Phobic Disorders

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Phobic disorders

Literature Review:
Needless to say, that having a phobia is normal for every sane person, as
everybody with a healthy mind is afraid of something. He or she could be afraid of
some creature (fictional and/or real), of some event, some situation etc. It is
identified by the person’s mind as a real danger to his/her existence, even when a
situation or an object appears to be objectively safe; therefore, every phobia is
considered to be an irrational reaction to objects (Bourne, 2005).

We have used Quantitative research method for Descriptive research in our survey.
The survey was done among all age group peoples around 51 persons responded to
our survey. The survey was done by using Google forms, we shared our forms in
various social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and
LinkedIn. The survey was Self-Developed. We use Quantitative research to
Standardize data collection and generalize findings, we use statistical analysis to
answer our research question our main priority is Descriptive Statistic. By using
Descriptive Statistics method, we make summary of our data and also used PIE
Charts, Scatter Bars and Tables to visualize our data.

Survey Form
Analysis of Data with Questions:
In The Past Months, Have You....

This question contains a general question about any phobia or situation. In this we
simply ask whether a person has been afraid of any situation or object in the past 6
months or more. This is just to check what percentage of people have had a phobia
for more than half a year. And according to our research 33.33% people said yes
33.33% said maybe and 33.33% said no, so after analyzing we got answer that
more than 50% people have phobia for more than half year.

According to our research, only 11.8% have an irrational, excessive fear that stems
from a specific object or situation. While 29.4% of individuals chose sometimes
and never, this means that most individuals do not have an irrational fear of any
situation or object.
According to our research only 54% of individual sometimes or occasionally has
reaction to their fear is way over top. This means that every 5 out of a group of 10
people show a high response to their fear.

According to our research, 37.3 percent have experienced an intense feeling of fear
from a particular situation. While 64.7 percent said that they have not faced any
situation and have not experienced any severe fear. Therefore, this means that most
people are not afraid of a particular situation.
It is surprising to hear that only 29.4% (15) of individuals are afraid of some
object/animal/situation or are always active. This means that 74.5% (36) of
individuals do not fear an object/animal/situation that always triggers their
immediate fear or anxiety.
Social Phobia:

According to our research, 44 percent of people had a fear of social situations that
almost caused them fear or anxiety. This means that 23 people tend to avoid social
gatherings simply because they experience some discomfort in any social
situations. It also means they are introverted or have social phobia.

In this question we check that 22 individuals want to avoid social situations and
that means that 42 percent of every 100 percent of individuals have social phobia.
They want to avoid or resist social situations because it can cause intense fear or

According to this study, most people do not have acrophobia as 39.2 percent said
they feel comfortable crossing a pedestrian bridge on a busy highway or 35.3
percent are slightly nervous, meaning they don’t have acrophobia. They are just
suffering from normal panic. While 11.7% of people have experienced anxiety or
extreme anxiety while walking on a pedestrian bridge on the highway.

According to our research these only 23.5% individual are feeling moderate while
looking at the city from the roof of a skyscraper. This doesn’t prove that they are
having acrophobia because looking down from the tall building can cause
moderate nervousness to anyone.

Fun fact according to our research 24% said Sometimes and 12% said yes to seeing
a spider makes them nervous, and they all are girls and ladies with in the age group
18 to 25. 64% category of individual select no to Arachnophobia.

Same as last one Fun fact according to our research 33.3% said Sometimes and
17.6% said yes to seeing a spider makes them nervous, and they all are girls and
ladies with in the age group 18 to 25. 64% category of individual select no to

According to our survey 22% individual feels anxiety at some jammed situation or
this because they have a claustrophobia. While 40 % relaxed and 30% are slightly
nervous in this situation which is normal to everyone.

The results of real claustrophobia individual are 18% feels anxiety in a crowded
elevator or at crowded place unable to get out easily. While same as previous one
40% said they are relaxed in this situation and while 24% said they are slightly
nervous in this situation or 18% feels moderate, in our point of view which is quite

According to our survey 45.1% totally agree or 27.5% are agree which is 72.6%
are in the agree to that they carry their mobile phone everywhere, even when they
move to another room at home. Which is directly letting us know that very huge
amount of our Individual are addicted to their Mobile phones or they have
nomophobia. While 27.4% are in disagreement with our question. There is fact that
52.7% out of 72.6% of individual are teenagers or youngsters with in an age group
of (Below 18 & 18-25) 5.8% said they are in disagreement and they all are with in
the age group of (55+), so according to this we studied that our youth is having

The rate of agreement is little bit lower then previous one 29.4% are Agree and
41.2% are totally with our question that they feel or experienced some anxiety
when they leave their smartphone at home. Same as previous one 50.8% out of
70.6% individuals are teenagers or youngsters with in an age group of (Below 18
& 18-25) 5.9% said they are in disagreement and they all are in the age group of
(55+). This means that rate of nomophobia higher than other in our individual
specifically in our youth.


This is the most complicated graph in our survey that, 19.6% agreed to our
question that they are having fear or anxiety of the open sea and 47.1% are neutral
while 33.3individual are disagreed with our question so its hard to know that how
many percent of individual have thalassophobia.
In this question of our survey, we got an answer that 38% had feel fear almost
every time they swim in deep water or in the ocean. So this prove that 38%(20) of
our individuals have fear of Ocean or deep water this means they have


This one is showing a graph of how high or low is individuals experiencing intense
fear if they find their self in the middle of a crowd of people, where 1 is low or 5 is
This one is showing a graph of how high or low is individuals experiencing intense
fear if they find their self in the middle of a crowd of people, where 1 is low and 5
is high.

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