel: As a boutique firm with customized solutions, we have to constantly balance the selling of services and
delivery of services. And often, clients only knew what types of work we did for them as opposed to the
broader range of services we delivered. Most importantly, we have to continually ensure that we are building
relationship, keeping relationships and selling new business. We never give up and we keep learning. We
develop and test unique sales strategies, evaluate the results, revise, tet and keep the cycle going.

What impact has the COVID 19 pandemic had on “SPARK Solutions for Growth”?

Rachel: SPARK has continued to focus even more on businesses from menstruation to menopasue. COVID and
the resulting lack of travel, SPARK focused more intensely on education, training and community building. In
the absence of in-person meetings, Managing Partner, Rachel Braun Scherl, created an informal zoom series,
titled "Quotes from Quarantine", having conversations with investors, inventors, entrepreneurs, health care
professionals and academics - ultimately interviewing, speaking with and building relationships with 120

What advice do you have for aspiring

female entrepreneurs and business
leaders in the SH&T sector?
Rachel: Don't give up. Reach out
to as many networks and people
as possible. Research, read

We have come to the end of the

interview and would like to thank you
for taking the time out to participate
in this Q&A session.

Rachel: It was great to participate.



In this article prepared by

SEX TECH Ola Miedzynska, the CEO
and Co-Founder of Sx Tech
AND THE eu, talks about her
company's value proposition
CHALLENGES and the challenges facing

FACING THIS the Sexual and Health Tech


INDUSTRY For those that don't know,

Sx Tech eu organises the Sx
By Ola Miedzynska Tech Conference, which is
Founder and CEO of SX Tech
the world’s only annual
conference that specialises
in Sex tech, sexual health
and wellness. NOMADIC | 24
Sex Tech is an emerging industry that “The mission is to focus on what innovation steps the Sex Tech industry will
leverages the power of technology to have to take to meet upcoming transformation needs. We decided to embrace
enhance pleasure and sexual wellness. education to boost female empowerment, innovation, and technology, and to
mix it with startups, hackers, founders, along with the fresh ideas that will be
“Sex tech is any technology designed coming out of the hackathon” .
to enhance sexuality. So if we think
about sexuality, rather than just sex, -Ola Miedzynska
sexuality encompasses education, CEO & Founder Sx Tech EU
health, sexual assault reporting, crime
and violence, medicine — then We are building the ecosystem by bringing together all the industry leaders to
obviously relationships and pleasure discuss and shape the future of the industry and creating cross sectoral
and orgasms.” cooperation between market players. It includes:

- Bryony Cole Providing support & mentoring for startups

Running hackathons and Demo days
Sx Tech strives to promote both Running Sx Tech academy for medical communities
business and technical innovation in the Expo of the most innovative Sex Tech industry products
Sex Tech industry by presenting and Matchmaking startups with corporate clients and investors
discussing the latest trends and future Providing platform for industry leaders to exchange ideas
possibilities and developing a
community of professionals who are In 2021, it will be the third year we run our Sx Tech eu Conference, early bird
changing the industry landscape. tickets are available here. We are excited to announce the first speakers:

Our goal is to create a Sex Tech -Moe Helmy, Events Director for XBIZ
ecosystem by combining two themes: -Bryony Cole, Podcaster, Future of Sex
the wellness and sexual health -Ola Miedzynska, CEO, Sx Tech eu
conference and deep tech, so that both -Shakun Sethi, CEO, Tickle.Life
have a strong focus on innovation. -Bree Mills, Chief Creative Officer, Adult Time



There are several main challenges for The second one is the bias towards men’s products. Why is it okay to market products
Sex Tech entrepreneurs right now. for men, for example, toys and supplements for premature ejaculation, but it’s not
okay to even talk about menstruation? Products for women are harder to promote, the
The first one is an exclusively discussion around them is a taboo and still perceived as something shameful and
censored digital landscape. Brands dirty.
are battling it every day, it costs them
time and money, and still their ads We are trying to change the narrative. By bringing the main players together to
get blocked and content removed. discuss and shape the future of the industry and elevating first-time founders, we
They have to find the ways around change the way people perceive information about sexual health and wellness. We
and mostly rely on influencers and normalise it and open up a safe dialogue.
partnership networks. But the most
important part is that they have to The market is still very fragmented, it has a huge potential not only in the Women’s
create the right content which will Health areas (like menopause, fertility, intimate care) but also in Men’s Health which
pass the censorship and create a will eventually help to create this shift from toxic masculinity towards self-love
foundation to build a healthy normalising the sexual health as important part of taking care of your mental health
community around their brand. and wellbeing.

“Shadow-banning of sexual well We talk to many startup founders and what we see is that they start with the problem
being content is an issue. You can’t and may have assumptions about what their customers think and want. Our
educate, if people are not able to recommendation would be to stop making assumptions and go ask your prospect
find you.” customers about what they really want and how they want to be communicated with.
- Shakun Sethi It’s an important step which will be a strong foundation for brands to gain trust and
deliver to their customers above and beyond their expectations.

And of course, it is vital to be a part of the community, to be that change we want to

see. Join the discussion about the now, next, and future of the sextech industry with
Sx Tech eu Conference. It will be held online on November 29th 2021, get your tickets
here. We will share the latest innovations, brand case-studies, and various topics yet
to be announced, so stay tuned!


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